On Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 11:30:09AM -0500, Colin Keenan wrote:
> Thank you for looking at my edits. I don't understand why you say the page
> margin settings won't work. I used your example, removed everything from
> the preamble, and also removed fancyheader tex commands from the body of
> the text. I then followed the instructions as I had written them (also
> removing undefined references so I could see the warning about geometry)
> and produced perfectly good output. If you look at this file and the output
> pdf file, you will see it works perfectly by just using the page margin
> settings.
> Also, can you please add an explanation to this section about the "Even
> Header" thing? When I used fancy headers in my own document, there was no
> such thing. Was it because I was using the Article class? The whole
> discussion about leaving the first argument blank etc. is very confusing as
> there did not seem to be a place for multiple arguments when I used it.

Uwe, is this issue still pending?


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