
1999-04-25 Thread g

I just installed lyx and was trying out various features and stuff.
I like it very much so far.. except one thing (which I think it might
be just my computer..) when I try to preview the output or print the
document I typed, it takes more than one minute generating something..
I got output like this going on forever:

 Ok (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok) (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok) (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202]
[204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215]
[216] [217] [218] [219] [220] [221] [222] [223])
 Ok [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233] [234]
[236] [237] [238] [239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [245] [246] [247]
[248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255])
 Ok [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138]
[140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148] [149] [150] [151]
[152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157])

is there anyway to reduce the time doing this? Am I missing something on
setup? FYI. I am using rh5.1 + many updated rpms from 5.2. 2.2.6 kernel..

I'd appreciate any hints =)

Ji Lee

RE: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Alexander Wollmann

Am 25-Apr-99 schrieb Berkun Culha:
 I am wondering if there is way to stop them from 'floating' all around.
 What I want to do:
 I have several statements itemized and each one is followed by a screenshot
 (approx. 11x7cm). (figure floats - I need the caption). 
 What happens:
 First page float1 and itemized text
 second page float2 and itemized text
 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
 What I have tried:
 Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
 TEX-entry in the float [h],
 Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
 the 'h' is just not respected

You can try the following: Leave the float-placement option in the layout-menu
empty, and define a separate float-placement option for each figure-float. This
is done this way:

After inserting the figure float and the figure in it, put the cursor directly
before the figure. The cursor has to blink in the down-left edge of the
bounding box of the picture. Now press Enter. You got a new line in the top of
the figure float. Now type the float-placement option you want for this picture
(I think it is [h] ) in brackets and mark it as TeX.

This worked for me some times having the same problem.

Hope this helps,

 Can anyone think of a way to 'nail' them exactly where they should be? 
 (beneath their reference-statement)
 Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alexander Wollmann
Universitdt Freiburg
Abteilung Elementar-Mathematik und Didaktik

E-Mail: Alexander Wollmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25-Apr-99
Time: 12:28:38

Ask for my PGP - Key !!
This message was sent by XFMail

Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Herbert

 What happens:
 First page float1 and itemized text
 second page float2 and itemized text
 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
 What I have tried:
 Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
 TEX-entry in the float [h],
 Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
  the 'h' is just not respected

LAyout - Dcoument - Placing of flaots

there must be  "ht" otherwise LyX choose for default ptb and 
NOT the h(ere)-option and your floats are everywhere but not here ..



Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Berkun Culha

According to Alexander Wollmann:

Am 25-Apr-99 schrieb Berkun Culha:
 I am wondering if there is way to stop them from 'floating' all around.
 What I want to do:
 I have several statements itemized and each one is followed by a screenshot
 (approx. 11x7cm). (figure floats - I need the caption). 
 What happens:
 First page float1 and itemized text
 second page float2 and itemized text
 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
 What I have tried:
 Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
 TEX-entry in the float [h],
 Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
 the 'h' is just not respected

You can try the following: Leave the float-placement option in the layout-menu
empty, and define a separate float-placement option for each figure-float. This
is done this way:

After inserting the figure float and the figure in it, put the cursor directly
before the figure. The cursor has to blink in the down-left edge of the
bounding box of the picture. Now press Enter. You got a new line in the top of
the figure float. Now type the float-placement option you want for this picture
(I think it is [h] ) in brackets and mark it as TeX.

This worked for me some times having the same problem.

Hope this helps,

Sorry, that does not work in my case. Tried that already. Herbert's [ht] (or
any other combination in document layout) doesn't work either. I think lyx 
won't place the floats the way I want, because arranging little paragraphs 
and images of this size alternately doesn't fit its 'aesthetic' standards - 
regardless of the pririty of [h]ere.

Maybe someone can think of another (LaTeX/TeX-)way to suppress this? 
Maybe I should switch to another kind of layout in which more space is 
available and my figures are not that 'threatening big' to be 'floated away' to
the end of the document? Any ideas?

 Can anyone think of a way to 'nail' them exactly where they should be? 
 (beneath their reference-statement)
Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Berkun Culha

According to Reuben Thomas:

 Sorry, that does not work in my case. Tried that already. Herbert's [ht] (or
 any other combination in document layout) doesn't work either. I think lyx 
 won't place the floats the way I want, because arranging little paragraphs 
 and images of this size alternately doesn't fit its 'aesthetic' standards - 
 regardless of the pririty of [h]ere.

 Maybe someone can think of another (LaTeX/TeX-)way to suppress this? 

The array package adds a new float position specifier, "H", which means
"*really* here". So add


to the LyX preamble, and then use "H" position for your floats.

(I could be wrong about the required package being array, but I'm fairly

Thank you for the hint with the [H] which !really! means HERE.
Causing unwanted page breaks it has to be combined with stuff like

\afterpage{\clearpage \begin{figure}[H] ... \end{figure}} 

though. Which means more 'fine manual' reading for me.
The name of the packege is {float} btw. :-)
Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've recently been trying to use LaTeX2HTML with LyX (working, obviously,
on exported LaTeX files), and have found the following problems:

1. LaTeX2HTML doesn't seem to like \( and \).

2. If you have a math environment at the end of a line, LaTeX2HTML runs it
in to the next line, losing the space that LaTeX would leave between the
end of one line and the beginning of the next.

3. If you use [ and ] in item labels, LaTeX2HTML gets confused.

Fortunately, these are all soluble: 3 is soluble manually, by putting
braces {} around any square brackets used in labels (of course, these must
be TeX text (red) braces); and for 1 and 2 I append the small Perl script
below (actually, it's just a sed script written in Perl).

I'd be interested to know of any other problems and solutions that others
have found (by the way, I'm using LaTeX2HTML v98.1, which is the latest I
can find).

# Convert LyX-generated LaTeX for LaTeX2HTML processing
# R.R.T.   22-25/4/99

while () {
s/$/ /;

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

More customisation!

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I hope LyX is gradually moving towards making it easier to customise at
different levels to support currently unsupported LaTeX packages and
applications. I'm interested in being able to customise the menus (this
could also be useful to *remove* unused options).

In particular, I'd like to be able to add more than one user-defined
option to the File-Export menu. I'd like to have options for HTML, PDF
and softwrapped text export.

Hopefully LyX will, in the end, be a small editor/displayer with a lot of
plugins, mostly written in the scripting language, but with some of the
commoner and more complex ones, such as the math symbols popup and the
contents dialogue, written in C++ directly. This way users of all levels
of competence will be able to customise LyX and, more importantly, add
functions to it, and LaTeX package maintainers will be able to add LyX
support for their package without either having to submit it for inclusion
in LyX (it can rather be distributed with the package) or having to learn
a huge program before they can develop for it.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Style, layout... customization

1999-04-25 Thread Bobby D. Bryant

Yaneric Roussel wrote:

 Is there an easy methods to customize what will be the final
 aspect of the document? Do you have some pointeurs (URL) to
 help me?

I hope I'm not answering the wrong question...

I have done some work at setting up custom layouts, but unfortunately I've
never had time to document any of it.  And it does require substantial LaTeX
knowledge, but once you've set up a layout it becomes trivially easy to use
and you don't have to embed a lot of LaTeX in your LyX documents anymore.

The essence of the customization is to identify a LyX layout that is close to
what you want, clone its .layout file to give it a new name, and start
hacking on the clone to suit your purposes.

The layout files are in prefix-dir/lyx/layouts.  Use

locate /lyx/layouts

to find out what your prefix-dir is.

After you create your clone you will need to run prefix-dir/lyx/configure
(possibly as root) to update prefix-dir/lyx/textclass.lst, so that the new
layout will become visible to LyX.  You only need to customize your first
line of the layout before you do this reconfiguration; after that I believe
you can modify the other parts of the layout without having to reconfigure
again.  (You may have to restart LyX to pick up the changes, though.)

The .layout will probably input some .inc files from the same directory, and
some of these will need to be modified as well.  I just used the same scheme
described above for customizing them: clone them under a new name, include
the new one rather than (or in addition to) the original in the new .layout,
and then start hacking the .inc to suit your requirements.

The nice thing about this stepwise customization is that you always have
something that works well enough to test, even though you may not have all
the desired features implemented.  Once you've done it once, it's not as
complicated as it sounds, and the only remaining problem is the LaTeX
expertise.  But there are plenty of good LaTeX books, and for the hard
problems you can get free advice from various newsgroups and mailing lists.

If you'd like I could mail you my customizations as examples.  My examples
are fairly baroque, but they may have a few more comments than those included
with the installation.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

Install lyx

1999-04-25 Thread Hildebrando Rosa Júnior

Hi !

I use Red Hat with kernel 2.0.36

When I run lyx I receive this error:

lyx: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or

But I've got xforms.0.88 

What happened?

RE: Install lyx

1999-04-25 Thread Batmensch

You could trying finding that particular file, and then setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to that directory.


On 25-Apr-99 Hildebrando Rosa Júnior wrote:
 Hi !
 I use Red Hat with kernel 2.0.36
 When I run lyx I receive this error:
 lyx: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 But I've got xforms.0.88 
 What happened?

E-Mail: Batmensch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25-Apr-99
Time: 17:29:40

This message was sent by XFMail


1999-04-25 Thread g

I just installed lyx and was trying out various features and stuff.
I like it very much so far.. except one thing (which I think it might
be just my computer..) when I try to preview the output or print the
document I typed, it takes more than one minute generating something..
I got output like this going on forever:

 Ok (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok) (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok) (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202]
[204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215]
[216] [217] [218] [219] [220] [221] [222] [223])
 Ok [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233] [234]
[236] [237] [238] [239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [245] [246] [247]
[248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255])
 Ok [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138]
[140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148] [149] [150] [151]
[152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157])

is there anyway to reduce the time doing this? Am I missing something on
setup? FYI. I am using rh5.1 + many updated rpms from 5.2. 2.2.6 kernel..

I'd appreciate any hints =)

Ji Lee

RE: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Alexander Wollmann

Am 25-Apr-99 schrieb Berkun Culha:
 I am wondering if there is way to stop them from 'floating' all around.
 What I want to do:
 I have several statements itemized and each one is followed by a screenshot
 (approx. 11x7cm). (figure floats - I need the caption). 
 What happens:
 First page float1 and itemized text
 second page float2 and itemized text
 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
 What I have tried:
 Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
 TEX-entry in the float [h],
 Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
 the 'h' is just not respected

You can try the following: Leave the float-placement option in the layout-menu
empty, and define a separate float-placement option for each figure-float. This
is done this way:

After inserting the figure float and the figure in it, put the cursor directly
before the figure. The cursor has to blink in the down-left edge of the
bounding box of the picture. Now press Enter. You got a new line in the top of
the figure float. Now type the float-placement option you want for this picture
(I think it is [h] ) in brackets and mark it as TeX.

This worked for me some times having the same problem.

Hope this helps,

 Can anyone think of a way to 'nail' them exactly where they should be? 
 (beneath their reference-statement)
 Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alexander Wollmann
Universitdt Freiburg
Abteilung Elementar-Mathematik und Didaktik

E-Mail: Alexander Wollmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25-Apr-99
Time: 12:28:38

Ask for my PGP - Key !!
This message was sent by XFMail

Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Herbert

 What happens:
 First page float1 and itemized text
 second page float2 and itemized text
 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
 What I have tried:
 Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
 TEX-entry in the float [h],
 Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
  the 'h' is just not respected

LAyout - Dcoument - Placing of flaots

there must be  "ht" otherwise LyX choose for default ptb and 
NOT the h(ere)-option and your floats are everywhere but not here ..



Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Berkun Culha

According to Alexander Wollmann:

Am 25-Apr-99 schrieb Berkun Culha:
 I am wondering if there is way to stop them from 'floating' all around.
 What I want to do:
 I have several statements itemized and each one is followed by a screenshot
 (approx. 11x7cm). (figure floats - I need the caption). 
 What happens:
 First page float1 and itemized text
 second page float2 and itemized text
 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
 What I have tried:
 Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
 TEX-entry in the float [h],
 Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
 the 'h' is just not respected

You can try the following: Leave the float-placement option in the layout-menu
empty, and define a separate float-placement option for each figure-float. This
is done this way:

After inserting the figure float and the figure in it, put the cursor directly
before the figure. The cursor has to blink in the down-left edge of the
bounding box of the picture. Now press Enter. You got a new line in the top of
the figure float. Now type the float-placement option you want for this picture
(I think it is [h] ) in brackets and mark it as TeX.

This worked for me some times having the same problem.

Hope this helps,

Sorry, that does not work in my case. Tried that already. Herbert's [ht] (or
any other combination in document layout) doesn't work either. I think lyx 
won't place the floats the way I want, because arranging little paragraphs 
and images of this size alternately doesn't fit its 'aesthetic' standards - 
regardless of the pririty of [h]ere.

Maybe someone can think of another (LaTeX/TeX-)way to suppress this? 
Maybe I should switch to another kind of layout in which more space is 
available and my figures are not that 'threatening big' to be 'floated away' to
the end of the document? Any ideas?

 Can anyone think of a way to 'nail' them exactly where they should be? 
 (beneath their reference-statement)
Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Berkun Culha

According to Reuben Thomas:

 Sorry, that does not work in my case. Tried that already. Herbert's [ht] (or
 any other combination in document layout) doesn't work either. I think lyx 
 won't place the floats the way I want, because arranging little paragraphs 
 and images of this size alternately doesn't fit its 'aesthetic' standards - 
 regardless of the pririty of [h]ere.

 Maybe someone can think of another (LaTeX/TeX-)way to suppress this? 

The array package adds a new float position specifier, "H", which means
"*really* here". So add


to the LyX preamble, and then use "H" position for your floats.

(I could be wrong about the required package being array, but I'm fairly

Thank you for the hint with the [H] which !really! means HERE.
Causing unwanted page breaks it has to be combined with stuff like

\afterpage{\clearpage \begin{figure}[H] ... \end{figure}} 

though. Which means more 'fine manual' reading for me.
The name of the packege is {float} btw. :-)
Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've recently been trying to use LaTeX2HTML with LyX (working, obviously,
on exported LaTeX files), and have found the following problems:

1. LaTeX2HTML doesn't seem to like \( and \).

2. If you have a math environment at the end of a line, LaTeX2HTML runs it
in to the next line, losing the space that LaTeX would leave between the
end of one line and the beginning of the next.

3. If you use [ and ] in item labels, LaTeX2HTML gets confused.

Fortunately, these are all soluble: 3 is soluble manually, by putting
braces {} around any square brackets used in labels (of course, these must
be TeX text (red) braces); and for 1 and 2 I append the small Perl script
below (actually, it's just a sed script written in Perl).

I'd be interested to know of any other problems and solutions that others
have found (by the way, I'm using LaTeX2HTML v98.1, which is the latest I
can find).

# Convert LyX-generated LaTeX for LaTeX2HTML processing
# R.R.T.   22-25/4/99

while () {
s/$/ /;

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

More customisation!

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I hope LyX is gradually moving towards making it easier to customise at
different levels to support currently unsupported LaTeX packages and
applications. I'm interested in being able to customise the menus (this
could also be useful to *remove* unused options).

In particular, I'd like to be able to add more than one user-defined
option to the File-Export menu. I'd like to have options for HTML, PDF
and softwrapped text export.

Hopefully LyX will, in the end, be a small editor/displayer with a lot of
plugins, mostly written in the scripting language, but with some of the
commoner and more complex ones, such as the math symbols popup and the
contents dialogue, written in C++ directly. This way users of all levels
of competence will be able to customise LyX and, more importantly, add
functions to it, and LaTeX package maintainers will be able to add LyX
support for their package without either having to submit it for inclusion
in LyX (it can rather be distributed with the package) or having to learn
a huge program before they can develop for it.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Style, layout... customization

1999-04-25 Thread Bobby D. Bryant

Yaneric Roussel wrote:

 Is there an easy methods to customize what will be the final
 aspect of the document? Do you have some pointeurs (URL) to
 help me?

I hope I'm not answering the wrong question...

I have done some work at setting up custom layouts, but unfortunately I've
never had time to document any of it.  And it does require substantial LaTeX
knowledge, but once you've set up a layout it becomes trivially easy to use
and you don't have to embed a lot of LaTeX in your LyX documents anymore.

The essence of the customization is to identify a LyX layout that is close to
what you want, clone its .layout file to give it a new name, and start
hacking on the clone to suit your purposes.

The layout files are in prefix-dir/lyx/layouts.  Use

locate /lyx/layouts

to find out what your prefix-dir is.

After you create your clone you will need to run prefix-dir/lyx/configure
(possibly as root) to update prefix-dir/lyx/textclass.lst, so that the new
layout will become visible to LyX.  You only need to customize your first
line of the layout before you do this reconfiguration; after that I believe
you can modify the other parts of the layout without having to reconfigure
again.  (You may have to restart LyX to pick up the changes, though.)

The .layout will probably input some .inc files from the same directory, and
some of these will need to be modified as well.  I just used the same scheme
described above for customizing them: clone them under a new name, include
the new one rather than (or in addition to) the original in the new .layout,
and then start hacking the .inc to suit your requirements.

The nice thing about this stepwise customization is that you always have
something that works well enough to test, even though you may not have all
the desired features implemented.  Once you've done it once, it's not as
complicated as it sounds, and the only remaining problem is the LaTeX
expertise.  But there are plenty of good LaTeX books, and for the hard
problems you can get free advice from various newsgroups and mailing lists.

If you'd like I could mail you my customizations as examples.  My examples
are fairly baroque, but they may have a few more comments than those included
with the installation.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

Install lyx

1999-04-25 Thread Hildebrando Rosa Júnior

Hi !

I use Red Hat with kernel 2.0.36

When I run lyx I receive this error:

lyx: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or

But I've got xforms.0.88 

What happened?

RE: Install lyx

1999-04-25 Thread Batmensch

You could trying finding that particular file, and then setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to that directory.


On 25-Apr-99 Hildebrando Rosa Júnior wrote:
 Hi !
 I use Red Hat with kernel 2.0.36
 When I run lyx I receive this error:
 lyx: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 But I've got xforms.0.88 
 What happened?

E-Mail: Batmensch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25-Apr-99
Time: 17:29:40

This message was sent by XFMail


1999-04-25 Thread g

I just installed lyx and was trying out various features and stuff.
I like it very much so far.. except one thing (which I think it might
be just my computer..) when I try to preview the output or print the
document I typed, it takes more than one minute generating something..
I got output like this going on forever:

 Ok (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok) (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok) (/usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
 Ok [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202]
[204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215]
[216] [217] [218] [219] [220] [221] [222] [223])
 Ok [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233] [234]
[236] [237] [238] [239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [245] [246] [247]
[248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255])
 Ok [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138]
[140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148] [149] [150] [151]
[152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157])

is there anyway to reduce the time doing this? Am I missing something on
setup? FYI. I am using rh5.1 + many updated rpms from 5.2. 2.2.6 kernel..

I'd appreciate any hints =)

Ji Lee

RE: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Alexander Wollmann

Am 25-Apr-99 schrieb Berkun Culha:
> Hi,
> I am wondering if there is way to stop them from 'floating' all around.
> What I want to do:
> I have several statements itemized and each one is followed by a screenshot
> (approx. 11x7cm). (figure floats - I need the caption). 
> What happens:
> First page float1 and itemized text
> second page float2 and itemized text
> 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
> What I have tried:
> Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
> TEX-entry in the float [h],
> Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
>> the 'h' is just not respected

You can try the following: Leave the float-placement option in the layout-menu
empty, and define a separate float-placement option for each figure-float. This
is done this way:

After inserting the figure float and the figure in it, put the cursor directly
before the figure. The cursor has to blink in the down-left edge of the
bounding box of the picture. Now press Enter. You got a new line in the top of
the figure float. Now type the float-placement option you want for this picture
(I think it is [h] ) in brackets and mark it as TeX.

This worked for me some times having the same problem.

Hope this helps,

> Can anyone think of a way to 'nail' them exactly where they should be? 
> (beneath their reference-statement)
> Thanks
> -- 
> Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alexander Wollmann
Universitdt Freiburg
Abteilung Elementar-Mathematik und Didaktik

E-Mail: Alexander Wollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25-Apr-99
Time: 12:28:38

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Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Herbert

> What happens:
> First page float1 and itemized text
> second page float2 and itemized text
> 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
> What I have tried:
> Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
> TEX-entry in the float [h],
> Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
> > the 'h' is just not respected

LAyout - Dcoument - Placing of flaots

there must be  "ht" otherwise LyX choose for default ptb and 
NOT the h(ere)-option and your floats are everywhere but not here ..



Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Berkun Culha

According to Alexander Wollmann:
>Am 25-Apr-99 schrieb Berkun Culha:
>> Hi,
>> I am wondering if there is way to stop them from 'floating' all around.
>> What I want to do:
>> I have several statements itemized and each one is followed by a screenshot
>> (approx. 11x7cm). (figure floats - I need the caption). 
>> What happens:
>> First page float1 and itemized text
>> second page float2 and itemized text
>> 3rd-15th pages full of floats cross-referenced from the first 2 pages.
>> What I have tried:
>> Global placement parameters: Tried almost every sensible combination,
>> TEX-entry in the float [h],
>> Making the figures smaller (although not acceptable)...
>>> the 'h' is just not respected
>You can try the following: Leave the float-placement option in the layout-menu
>empty, and define a separate float-placement option for each figure-float. This
>is done this way:
>After inserting the figure float and the figure in it, put the cursor directly
>before the figure. The cursor has to blink in the down-left edge of the
>bounding box of the picture. Now press Enter. You got a new line in the top of
>the figure float. Now type the float-placement option you want for this picture
>(I think it is [h] ) in brackets and mark it as TeX.
>This worked for me some times having the same problem.
>Hope this helps,

Sorry, that does not work in my case. Tried that already. Herbert's [ht] (or
any other combination in document layout) doesn't work either. I think lyx 
won't place the floats the way I want, because arranging little paragraphs 
and images of this size alternately doesn't fit its 'aesthetic' standards - 
regardless of the pririty of [h]ere.

Maybe someone can think of another (LaTeX/TeX-)way to suppress this? 
Maybe I should switch to another kind of layout in which more space is 
available and my figures are not that 'threatening big' to be 'floated away' to
the end of the document? Any ideas?

>> Can anyone think of a way to 'nail' them exactly where they should be? 
>> (beneath their reference-statement)
>> Thanks
Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fig. floats drive me crazy

1999-04-25 Thread Berkun Culha

According to Reuben Thomas:
>> Sorry, that does not work in my case. Tried that already. Herbert's [ht] (or
>> any other combination in document layout) doesn't work either. I think lyx 
>> won't place the floats the way I want, because arranging little paragraphs 
>> and images of this size alternately doesn't fit its 'aesthetic' standards - 
>> regardless of the pririty of [h]ere.
>> Maybe someone can think of another (LaTeX/TeX-)way to suppress this? 
>The array package adds a new float position specifier, "H", which means
>"*really* here". So add
>to the LyX preamble, and then use "H" position for your floats.
>(I could be wrong about the required package being array, but I'm fairly
Thank you for the hint with the [H] which !really! means HERE.
Causing unwanted page breaks it has to be combined with stuff like

\afterpage{\clearpage \begin{figure}[H] ... \end{figure}} 

though. Which means more 'fine manual' reading for me.
The name of the packege is {float} btw. :-)
Berkun Culha  ***  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I've recently been trying to use LaTeX2HTML with LyX (working, obviously,
on exported LaTeX files), and have found the following problems:

1. LaTeX2HTML doesn't seem to like \( and \).

2. If you have a math environment at the end of a line, LaTeX2HTML runs it
in to the next line, losing the space that LaTeX would leave between the
end of one line and the beginning of the next.

3. If you use [ and ] in item labels, LaTeX2HTML gets confused.

Fortunately, these are all soluble: 3 is soluble manually, by putting
braces {} around any square brackets used in labels (of course, these must
be TeX text (red) braces); and for 1 and 2 I append the small Perl script
below (actually, it's just a sed script written in Perl).

I'd be interested to know of any other problems and solutions that others
have found (by the way, I'm using LaTeX2HTML v98.1, which is the latest I
can find).

# Convert LyX-generated LaTeX for LaTeX2HTML processing
# R.R.T.   22-25/4/99

while (<>) {
s/$/ /;

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

More customisation!

1999-04-25 Thread Reuben Thomas

I hope LyX is gradually moving towards making it easier to customise at
different levels to support currently unsupported LaTeX packages and
applications. I'm interested in being able to customise the menus (this
could also be useful to *remove* unused options).

In particular, I'd like to be able to add more than one user-defined
option to the File->Export menu. I'd like to have options for HTML, PDF
and softwrapped text export.

Hopefully LyX will, in the end, be a small editor/displayer with a lot of
plugins, mostly written in the scripting language, but with some of the
commoner and more complex ones, such as the math symbols popup and the
contents dialogue, written in C++ directly. This way users of all levels
of competence will be able to customise LyX and, more importantly, add
functions to it, and LaTeX package maintainers will be able to add LyX
support for their package without either having to submit it for inclusion
in LyX (it can rather be distributed with the package) or having to learn
a huge program before they can develop for it.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

Re: Style, layout... customization

1999-04-25 Thread Bobby D. Bryant

Yaneric Roussel wrote:

> Is there an easy methods to customize what will be the final
> aspect of the document? Do you have some pointeurs (URL) to
> help me?

I hope I'm not answering the wrong question...

I have done some work at setting up custom layouts, but unfortunately I've
never had time to document any of it.  And it does require substantial LaTeX
knowledge, but once you've set up a layout it becomes trivially easy to use
and you don't have to embed a lot of LaTeX in your LyX documents anymore.

The essence of the customization is to identify a LyX layout that is close to
what you want, clone its .layout file to give it a new name, and start
hacking on the clone to suit your purposes.

The layout files are in /lyx/layouts.  Use

locate /lyx/layouts

to find out what your prefix-dir is.

After you create your clone you will need to run /lyx/configure
(possibly as root) to update /lyx/textclass.lst, so that the new
layout will become visible to LyX.  You only need to customize your first
line of the layout before you do this reconfiguration; after that I believe
you can modify the other parts of the layout without having to reconfigure
again.  (You may have to restart LyX to pick up the changes, though.)

The .layout will probably input some .inc files from the same directory, and
some of these will need to be modified as well.  I just used the same scheme
described above for customizing them: clone them under a new name, include
the new one rather than (or in addition to) the original in the new .layout,
and then start hacking the .inc to suit your requirements.

The nice thing about this stepwise customization is that you always have
something that works well enough to test, even though you may not have all
the desired features implemented.  Once you've done it once, it's not as
complicated as it sounds, and the only remaining problem is the LaTeX
expertise.  But there are plenty of good LaTeX books, and for the hard
problems you can get free advice from various newsgroups and mailing lists.

If you'd like I could mail you my customizations as examples.  My examples
are fairly baroque, but they may have a few more comments than those included
with the installation.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

Install lyx

1999-04-25 Thread Hildebrando Rosa Júnior

Hi !

I use Red Hat with kernel 2.0.36

When I run lyx I receive this error:

lyx: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or

But I've got xforms.0.88 

What happened?

RE: Install lyx

1999-04-25 Thread Batmensch

You could trying finding that particular file, and then setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to that directory.


On 25-Apr-99 Hildebrando Rosa Júnior wrote:
> Hi !
> I use Red Hat with kernel 2.0.36
> When I run lyx I receive this error:
> lyx: error in loading shared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> But I've got xforms.0.88 
> What happened?

E-Mail: Batmensch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25-Apr-99
Time: 17:29:40

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