[Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

Hi list,

I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1  lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of course)
lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched version gives me a lot
af latex errors. I suspect that there is a problem with 0.96 version of
latex. Is it true?

Osvaldo Fornaro

org:Solidificacion - IFIMAT;Fac. Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Fisica Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
adr:;;Pinto 399;Tandil;;B7000GHG;Argentina
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Universidad Nacional del Centro de la =0D=0AProvincia de Buenos Aires
fn:Osvaldo Fornaro

Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Osvaldo I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1  lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
 Osvaldo course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
 Osvaldo version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
 Osvaldo is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?
 What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
 improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
 Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
 help if you send short examples which give errors.

I can't work wirh 1.1.4fix2 and fix3, too. Here comes an example,
which works fine with 1.1.4.fix1 and older ...
it needs some packages, look at preamble or delete the pspicture
in floating figure.



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Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Osvaldo Could be right, becouse by preparing a short document to send
Osvaldo you i detected the problem: I had labels with wrong
Osvaldo characters (#). Also i had a macro definition using the name
Osvaldo "v" which appears to be previously defined (not for me,
Osvaldo however). The same source works well with 1.1.4, but given me
Osvaldo some impredictibles results using the macro (that's right, i
Osvaldo know now why).

Yes, \v is used for some accents.


Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Niklas Hulden

At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.



I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
bibliography popup shows the name correctly.

best wishes

Niklas Huldén

Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:12:50 +0300
To: "Alexander Bauer" [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
From: Niklas Hulden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Accent in References

At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.



I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
bibliography popup shows the name correctly.

best wishes

Niklas Huldén

I don't undertand the questions, the citation key never appears
in the typed document, what is wrong with using unaccented keys ?



2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Sorry if my question is a bit outside the proper LyX subject, but
some LyXusers might help.

My teTeX is configured to dvips in ljfour (600dpi), to state is shortly.
Could this create problems when I forward the ps file
to a hylafax modem ? Is it needed to cut down the resolution,
using e.g. the -mode dfaxlo option of dvips ?

(I don't use the fax myself from Lyx, but I mail ps files
to a remote modem).

Thanks in advance to any pointer (i hope that the answer
is not in the FAQ).


use Refernces and Bibliography together

2000-04-12 Thread Panagiotis Melas

Is there anyway to use one list of References and another list for
.. e.g. Bibliography in the same lyx file (or even latex)?

What I want to do is to separate in my bibliography list references to
urls, or at least to put url references together at the end of my
bibliography list?



alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread gus


I need to print two columns,
where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
column as in the left.

I did try using margin notes (changing format in the preamble),
but there are many pages to write, and I feel there must be a
better solution.

Any help appreciated

Gustaf  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

gus wrote:
 I need to print two columns,
 where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
 a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
 though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
 column as in the left.
 I did try using margin notes (changing format in the preamble),
 but there are many pages to write, and I feel there must be a
 better solution.

did you try the multicol-package? 
\begin{multicols}{2}  -- or more columns
... bla bla bla ...
\end{multicols}   -- just behind your specific paragraph

and so on

hope, this helps




2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

i could correct all of the new error messages of 1.1.4fix3,
which doesn't appered in 1.1.4fix1 or older:

1. problems, when tex-code and latex-paragraph combined,
   like first line in tex, next line latex-paragraph. all
   appears in red
2. \footnotemark with a following \footnotetext{..} outside 
   does not work in caption of floating objects (in cells of 
   tables it's ok). i did it with \footnote{...}.
3. same with \footnotemark for parameters for functions, like
   \lst{parameter1}{parameter2\footnotemark}. \footnote{..}
   did it too.
4. wrong mathmode in pspicture-environment: 
   \rput{\mathbf{$...}$}.  correct is \rput{$$}


compile problems on HPUX with aCC

2000-04-12 Thread Jan Martin


I'm trying to get Lyx 1.0.4 to compile on my HPUX 10.20 box using
the HP ANSI C++ compiler.  The INSTALL file seemed to indicate
that it was possible, but there seems to be a problem with 
matching arguments in LString.  In the very first compile line,
I get:

aCC -Aa -c -g -I. -I. -I../images  -I/usr/local/include   -DPACKAGE=\"lyx\" 
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/opt/lyx/share/locale\" ../src/main.C
Error 212: "../src/filetools.h", line 105 # Argument type 'const char *' does
not match expected parameter type 'LString '.
lyxerr.print("FilePtr: Wrong parameter given to 
Error 440: "../src/filetools.h", line 207 # Cannot initialize 'LString ' with
'const char *'.
LString const  mask = "lyx_tmp");
Error 226: "../src/main.C", line 40 # No appropriate function found for call
of 'LString::LString'. Last viable candidate was "LString::LString(LString
)" ["../src/LString.h", line 310]. Argument of type 'class LString' could
not be converted to 'LString '.
LString lyx_localedir = getEnvPath("LYX_LOCALEDIR");
gmake[1]: *** [main.o] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jmm/Admin/Build/lyx-1.0.4/src'

It seems like it can't do the conversion between the regular
"const char *" string and the LString reference.  This seems
like a problem which would be spread throughout the code and 
a very big job to fix on a case-by-case basis.

Has anyone actually compiled this version with aCC on an HP?
Any special compiler switches to fix this?  Just perusing
the list archives, I seem to find almost no compilers used
except gcc/g++, and serious problems with IRIX and Solaris C++
compilers as well.  Does this program *only* compile on gcc?

 Jan M. Martin  Jet Propulsion Laboratory

using include: with LinuxDoc Articles

2000-04-12 Thread Paul Lussier

Hi all,

We're trying to use LyX here to document our network and computing enviroment. 
We wanted to use the SGML Linuxdoc Class so we could produce PS and HTML from 
the same source easily. 

What we wanted to do, though, we keep each major section as a standalone 
entity, which would then just get included in the master document.  The reasons
for this are twofold:

1.  There are several people in the group which need to potentially
edit different sections of the master doc at the same time.
2.  We want to be able to easily print out each section as a 
standalone document.

What we were hoping to do was just create a master document which had nothing 
more then a TOC and "include: file" directives in it.  We've tried this 
approach, but it doesn't seem to work.  Does anyone have any ideas?



"I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
 I meet lots of interesting people that way."
  Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread mressler

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, gus wrote:
 I need to print two columns,
 where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
 a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
 though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
 column as in the left.

You might look for the multicolpar.sty file at CTAN. It allows paragraphs
to be locked. It's especially good for translations. E.g. you can do

This is an example.  This is junk text to 
The words are totallydemonstrate my point.

The second paragraph As does the other
starts here. paragraph.

Hope that helps.


Announce: LyX 1.1.4fix3

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

I am glad to announce LyX 1.1.4fix3, which is the third maintenance
patch against LyX 1.1.4. Note that you should apply patch-1.1.4fix1
and patch-1.1.4fix2 before 1.1.4fix3.

The purpose of these maintenance releases is to backport the small
bugs found during development in the latest stable release. All of the
fixes provided here have already been applied to our main cvs tree.

You can get it at
and soon on mirror sites.

Have fun.

Problems fixed by this patch:

This patch fixes the following problems in LyX 1.1.4fix2 (these are in
fact bugs of LyX 1.1.4 which were not fixed by the 1.1.4fix[12] patches):

 * LyX often crashed after repeated use of the backspace key. This problem
   actually existed since long ago in the program, but did not strike very
   often before version 1.1.4. This is probably the main reason why
   you will want to apply this patch.
 * error insets were not removed correctly, which caused the removal or
   nearby characters in the documents. This is a serious problem too.
 * filenames for images in docbook mode where truncated
 * font tags for SGML output were wrong.
 * -lintl was not added on the link list when compiling on system
   which have gettext installed, but not in libc. 
 * one header file contained C++ comments, whereas it is compiled with a
   C compiler.

Prebuilt Linux binaries:

As usual Kayvan A. Sylvan has prepared Linux RPMs. The lyx-1.1.4 RPMS are:


Those two RPMS are the only ones most people will need to install.

Additional RPMS (for those who want to rebuild from a source RPM or
who want to install a debuggable binary):


Building by hand:

Since the changes in the configure script trigger some automake magic, 
do the following to apply the patch

cd lyx-1.1.4pre2
make distclean
zcat patch-1.1.4fix3.gz | patch -p1
touch Makefile.in */Makefile.in src/config.h.in 

Then rebuild LyX as usual.

For all questions related to this patch, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TTF-Fonts as Screen-Fonts (NOT SOLVED)

2000-04-12 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

Hallo Jean-Marc!

Obviously I had a bad day yesterday, because I cannot reproduce my own 
solution. I am sorry for confusing the list.

 What version of LyX is that? 


 You mean that quoting the whole string
 does not work? Strange.

Yes it does work. But then I get only one font. No italic, no bold

My bodoni fonts does not have a space inside of the name, they look
like this:

When I put \screen_font_roman -ttf-bodoni into my lyxrc I can use also
the italic and bold versions. But when there is a space inside of the
name it is impossible. Yesterday I thought I found the
solution. Perhaps I tried it with a font that looks similar to times,
which is the fallback-font. 

Again, sorry for this confusion.

"Die Schnecke baut ihr Haus nicht, sondern es wächst ihr aus dem Leib."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Sudelbücher Heft A 31

Re: TTF-Fonts as Screen-Fonts (NOT SOLVED)

2000-04-12 Thread Allan Rae

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
  You mean that quoting the whole string
  does not work? Strange.
 Yes it does work. But then I get only one font. No italic, no bold
 My bodoni fonts does not have a space inside of the name, they look
 like this:
 When I put \screen_font_roman -ttf-bodoni into my lyxrc I can use also
 the italic and bold versions. But when there is a space inside of the
 name it is impossible. Yesterday I thought I found the
 solution. Perhaps I tried it with a font that looks similar to times,
 which is the fallback-font. 

Can you instead do:
\screen_font "-ttf-bodini "

so the space is inside the quotes?  I don think we trim spaces in our font
name handling so quoting it like this should be all you need do.

Allan. (ARRae)

[Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

Hi list,

I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1  lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of course)
lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched version gives me a lot
af latex errors. I suspect that there is a problem with 0.96 version of
latex. Is it true?

Osvaldo Fornaro

org:Solidificacion - IFIMAT;Fac. Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Fisica Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
adr:;;Pinto 399;Tandil;;B7000GHG;Argentina
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Universidad Nacional del Centro de la =0D=0AProvincia de Buenos Aires
fn:Osvaldo Fornaro

Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Osvaldo I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1  lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
Osvaldo course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
Osvaldo version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
Osvaldo is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?

What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
help if you send short examples which give errors.


Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Osvaldo I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1  lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
 Osvaldo course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
 Osvaldo version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
 Osvaldo is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?

 What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
 improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
 Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
 help if you send short examples which give errors.


Could be right, becouse by preparing a short document to send you i
detected the problem: I had labels with wrong characters (#). Also i had
a macro definition using the name "v" which appears to be previously
defined (not for me, however). The same source works well with 1.1.4, but
given me some impredictibles results using the macro (that's right, i know
now why).

Thank you for your time.

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\layout Title

First Page
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Chapter

Newton Mechanics
\layout Standard

\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


The Object of this overview ...
\layout Section

Newton Laws
\layout Standard

We start now ...
\layout Description


\layout Description

\layout Description

 (and third)
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 


Some text
\begin_inset Formula 


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 


 Utilizando la definición de fuerza contenida en la segunda ley, tendremos
\begin_inset Formula 


o bien,
\begin_inset Formula 
m_{1}\left( \frac{d\mathbf{v}_{1}}{dt}\right) =m_{2}\left( 
-\frac{d\mathbf{v}_{2}}{dt}\right) \]


lo que implica que 
\begin_inset Formula 


\layout Quote

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Some remark 
\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbf{F}=m_{i}\, a \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbf{W}=m_{g}\, g \)

, where 
\begin_inset Formula \( g \)

\latex latex 
\layout Chapter

Variation calculus
\layout Section

\layout Section

and so...
\layout Section

and so...
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {1}

 Landau y E.
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

, Colección 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Física Teórica
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 vol I, Ed.
 Reverté (1985).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {2}

\begin_inset Quotes eld

Dinámica clásica de las partículas y sistemas
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Reverté (1981).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {3}

\begin_inset Quotes eld

Mecánica clásica
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Aguilar (1979).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {4}

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Academic Press (1979).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {3}

 Sudarshan and N.
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Classical Dynamics: A modern Perspective
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 John Wiley  Sons (1974).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {6}

 Kotkin y V.

Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Osvaldo I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1  lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
 Osvaldo course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
 Osvaldo version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
 Osvaldo is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?
 What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
 improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
 Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
 help if you send short examples which give errors.

I can't work wirh 1.1.4fix2 and fix3, too. Here comes an example,
which works fine with 1.1.4.fix1 and older ...
it needs some packages, look at preamble or delete the pspicture
in floating figure.



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\latex latex 

Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Osvaldo Could be right, becouse by preparing a short document to send
Osvaldo you i detected the problem: I had labels with wrong
Osvaldo characters (#). Also i had a macro definition using the name
Osvaldo "v" which appears to be previously defined (not for me,
Osvaldo however). The same source works well with 1.1.4, but given me
Osvaldo some impredictibles results using the macro (that's right, i
Osvaldo know now why).

Yes, \v is used for some accents.


Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Herbert" == Herbert Voss [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Herbert I can't work wirh 1.1.4fix2 and fix3, too. Here comes an
Herbert example, which works fine with 1.1.4.fix1 and older ... it
Herbert needs some packages, look at preamble or delete the pspicture
Herbert in floating figure.

Things would probaably be better if you removed double entries from
your preamble (defining \lst, counter lst_counter...). Sorry but it is so long
I could not make sense of it.


Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Alexander Bauer

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
An: Tuukka Toivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Alexander Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]; LYX-Userlist
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. April 2000 10:44
Betreff: Re: Accent in References

  "Tuukka" == Tuukka Toivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Tuukka On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Alexander Bauer wrote:
  but the a needs an accent
  In tex it´s something like that
  but I can´t use it in the references box.

 Tuukka So you want to write "Horváth"? Try typing compose-'-a. It
 Tuukka works with Pine anyway :) (If you have problems with the
 Tuukka compose key, try reading my recent message about copyright
 Tuukka symbol and compose key).

 Unfortunately, compose key does not work in xforms popups. The other
 solution is to write it in another application, and then cut-n-paste
 it in LyX. Not very user-friendly, I know...


Thanks for your suggestions, but my problem isn´t solved yet.

I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.


[bbehm@iname.com] Feedback from www.lyx.org

2000-04-12 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 02:48:47 +0200
Subject: Feedback from www.lyx.org

Brad Behm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the 
following feedback message on the LyX home page:

It sure would be nice if Lyx supported subtitles and sub-authors.

The worst part is that having two or more author paragraphs deletes all but one from 
the final draft (with no warning).

Much of what I use Lyx for is school assignments, which often require subtitles, class 
designations, TA labels, etc.

Just a thought...

--- End of forwarded message ---

Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Niklas Hulden

At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.



I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
bibliography popup shows the name correctly.

best wishes

Niklas Huldén

Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:12:50 +0300
To: "Alexander Bauer" [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
From: Niklas Hulden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Accent in References

At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.



I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
bibliography popup shows the name correctly.

best wishes

Niklas Huldén

I don't undertand the questions, the citation key never appears
in the typed document, what is wrong with using unaccented keys ?



2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Sorry if my question is a bit outside the proper LyX subject, but
some LyXusers might help.

My teTeX is configured to dvips in ljfour (600dpi), to state is shortly.
Could this create problems when I forward the ps file
to a hylafax modem ? Is it needed to cut down the resolution,
using e.g. the -mode dfaxlo option of dvips ?

(I don't use the fax myself from Lyx, but I mail ps files
to a remote modem).

Thanks in advance to any pointer (i hope that the answer
is not in the FAQ).


use Refernces and Bibliography together

2000-04-12 Thread Panagiotis Melas

Is there anyway to use one list of References and another list for
.. e.g. Bibliography in the same lyx file (or even latex)?

What I want to do is to separate in my bibliography list references to
urls, or at least to put url references together at the end of my
bibliography list?



alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread gus


I need to print two columns,
where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
column as in the left.

I did try using margin notes (changing format in the preamble),
but there are many pages to write, and I feel there must be a
better solution.

Any help appreciated

Gustaf  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

gus wrote:
 I need to print two columns,
 where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
 a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
 though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
 column as in the left.
 I did try using margin notes (changing format in the preamble),
 but there are many pages to write, and I feel there must be a
 better solution.

did you try the multicol-package? 
\begin{multicols}{2}  -- or more columns
... bla bla bla ...
\end{multicols}   -- just behind your specific paragraph

and so on

hope, this helps




2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

i could correct all of the new error messages of 1.1.4fix3,
which doesn't appered in 1.1.4fix1 or older:

1. problems, when tex-code and latex-paragraph combined,
   like first line in tex, next line latex-paragraph. all
   appears in red
2. \footnotemark with a following \footnotetext{..} outside 
   does not work in caption of floating objects (in cells of 
   tables it's ok). i did it with \footnote{...}.
3. same with \footnotemark for parameters for functions, like
   \lst{parameter1}{parameter2\footnotemark}. \footnote{..}
   did it too.
4. wrong mathmode in pspicture-environment: 
   \rput{\mathbf{$...}$}.  correct is \rput{$$}


compile problems on HPUX with aCC

2000-04-12 Thread Jan Martin


I'm trying to get Lyx 1.0.4 to compile on my HPUX 10.20 box using
the HP ANSI C++ compiler.  The INSTALL file seemed to indicate
that it was possible, but there seems to be a problem with 
matching arguments in LString.  In the very first compile line,
I get:

aCC -Aa -c -g -I. -I. -I../images  -I/usr/local/include   -DPACKAGE=\"lyx\" 
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/opt/lyx/share/locale\" ../src/main.C
Error 212: "../src/filetools.h", line 105 # Argument type 'const char *' does
not match expected parameter type 'LString '.
lyxerr.print("FilePtr: Wrong parameter given to 
Error 440: "../src/filetools.h", line 207 # Cannot initialize 'LString ' with
'const char *'.
LString const  mask = "lyx_tmp");
Error 226: "../src/main.C", line 40 # No appropriate function found for call
of 'LString::LString'. Last viable candidate was "LString::LString(LString
)" ["../src/LString.h", line 310]. Argument of type 'class LString' could
not be converted to 'LString '.
LString lyx_localedir = getEnvPath("LYX_LOCALEDIR");
gmake[1]: *** [main.o] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jmm/Admin/Build/lyx-1.0.4/src'

It seems like it can't do the conversion between the regular
"const char *" string and the LString reference.  This seems
like a problem which would be spread throughout the code and 
a very big job to fix on a case-by-case basis.

Has anyone actually compiled this version with aCC on an HP?
Any special compiler switches to fix this?  Just perusing
the list archives, I seem to find almost no compilers used
except gcc/g++, and serious problems with IRIX and Solaris C++
compilers as well.  Does this program *only* compile on gcc?

 Jan M. Martin  Jet Propulsion Laboratory

using include: with LinuxDoc Articles

2000-04-12 Thread Paul Lussier

Hi all,

We're trying to use LyX here to document our network and computing enviroment. 
We wanted to use the SGML Linuxdoc Class so we could produce PS and HTML from 
the same source easily. 

What we wanted to do, though, we keep each major section as a standalone 
entity, which would then just get included in the master document.  The reasons
for this are twofold:

1.  There are several people in the group which need to potentially
edit different sections of the master doc at the same time.
2.  We want to be able to easily print out each section as a 
standalone document.

What we were hoping to do was just create a master document which had nothing 
more then a TOC and "include: file" directives in it.  We've tried this 
approach, but it doesn't seem to work.  Does anyone have any ideas?



"I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
 I meet lots of interesting people that way."
  Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread mressler

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, gus wrote:
 I need to print two columns,
 where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
 a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
 though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
 column as in the left.

You might look for the multicolpar.sty file at CTAN. It allows paragraphs
to be locked. It's especially good for translations. E.g. you can do

This is an example.  This is junk text to 
The words are totallydemonstrate my point.

The second paragraph As does the other
starts here. paragraph.

Hope that helps.


Announce: LyX 1.1.4fix3

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

I am glad to announce LyX 1.1.4fix3, which is the third maintenance
patch against LyX 1.1.4. Note that you should apply patch-1.1.4fix1
and patch-1.1.4fix2 before 1.1.4fix3.

The purpose of these maintenance releases is to backport the small
bugs found during development in the latest stable release. All of the
fixes provided here have already been applied to our main cvs tree.

You can get it at
and soon on mirror sites.

Have fun.

Problems fixed by this patch:

This patch fixes the following problems in LyX 1.1.4fix2 (these are in
fact bugs of LyX 1.1.4 which were not fixed by the 1.1.4fix[12] patches):

 * LyX often crashed after repeated use of the backspace key. This problem
   actually existed since long ago in the program, but did not strike very
   often before version 1.1.4. This is probably the main reason why
   you will want to apply this patch.
 * error insets were not removed correctly, which caused the removal or
   nearby characters in the documents. This is a serious problem too.
 * filenames for images in docbook mode where truncated
 * font tags for SGML output were wrong.
 * -lintl was not added on the link list when compiling on system
   which have gettext installed, but not in libc. 
 * one header file contained C++ comments, whereas it is compiled with a
   C compiler.

Prebuilt Linux binaries:

As usual Kayvan A. Sylvan has prepared Linux RPMs. The lyx-1.1.4 RPMS are:


Those two RPMS are the only ones most people will need to install.

Additional RPMS (for those who want to rebuild from a source RPM or
who want to install a debuggable binary):


Building by hand:

Since the changes in the configure script trigger some automake magic, 
do the following to apply the patch

cd lyx-1.1.4pre2
make distclean
zcat patch-1.1.4fix3.gz | patch -p1
touch Makefile.in */Makefile.in src/config.h.in 

Then rebuild LyX as usual.

For all questions related to this patch, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TTF-Fonts as Screen-Fonts (NOT SOLVED)

2000-04-12 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

Hallo Jean-Marc!

Obviously I had a bad day yesterday, because I cannot reproduce my own 
solution. I am sorry for confusing the list.

> What version of LyX is that? 


> You mean that quoting the whole string
> does not work? Strange.

Yes it does work. But then I get only one font. No italic, no bold

My bodoni fonts does not have a space inside of the name, they look
like this:

When I put \screen_font_roman -ttf-bodoni into my lyxrc I can use also
the italic and bold versions. But when there is a space inside of the
name it is impossible. Yesterday I thought I found the
solution. Perhaps I tried it with a font that looks similar to times,
which is the fallback-font. 

Again, sorry for this confusion.

"Die Schnecke baut ihr Haus nicht, sondern es wächst ihr aus dem Leib."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Sudelbücher Heft A 31

Re: TTF-Fonts as Screen-Fonts (NOT SOLVED)

2000-04-12 Thread Allan Rae

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> > You mean that quoting the whole string
> > does not work? Strange.
> Yes it does work. But then I get only one font. No italic, no bold
> version. 
> My bodoni fonts does not have a space inside of the name, they look
> like this:
> -ttf-bodoni-medium-r-normal-roman-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
> When I put \screen_font_roman -ttf-bodoni into my lyxrc I can use also
> the italic and bold versions. But when there is a space inside of the
> name it is impossible. Yesterday I thought I found the
> solution. Perhaps I tried it with a font that looks similar to times,
> which is the fallback-font. 

Can you instead do:
\screen_font "-ttf-bodini "

so the space is inside the quotes?  I don think we trim spaces in our font
name handling so quoting it like this should be all you need do.

Allan. (ARRae)

[Q]: Fix1,2 &3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

Hi list,

I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1 & lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of course)
lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched version gives me a lot
af latex errors. I suspect that there is a problem with 0.96 version of
latex. Is it true?

Osvaldo Fornaro

org:Solidificacion - IFIMAT;Fac. Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Fisica Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
adr:;;Pinto 399;Tandil;;B7000GHG;Argentina
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Universidad Nacional del Centro de la =0D=0AProvincia de Buenos Aires
fn:Osvaldo Fornaro

Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 &3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Osvaldo> I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1 & lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
Osvaldo> course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
Osvaldo> version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
Osvaldo> is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?

What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
help if you send short examples which give errors.


Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 &3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Osvaldo> I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1 & lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
> Osvaldo> course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
> Osvaldo> version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
> Osvaldo> is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?
> What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
> improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
> Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
> help if you send short examples which give errors.
> JMarc

Could be right, becouse by preparing a short document to send you i
detected the problem: I had labels with wrong characters (#&). Also i had
a macro definition using the name "v" which appears to be previously
defined (not for me, however). The same source works well with 1.1.4, but
given me some impredictibles results using the macro (that's right, i know
now why).

Thank you for your time.

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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First Page
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\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Chapter

Newton Mechanics
\layout Standard

\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


\begin_inset FormulaMacro 


The Object of this overview ...
\layout Section

Newton Laws
\layout Standard

We start now ...
\layout Description


\layout Description

\layout Description

 (and third)
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 


Some text
\begin_inset Formula 


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula 


 Utilizando la definición de fuerza contenida en la segunda ley, tendremos
\begin_inset Formula 


o bien,
\begin_inset Formula 
m_{1}\left( \frac{d\mathbf{v}_{1}}{dt}\right) =m_{2}\left( 
-\frac{d\mathbf{v}_{2}}{dt}\right) \]


lo que implica que 
\begin_inset Formula 


\layout Quote

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Some remark 
\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbf{F}=m_{i}\, a \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \mathbf{W}=m_{g}\, g \)

, where 
\begin_inset Formula \( g \)

\latex latex 
\layout Chapter

Variation calculus
\layout Section

\layout Section

and so...
\layout Section

and so...
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {1}

 Landau y E.
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

, Colección 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Física Teórica
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 vol I, Ed.
 Reverté (1985).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {2}

\begin_inset Quotes eld

Dinámica clásica de las partículas y sistemas
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Reverté (1981).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {3}

\begin_inset Quotes eld

Mecánica clásica
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Aguilar (1979).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {4}

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

 Academic Press (1979).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {3}

 Sudarshan and N.
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Classical Dynamics: A modern Perspective
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 John Wiley & Sons (1974).
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {6}

Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 &3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Osvaldo> I had wish to apply lyx-1.1.4fix1 & lyx-1.1.4fix2 to my (of
> Osvaldo> course) lyx-1.1.4 instalation. Happened that the patched
> Osvaldo> version gives me a lot af latex errors. I suspect that there
> Osvaldo> is a problem with 0.96 version of latex. Is it true?
> What happens is that, since fix2, the latex log parser has been
> improved and now detects LaTeX errors that were not detected before.
> Do you use explicit LaTeX in your documents? Then we should be able to
> help if you send short examples which give errors.

I can't work wirh 1.1.4fix2 and fix3, too. Here comes an example,
which works fine with 1.1.4.fix1 and older ...
it needs some packages, look at preamble or delete the pspicture
in floating figure.



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Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 &3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Osvaldo" == Osvaldo Fornaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Osvaldo> Could be right, becouse by preparing a short document to send
Osvaldo> you i detected the problem: I had labels with wrong
Osvaldo> characters (#&). Also i had a macro definition using the name
Osvaldo> "v" which appears to be previously defined (not for me,
Osvaldo> however). The same source works well with 1.1.4, but given me
Osvaldo> some impredictibles results using the macro (that's right, i
Osvaldo> know now why).

Yes, \v is used for some accents.


Re: [Q]: Fix1,2 &3 requeriments?

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> I can't work wirh 1.1.4fix2 and fix3, too. Here comes an
Herbert> example, which works fine with 1.1.4.fix1 and older ... it
Herbert> needs some packages, look at preamble or delete the pspicture
Herbert> in floating figure.

Things would probaably be better if you removed double entries from
your preamble (defining \lst, counter lst_counter...). Sorry but it is so long
I could not make sense of it.


Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Alexander Bauer

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Alexander Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; LYX-Userlist
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. April 2000 10:44
Betreff: Re: Accent in References

> > "Tuukka" == Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tuukka> On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Alexander Bauer wrote:
> >> Horvath
> >>
> >> but the a needs an accent
> >>
> >> In tex it´s something like that
> >>
> >> \´
> >>
> >> but I can´t use it in the references box.
> Tuukka> So you want to write "Horváth"? Try typing compose-'-a. It
> Tuukka> works with Pine anyway :) (If you have problems with the
> Tuukka> compose key, try reading my recent message about copyright
> Tuukka> symbol and compose key).
> Unfortunately, compose key does not work in xforms popups. The other
> solution is to write it in another application, and then cut-n-paste
> it in LyX. Not very user-friendly, I know...
> JMarc

Thanks for your suggestions, but my problem isn´t solved yet.

I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.


[bbehm@iname.com] Feedback from www.lyx.org

2000-04-12 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 02:48:47 +0200
Subject: Feedback from www.lyx.org

Brad Behm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the 
following feedback message on the LyX home page:

It sure would be nice if Lyx supported subtitles and sub-authors.

The worst part is that having two or more author paragraphs deletes all but one from 
the final draft (with no warning).

Much of what I use Lyx for is school assignments, which often require subtitles, class 
designations, TA labels, etc.

Just a thought...

--- End of forwarded message ---

Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Niklas Hulden

At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
>I´ll try again to describe it more precise.
> In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
>I open the
>popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
>In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
>I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
>works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
>window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
>problem because I can do the "á" (\´
>)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!
>Any help is appreciated.

I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
bibliography popup shows the name correctly.

best wishes

Niklas Huldén

Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:12:50 +0300
>>To: "Alexander Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>>From: Niklas Hulden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Accent in References
>>At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
>>>I´ll try again to describe it more precise.
>>> In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
>>>I open the
>>>popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
>>>In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
>>>I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
>>>works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
>>>window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
>>>problem because I can do the "á" (\´
>>>)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!
>>>Any help is appreciated.
>>I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
>>myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
>>(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
>>with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
>>bibliography popup shows the name correctly.
>>best wishes
>>Niklas Huldén

I don't undertand the questions, the citation key never appears
in the typed document, what is wrong with using unaccented keys ?



2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Sorry if my question is a bit outside the proper LyX subject, but
some LyXusers might help.

My teTeX is configured to dvips in ljfour (600dpi), to state is shortly.
Could this create problems when I forward the ps file
to a hylafax modem ? Is it needed to cut down the resolution,
using e.g. the -mode dfaxlo option of dvips ?

(I don't use the fax myself from Lyx, but I mail ps files
to a remote modem).

Thanks in advance to any pointer (i hope that the answer
is not in the FAQ).


use Refernces and Bibliography together

2000-04-12 Thread Panagiotis Melas

Is there anyway to use one list of References and another list for
.. e.g. Bibliography in the same lyx file (or even latex)?

What I want to do is to separate in my bibliography list references to
urls, or at least to put url references together at the end of my
bibliography list?



alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread gus


I need to print two columns,
where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
column as in the left.

I did try using margin notes (changing format in the preamble),
but there are many pages to write, and I feel there must be a
better solution.

Any help appreciated

Gustaf  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

gus wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to print two columns,
> where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
> a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
> though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
> column as in the left.
> I did try using margin notes (changing format in the preamble),
> but there are many pages to write, and I feel there must be a
> better solution.

did you try the multicol-package? 
\begin{multicols}{2}  <-- or more columns
... bla bla bla ...
\end{multicols}   <-- just behind your specific paragraph

and so on

hope, this helps




2000-04-12 Thread Herbert Voss

i could correct all of the new error messages of 1.1.4fix3,
which doesn't appered in 1.1.4fix1 or older:

1. problems, when tex-code and latex-paragraph combined,
   like first line in tex, next line latex-paragraph. all
   appears in red
2. \footnotemark with a following \footnotetext{..} outside 
   does not work in caption of floating objects (in cells of 
   tables it's ok). i did it with \footnote{...}.
3. same with \footnotemark for parameters for functions, like
   \lst{parameter1}{parameter2\footnotemark}. \footnote{..}
   did it too.
4. wrong mathmode in pspicture-environment: 
   \rput{\mathbf{$...}$}.  correct is \rput{$$}


compile problems on HPUX with aCC

2000-04-12 Thread Jan Martin


I'm trying to get Lyx 1.0.4 to compile on my HPUX 10.20 box using
the HP ANSI C++ compiler.  The INSTALL file seemed to indicate
that it was possible, but there seems to be a problem with 
matching arguments in LString.  In the very first compile line,
I get:

aCC -Aa -c -g -I. -I. -I../images  -I/usr/local/include   -DPACKAGE=\"lyx\" 
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/opt/lyx/share/locale\" ../src/main.C
Error 212: "../src/filetools.h", line 105 # Argument type 'const char *' does
not match expected parameter type 'LString &'.
lyxerr.print("FilePtr: Wrong parameter given to 
Error 440: "../src/filetools.h", line 207 # Cannot initialize 'LString &' with
'const char *'.
LString const & mask = "lyx_tmp");
Error 226: "../src/main.C", line 40 # No appropriate function found for call
of 'LString::LString'. Last viable candidate was "LString::LString(LString
&)" ["../src/LString.h", line 310]. Argument of type 'class LString' could
not be converted to 'LString &'.
LString lyx_localedir = getEnvPath("LYX_LOCALEDIR");
gmake[1]: *** [main.o] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jmm/Admin/Build/lyx-1.0.4/src'

It seems like it can't do the conversion between the regular
"const char *" string and the LString reference.  This seems
like a problem which would be spread throughout the code and 
a very big job to fix on a case-by-case basis.

Has anyone actually compiled this version with aCC on an HP?
Any special compiler switches to fix this?  Just perusing
the list archives, I seem to find almost no compilers used
except gcc/g++, and serious problems with IRIX and Solaris C++
compilers as well.  Does this program *only* compile on gcc?

 Jan M. Martin  Jet Propulsion Laboratory

using include: with LinuxDoc Articles

2000-04-12 Thread Paul Lussier

Hi all,

We're trying to use LyX here to document our network and computing enviroment. 
We wanted to use the SGML Linuxdoc Class so we could produce PS and HTML from 
the same source easily. 

What we wanted to do, though, we keep each major section as a standalone 
entity, which would then just get included in the master document.  The reasons
for this are twofold:

1.  There are several people in the group which need to potentially
edit different sections of the master doc at the same time.
2.  We want to be able to easily print out each section as a 
standalone document.

What we were hoping to do was just create a master document which had nothing 
more then a TOC and "include: " directives in it.  We've tried this 
approach, but it doesn't seem to work.  Does anyone have any ideas?



"I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
 I meet lots of interesting people that way."
  Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: alignment of columns (newbie)

2000-04-12 Thread mressler

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, gus wrote:
> I need to print two columns,
> where each paragraph of the right column must be locked to
> a specific line in the left column -- a bit like margin notes,
> though in this case there is almost as much text in the right
> column as in the left.

You might look for the multicolpar.sty file at CTAN. It allows paragraphs
to be locked. It's especially good for translations. E.g. you can do

This is an example.  This is junk text to 
The words are totallydemonstrate my point.

The second paragraph As does the other
starts here. paragraph.

Hope that helps.


Announce: LyX 1.1.4fix3

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

I am glad to announce LyX 1.1.4fix3, which is the third maintenance
patch against LyX 1.1.4. Note that you should apply patch-1.1.4fix1
and patch-1.1.4fix2 before 1.1.4fix3.

The purpose of these maintenance releases is to backport the small
bugs found during development in the latest stable release. All of the
fixes provided here have already been applied to our main cvs tree.

You can get it at
and soon on mirror sites.

Have fun.

Problems fixed by this patch:

This patch fixes the following problems in LyX 1.1.4fix2 (these are in
fact bugs of LyX 1.1.4 which were not fixed by the 1.1.4fix[12] patches):

 * LyX often crashed after repeated use of the backspace key. This problem
   actually existed since long ago in the program, but did not strike very
   often before version 1.1.4. This is probably the main reason why
   you will want to apply this patch.
 * error insets were not removed correctly, which caused the removal or
   nearby characters in the documents. This is a serious problem too.
 * filenames for images in docbook mode where truncated
 * font tags for SGML output were wrong.
 * -lintl was not added on the link list when compiling on system
   which have gettext installed, but not in libc. 
 * one header file contained C++ comments, whereas it is compiled with a
   C compiler.

Prebuilt Linux binaries:

As usual Kayvan A. Sylvan has prepared Linux RPMs. The lyx-1.1.4 RPMS are:


Those two RPMS are the only ones most people will need to install.

Additional RPMS (for those who want to rebuild from a source RPM or
who want to install a debuggable binary):


Building by hand:

Since the changes in the configure script trigger some automake magic, 
do the following to apply the patch

cd lyx-1.1.4pre2
make distclean
zcat patch-1.1.4fix3.gz | patch -p1
touch Makefile.in */Makefile.in src/config.h.in 

Then rebuild LyX as usual.

For all questions related to this patch, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]