Re: URLs for html?

2000-09-04 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 14:34:56 -0500
>>Subject: URLs for html?
>>User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
>>From: Lance Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>When I turn a lyx-generated .tex file into an html file
>>using latex2html, the URL's don't come out right. Is
>>there some better tool for turning latex files, or
>>preferably .lyx files, into html files with properly
>>formed urls?
>>Lance Simmons

The point is that the translation requires TWO arguments
(one for the anchor and one for the URL) which exist in the
LyX URL popup, but are not readily used by the LaTeX export,
which simply uses url.sty for a correct typography of long

latex2html provides html.sty which allows fancier typesetting
both in LaTeX and HTML: typically, typeset URLs as footnotes pointed
out by the anchor in the LaTeX typesetting, and « normal » anchor/URL
HTML mechnism in the HTML document.

Postprocessing seems currently the only way to use the full potential
of latex2html. I have a script here, not extensively tested I fear.


hollywood template.

2000-09-04 Thread John Culleton

Thanks to Herb V. I have the hollywood template working now. I increased
the right margin to one inch, to meet the standards I have read.
Hollywood (the place) is very fussy about format.

I still have one major problem with the hollywood class. The header has
a rule! That is verboten in Hollywood. I tried uncommenting some lines
in the hollywood.cls file but that gave me errors. I am a long time
TeXer but LaTeX is not my best friend. So I don't know what to do to
kill the rule. Any suggestions?
John Culleton -> Please visit

LyX tables

2000-09-04 Thread John O'Gorman

I am trying to generate lyx documents as standard letters from an

Can anyone explain to me the arrays of numbers in the .lyx file that
appear with the  \LyXTable statement. e.g.
3 5 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
8 1 0 "" ""
8 1 0 "" ""
8 1 0 "" ""
8 1 0 "" ""
8 1 1 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
This last line repeated 15 times.
The 3 and 5 seem to be the no of rows and cols (respectively),
Followed, I presume by 3 sets of properties for the rows, then
5 set of properties for the columns.

Where can I find a detailed explanation?

John O'Gorman
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Re: bullets AND French language

2000-09-04 Thread ben

Well, a possibility is to use a patched french package.

1. Set the document to the default langage,
2. Put \usepackage{french2} in the latex preamble,
3. The french2.sty, taken from the frenchb.ldf file could be such as the
attached file.

It is not clean at all, but it seems to work. The problem is if you want
to use a spellchecker on your document.
I've tried the Herbert proposal: layout->document->bullets, but with the
french langage it doesn't seem to work. Maybe I don't do the right


%% This is file `frenchb.ldf',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% frenchb.dtx  (with options: `code')
%% Copyright 1998-1999 Johannes L. Braams and any individual authors
%% listed elsewhere in this file.  All rights reserved.
%% For further copyright information see any other copyright notices in
%% this file.
%% This file is part of the Babel system release 3.6.
%% --
%% It may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
%% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
 [1999/01/14 v1.3e French support from the babel system]
%% File `frenchb.dtx'
%%Babel package for LaTeX version 2e
%%Copyright (C) 1989 - 1999
%%  by Johannes Braams, TeXniek
%%Frenchb language Definition File
%%Copyright (C) 1989 - 1999
%%  by Johannes Braams, TeXniek
%% Daniel Flipo, GUTenberg
%%Please report errors to: Daniel Flipo, GUTenberg
%% Please report errors to: Daniel Flipo, GUTenberg
\newif\if@Two@E \@Two@Etrue
  \@Two@Efalse \def\@FI@{\relax}
  \if@compatibility \@Two@Efalse \fi
 \def\emph#1{\em #1}
  \sbox\@tempboxa{#1\CaptionSeparator #2}%
  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
#1\CaptionSeparator #2\par
\global \@minipagefalse
\expandafter\addto\csname noextras\CurrentOption\endcsname{%
   \def\contentsname{Table des mati\`eres}%
   \def\listfigurename{Table des figures}%
   \def\listtablename{Liste des tableaux}%
   \def\figurename{{\scshape Fig.}}%
   \def\tablename{{\scshape Tab.}}%
   \def\partname{\protect\@Fpt partie}%
   \def\@Fpt{{\ifcase\value{part}\or Premi\`ere\or Deuxi\`eme\or
   Troisi\`eme\or Quatri\`eme\or Cinqui\`eme\or Sixi\`eme\or
   Septi\`eme\or Huiti\`eme\or Neuvi\`eme\or Dixi\`eme\or Onzi\`eme\or
   Douzi\`eme\or Treizi\`eme\or Quatorzi\`eme\or Quinzi\`eme\or
   Seizi\`eme\or Dix-septi\`eme\or Dix-huiti\`eme\or Dix-neuvi\`eme\or
   \def\alsoname{{\emph{voir aussi}}}%
   \def\enclname{P.~J. }%
   \def\ccname{Copie \`a }%
   \def\proofname{D\'emonstration}% for AMS-\LaTeX
\expandafter\addto\csname extras\CurrentOption\endcsname{%
\expandafter\addto\csname extras\CurrentOption\endcsname{%
\expandafter\addto\csname noextras\CurrentOption\endcsname{%
\expandafter\addto\csname extras\CurrentOption\endcsname{%


2000-09-04 Thread Herbert Voss

John Culleton wrote:
> I killed all the lyx things I could find except /root/.lyx and
> reinstalled the latest release: 1.1.5fix1. Unfortunately the lyx program
> can't find text classes like iletter and hollywood. I've tried
> ./configure from a command line, reconfigure from a menu and so on. It
> just doesn't find any text classes except standard latex classes.

start lyx and than help->version
have a look for the bib- and user-dir. is everything ok?



Re: bullets AND French language

2000-09-04 Thread Herbert Voss

Lorint HENDSCHEL wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing a grammar book in which I have used "itemize" extensively
> to highlight examples.  The document (meta)language is French so items
> are shown with a "-" (minus) sign.  I know this is the correct way to
> display items according to French typographical conventions, yet I
> would like something fancier, if possible.
> Is there any way to force items to appear with bullets instead?
> (I suspect that, in the true WYSIWYM spirit, I shouldn't have used
> "itemize" if I did not really mean itemize.  However, my LaTeX skills
> amount to about zero, so I could not figure out how to define a
> customised environment).




Re: How to find text classes

2000-09-04 Thread Herbert Voss

John Culleton wrote:
> OK I have a fresh install and compile of lyx 1.1.15fix1 on my Slack 7
> Linux system. For most templates other than letter I get a message like:
> unknown textclass hollywood [around line four of
> /usr/local/share/lyx/templates/hollywood.lyx]
> Now I have tried moving hollywood.cls to the same directory under texmf
> where letter.cls is found but that doesn't help. I tried ./configure but
> that didn't help either.
> 1. How do I set up the necessary paths?

start lyx and than help->version, the pathes for the bibdir and
homedir are displayed. maybe that lyx serches in /usr/share/lyx
not in /usr/share/local/lyx.

> 2. is a textclass the same as a foo.cls file?

the lyx layouts must correspond to latex.classes, otherwise
they make no sense. when you copy a class file into the
texdir you have to do a texhash to update the tex-search-tree.




2000-09-04 Thread John Culleton

I killed all the lyx things I could find except /root/.lyx and
reinstalled the latest release: 1.1.5fix1. Unfortunately the lyx program
can't find text classes like iletter and hollywood. I've tried
./configure from a command line, reconfigure from a menu and so on. It
just doesn't find any text classes except standard latex classes.

Any suggestions?
John Culleton -> Please visit

URLs for html?

2000-09-04 Thread Lance Simmons

When I turn a lyx-generated .tex file into an html file
using latex2html, the URL's don't come out right. Is
there some better tool for turning latex files, or
preferably .lyx files, into html files with properly
formed urls?

Lance Simmons

bullets AND French language

2000-09-04 Thread Lorint HENDSCHEL


I am writing a grammar book in which I have used "itemize" extensively
to highlight examples.  The document (meta)language is French so items
are shown with a "-" (minus) sign.  I know this is the correct way to
display items according to French typographical conventions, yet I
would like something fancier, if possible.

Is there any way to force items to appear with bullets instead?

(I suspect that, in the true WYSIWYM spirit, I shouldn't have used
"itemize" if I did not really mean itemize.  However, my LaTeX skills
amount to about zero, so I could not figure out how to define a
customised environment).

Thanks in advance,


How to find text classes

2000-09-04 Thread John Culleton

OK I have a fresh install and compile of lyx 1.1.15fix1 on my Slack 7
Linux system. For most templates other than letter I get a message like:

unknown textclass hollywood [around line four of

Now I have tried moving hollywood.cls to the same directory under texmf
where letter.cls is found but that doesn't help. I tried ./configure but
that didn't help either. 

1. How do I set up the necessary paths?

2. is a textclass the same as a foo.cls file?
John Culleton -> Please visit

[fwd] Re[2]: Followup: Bibliography problems.]

2000-09-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 14:50:26 +0300 Dekel wrote:

 > It is much better to build a bibtex database than enter the bibliography
 > inside LyX. If you don't know the bibtex file format, you can use a GUI
 > bibliography managers like gbib, pyliographer, tkbibtex or barracuda.

I strongly agree, however I recommend reading about BibTeX
database format even when using a GUI just to understand
what is happening as the concept is very different from
"normal" textprocessing systems (far better) Besides
Chapters about BibTeX in any good LaTeX book I recommend the
files btxdoc.txt und btxdoc.bib that come with BibTeX and
should be part of every complete TeX installation.



Re: problem compiling lyx in suse6.1

2000-09-04 Thread Murilo Juchem

You can get the latest LyX version (in RPM format) in my homepage

Murilo Juchem

henrique wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am having problems compiling lyx for suse 6.1. I have all libraries
> needed to compile lyx but
> I continue getting the error messages that I attached at the end of the
> mail.
> Anyone has a glue how to solve this?
> Thanks,
> Henrique
> ...
> checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... no
> checking for XOpenIM... no
> checking for XpmCreateBufferFromImage in -lXpm... no
> checking for X11/xpm.h... yes
> checking xpm header version... 4.11
> checking for fl_initialize in -lforms... no
> checking for fl_initialize in -lxforms... no
> checking for X11/forms.h... no
> checking for forms.h... yes
> checking xforms header version... 0.88
> checking for working const... yes
> checking for inline... inline
> ...
> updating cache ../.././config.cache
> creating ./config.status
> creating Makefile
> creating reLyX
> creating noweb2lyx
> Configuration of LyX was successful.
> Type 'make' to compile the program,
> and then 'make install' to install it.
> Configuration:
>   Source code location:   .
>   C++ Compiler:   gcc
>   C++ Compiler flags: -g -O2 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
>   C   Compiler:   gcc
>   C   Compiler flags: -g -O2
>   LyX binary dir: /usr/X11R6/bin
>   LyX files dir:  /usr/X11R6/share/lyx
>   Special flags:   included-string
>  The following problems have been detected by configure.
>  Please check the messages below before running 'make'.
>  (see the section 'Problems' in the INSTALL file)
> ** Cannot find libXpm. Please check that the Xpm library
>is correctly installed on your system.
> ** Cannot find libforms or libxforms. Please check that the xforms library
>is correctly installed on your system.
> deleting cache ./config.cache

Call for feature

2000-09-04 Thread Aleksandr Konstantinov

Hello, All.

 I finally moved from lyx-1.1.4 to lyx-1.1.5fix1  and liked it very
 Especially I liked the possibility to create multilingual documents.
this feature is not full without possibility to change inputencoding as
Is it possible to include such feature in upcoming version ? 
For 1.1.5 i can suggest the patch to add this feature and also to
provide the 
possibility to add more encoding and languages than precompiled in LyX.


Re: Bibtex spanish and german.

2000-09-04 Thread Herbert Voss

Jacobo Myerston wrote:
> Halo,
> I have some problems getting  words like "editors" and "volume" in
> spanish and german.
> How can I get the bibtex references in the document language?

do you have a layout->document->language->spanish or german?
i think, it's not possible to choose for bibtex more than one 
language. this is only for text.



Re: cross-references

2000-09-04 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 12:41:02PM -0700, Kevin Nomura wrote:
> Hi,
> cross-references in my document come out with "()" after them
> in the dvi previewer.  Moreover, "page" cross references print
> out *section* numbers, and they also have the "()" after them.
> Using the Insert> pulldown brings up a dialog box where I
> select the label.  There is a typeable "Name" field on that
> dialog.  FWIW I find that any text I put into the Name field will
> appear inside the parentheses, though I don't want any () or 
> text inside (), but just the section number.
> This occurs with LyX 1.1.4, or 1.1.5 installed from the rpm
> on, using LinuxDoc format.  Some other package 
> levels:

  Sorry for the delay in the answer.
  Could you please provide me a simple document that has this problem?
> Kevin


Re: problem compiling lyx in suse6.1

2000-09-04 Thread Peter Suetterlin

henrique wrote:
> Hello all, 
> I am having problems compiling lyx for suse 6.1. I have all libraries
> needed to compile lyx but
> I continue getting the error messages that I attached at the end of the
> mail.
> Anyone has a glue how to solve this?

Are you sure that you have both the libraries *and* the header files
installed?  In suse, they are normally split into two packages,
e.g. xforms-0.88.1-162 and xformsd-0.88.1-162.  The first one are the
libraries, needed to run precompiled dynamically linked binaries, the
latter the header files needed to compile something yorself.


Peter "Pit" Suetterlin
Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen
Tel.: +49 551 39-5048   [EMAIL PROTECTED]