Cannot view DVI, view PDF, import Word etc...

2001-10-05 Thread Laurie Savage

I've been a happy Lyx user on my Mandrake systems. I've moved to RedHat
7.1 and reinstalled Lyx1.6fix3 and while it appears to work half of my
View options have disappeared and those that are still on the menu don't
work ie -> DVI, ->PDF(latex) fail although xpdf and gv are both on the
system. My imports menu is shortened as well, import from Word does not

1. What packages should I check for and once found how do I get Lyx to
know about them?
2. If I have to recompile fix3 what arguments should I pass and how do I
remove the existing installation of Lyx? (I know how to use rpm but
uninstalling apps installed from tarballs eludes me).

Laurie Savage

Many say it was a mistake to come out of he trees, some say the move
out of the oceans was a bad idea. Me, I say the stiffening of the
notochord in the Cambrian was where it all went wrong, it was all
downhill from there.
  The Dean, Ediacara University,

tel;fax:02 6361 3616
tel;home:02 6361 9959
tel;work:02 6362 3444
org:Orange High School;Science Dept
adr:;;Woodward Street;Orange;NSW;2800;Australia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Earth Sciences
note:Database and Webpage design for small businesses and educators
fn:Laurie Savage

Re: multiple files

2001-10-05 Thread Dave Chapeskie

On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 08:20:51PM +0200, Michael.Abshoff wrote:
> If you want to put each chapter with its included files into a
> subdirectory, you can write yourself a script that copies all 
> files from your subdirectories and the global file in a temp-directory,
> exports the global document and then deletes the temp-files.

Copying files around is a waste of IO and disk space.  Just use
symlinks.  I haven't done this before (but a quick test shows no
problems) I'd do something like:

 build/master.lyx (and symlinks)

Where the build directory has symlinks to the files in the other
directories.  That way the files and figures are still somewhat
separated and if LyX ever gets fixed you just move the master file and
punt the build directory.

To make the symlinks you could just do this whenever you add files:

cd ~/LyX/thesis/build
ln -sf ../chap*/* .

When editing or formating the individual chapter files you'd do nothing
special.  Edit them in either location (although I assume it would be
more convenient to use the chap# subdirs for this).  The only issue is
that the master document needs to include files as "xxx.lyx" and not
"chap1/xxx.lyx" so it's easiest to create it in the build directory
if using the GUI's "browse" dialogue.  That's also where you'd have
to format the master document from due to LyX's inane handling of

Dave Chapeskie

Re: babel & hyperref problems

2001-10-05 Thread Herbert Voss

E GCP wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to make LyX not use the \usepackage{babel} command? I'm using
> hyperref and having Babel causes my bibtex references not to be hyphenated
> properly. For now, I just export to TeX, comment out the babel package and
> then convert with pdftex, but I would like to see the document exactly as is
> going to be with XDVI when I'm typing it in LyX.

edit->preferences->language->usepackage babel

at least version 1.1.6



babel & hyperref problems

2001-10-05 Thread E GCP


Is there a way to make LyX not use the \usepackage{babel} command? I'm using 
hyperref and having Babel causes my bibtex references not to be hyphenated 
properly. For now, I just export to TeX, comment out the babel package and 
then convert with pdftex, but I would like to see the document exactly as is 
going to be with XDVI when I'm typing it in LyX.


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Re: multiple files

2001-10-05 Thread Michael.Abshoff

On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Davide Cavallari wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 09:48:31AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > There is one limitation, however: If you use graphic files in the subparts,
> > all chapter-files should reside in the same directory.
> do you mean the same directory of the main .lyx file?
> so it's not currently possible to do create a dir for each chapter and
> put in the lyx files and the pictures and then include those file
> from the main which is at the superior level of directory, is it?
> I ask this since I have many figures each chapter, so it would be nice
> to separate the figures in different dir. However I have tried but I get
> this latex error:
> file 'rete.pstex_t' not found.
> \begin{center} \input{rete.pstex_t} \end{center}
> *** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)
> Cheers
> -- 
Hallo Davide,

unfortunatly it is a problem with LyX to put the pstex_t and pstex 
files anywhere else but the same directory as the lyx-file you
include it into. 

If you want to put each chapter with its included files into a
subdirectory, you can write yourself a script that copies all 
files from your subdirectories and the global file in a temp-directory,
exports the global document and then deletes the temp-files.

If you want an example script, let me know. I am at a party
right now, so I can't get it right now, but tomorrow would 
be no problem.


Re: multiple files

2001-10-05 Thread Davide Cavallari

On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 09:48:31AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> There is one limitation, however: If you use graphic files in the subparts,
> all chapter-files should reside in the same directory.

do you mean the same directory of the main .lyx file?
so it's not currently possible to do create a dir for each chapter and
put in the lyx files and the pictures and then include those file
from the main which is at the superior level of directory, is it?
I ask this since I have many figures each chapter, so it would be nice
to separate the figures in different dir. However I have tried but I get
this latex error:

file 'rete.pstex_t' not found.
\begin{center} \input{rete.pstex_t} \end{center}
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

A presto,
Davide Cavallari
Just remember, wherever you go, there you are.
-- Buckaroo Bonzai

Re: Re: aligning paragraphs

2001-10-05 Thread Paul Tremblay

On my version of lyx, this does not work. If I go to Layout|
Document| paragraph-separation, and change this setting to
"indent," my paragraphs still will not indent, because they are
aligned left. Apparently, LyX won't let you use the automatic
indent mode unless you choose block (justified) paragraph

Hopefully I am wrong here. It just seems so unnatural to edit and
work with text all in justified mode. 

I am using the class of article, and the style Standard. 

Thank you for your help! 


On Fri, Oct 05, 2001 at 09:52:36AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
 > > 
> > > Instead of using \raggedright, use
> > > 
> > > \usepackage{ragged2e}
> > > \setlength{\RaggedRightParindent}{\parindent}
> > > \RaggedRight
> > 
> > This works great once you output the file to dvi (or whatever).
> > But I really need to see the indents when I write. If I don't see
> > indents for every paragraph, then all my text looks like one big
> > block.
> > 
> > So I am hopping that there is a way to make normal paragraphs,
> > the kind you see in most (fiction) books. 
> > 
> Normally this is no problem for LyX, if you set
> Layout|Document|paragraph-separation (back translation from Abstatztrennung)
> to Indendation.
> It can also be set in the *.layout LyX-Layout files. What Style/Class do
> you use?
> Guenter
> --


*Paul Tremblay *

Re: Inserting source code examples.

2001-10-05 Thread Remzi Seker

Use package listings... Here is an example file to include some Matlab code. 
It works for C and many other languages.

On Friday 05 October 2001 07:04, Ben Logan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm helping write a book ( in LyX, and
> we need to include examples of C source code.  The way I'm doing it
> right now is to use the Include File feature and check the Verbatim
> option.  This works just fine, except that I wish LyX could take care
> of automatically numbering the examples, and I wish I could add a
> caption.  The reason I'm not using algorithm floats is that the images
> generated are large, and seem to cause problems (if, for example, the
> source code spans multiple pages).
> Is there any way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Ben

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass scrreprt
\renewcommand\lstlistingname{Program}% default is Listing
\renewcommand\lstlistlistingname{List of Programs}%default is Listings
\renewcommand\thelstlisting{\thechapter .\arabic{lstlisting}}% captionstyle


\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme times
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 2
\tocdepth 2
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Comment

\layout Standard

\latex latex 
\layout Standard

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\latex latex 


Re: Inserting source code examples.

2001-10-05 Thread Herbert Voss

Ben Logan wrote:
> I'm helping write a book ( in LyX, and
> we need to include examples of C source code.  The way I'm doing it
> right now is to use the Include File feature and check the Verbatim
> option.  This works just fine, except that I wish LyX could take care
> of automatically numbering the examples, and I wish I could add a
> caption.  The reason I'm not using algorithm floats is that the images
> generated are large, and seem to cause problems (if, for example, the
> source code spans multiple pages).
> Is there any way to do this?



Inserting source code examples.

2001-10-05 Thread Ben Logan


I'm helping write a book ( in LyX, and
we need to include examples of C source code.  The way I'm doing it
right now is to use the Include File feature and check the Verbatim
option.  This works just fine, except that I wish LyX could take care
of automatically numbering the examples, and I wish I could add a
caption.  The reason I'm not using algorithm floats is that the images
generated are large, and seem to cause problems (if, for example, the
source code spans multiple pages).

Is there any way to do this?


Re: multiple files

2001-10-05 Thread Michael.Abshoff

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Davide Cavallari wrote:

> I'm writing my thesis with lyx and I would like to split the work in
> many smaller files, e.g. one file for each chapter. Is it possible? can
> I generate both a .ps file of a single chapter and finally a
> .ps file of all the book?
> Cheers
> -- 
> A presto,
> Davide Cavallari
> If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would
> presumably flunk it.
>   -- Stanley Garn
Hello Davide,

there is no Problem doing so, but there are a couple details to consider:

 - use Insert->Include File to include chapters in the global document.
 - If possible, keep enclosed files like tex oder pstex in the same 
   directory as the lyx-document, for there can be problems if relocated. 
 - The latex-preambles of the included dokuments are not processed, 
   when you process the global document. For consistency you should 
   keep the preablems in all documents the same.
 - set chapter-counters in the local-chapters too. This is some 
   ERT, but you do it once in a template. Then you just copy the 
   template and adjust the values as needed. This way the chapters 
   by themselves and the global document look the same.
If you need an example file, or some help  let me know.
