Still having troubles with my bibliography

2001-10-16 Thread Kent Kostuk

I am moving forward, but I am still a long way from making this work.

I have attached sample files with the hope that someone will take a look
at them.

I have attached a lyx file, 2 different bib files and a bst file.  The bst
I created using makebst.tex.

I have created one citation reference in the lyx file.  What I get when I
run the DVI preview is [?] and no list of references.

I want my references to look like this (Howard 1960).  Or possibly, blah,
blah, yakety yak by Howard. (1960).

With the Bibliography to follow this format.

Howard, R.A. 1960. Dynamic programming and Markov processes.  M.I.T.
Press. Cambridge, MA.

So, possibly I have been asking the wrong question.  Does anyone know of a
bst that will do the job for me, or is rolling my own the solution?


Kent Kostuk

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass book
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 2
\tocdepth 2
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{clemen-1990:}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[csce]{test1}




   author= "R.T. Clemen",

   title = "Making hard decisions:  an introduction to decision analysis",

   year  = "1990",

   publisher = "Duxbury Press",

   address   = "Belmont, CA"



  author =   "Paul Gerhard Hoel",

  title ="Elementary Statistics",

  publisher ="Wiley",

  year = "1971",

  series =   "Wiley series in probability and mathematical


  address =  "New York, Chichester",

  edition =  "3rd",

  note = "ISBN 0~471~40300",



   author= "Clemen, R.T. and Kostuk, K.J.",

   title = "Making hard decisions:  an introduction to decision analysis",

   year  = "1990",

   publisher = "Duxbury Press",

   address   = "Belmont, CA"


%% This is file `csce.bst',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% merlin.mbs  (with options: 
%% *** This is to follow the CSCE format ***
%% Copyright 1994-1999 Patrick W Daly
 % ===
 % This bibliographic style (bst) file has been generated from one or
 % more master bibliographic style (mbs) files, listed above.
 % This generated file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
 % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
 % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
 % version 1 of the License, or any later version.
 % ===
 % Name and version information of the main mbs file:
 % \ProvidesFile{merlin.mbs}[1999/05/28 3.89 (PWD)]
 %   For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later
 % This bibliography style file is intended for texts in ENGLISH
 % This is an author-year citation style bibliography. As such, it is
 % non-standard LaTeX, and requires a special package file to function properly.
 % Such a package isnatbib.sty   by Patrick W. Daly
 % or:  harvard.sty  by Peter Williams and Thorsten Schnier
 % (needs natbib v5.3  or  harvard v2.0.3)
 % The form of the bibitem entries is
 %   \harvarditem[Jones et al.]{Jones, Baker, and Smith}{1990}{key}...

  { address
  { label extra.label sort.label short.list }

INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block }

FUNCTION {init.state.consts}
{ #0 'before.all :=
  #1 'mid.sentence :=
  #2 'after.sentence :=
  #3 'after.block :=

STRINGS { s t }

FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
{ 's :=
  output.state mid.sentence =
{ ", " * write$ }
{ output.state after.block =
{ add.period$ write$
  "\newblock " write$
{ output.state before.all =
{ add.period$ " " * write$ }
  mid.sentence 'output.state :=


Re: Octave support -- a wish

2001-10-16 Thread Matej Cepl

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 03:01:57PM -0600, Fernando Pérez wrote:
> > Emacs). For example, let's have following in MathEd:
> > 
> >   [ 1  2  3 ]
> > A   = | 2  3  1 |
> >   [ 3  1  2 ]
> > |A| = 
> > 
> > Now when pressing some hotkey, I would love that LyX would insert -18
> > (determinant of the matrix A). I believe that such functionality would
> > be something further moving LyX from "just better editor" to real
> > killer-application.
> Well, the Scietific Word program under Windows in fact does have that kind
> of functionality. SWord (no relation to Microsoft) is in many ways similar
> to lyx (a latex frontend), though I personally prefer Lyx. But SWord has
> very nice integration with the Maple kernel: you can stay in Sword and have
> maple compute things and graph them for you, and the final document will be
> a regular latex document. It's actually quite impressive.
> This is a highly non-trivial task to accomplish. The real kicker wouldn't
> be so much to integrate with a numerics-only package like octave, but
> rather with a full-fledged technical computing environment like Mathematica
> or Maple. Unfortunately there's no real open source equivalent to these
> two, but they both offer well defined low-level communication interfaces.
> So it's not impossible, and in fact quite interesting. But a lot of work.
> Maybe when Lyx 2.0 with clean qt/gtk front ends is out and stable, the
> developers will turn their attention to such esoteric projects. But don't
> hold your breath, you might turn purple...

I am surely not holding the breath (actually, maybe that clipboard thing
could be done somehow more easily), but I thought that mentioning it on
the list won't hurt anybody. :-)

Thanks for reply


138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they
can bribe the people with their own money.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville

Re: XFree86 configuration problem

2001-10-16 Thread Charles Curley

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 06:34:04PM -0500, Dr. Louis A. Turk wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to get my Win2K computer prepared to install lyx.  I've just 
> installed Cygwin and XFree86.  All seemed to go well.  However, when I run 
> XFree86 I get the following message:
> --XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root.
> Then the XFree86 window comes up for a moment, then closes.
> How do I correct this?

Have you tried asking on the cygwin list?

Meanwhile, on my Linux box, I have the following:

[ccurley@charlesc public_html]$ ll -d /tmp/.X11-unix/
drwxrwxrwt2 root root 4096 Oct 13 15:32 /tmp/.X11-unix/


-- C^2

The world's most effective anti-virus software: Linux.

Looking for fine software and/or web pages?

Description: PGP signature

XFree86 configuration problem

2001-10-16 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get my Win2K computer prepared to install lyx.  I've just 
installed Cygwin and XFree86.  All seemed to go well.  However, when I run 
XFree86 I get the following message:

--XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root.

Then the XFree86 window comes up for a moment, then closes.

How do I correct this?


Re: Creating a new bib style

2001-10-16 Thread Dave Chapeskie

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 01:19:16PM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> this bst file has to be in your ~/.TeX dir or any other one,
> which is found by tex. don't forget to run texhash.

No it doesn't.  If you just want to use the *.bst file with one document
(or a few in the same directory) then everything works if you just have
the *.bst file in the same directory as the *.lyx file(s).  That's what
I've done.

Dave Chapeskie
OpenPGP Key KeyId: 3D2B6B34

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Renaud MICHEL

Le Mardi 16 Octobre 2001 23:40, vous avez écrit :
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:42:05AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > BTW.: Would it possible to let Layouts|Preamble open the preamble in an
> > external editor instead of the dumb grey xforms widget?
> But lyx is already an editor. So what we can do is to open a new lyx window
> when using layout->preamble, or alternatively, implement the preamble using
> an ERT inset at the beginning of the document.

Yes, that would be a good idea to have the preamble in an inset at the 
begining of the document so that I won't forget there is actually a preamble 
in that document I wrote 3 month ago.

Le mariage est une cérémonie où un anneau est placé au doigt de l'épouse, 
et un autre au nez de l'époux. Herbert Spencer


Re: cross-references between files

2001-10-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 12:08:31PM +0200, Davide Cavallari wrote:
> What about citation references? The cut and paste is the way? Or is it
> possible to use something like option 1? My bibliography is in
> master.lyx and I want to insert a reference to it e.g. in chap1.lyx.
> I have tried option 1, but when I re-open insert citation reference 
> dialog in chap1.lyx, it is empty.

No, only method 2 & 3 works.
However, if you are using bibtex (if you aren't then you should!) there is a
better way:
just insert the bibtex inset in chap1.lyx, but put it in a comment
environment so it will ignored by latex.

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:42:05AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> BTW.: Would it possible to let Layouts|Preamble open the preamble in an
> external editor instead of the dumb grey xforms widget?

But lyx is already an editor. So what we can do is to open a new lyx window
when using layout->preamble, or alternatively, implement the preamble using
an ERT inset at the beginning of the document.

Octave support -- a wish

2001-10-16 Thread Matej Cepl


I have registered for a class of the Math for Economists and I am for
the first time discovering a real beauty of LyX when his dealing with
math. And I have to confess, a beauty there is!

However, when working on my assignements, I usually had in other
gnome-terminal window started octave for calculating determinants etc.
While working on these assignements, I begun to dream about an
improvement of LyX which would allow me to work with Octave exactly in
LyX (something what could be done with much more primitive GNU Calc in
Emacs). For example, let's have following in MathEd:

  [ 1  2  3 ]
A   = | 2  3  1 |
  [ 3  1  2 ]
|A| = 

Now when pressing some hotkey, I would love that LyX would insert -18
(determinant of the matrix A). I believe that such functionality would
be something further moving LyX from "just better editor" to real

OK, I am sure, that it is so complicated, that a huge rewrite of Mathed
would be required. Therefore, let's keep it as a dream for some future
situation, when LyX will be so polished, that no programmer would
anything to do :-). And of course, that I see some pitfalls (I do not
want octave being started just for a name of variable being inserted --
e.g., when just inline equation - Ctrl-M - is edited).

However, I would have some much less complicated proposal. Would it be
possible to persuade Mathed, that it would insert in Clipboard (Ctrl-C)
matrix, equation, formula, etc. so that it may be easily inserted into
octave? I mean, that for above shown matrix, a content of clipboard
(when whole first line is selected) would be a=[1,2,3;2,3,1;3,1,2]?

Thanks anyway -- I shock all my classmates (economists usually work with
M$ trash) with super beautiful equatioins in Computer Modern fonts (and
advertising LyX by that)!

Have a nice day


138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Do you suppose, that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell 
and killed them, were worse culprits than all the men who live in 
Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but UNLESS you repent you will likewise 
-- Luke 13,4-5

Re: Weird PDF results

2001-10-16 Thread Matej Cepl

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:20:37AM -0700, Bruce Veidt wrote:
> > Layout/Document/Fonts) pslatex or stick with default and put in your
> > LaTeX preamble (Layout/LaTeX preamble) following:
> > 
> > \usepreamble{ae,aecompl}

I am sorry -- I have given stupid advice. It should be obviously


> This has come up once again.  Perhaps the default behavior of LyX
> should be to place this in the latex preamble.  That would reduce
> the mailing list bandwidth.

Nice idea!

138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the
government of himself.  Can he, then, be trusted with the
government of others?
-- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Paul Tremblay

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:40:34AM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> PS: And when we are at it, we could use a decent editor for the main text,
> too ;-}
> -- 

What do you mean by a "decent editor?" If you mean something powerful like vim 
or emacs, yet more "natural" for writing (automatic refill, for example), then
I completely agree with you.


*Paul Tremblay *

Re: xforms problem with RH 7.1 ( for lyx )

2001-10-16 Thread petemartin

These new RPMs also work fine with Mandrake 8.0. (1.1.6fix3-1 core dumped on
mandrake as well)


Conflict between hyperref and shortcaption trick!

2001-10-16 Thread Zailong Bian


I use the trick quiet often until recently I discovered a conflict.  If I
put hyperref in the preamble, the short caption will not show up in LOF! The
long caption show up instead.  If I remove hyperref, then it all becomes
normal.  But I need hyperref!

Please see the attached example file.

The short caption trick I mentioned is here (the nicer solution):

I looked at the hyperref package and got only headache.  I am not sure what
to change to make it work.  Can anyone help?



Description: Binary data

Re: Weird PDF results

2001-10-16 Thread Bruce Veidt

Matej Cepl wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 03:38:38PM -0600, Kent Kostuk wrote:
> > This isn't really a Lyx problem but I am just wondering if anyone has
> > observed this behaviour before.
> If I am not very mistaken, that this the most frequent answer in this
> list in slightly different packaging (and therefore unrecognized as such
> by the orignal author). Either select as your fonts (in
> Layout/Document/Fonts) pslatex or stick with default and put in your
> LaTeX preamble (Layout/LaTeX preamble) following:
> \usepreamble{ae,aecompl}

This has come up once again.  Perhaps the default behavior of LyX
should be to place this in the latex preamble.  That would reduce
the mailing list bandwidth.

Bruce Veidt 
National Research Council   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Box 248 (250)493-2277
Penticton, BC  V2A 6K3  fax: 493-7767

Title customization...

2001-10-16 Thread ben


I must change how titles are rendered in latex, and I don't know latex
enough to make it clean and efficient. What I need is:

* Put the chapter/section/etc. titles in Arial (or Helvetica, isn't it
the same?).
* Reduce the space between the title and the first paragraph.

Help would be appreciated!


Re: multiple files

2001-10-16 Thread Davide Cavallari

On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 07:17:24PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> Even symbolic links are unnecessary.
> You can put
> \usepackage{graphics,epsfig}
> \newcommand{\setpath}[1]{
>  \def\input@path{{PATH/#1//}}
>  \graphicspath{{PATH/#1//}}
> }
> Where PATH is the path to the directory of the master file e.g /home/me/thesis
> and then put \setpath{chap1} in latex mode before including chapter1.

I have used this method and till today it worked. Now I have a figure
composed by both a .tex part and a .ps one. These parts are generated by
gnuplot and the .tex part calls the .ps one with:

\special{ llx=0 lly=0 urx=720 ury=504 rwi=7200}

My "main" lyx file is in . and the chapters are in subdirs ./ch1, ./ch2, 
..., ./chN. The subdirs contains the image files of each chapter, too. 
When I run xdvi, it can't find the .ps part of the figure. I have worked
this out sym-linking each .ps file in the main directory, but is there 
an approach similar to the one you suggested for this problem too? I 
don't like the main dir full of sym-links!
Thanks a lot
A presto,
Davide Cavallari
GOOD-NIGHT, everybody ... Now I have to go administer FIRST-AID to my

Re: cross-references between files

2001-10-16 Thread Davide Cavallari

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 07:55:30AM -0700, Jan Peter van Bolhuis wrote:
> Is this fixed in fix3?


> It also seems that i joined too late to see method 3.

this is method 3 suggested by Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > 3. Type M-x reference-insert ref|++||++| where  is the
> > required label.
A presto,
Davide Cavallari
There's a little picture of ED MCMAHON doing BAD THINGS to JOAN RIVERS
in a $200,000 MALIBU BEACH HOUSE!!

RE: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Saalfeld, Christoph

> > > 1) I need ERT quite frequently. It would be cool to have 
> a special box for latex code. I mean a box like the one for 
> footnotes, which supports cut and paste and everything like 
> normal text. Every text in this box should be automatically 
> understood as red text, and if you close the box, your screen 
> is clean (except of a small label). Of course that has 
> nothing to do with functionality, it's just a way to hide ERT.
> > 
> > This is in version 1.2.
> > 
> That's good news

Yeah, really. Is it possible to give these boxes a name, that will be
displayed in LyX only ?
E.g. "List of Listings" for inserting the list of listings
(\lstlistoflistings) included with "listings.sty"


Re: popups stay on top

2001-10-16 Thread John Levon

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 12:01:22PM +0200, Davide Cavallari wrote:

> I'm using version 1.1.6 fix3. All the popup windows (such as Table of
> Contents, Math Panel and so on) stay on top of LyX main window, even
> when they are unfocused. Is there a way to change this? I have used an
> older version and this was not the default behaviour.

this is a bug in 1.1.6 series and has been fixed in 1.20cvs. Perhaps a port
back for the possible 1.1.6fix4 might be done.

It's certainly an annoying problem.


"I hear you have four hundred and eighty six PCs for sale ?"
- Some Fool 

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread John Levon

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 07:04:01PM +0930, Nick Burgan wrote:

> but the response I get is "Unknown action ()"
> What am I doing wrong ?
> (I'm using 1.1.6fix3)

type "ert-insert"


"I hear you have four hundred and eighty six PCs for sale ?"
- Some Fool 

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread John Levon

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:40:34AM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:42:05AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > BTW.: Would it possible to let Layouts|Preamble open the preamble in an
> > external editor instead of the dumb grey xforms widget?
> This would be nice indeed... at least I won't lose all my changes
> simply because I press  at the end of my input...

This is already supported in the Qt frontend. It would be easy to backport
the changes to the xforms frontend I suppose.


"I hear you have four hundred and eighty six PCs for sale ?"
- Some Fool 

Re: lyx index...

2001-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss

francesco cattaneo wrote:
> how can i introduce in the index generated by lyx all the chapter, paragraph
> and other that are non numbered?

\addcontensline{toc}{chapter}{the text}

after every unnumbered chapter ...


Re: Print pictures with different printer

2001-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss

Christian Schanz wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a possibility to print the text-part of a text with a laser printer,
> then take this output and print the pictures with an ink printer on it?
> To do this on the one hand all pictures must be blanked out and on the other
> hand all text has to be set white or so.
> If it is possible at all, it would be nice to have an option in LyX to make
> such a procedure as easy as possible.

not possible, when you have text and images on one page.
you can use the draft option for the doc and print only
the image from gimp or another one.



Re: Variable spacing

2001-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss

Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I'm working on my first serious LyX document: a paper that I'll be
> presenting next year at a professional society meeting. It has five major
> parts which I designated as "*parts". But, when I view the postscript
> output, I see that the spacing between sections/subsctions varies,
> particularly toward the end of what I've written.

try command \raggedbottom,  but what you see is the default.



Re: Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Guenter Milde

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 21:54:26 +0900 wrote Gerhard Schuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:42:05 +0200 (CEST)
> Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:19:09 +0900 wrote Gerhard Schuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > > 1) I need ERT quite frequently. It would be cool to have a special box for
> > > latex code. I mean a box like the one for footnotes, which supports cut and
> > > paste and everything like normal text. Every text in this box should be
> > > automatically understood as red text, and if you close the box, your screen
> > > is clean (except of a small label). Of course that has nothing to do with
> > > functionality, it's just a way to hide ERT.
> > 
> > This is already possible with the undocumented ERT-inset, see the attached
> > example.
> Thanks, that sounds nice. But I didn't find your attachment (perhaps because of the 
>immaturity of sylpheed, my mail program).

More likely becouse I forgot to attch.

Here it comes included

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass scrartcl_srh
% Real- und Imaginärteil mit lateinischen Buchstaben
% Vektoren als schräge fette Buchstaben
\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\textbf{\itshape #1}}
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 2cm
\topmargin 1cm
\rightmargin 2cm
\bottommargin 1cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain

\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\family default 
 command produces an ERT-box you can use ERT you want to hide:
\layout Standard

It normaly comes in Standard Style - which is not ERT! 
\layout Standard

Ein Test der ERT_box 
\begin_inset ERT
collapsed true

\layout Standard

small kleiner Text

 und normaler Text.
\layout Standard

It works, if you set the Paragraph Style to LaTeX (changing font attributes
 doesnot work):
\layout Standard

Ein Test der ERT_box 
\begin_inset ERT
collapsed true

\layout LaTeX

small kleiner Text}

 und normaler Text.
\layout Standard

Latex directives in the box affect the following text.
\layout Standard

Ein Test der ERT_box 
\begin_inset ERT
collapsed true

\layout LaTeX

small kleiner Text

 und normaler Text.



Re: Big slowdown in printing and displaying in 1.1.6fix2, Just me?

2001-10-16 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 08:05:36AM -0700, Jan Peter van Bolhuis wrote:
> Now i can see two points where something went wrong, either with the
> upgrade to 1.1.6fix2 or with an install of some packages in tex/texmf.
> Anyone familiar with the symptoms?

There have been performance problems in the past due to broken libstdc++'s.
Have you tried 1.1.6fix3, which addresses (among others) this problem?


André Pönitz .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Big slowdown in printing and displaying in 1.1.6fix2, Just me?

2001-10-16 Thread Michael Abshoff

On 16 Oct 2001, Jan Peter van Bolhuis wrote:

> I recently upgraded lyx to 1.1.6fix2 and noticed a big slow down in
> printing and displaying.
> Small files (a few pages, up to 4) will work, but very slowly, at least
> a minute, while it would be within 10 seconds before. Forget about
> printing a large document directly. Even an hour is not long enough.
> The manual route does work (export -> tex, latex filename (2x), xdvi or
> dvips), and does not seem to be slowed down. 
> Since the tex files can be created quickly (export -> tex) i assume
> something goes wrong with the latex/lyx dialog.
> Now i can see two points where something went wrong, either with the
> upgrade to 1.1.6fix2 or with an install of some packages in tex/texmf.
> Anyone familiar with the symptoms?
> J.P. van Bolhuis
> Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!
I do not remember all the gory details, but there used to be a problem 
with certain versions of libstd. You might want to check the archives.

LyX 1.1.6fix3 fixed that problem. 


Big slowdown in printing and displaying in 1.1.6fix2, Just me?

2001-10-16 Thread Jan Peter van Bolhuis

I recently upgraded lyx to 1.1.6fix2 and noticed a big slow down in
printing and displaying.
Small files (a few pages, up to 4) will work, but very slowly, at least
a minute, while it would be within 10 seconds before. Forget about
printing a large document directly. Even an hour is not long enough.
The manual route does work (export -> tex, latex filename (2x), xdvi or
dvips), and does not seem to be slowed down. 
Since the tex files can be created quickly (export -> tex) i assume
something goes wrong with the latex/lyx dialog.

Now i can see two points where something went wrong, either with the
upgrade to 1.1.6fix2 or with an install of some packages in tex/texmf.
Anyone familiar with the symptoms?

J.P. van Bolhuis

Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

Re: cross-references between files

2001-10-16 Thread Jan Peter van Bolhuis

On Tue, 16 October 2001, Davide Cavallari wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 07:16:07PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 06:51:31PM +0200, Davide wrote:
> > > 
> > > I have tried this, but if I open the cross-reference popup in A and then
> > > I switch to B, the cross-reference popup does close automatically!
> > > How can I do? And is it possible to insert citation references too?
> > 
> > Suppose that your files are master.lyx, chap1.lyx, chap2.lyx,
> > and you want to insert a label from chap2.lyx to chap1.lyx.
> > You have three options:
> > 
> > 1. Open master.lyx, open the insert reference dialog, and return to chap1.lyx.
> > Now, whenever you open the insert reference dialog in chap1.lyx, you will
> > get a list of all labels in all the files.
> > 
> > 2. Got chap2.lyx, and insert the reference there. Now, cut the reference
> > from chap2.lyx and paste it into chap1.lyx 
> What about citation references? The cut and paste is the way? Or is it
> possible to use something like option 1? My bibliography is in
> master.lyx and I want to insert a reference to it e.g. in chap1.lyx.
> I have tried option 1, but when I re-open insert citation reference 
> dialog in chap1.lyx, it is empty.
> Thkz a lot

I have experienced the same problems. With an older version i used method 1, and it 
worked, but recently i upgraded to 1.1.6fix2 and it doesn't work anymore.
The reason is that if you activate the 'cross reference' panel in 'chap2.lyx' and then 
switch to 'chap1.lyx' (Documents menu) the panel disappears. Most annoying.
Is this fixed in fix3?

I should apparentely try method 2. (a huge bother with citation references). It also 
seems that i joined too late to see method 3.

J.P. van Bolhuis

Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

Re: cross-references between files

2001-10-16 Thread Davide Cavallari

On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 07:16:07PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 06:51:31PM +0200, Davide wrote:
> > 
> > I have tried this, but if I open the cross-reference popup in A and then
> > I switch to B, the cross-reference popup does close automatically!
> > How can I do? And is it possible to insert citation references too?
> Suppose that your files are master.lyx, chap1.lyx, chap2.lyx,
> and you want to insert a label from chap2.lyx to chap1.lyx.
> You have three options:
> 1. Open master.lyx, open the insert reference dialog, and return to chap1.lyx.
> Now, whenever you open the insert reference dialog in chap1.lyx, you will
> get a list of all labels in all the files.
> 2. Got chap2.lyx, and insert the reference there. Now, cut the reference
> from chap2.lyx and paste it into chap1.lyx 

What about citation references? The cut and paste is the way? Or is it
possible to use something like option 1? My bibliography is in
master.lyx and I want to insert a reference to it e.g. in chap1.lyx.
I have tried option 1, but when I re-open insert citation reference 
dialog in chap1.lyx, it is empty.
Thkz a lot
A presto,
Davide Cavallari
The disks are getting full; purge a file today.

popups stay on top

2001-10-16 Thread Davide Cavallari

I'm using version 1.1.6 fix3. All the popup windows (such as Table of
Contents, Math Panel and so on) stay on top of LyX main window, even
when they are unfocused. Is there a way to change this? I have used an
older version and this was not the default behaviour.
A presto,
Davide Cavallari
The autodecrement is not magical.
 -- Larry Wall in the perl man page

Re: Creating a new bib style

2001-10-16 Thread Matej Cepl

On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 11:01:09PM -0600, Kent Kostuk wrote:
> I recall that you have to somehow register new bst files with tex.  Is
> this true or am I just imagining things.
Just usuall chore: put it somewhere in $TEXMF tree (check your temxf.cnf
for possible places) and run (as root)
/usr/share/lyx/configure (place of your file may vary)


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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review
   of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: Right justification?

2001-10-16 Thread Paul Lussier

In a message dated: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 19:13:53 BST
Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos said:

>Insert an horizontal fill between the two parts you want to...
>Insert->Special Characther->HFill

Ah!  Great, thanks!


  God Bless America!

...we don't need to be perfect to be the best around,
and we never stop trying to be better. 
   Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Gerhard Schuck

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:42:05 +0200 (CEST)
Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:19:09 +0900 wrote Gerhard Schuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 1) I need ERT quite frequently. It would be cool to have a special box for
> > latex code. I mean a box like the one for footnotes, which supports cut and
> > paste and everything like normal text. Every text in this box should be
> > automatically understood as red text, and if you close the box, your screen
> > is clean (except of a small label). Of course that has nothing to do with
> > functionality, it's just a way to hide ERT.
> This is already possible with the undocumented ERT-inset, see the attached
> example.

Thanks, that sounds nice. But I didn't find your attachment (perhaps because of the 
immaturity of sylpheed, my mail program).

Gerhard Schuck

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Gerhard Schuck

> > 1) I need ERT quite frequently. It would be cool to have a special box for latex 
>code. I mean a box like the one for footnotes, which supports cut and paste and 
>everything like normal text. Every text in this box should be automatically 
>understood as red text, and if you close the box, your screen is clean (except of a 
>small label). Of course that has nothing to do with functionality, it's just a way to 
>hide ERT.
> This is in version 1.2.
That's good news

Gerhard Schuck

Re: Creating a new bib style

2001-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss

Kent Kostuk wrote:
> I just created a new bib style file use makebst.tex but I getting nothing
> but errors from within Lyx.
> I recall that you have to somehow register new bst files with tex.  Is
> this true or am I just imagining things.
> I am having a terrible time getting this bibtex stuff to work on anything
> other than the original bst files.  Unfortunately none of these in the
> standard installation get the job done.

this bst file has to be in your ~/.TeX dir or any other one,
which is found by tex. don't forget to run texhash.



Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Nick Burgan

> This is already possible with the undocumented ERT-inset, see the attached
> example.

I can't seem to get this feature to work

If have tried typing "ERT-inset" in the bar at the bottom
but the response I get is "Unknown action ()"

What am I doing wrong ?
(I'm using 1.1.6fix3)


Nick Burgan
Postgraduate Student

Active Noise and Vibration Control Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Adelaide
SA 5005

Phone: +61 (0)8 8303 6385
Fax: +61 (0)8 8303 4367

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Guenter" == Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Guenter> On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:19:09 +0900 wrote Gerhard Schuck
>> 1) I need ERT quite frequently. It would be cool to have a special
>> box for latex code. I mean a box like the one for footnotes, which
>> supports cut and paste and everything like normal text. Every text
>> in this box should be automatically understood as red text, and if
>> you close the box, your screen is clean (except of a small label).
>> Of course that has nothing to do with functionality, it's just a
>> way to hide ERT.

Guenter> This is already possible with the undocumented ERT-inset, see
Guenter> the attached example.

And the ERT inset will replace the current font-like ERT in 1.2.0.

Guenter> Developers: Why isn't the Paragraph Style of an ERT-inset set
Guenter> to LaTeX by default?

First, the LaTeX paragraph style is going away in 1.2.0. Second, we
are still fighting with the ERT inset to make it ignore the paragraph style. 


Re: Blatantly wishful feature request

2001-10-16 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Steve" == Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steve> It would be wonderful if LyX could have an "outline view"
Steve> similar to MS Word, where you could move headings, *with their
Steve> contained subheadings and body text*, or add headings or delete
Steve> headings and their subheadings and body text (with adequate
Steve> confirmation), or promote or demote heading trees. Klyx had
Steve> most of this a few years ago, but unfortunately would not let
Steve> you add headings. And of course Klyx has fallen behind...

Actually, this feature is mentionned in the (long) list of tasks in

 o the possibility to collapse parts of the document. (i.e. collapse
   the contents of a section. Would make moving parts of the document
   around very easy)

Also, I added your message as a feature request at

Feel free to comment there.


Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:42:05AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> BTW.: Would it possible to let Layouts|Preamble open the preamble in an
> external editor instead of the dumb grey xforms widget?

This would be nice indeed... at least I won't lose all my changes
simply because I press  at the end of my input...


PS: And when we are at it, we could use a decent editor for the main text,
too ;-}

André Pönitz .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Some observations and suggestions

2001-10-16 Thread Guenter Milde

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:19:09 +0900 wrote Gerhard Schuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 1) I need ERT quite frequently. It would be cool to have a special box for
> latex code. I mean a box like the one for footnotes, which supports cut and
> paste and everything like normal text. Every text in this box should be
> automatically understood as red text, and if you close the box, your screen
> is clean (except of a small label). Of course that has nothing to do with
> functionality, it's just a way to hide ERT.

This is already possible with the undocumented ERT-inset, see the attached

Developers: Why isn't the Paragraph Style of an ERT-inset set to LaTeX by

> 2) Find and Replace should be improved. It is very slow and it's
> fuctionality should be enhanced, in order to use special codes and ERT too.
> For example if I want to replace "z. B." by "z.\,B." (\, in red) it should
> be possible to do this with Find and Replace. I understand that you
> developer guys, who know the lyx file structure and also sed or perl very
> well don't need that. But for the normal user it would be a great
> improvement. I didn't manage to replace "z. B." with sed, because in the lyx
> file this expression is divided into two separate lines and I didn't find
> out how to use sed for such expressions.

I very much agree with that, also Search and Replace in math-boxed is an
often required feature.

Just now, I save the lyx-file, open it in an editor (jed in my case) and do
the replace over there, and finally do a File|Restore to get the chages into

(A command to open the source in a customizable external editor would be a
first step)


BTW.: Would it possible to let Layouts|Preamble open the preamble in an
external editor instead of the dumb grey xforms widget?
