Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: Paul A. Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

Hi all,

I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school 
letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect.  Having 
looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me 
my best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I 
need, in three ways.  I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to 
other classes, if komascript is not the best choice).

I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see logo mentioned 
in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two letters
with some options turned off.

Maybe this will be helpful until Herbert offers his guidance. 


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Martin A. Hansen
it is possible to tweak some of the distances between the blocks in a .lco
file for komascript letter v2.

pay attention to page 155 ff of srcguien.


On 15/01/06, Stephen Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Paul A. Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:23 PM
 Subject: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

  Hi all,
  I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school
  letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect.  Having
  looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me
  my best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I
  need, in three ways.  I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to
  other classes, if komascript is not the best choice).

 I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
 configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see logo mentioned
 in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

 I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
 could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two
 with some options turned off.

 Maybe this will be helpful until Herbert offers his guidance.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rich Shepard wrote:

  Letters are about the only writing I do with OO.o; everything else is on
LyX. I, too, would like a business letter template (full block mode) 
with my logo/letterhead on the first page and the recipient's name, the date, and

current page number on subsequent pages.

If your logo goes at the top of the page, you can do it with 
komascript's scrlttr2.  The info for the subsequent pages can be handled 
by fancyhdr.  (I think ... still playing with komascript.)  If your logo 
is in the left margin, and only on the first page, then you have the 
same problem I face.

1. (This is the only major issue.)  Our letterhead includes logos on both
the left side of the paper and along the top. Dealing with the top is 
not a problem, but for the life of me I cannot find a way in komascript to make
the left margin two inches on the first page (which will be 
letterhead) and one inch on every other page (plain bond).

  Two minipages? The left for the sidebar and the right for text?

I didn't try minipages, but I tried putting a parbox with fixed height 
on the left where the logo would be.  It just pushed what would have 
been page 1 off to page 2, still flush to the normal left margin.

Komascript treats addresses, greetings and closings, signatures, dates 
etc. separately from the text body.  Putting a parbox (or, presumably, a 
minipage) in the text body didn't work, and neither did using 
\AtBeginDocument or \AtBeginLetter to try to place one at the start of 
the letter.  There may be a good place to insert one, but I haven't 
found it.  I may take a shot with a minipage; perhaps it will work 
better than the parbox did.

2. (Minor annoyance.) Komascript right justifies the date; I would 
like to left justify it. (I leave the other elements of that line, such as

location, blank.)

3. (Minor annoyance.) I would like to shrink the vertical distance 
between the end of the recipient's address and the date line.

  These two should be adjustable in the preamble code of the template.

One would think so.  The excellent (if rather lengthy) komascript 
documentation lists a number of pseudolengths you can set, but these two 
are not among them.  I tried to read the scrlttr2 class file (not being 
particularly proficient in tex/latex coding), but I couldn't find an 
adjustable pseudolength relating to either of these, and I was not about 
to hack the class file.

  I wonder if something like the invoice template in SQL-Ledger might be a
good starting point? I added my logo to that and it's used to print 
invoices from the A/R module of the software.

I may take a look at this.  I might end up taking some basic class like 
letter and trying to wedge in a logo.  Mass mailings are not an issue; I 
just need something that looks right for an individual letter.

  If I had time to spend on this I'd like to dig in to the komascript 
letter code and see about modifying it. My experience with the OMR form (thanks to
Herbert's patient guidance) has been valuable. Unfortunately, until I 
get my fuzzy system model completely re-written I have no spare time.

I noticed the reference to fuzzy logic in your sig.  I take it you do a 
lot of work for the government?  :-)  As I recall, fuzzy logic is built 
on fuzzy truth:  true; false; sort of true; true enough to fool the 
voters; ...


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen Harris wrote:

I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see logo 
mentioned in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

The scrlttr2 class is good at handling logos at the top of the first 
page (left, center or right aligned), but I don't think it handles logos 
in the left margin.  At least I can't find any reference to it.

I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two letters
with some options turned off.

Alas, that would force me to write the letter, finalize the content, see 
where the first page ended and manually adjust the remaining text to the 
second letter.

Thanks for the response.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Martin A. Hansen wrote:

it is possible to tweak some of the distances between the blocks in a .lco
file for komascript letter v2.

pay attention to page 155 ff of srcguien.


Thanks, Martin.  The same tweaks can be done in the document preamble, 
and they do let me adjust the position of the sender and recipient 
addresses.  Alas, none of the adjustments listed in the manual seem to 
let me alter the horizontal position of the date or the vertical skip 
before/after it, and scanning the sample .lco files did not help.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I noticed the reference to fuzzy logic in your sig.  I take it you do a lot
of work for the government? :-) As I recall, fuzzy logic is built on fuzzy
truth: true; false; sort of true; true enough to fool the voters; ...


  The last part of your message refers to politics as usual. There's a
historical reason why the names are fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, just as
there's a historical reason why the OS was named UNIX instead of something

  Think fuzzy as in vague, inherently imprecise, multi-valued.
Multi-valued logic was conceived by Bertrand Russell in the 1920s but never
got traction on the muddy slopes of academia. In 1965, Lotfi Zadeh at Cal
Berkeley, defined the mathematics of multi-valued sets and called them fuzzy
sets to distinguish them from crisp sets where membership is all or
nothing. No longer a need to exclude the middle. Similarly, with fuzzy logic,
AND does not need to be inclusive and OR does not need to be exclusive.

  Practical applications were developed first by the Japanese: autofocus
cameras, image stabilization, auto-pilots for airplanes, trains that run
without human drivers (e.g., Atlanta airport). More quietly, it's used to
solve otherwise intractable business problems. We use it to address
environmental impact assessments, measure sustainability, quantify natural
resource damage assessments, and similar concerns. Most of our work is with
the natural resource industries. We'll work for government agencies on
quantifying subjectivity in the environmental regulatory contexts, but not
advocating against industrial development. More information is on our web
site (URL below).

  Other applications of fuzzy logic are in game theory (economics), optimal
scheduling, multi-criteria/multi-objective decision-making, and other domains
dominated by values, beliefs, and opinions; in other words, subjectivity.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all!

On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell package
(3.2.06-4) that
comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
en '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX installations.
Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

Best regards,


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
Paul A. Rubin writes:
 Alas, that would force me to write the letter, finalize the content,
 see where the first page ended and manually adjust the remaining text
 to the second letter.

That would be about the same as using a hand calculator every time the 
computer needs to solve a math equation.

Attached is my proof of concept (the best I could do for now). It 
defines a command that changes the oddsidemargin if the page nbr is 
greater than 1. In this file the command needs to be manually called 
everytime you end a paragraph (until safely beyond page one).

I imagine that it could be / should be automatically triggered by 
watching a section counter (but no time to look at that just now).

Suggestions for improvement welcome (hah, and needed). But it shows how 
easy this should be.


(I also think that one probably does not need the ifthenelse package for 
this; LaTex/TeX must have some basic logic controls built in, I think.)

Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
% command that checks page nbr. if  1
% then changes margin
 \ifthenelse{\value{page}  1}{\setlength\oddsidemargin{0pt}}{}}

\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
 In vehicula nunc in ligula commodo tincidunt.
 Aenean non orci.
 Donec ac risus lobortis ligula vulputate viverra.
 Nunc aliquet mauris ut neque.
 Pellentesque sollicitudin quam a sem.
 Vivamus varius nibh eu urna placerat condimentum.
 Sed luctus, dui sed scelerisque tincidunt, diam massa congue magna, in
 eleifend ipsum nibh vitae tortor.
 Phasellus porta tincidunt magna.
 Aenean posuere.
 Donec in est id mauris tempor dictum.
 Nulla condimentum.
 Sed euismod.
 Nullam imperdiet molestie dolor.
 Nunc pretium tellus sed tellus.
 Donec nec mi.
 Mauris massa.
\layout Standard

Nullam blandit.
 Maecenas rhoncus hendrerit lacus.
 Integer commodo dolor.
 Suspendisse potenti.
 Nulla sit amet risus vel neque faucibus vehicula.
 Curabitur eu velit.
 Ut pretium.
 Aenean laoreet.
 Maecenas id neque.
 Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
 ac turpis egestas.
 Donec nunc odio, lobortis id, viverra quis, mattis in, ligula.
 Aenean varius augue vel velit.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
 inceptos hymenaeos.
 Aliquam condimentum vestibulum lectus.
 Quisque at odio.
 Praesent in enim.
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
 Quisque leo tortor, fringilla eu, luctus a, ornare nec, neque.
 Morbi hendrerit feugiat mi.
 Curabitur pulvinar, nunc at imperdiet porttitor, nibh erat cursus magna,
 sed sollicitudin justo arcu nec mi.
 Vivamus consectetuer leo sit amet ligula.
 Vivamus aliquam, mauris ut scelerisque euismod, ipsum arcu elementum tortor,
 at eleifend dolor nibh sit amet libero.
 Integer in ligula.
 Morbi pretium.
 Morbi convallis.
 Cras velit nisl, adipiscing id, dictum sit amet, suscipit sit amet, erat.
 Aliquam volutpat quam vitae tellus.
 Vestibulum placerat urna.
 Aliquam nec orci id ante pharetra ullamcorper.
 Suspendisse potenti.
\layout Standard

Aliquam erat volutpat.
 Mauris venenatis consectetuer orci.
 Quisque nisi lorem, congue vel, aliquet bibendum, auctor quis, nibh.
 Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
 cubilia Curae; Quisque mi.
 Mauris euismod convallis enim.
 Cras arcu.
 Nam scelerisque.
 Donec non quam in nisl fermentum tempus.
 Nulla facilisi.
 Fusce ornare, lorem ut imperdiet vulputate, nisi libero vehicula elit,
 et dictum turpis eros eu est.
 Praesent metus dolor, vestibulum a, mattis in, volutpat a, nisi.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Phasellus ut lectus.
 Etiam ligula neque, dapibus non, tristique a, semper in, lectus.
 Aliquam in mauris.
 Aliquam erat volutpat.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
 inceptos hymenaeos.
 Etiam massa nisi, auctor at, pellentesque vel, hendrerit sit amet, nibh.
 Donec dictum, nisi non euismod volutpat, mauris 

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
Jan Willemson writes:
 On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell
 package (3.2.06-4) that
 comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
 English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
 en '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX
 installations. Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

What happens when you run ispell on the command line?

: ispell my_file


Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson

When I run ispell from command line, it runs fine.


Re: International characters in file names - Lyx 1.4pre3, MacOSX

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 06:07:40PM +0100, Anders Ekberg wrote:
 On 14 jan 2006, at 17.48, Helge Hafting wrote:
 I tried saving ö.lyx and ø.lyx, with todays lyx 1.4cvs.
 (o with dots, and o with slash, if your email client dislike this)
 The filenames were saved in iso8859 encoding, so running an xterm
 with LANG=no_NB.iso8859-1 showed them just fine.  (I normally
 use unicode though, where those filenames have illegal character
 But you didn't see the error messages, which means that the Mac OSX  
 version (or at least the pre3-version) fails some check that the  
 Linux version passes. Interesting! If this is due to QT then I guess  
 there is hope that the problem will resolve itself with a new version  
 of QT.

This is using qt3.
 Also, view-dvi and view-pdf works, but the 8-bit characters
 are stripped into 7-bit so ö becomes v in xdvi/gv.
 Do you mean in the file title or where?

The file title.  Actually, nothing is wrong with xdvi here,
because lyx working on ø.lyx creates the temporary file x.tex
when creating the intermediate .tex file.
('x' is what you get when removing the eight bit from an
 iso8859-1-encoded 'ø')

I tried renaming it to ø.tex and running latex (actually pdfetex) on
it, it produced ø.dvi just fine.  And my xdvi have no
problems displaying ø.dvi, and gets the titlebar right too if
the filename is iso8859-1 encoded.

Lyx is capable of producing ø.tex and ø.dvi when using the export
menu.  But 8-bit stripping happens when using the view menu, causing
confusion.  I hope patches to fix that will be accepted once 1.5 development
starts. :-)

Helge Hafting

Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 07:13:53PM +0100, Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
 (I also think that one probably does not need the ifthenelse package for 
 this; LaTex/TeX must have some basic logic controls built in, I think.)

Tex have it.  The ifthenelse package isn't magic - like every other package
it consist of tex commands only.  So all you can do with packages you can do 
without too - the packages are only for convenience. :-)

Tex conditionals are documented in the texbook.  If you don't want
to buy it you can download texbook.tex, just be aware that
printing it is illegal.  So you have to pay, or read the tex source.

Helge Hafting

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 03:21:45PM +0200, Jan Willemson wrote:
 Hi all!
 On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell package
 (3.2.06-4) that
 comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
 English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
 en '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX installations.
 Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

Lyx support three kinds of english: english, british and american.
Perhaps your ispell don't support all of these. (I usually
have to use British, not English, for example.)

Also check to see that your lyx really uses ispell, lyx may
also use aspell which uses other dictionaries.  In that case, install
the english dictionary for aspell.

Helge Hafting

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi again!

  On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest
ispell package
  (3.2.06-4) that
  comes with the
English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the
  en '. I don't remember such a message from
earlier LyX installations.
  Any idea where it comes from or
what to do about it?
 Lyx support three
kinds of english: english, british and american.
 Perhaps your
ispell don't support all of these. (I usually
 have to use
British, not English, for example.)
 Also check to
see that your lyx really uses ispell, lyx may
 also use aspell
which uses other dictionaries.  In that case, install
english dictionary for aspell.
 Helge Hafting

Well, actually I am trying to spell an Estonian text, but the problem
with English was the same so I described that one.

Anyway, after installing the aspell-en package, I can spell English
text, though LyX still shows me that it is using ispell, and installing
aspell dictionaries should have changed nothing. Trying to spell
sometning in Estonian from LyX with ispell still cives complaints about
missing et_EE word list. Which is strange, because en and et_EE are
aspell terminology and as far as I know, ispell does not use such
naming of languages.

So in the end of the day, I suspect that LyX 1.3.6 has a bug of still
trying to use aspell, even if ispell is chosen in Preferences -
Spellchecker. Or is is the problem between the chair and the


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
From comp.text.tex (1996):
Eric Fruits ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (comp.text.tex [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
: I have letterhead with all the important info (logo, etc.) on the left 
: margin, instead of the top or bottom of the page.  Consequently, I'd 
: like to hack the letter class in some way so that it has a 2 inch left 
: margin on the first page and a normal margin on subsequent pages. 
David Carlisle answers:
 TeX breaks paragraphs into lines *before* trying to break pages there 
  no interaction between these two processes (which is probably the 
  biggest weakness in TeX's design). So the lines in a paragraph that 
  spans between the first and second pages will be set to
  the conditions  of the first page (or the second, but not both). 
 If you know for some class of documents that the page break will 
  happen between paragraphs then you are in much better shape. 
 If you really need the paragraph shape to change depending on the 
  page break you have to do a multi-pass system, where the pagebreak 
  determined on one run is saved (somehow) in the aux file and then a 
  suitable \parshape is used on the second run that changes the line 
  width in the paragraph after the number of lines specified on the 
  first run. If you only want to do this for the first page, it might 
  even work.

So, food for thought (but no answer, yet, to your question). I also 
posted your question at


Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New Windows version

2006-01-15 Thread David A. Case
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:

 However I succeeded in building a native version of both Qt and LyX
 using the cygwin tools. When using the switch -mno-cygwin, the cygwin
 compilers turn into mingw compilers.

Have you also tried to build a cygwin version?  Since cygwin already suppies
tex/latex/perl/python/sh/sed, etc., and since many people (like me) make
extensive use of cygwin, having a cygwin package (that understands its
posix-like paths) would be very valuable.


Re: New Windows version

2006-01-15 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: David A. Case [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: New Windows version

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:

However I succeeded in building a native version of both Qt and LyX
using the cygwin tools. When using the switch -mno-cygwin, the cygwin
compilers turn into mingw compilers.

Have you also tried to build a cygwin version?  Since cygwin already 

tex/latex/perl/python/sh/sed, etc., and since many people (like me) make
extensive use of cygwin, having a cygwin package (that understands its
posix-like paths) would be very valuable.


SH: When I looked into Cygwin, this is what I found, make file attached:

Luis Rivera
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 13:12:40 -0800


Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?  AFAIK,
this compile is the only one that works on every known flavor of Win32.

1.3.7 xforms dependencies: X11, perl, python, ghostscript,

1.4.0 xforms dependencies: X11, python, ghostscript, imagemagick...

Qt compiled LyXes also depend on the Qt library distributed with

All builds work with either the windows native MiKTeX or cygwin's
teTeX. I think that should be left to user's choice.

Angus Leeming
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 14:03:43 -0800

Luis Rivera wrote:

Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?

Angus replied:
There are no plans here to do so. Of course, if someone wishes to
do so then that's great!

Luis Rivera wrote:

Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?

Bo Peng replied:
It is of course good to have such an option. However, with the new
all-in-one windows installer, I can not see an urgent need for it.


Kayvan Sylvan wrote:

I am using the LyX CVS 1.4 version. Building LyX from source on
Cygwin is easy, but you need a down-revved GCC (version 3.3.3).
For some reason, anything higher does not play well with the QT
library (also compiled from source).

Get QT3 from the cygwin-kde site and install it according to the
cygwin-specific directions (I can dig these up later, if you need,
I am at work now).

Next, you need to make sure to use the ld-script included with QT-3.

I have attached a script I use to make LyX (1.4.0CVS) with Qt3 on Cygwin.

This is how I set my system up:

lyx/ - This is the CVS source directory
qtbuild/ - build directory for QT LyX
make - This is the script I have attached.


cd ~/src/lyxbuild/qtbuild
../make all-qt

You will have to change some paths to get this to work for you.


SH: This information is a month or two old and things change.
Perhaps Enrico has more current information.


Description: Binary data


2006-01-15 Thread Mohsin Mohd Sies

I have a strange problem. I've just installed Lyx on Windows. I've also
installed Python and all other packages as needed during installation. The
problem is that when I tried to print, I got an error message cannot
convert file, error while executing python c:/Program

Any ideas? Thanks

Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: Paul A. Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

Hi all,

I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school 
letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect.  Having 
looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me 
my best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I 
need, in three ways.  I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to 
other classes, if komascript is not the best choice).

I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see logo mentioned 
in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two letters
with some options turned off.

Maybe this will be helpful until Herbert offers his guidance. 


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Martin A. Hansen
it is possible to tweak some of the distances between the blocks in a .lco
file for komascript letter v2.

pay attention to page 155 ff of srcguien.


On 15/01/06, Stephen Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Paul A. Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:23 PM
 Subject: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

  Hi all,
  I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school
  letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect.  Having
  looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me
  my best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I
  need, in three ways.  I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to
  other classes, if komascript is not the best choice).

 I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
 configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see logo mentioned
 in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

 I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
 could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two
 with some options turned off.

 Maybe this will be helpful until Herbert offers his guidance.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rich Shepard wrote:

  Letters are about the only writing I do with OO.o; everything else is on
LyX. I, too, would like a business letter template (full block mode) 
with my logo/letterhead on the first page and the recipient's name, the date, and

current page number on subsequent pages.

If your logo goes at the top of the page, you can do it with 
komascript's scrlttr2.  The info for the subsequent pages can be handled 
by fancyhdr.  (I think ... still playing with komascript.)  If your logo 
is in the left margin, and only on the first page, then you have the 
same problem I face.

1. (This is the only major issue.)  Our letterhead includes logos on both
the left side of the paper and along the top. Dealing with the top is 
not a problem, but for the life of me I cannot find a way in komascript to make
the left margin two inches on the first page (which will be 
letterhead) and one inch on every other page (plain bond).

  Two minipages? The left for the sidebar and the right for text?

I didn't try minipages, but I tried putting a parbox with fixed height 
on the left where the logo would be.  It just pushed what would have 
been page 1 off to page 2, still flush to the normal left margin.

Komascript treats addresses, greetings and closings, signatures, dates 
etc. separately from the text body.  Putting a parbox (or, presumably, a 
minipage) in the text body didn't work, and neither did using 
\AtBeginDocument or \AtBeginLetter to try to place one at the start of 
the letter.  There may be a good place to insert one, but I haven't 
found it.  I may take a shot with a minipage; perhaps it will work 
better than the parbox did.

2. (Minor annoyance.) Komascript right justifies the date; I would 
like to left justify it. (I leave the other elements of that line, such as

location, blank.)

3. (Minor annoyance.) I would like to shrink the vertical distance 
between the end of the recipient's address and the date line.

  These two should be adjustable in the preamble code of the template.

One would think so.  The excellent (if rather lengthy) komascript 
documentation lists a number of pseudolengths you can set, but these two 
are not among them.  I tried to read the scrlttr2 class file (not being 
particularly proficient in tex/latex coding), but I couldn't find an 
adjustable pseudolength relating to either of these, and I was not about 
to hack the class file.

  I wonder if something like the invoice template in SQL-Ledger might be a
good starting point? I added my logo to that and it's used to print 
invoices from the A/R module of the software.

I may take a look at this.  I might end up taking some basic class like 
letter and trying to wedge in a logo.  Mass mailings are not an issue; I 
just need something that looks right for an individual letter.

  If I had time to spend on this I'd like to dig in to the komascript 
letter code and see about modifying it. My experience with the OMR form (thanks to
Herbert's patient guidance) has been valuable. Unfortunately, until I 
get my fuzzy system model completely re-written I have no spare time.

I noticed the reference to fuzzy logic in your sig.  I take it you do a 
lot of work for the government?  :-)  As I recall, fuzzy logic is built 
on fuzzy truth:  true; false; sort of true; true enough to fool the 
voters; ...


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen Harris wrote:

I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see logo 
mentioned in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

The scrlttr2 class is good at handling logos at the top of the first 
page (left, center or right aligned), but I don't think it handles logos 
in the left margin.  At least I can't find any reference to it.

I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two letters
with some options turned off.

Alas, that would force me to write the letter, finalize the content, see 
where the first page ended and manually adjust the remaining text to the 
second letter.

Thanks for the response.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Martin A. Hansen wrote:

it is possible to tweak some of the distances between the blocks in a .lco
file for komascript letter v2.

pay attention to page 155 ff of srcguien.


Thanks, Martin.  The same tweaks can be done in the document preamble, 
and they do let me adjust the position of the sender and recipient 
addresses.  Alas, none of the adjustments listed in the manual seem to 
let me alter the horizontal position of the date or the vertical skip 
before/after it, and scanning the sample .lco files did not help.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I noticed the reference to fuzzy logic in your sig.  I take it you do a lot
of work for the government? :-) As I recall, fuzzy logic is built on fuzzy
truth: true; false; sort of true; true enough to fool the voters; ...


  The last part of your message refers to politics as usual. There's a
historical reason why the names are fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, just as
there's a historical reason why the OS was named UNIX instead of something

  Think fuzzy as in vague, inherently imprecise, multi-valued.
Multi-valued logic was conceived by Bertrand Russell in the 1920s but never
got traction on the muddy slopes of academia. In 1965, Lotfi Zadeh at Cal
Berkeley, defined the mathematics of multi-valued sets and called them fuzzy
sets to distinguish them from crisp sets where membership is all or
nothing. No longer a need to exclude the middle. Similarly, with fuzzy logic,
AND does not need to be inclusive and OR does not need to be exclusive.

  Practical applications were developed first by the Japanese: autofocus
cameras, image stabilization, auto-pilots for airplanes, trains that run
without human drivers (e.g., Atlanta airport). More quietly, it's used to
solve otherwise intractable business problems. We use it to address
environmental impact assessments, measure sustainability, quantify natural
resource damage assessments, and similar concerns. Most of our work is with
the natural resource industries. We'll work for government agencies on
quantifying subjectivity in the environmental regulatory contexts, but not
advocating against industrial development. More information is on our web
site (URL below).

  Other applications of fuzzy logic are in game theory (economics), optimal
scheduling, multi-criteria/multi-objective decision-making, and other domains
dominated by values, beliefs, and opinions; in other words, subjectivity.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all!

On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell package
(3.2.06-4) that
comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
en '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX installations.
Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

Best regards,


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
Paul A. Rubin writes:
 Alas, that would force me to write the letter, finalize the content,
 see where the first page ended and manually adjust the remaining text
 to the second letter.

That would be about the same as using a hand calculator every time the 
computer needs to solve a math equation.

Attached is my proof of concept (the best I could do for now). It 
defines a command that changes the oddsidemargin if the page nbr is 
greater than 1. In this file the command needs to be manually called 
everytime you end a paragraph (until safely beyond page one).

I imagine that it could be / should be automatically triggered by 
watching a section counter (but no time to look at that just now).

Suggestions for improvement welcome (hah, and needed). But it shows how 
easy this should be.


(I also think that one probably does not need the ifthenelse package for 
this; LaTex/TeX must have some basic logic controls built in, I think.)

Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
% command that checks page nbr. if  1
% then changes margin
 \ifthenelse{\value{page}  1}{\setlength\oddsidemargin{0pt}}{}}

\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
 In vehicula nunc in ligula commodo tincidunt.
 Aenean non orci.
 Donec ac risus lobortis ligula vulputate viverra.
 Nunc aliquet mauris ut neque.
 Pellentesque sollicitudin quam a sem.
 Vivamus varius nibh eu urna placerat condimentum.
 Sed luctus, dui sed scelerisque tincidunt, diam massa congue magna, in
 eleifend ipsum nibh vitae tortor.
 Phasellus porta tincidunt magna.
 Aenean posuere.
 Donec in est id mauris tempor dictum.
 Nulla condimentum.
 Sed euismod.
 Nullam imperdiet molestie dolor.
 Nunc pretium tellus sed tellus.
 Donec nec mi.
 Mauris massa.
\layout Standard

Nullam blandit.
 Maecenas rhoncus hendrerit lacus.
 Integer commodo dolor.
 Suspendisse potenti.
 Nulla sit amet risus vel neque faucibus vehicula.
 Curabitur eu velit.
 Ut pretium.
 Aenean laoreet.
 Maecenas id neque.
 Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
 ac turpis egestas.
 Donec nunc odio, lobortis id, viverra quis, mattis in, ligula.
 Aenean varius augue vel velit.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
 inceptos hymenaeos.
 Aliquam condimentum vestibulum lectus.
 Quisque at odio.
 Praesent in enim.
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
 Quisque leo tortor, fringilla eu, luctus a, ornare nec, neque.
 Morbi hendrerit feugiat mi.
 Curabitur pulvinar, nunc at imperdiet porttitor, nibh erat cursus magna,
 sed sollicitudin justo arcu nec mi.
 Vivamus consectetuer leo sit amet ligula.
 Vivamus aliquam, mauris ut scelerisque euismod, ipsum arcu elementum tortor,
 at eleifend dolor nibh sit amet libero.
 Integer in ligula.
 Morbi pretium.
 Morbi convallis.
 Cras velit nisl, adipiscing id, dictum sit amet, suscipit sit amet, erat.
 Aliquam volutpat quam vitae tellus.
 Vestibulum placerat urna.
 Aliquam nec orci id ante pharetra ullamcorper.
 Suspendisse potenti.
\layout Standard

Aliquam erat volutpat.
 Mauris venenatis consectetuer orci.
 Quisque nisi lorem, congue vel, aliquet bibendum, auctor quis, nibh.
 Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
 cubilia Curae; Quisque mi.
 Mauris euismod convallis enim.
 Cras arcu.
 Nam scelerisque.
 Donec non quam in nisl fermentum tempus.
 Nulla facilisi.
 Fusce ornare, lorem ut imperdiet vulputate, nisi libero vehicula elit,
 et dictum turpis eros eu est.
 Praesent metus dolor, vestibulum a, mattis in, volutpat a, nisi.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Phasellus ut lectus.
 Etiam ligula neque, dapibus non, tristique a, semper in, lectus.
 Aliquam in mauris.
 Aliquam erat volutpat.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
 inceptos hymenaeos.
 Etiam massa nisi, auctor at, pellentesque vel, hendrerit sit amet, nibh.
 Donec dictum, nisi non euismod volutpat, mauris 

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
Jan Willemson writes:
 On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell
 package (3.2.06-4) that
 comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
 English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
 en '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX
 installations. Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

What happens when you run ispell on the command line?

: ispell my_file


Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson

When I run ispell from command line, it runs fine.


Re: International characters in file names - Lyx 1.4pre3, MacOSX

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 06:07:40PM +0100, Anders Ekberg wrote:
 On 14 jan 2006, at 17.48, Helge Hafting wrote:
 I tried saving ö.lyx and ø.lyx, with todays lyx 1.4cvs.
 (o with dots, and o with slash, if your email client dislike this)
 The filenames were saved in iso8859 encoding, so running an xterm
 with LANG=no_NB.iso8859-1 showed them just fine.  (I normally
 use unicode though, where those filenames have illegal character
 But you didn't see the error messages, which means that the Mac OSX  
 version (or at least the pre3-version) fails some check that the  
 Linux version passes. Interesting! If this is due to QT then I guess  
 there is hope that the problem will resolve itself with a new version  
 of QT.

This is using qt3.
 Also, view-dvi and view-pdf works, but the 8-bit characters
 are stripped into 7-bit so ö becomes v in xdvi/gv.
 Do you mean in the file title or where?

The file title.  Actually, nothing is wrong with xdvi here,
because lyx working on ø.lyx creates the temporary file x.tex
when creating the intermediate .tex file.
('x' is what you get when removing the eight bit from an
 iso8859-1-encoded 'ø')

I tried renaming it to ø.tex and running latex (actually pdfetex) on
it, it produced ø.dvi just fine.  And my xdvi have no
problems displaying ø.dvi, and gets the titlebar right too if
the filename is iso8859-1 encoded.

Lyx is capable of producing ø.tex and ø.dvi when using the export
menu.  But 8-bit stripping happens when using the view menu, causing
confusion.  I hope patches to fix that will be accepted once 1.5 development
starts. :-)

Helge Hafting

Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 07:13:53PM +0100, Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
 (I also think that one probably does not need the ifthenelse package for 
 this; LaTex/TeX must have some basic logic controls built in, I think.)

Tex have it.  The ifthenelse package isn't magic - like every other package
it consist of tex commands only.  So all you can do with packages you can do 
without too - the packages are only for convenience. :-)

Tex conditionals are documented in the texbook.  If you don't want
to buy it you can download texbook.tex, just be aware that
printing it is illegal.  So you have to pay, or read the tex source.

Helge Hafting

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 03:21:45PM +0200, Jan Willemson wrote:
 Hi all!
 On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell package
 (3.2.06-4) that
 comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
 English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
 en '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX installations.
 Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

Lyx support three kinds of english: english, british and american.
Perhaps your ispell don't support all of these. (I usually
have to use British, not English, for example.)

Also check to see that your lyx really uses ispell, lyx may
also use aspell which uses other dictionaries.  In that case, install
the english dictionary for aspell.

Helge Hafting

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi again!

  On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest
ispell package
  (3.2.06-4) that
  comes with the
English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the
  en '. I don't remember such a message from
earlier LyX installations.
  Any idea where it comes from or
what to do about it?
 Lyx support three
kinds of english: english, british and american.
 Perhaps your
ispell don't support all of these. (I usually
 have to use
British, not English, for example.)
 Also check to
see that your lyx really uses ispell, lyx may
 also use aspell
which uses other dictionaries.  In that case, install
english dictionary for aspell.
 Helge Hafting

Well, actually I am trying to spell an Estonian text, but the problem
with English was the same so I described that one.

Anyway, after installing the aspell-en package, I can spell English
text, though LyX still shows me that it is using ispell, and installing
aspell dictionaries should have changed nothing. Trying to spell
sometning in Estonian from LyX with ispell still cives complaints about
missing et_EE word list. Which is strange, because en and et_EE are
aspell terminology and as far as I know, ispell does not use such
naming of languages.

So in the end of the day, I suspect that LyX 1.3.6 has a bug of still
trying to use aspell, even if ispell is chosen in Preferences -
Spellchecker. Or is is the problem between the chair and the


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
From comp.text.tex (1996):
Eric Fruits ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (comp.text.tex [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
: I have letterhead with all the important info (logo, etc.) on the left 
: margin, instead of the top or bottom of the page.  Consequently, I'd 
: like to hack the letter class in some way so that it has a 2 inch left 
: margin on the first page and a normal margin on subsequent pages. 
David Carlisle answers:
 TeX breaks paragraphs into lines *before* trying to break pages there 
  no interaction between these two processes (which is probably the 
  biggest weakness in TeX's design). So the lines in a paragraph that 
  spans between the first and second pages will be set to
  the conditions  of the first page (or the second, but not both). 
 If you know for some class of documents that the page break will 
  happen between paragraphs then you are in much better shape. 
 If you really need the paragraph shape to change depending on the 
  page break you have to do a multi-pass system, where the pagebreak 
  determined on one run is saved (somehow) in the aux file and then a 
  suitable \parshape is used on the second run that changes the line 
  width in the paragraph after the number of lines specified on the 
  first run. If you only want to do this for the first page, it might 
  even work.

So, food for thought (but no answer, yet, to your question). I also 
posted your question at


Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New Windows version

2006-01-15 Thread David A. Case
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:

 However I succeeded in building a native version of both Qt and LyX
 using the cygwin tools. When using the switch -mno-cygwin, the cygwin
 compilers turn into mingw compilers.

Have you also tried to build a cygwin version?  Since cygwin already suppies
tex/latex/perl/python/sh/sed, etc., and since many people (like me) make
extensive use of cygwin, having a cygwin package (that understands its
posix-like paths) would be very valuable.


Re: New Windows version

2006-01-15 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: David A. Case [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: New Windows version

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:

However I succeeded in building a native version of both Qt and LyX
using the cygwin tools. When using the switch -mno-cygwin, the cygwin
compilers turn into mingw compilers.

Have you also tried to build a cygwin version?  Since cygwin already 

tex/latex/perl/python/sh/sed, etc., and since many people (like me) make
extensive use of cygwin, having a cygwin package (that understands its
posix-like paths) would be very valuable.


SH: When I looked into Cygwin, this is what I found, make file attached:

Luis Rivera
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 13:12:40 -0800


Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?  AFAIK,
this compile is the only one that works on every known flavor of Win32.

1.3.7 xforms dependencies: X11, perl, python, ghostscript,

1.4.0 xforms dependencies: X11, python, ghostscript, imagemagick...

Qt compiled LyXes also depend on the Qt library distributed with

All builds work with either the windows native MiKTeX or cygwin's
teTeX. I think that should be left to user's choice.

Angus Leeming
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 14:03:43 -0800

Luis Rivera wrote:

Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?

Angus replied:
There are no plans here to do so. Of course, if someone wishes to
do so then that's great!

Luis Rivera wrote:

Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?

Bo Peng replied:
It is of course good to have such an option. However, with the new
all-in-one windows installer, I can not see an urgent need for it.


Kayvan Sylvan wrote:

I am using the LyX CVS 1.4 version. Building LyX from source on
Cygwin is easy, but you need a down-revved GCC (version 3.3.3).
For some reason, anything higher does not play well with the QT
library (also compiled from source).

Get QT3 from the cygwin-kde site and install it according to the
cygwin-specific directions (I can dig these up later, if you need,
I am at work now).

Next, you need to make sure to use the ld-script included with QT-3.

I have attached a script I use to make LyX (1.4.0CVS) with Qt3 on Cygwin.

This is how I set my system up:

lyx/ - This is the CVS source directory
qtbuild/ - build directory for QT LyX
make - This is the script I have attached.


cd ~/src/lyxbuild/qtbuild
../make all-qt

You will have to change some paths to get this to work for you.


SH: This information is a month or two old and things change.
Perhaps Enrico has more current information.


Description: Binary data


2006-01-15 Thread Mohsin Mohd Sies

I have a strange problem. I've just installed Lyx on Windows. I've also
installed Python and all other packages as needed during installation. The
problem is that when I tried to print, I got an error message cannot
convert file, error while executing python c:/Program

Any ideas? Thanks

Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

Hi all,

I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school 
letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect.  Having 
looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me 
my best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I 
need, in three ways.  I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to 
other classes, if komascript is not the best choice).

I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see "logo" mentioned 
in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two letters
with some options turned off.

Maybe this will be helpful until Herbert offers his guidance. 


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Martin A. Hansen
it is possible to tweak some of the distances between the blocks in a .lco
file for komascript letter v2.

pay attention to page 155 ff of srcguien.


On 15/01/06, Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:23 PM
> Subject: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying to concoct a LyX template to let me write letters on school
> > letterhead, the last task for which I still rely on WordPerfect.  Having
> > looked at akletter, newlfm and komascript, I think komascript gives me
> > my best shot, and I have a template that just falls short of what I
> > need, in three ways.  I'm hoping for suggestions (including pointers to
> > other classes, if komascript is not the best choice).
> >
> I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
> configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see "logo" mentioned
> in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).
> I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
> could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two
> letters
> with some options turned off.
> Maybe this will be helpful until Herbert offers his guidance.
> Regards,
> Stephen

Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rich Shepard wrote:

  Letters are about the only writing I do with OO.o; everything else is on
LyX. I, too, would like a business letter template (full block mode) 
with my logo/letterhead on the first page and the recipient's name, the date, and

current page number on subsequent pages.

If your logo goes at the top of the page, you can do it with 
komascript's scrlttr2.  The info for the subsequent pages can be handled 
by fancyhdr.  (I think ... still playing with komascript.)  If your logo 
is in the left margin, and only on the first page, then you have the 
same problem I face.

1. (This is the only major issue.)  Our letterhead includes logos on both
the left side of the paper and along the top. Dealing with the top is 
not a problem, but for the life of me I cannot find a way in komascript to make
the left margin two inches on the first page (which will be 
letterhead) and one inch on every other page (plain bond).

  Two minipages? The left for the sidebar and the right for text?

I didn't try minipages, but I tried putting a parbox with fixed height 
on the left where the logo would be.  It just pushed what would have 
been page 1 off to page 2, still flush to the normal left margin.

Komascript treats addresses, greetings and closings, signatures, dates 
etc. separately from the text body.  Putting a parbox (or, presumably, a 
minipage) in the text body didn't work, and neither did using 
\AtBeginDocument or \AtBeginLetter to try to place one at the start of 
the letter.  There may be a good place to insert one, but I haven't 
found it.  I may take a shot with a minipage; perhaps it will work 
better than the parbox did.

2. (Minor annoyance.) Komascript right justifies the date; I would 
like to left justify it. (I leave the other elements of that line, such as

location, blank.)

3. (Minor annoyance.) I would like to shrink the vertical distance 
between the end of the recipient's address and the date line.

  These two should be adjustable in the preamble code of the template.

One would think so.  The excellent (if rather lengthy) komascript 
documentation lists a number of pseudolengths you can set, but these two 
are not among them.  I tried to read the scrlttr2 class file (not being 
particularly proficient in tex/latex coding), but I couldn't find an 
adjustable pseudolength relating to either of these, and I was not about 
to hack the class file.

  I wonder if something like the invoice template in SQL-Ledger might be a
good starting point? I added my logo to that and it's used to print 
invoices from the A/R module of the software.

I may take a look at this.  I might end up taking some basic class like 
letter and trying to wedge in a logo.  Mass mailings are not an issue; I 
just need something that looks right for an individual letter.

  If I had time to spend on this I'd like to dig in to the komascript 
letter code and see about modifying it. My experience with the OMR form (thanks to
Herbert's patient guidance) has been valuable. Unfortunately, until I 
get my fuzzy system model completely re-written I have no spare time.

I noticed the reference to fuzzy logic in your sig.  I take it you do a 
lot of work for the government?  :-)  As I recall, fuzzy logic is built 
on fuzzy truth:  true; false; sort of true; true enough to fool the 
voters; ...


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Stephen Harris wrote:

I was reading in Extended.lyx and Juergen mentions scrlttr2 as quite
configurable for writing letters with Koma-script. I see "logo" 
mentioned in Chapter 6 of the document below (in English).

The scrlttr2 class is good at handling logos at the top of the first 
page (left, center or right aligned), but I don't think it handles logos 
in the left margin.  At least I can't find any reference to it.

I see you can have different letters in the same document; perhaps one
could have different segments of one letter written as multiple/two letters
with some options turned off.

Alas, that would force me to write the letter, finalize the content, see 
where the first page ended and manually adjust the remaining text to the 
second "letter".

Thanks for the response.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Martin A. Hansen wrote:

it is possible to tweak some of the distances between the blocks in a .lco
file for komascript letter v2.

pay attention to page 155 ff of srcguien.


Thanks, Martin.  The same tweaks can be done in the document preamble, 
and they do let me adjust the position of the sender and recipient 
addresses.  Alas, none of the adjustments listed in the manual seem to 
let me alter the horizontal position of the date or the vertical skip 
before/after it, and scanning the sample .lco files did not help.


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I noticed the reference to fuzzy logic in your sig.  I take it you do a lot
of work for the government? :-) As I recall, fuzzy logic is built on fuzzy
truth: true; false; sort of true; true enough to fool the voters; ...


  The last part of your message refers to politics as usual. There's a
historical reason why the names are "fuzzy sets" and "fuzzy logic", just as
there's a historical reason why the OS was named UNIX instead of something

  Think "fuzzy" as in "vague," "inherently imprecise," "multi-valued."
Multi-valued logic was conceived by Bertrand Russell in the 1920s but never
got traction on the muddy slopes of academia. In 1965, Lotfi Zadeh at Cal
Berkeley, defined the mathematics of multi-valued sets and called them "fuzzy
sets" to distinguish them from "crisp sets" where membership is all or
nothing. No longer a need to exclude the middle. Similarly, with fuzzy logic,
AND does not need to be inclusive and OR does not need to be exclusive.

  Practical applications were developed first by the Japanese: autofocus
cameras, image stabilization, auto-pilots for airplanes, trains that run
without human drivers (e.g., Atlanta airport). More quietly, it's used to
solve otherwise intractable business problems. We use it to address
environmental impact assessments, measure sustainability, quantify natural
resource damage assessments, and similar concerns. Most of our work is with
the natural resource industries. We'll work for government agencies on
quantifying subjectivity in the environmental regulatory contexts, but not
advocating against industrial development. More information is on our web
site (URL below).

  Other applications of fuzzy logic are in game theory (economics), optimal
scheduling, multi-criteria/multi-objective decision-making, and other domains
dominated by values, beliefs, and opinions; in other words, subjectivity.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |   Author of "Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic"
 Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all!

On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell package
(3.2.06-4) that
comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
"en" '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX installations.
Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

Best regards,


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
Paul A. Rubin writes:
> Alas, that would force me to write the letter, finalize the content,
> see where the first page ended and manually adjust the remaining text
> to the second "letter".

That would be about the same as using a hand calculator every time the 
computer needs to solve a math equation.

Attached is my "proof of concept" (the best I could do for now). It 
defines a command that changes the oddsidemargin if the page nbr is 
greater than 1. In this file the command needs to be manually called 
everytime you end a paragraph (until safely beyond page one).

I imagine that it could be / should be automatically triggered by 
watching a section counter (but no time to look at that just now).

Suggestions for improvement welcome (hah, and needed). But it shows how 
easy this should be.


(I also think that one probably does not need the ifthenelse package for 
this; LaTex/TeX must have some basic logic controls built in, I think.)

Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
% command that checks page nbr. if > 1
% then changes margin
 \ifthenelse{\value{page} > 1}{\setlength\oddsidemargin{0pt}}{}}

\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
 In vehicula nunc in ligula commodo tincidunt.
 Aenean non orci.
 Donec ac risus lobortis ligula vulputate viverra.
 Nunc aliquet mauris ut neque.
 Pellentesque sollicitudin quam a sem.
 Vivamus varius nibh eu urna placerat condimentum.
 Sed luctus, dui sed scelerisque tincidunt, diam massa congue magna, in
 eleifend ipsum nibh vitae tortor.
 Phasellus porta tincidunt magna.
 Aenean posuere.
 Donec in est id mauris tempor dictum.
 Nulla condimentum.
 Sed euismod.
 Nullam imperdiet molestie dolor.
 Nunc pretium tellus sed tellus.
 Donec nec mi.
 Mauris massa.
\layout Standard

Nullam blandit.
 Maecenas rhoncus hendrerit lacus.
 Integer commodo dolor.
 Suspendisse potenti.
 Nulla sit amet risus vel neque faucibus vehicula.
 Curabitur eu velit.
 Ut pretium.
 Aenean laoreet.
 Maecenas id neque.
 Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
 ac turpis egestas.
 Donec nunc odio, lobortis id, viverra quis, mattis in, ligula.
 Aenean varius augue vel velit.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
 inceptos hymenaeos.
 Aliquam condimentum vestibulum lectus.
 Quisque at odio.
 Praesent in enim.
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
 Quisque leo tortor, fringilla eu, luctus a, ornare nec, neque.
 Morbi hendrerit feugiat mi.
 Curabitur pulvinar, nunc at imperdiet porttitor, nibh erat cursus magna,
 sed sollicitudin justo arcu nec mi.
 Vivamus consectetuer leo sit amet ligula.
 Vivamus aliquam, mauris ut scelerisque euismod, ipsum arcu elementum tortor,
 at eleifend dolor nibh sit amet libero.
 Integer in ligula.
 Morbi pretium.
 Morbi convallis.
 Cras velit nisl, adipiscing id, dictum sit amet, suscipit sit amet, erat.
 Aliquam volutpat quam vitae tellus.
 Vestibulum placerat urna.
 Aliquam nec orci id ante pharetra ullamcorper.
 Suspendisse potenti.
\layout Standard

Aliquam erat volutpat.
 Mauris venenatis consectetuer orci.
 Quisque nisi lorem, congue vel, aliquet bibendum, auctor quis, nibh.
 Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
 cubilia Curae; Quisque mi.
 Mauris euismod convallis enim.
 Cras arcu.
 Nam scelerisque.
 Donec non quam in nisl fermentum tempus.
 Nulla facilisi.
 Fusce ornare, lorem ut imperdiet vulputate, nisi libero vehicula elit,
 et dictum turpis eros eu est.
 Praesent metus dolor, vestibulum a, mattis in, volutpat a, nisi.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Phasellus ut lectus.
 Etiam ligula neque, dapibus non, tristique a, semper in, lectus.
 Aliquam in mauris.
 Aliquam erat volutpat.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
 inceptos hymenaeos.
 Etiam massa nisi, auctor at, pellentesque vel, hendrerit sit amet, nibh.
 Donec dictum, nisi non euismod volutpat, 

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
Jan Willemson writes:
> On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell
> package (3.2.06-4) that
> comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
> English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
> "en" '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX
> installations. Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

What happens when you run ispell on the command line?

: ispell my_file


Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson

When I run ispell from command line, it runs fine.


Re: International characters in file names - Lyx 1.4pre3, MacOSX

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 06:07:40PM +0100, Anders Ekberg wrote:
> On 14 jan 2006, at 17.48, Helge Hafting wrote:
> >I tried saving ö.lyx and ø.lyx, with todays lyx 1.4cvs.
> >(o with dots, and o with slash, if your email client dislike this)
> >
> >The filenames were saved in iso8859 encoding, so running an xterm
> >with LANG=no_NB.iso8859-1 showed them just fine.  (I normally
> >use unicode though, where those filenames have illegal character
> >sequences.)
> But you didn't see the error messages, which means that the Mac OSX  
> version (or at least the pre3-version) fails some check that the  
> Linux version passes. Interesting! If this is due to QT then I guess  
> there is hope that the problem will resolve itself with a new version  
> of QT.

This is using qt3.
> >
> >Also, view->dvi and view->pdf works, but the 8-bit characters
> >are stripped into 7-bit so "ö" becomes "v" in xdvi/gv.
> Do you mean in the file title or where?

The file title.  Actually, nothing is wrong with xdvi here,
because lyx working on "ø.lyx" creates the temporary file "x.tex"
when creating the intermediate .tex file.
('x' is what you get when removing the eight bit from an
 iso8859-1-encoded 'ø')

I tried renaming it to "ø.tex" and running latex (actually pdfetex) on
it, it produced "ø.dvi" just fine.  And my xdvi have no
problems displaying "ø.dvi", and gets the titlebar right too if
the filename is iso8859-1 encoded.

Lyx is capable of producing "ø.tex" and "ø.dvi" when using the export
menu.  But 8-bit stripping happens when using the "view" menu, causing
confusion.  I hope patches to fix that will be accepted once 1.5 development
starts. :-)

Helge Hafting

Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 07:13:53PM +0100, Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
> (I also think that one probably does not need the ifthenelse package for 
> this; LaTex/TeX must have some basic logic controls built in, I think.)

Tex have it.  The ifthenelse package isn't magic - like every other package
it consist of tex commands only.  So all you can do with packages you can do 
without too - the packages are only for convenience. :-)

Tex conditionals are documented in the texbook.  If you don't want
to buy it you can download texbook.tex, just be aware that
printing it is illegal.  So you have to pay, or read the tex source.

Helge Hafting

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Helge Hafting
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 03:21:45PM +0200, Jan Willemson wrote:
> Hi all!
> On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest ispell package
> (3.2.06-4) that
> comes with the English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
> English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the language
> "en" '. I don't remember such a message from earlier LyX installations.
> Any idea where it comes from or what to do about it?

Lyx support three kinds of english: english, british and american.
Perhaps your ispell don't support all of these. (I usually
have to use "British", not "English", for example.)

Also check to see that your lyx really uses ispell, lyx may
also use "aspell" which uses other dictionaries.  In that case, install
the english dictionary for aspell.

Helge Hafting

Re: LyX 1.3.6 and ispell problem

2006-01-15 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi again!

> > On my Arch Linux box I installed LyX 1.3.6 and the latest
ispell package
> > (3.2.06-4) that
> > comes with the
English dictionary. However, when trying to check an
> >
English document, I get 'No word lists can be found for the
> > "en" '. I don't remember such a message from
earlier LyX installations.
> > Any idea where it comes from or
what to do about it?
> > 
> Lyx support three
kinds of english: english, british and american.
> Perhaps your
ispell don't support all of these. (I usually
> have to use
"British", not "English", for example.)
> Also check to
see that your lyx really uses ispell, lyx may
> also use "aspell"
which uses other dictionaries.  In that case, install
> the
english dictionary for aspell.
> Helge Hafting

Well, actually I am trying to spell an Estonian text, but the problem
with English was the same so I described that one.

Anyway, after installing the aspell-en package, I can spell English
text, though LyX still shows me that it is using ispell, and installing
aspell dictionaries should have changed nothing. Trying to spell
sometning in Estonian from LyX with ispell still cives complaints about
missing et_EE word list. Which is strange, because "en" and "et_EE" are
aspell terminology and as far as I know, ispell does not use such
naming of languages.

So in the end of the day, I suspect that LyX 1.3.6 has a bug of still
trying to use aspell, even if ispell is chosen in Preferences ->
Spellchecker. Or is is the problem between the chair and the


Re: Business letter (on letterhead) template for LyX

2006-01-15 Thread Kevin Pfeiffer
From comp.text.tex (1996):
Eric Fruits ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (comp.text.tex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) 
: I have letterhead with all the important info (logo, etc.) on the left 
: margin, instead of the top or bottom of the page.  Consequently, I'd 
: like to hack the letter class in some way so that it has a 2 inch left 
: margin on the first page and a normal margin on subsequent pages. 
David Carlisle answers:
> TeX breaks paragraphs into lines *before* trying to break pages there 
>  no interaction between these two processes (which is probably the 
>  biggest weakness in TeX's design). So the lines in a paragraph that 
>  spans between the first and second pages will be set to
>  the conditions  of the first page (or the second, but not both). 
> If you know for some class of documents that the page break will 
>  happen between paragraphs then you are in much better shape. 
> If you really need the paragraph shape to change depending on the 
>  page break you have to do a multi-pass system, where the pagebreak 
>  determined on one run is saved (somehow) in the aux file and then a 
>  suitable \parshape is used on the second run that changes the line 
>  width in the paragraph after the number of lines specified on the 
>  first run. If you only want to do this for the first page, it might 
>  even work.

So, food for thought (but no answer, yet, to your question). I also 
posted your question at


Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: New Windows version

2006-01-15 Thread David A. Case
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:

> However I succeeded in building a native version of both Qt and LyX
> using the cygwin tools. When using the switch -mno-cygwin, the cygwin
> compilers turn into mingw compilers.

Have you also tried to build a cygwin version?  Since cygwin already suppies
tex/latex/perl/python/sh/sed, etc., and since many people (like me) make
extensive use of cygwin, having a cygwin package (that understands its
posix-like paths) would be very valuable.


Re: New Windows version

2006-01-15 Thread Stephen Harris

- Original Message - 
From: "David A. Case" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: New Windows version

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:

However I succeeded in building a native version of both Qt and LyX
using the cygwin tools. When using the switch -mno-cygwin, the cygwin
compilers turn into mingw compilers.

Have you also tried to build a cygwin version?  Since cygwin already 

tex/latex/perl/python/sh/sed, etc., and since many people (like me) make
extensive use of cygwin, having a cygwin package (that understands its
posix-like paths) would be very valuable.


SH: When I looked into Cygwin, this is what I found, make file attached:

Luis Rivera
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 13:12:40 -0800


"Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?  AFAIK,
this compile is the only one that works on every known flavor of Win32."

1.3.7 xforms dependencies: X11, perl, python, ghostscript,

1.4.0 xforms dependencies: X11, python, ghostscript, imagemagick...

Qt compiled LyXes also depend on the Qt library distributed with

All builds work with either the windows native MiKTeX or cygwin's
teTeX. I think that should be left to user's choice.

Angus Leeming
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 14:03:43 -0800

Luis Rivera wrote:

Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?

Angus replied:
"There are no plans here to do so. Of course, if someone wishes to
do so then that's great!"

Luis Rivera wrote:

Are there plans to integrate LyX to the cygwin distribution?

Bo Peng replied:
"It is of course good to have such an option. However, with the new
all-in-one windows installer, I can not see an urgent need for it."


Kayvan Sylvan wrote:

"I am using the LyX CVS 1.4 version. Building LyX from source on
Cygwin is easy, but you need a down-revved GCC (version 3.3.3).
For some reason, anything higher does not play well with the QT
library (also compiled from source).

Get QT3 from the cygwin-kde site and install it according to the
cygwin-specific directions (I can dig these up later, if you need,
I am at work now).

Next, you need to make sure to use the ld-script included with QT-3.

I have attached a script I use to make LyX (1.4.0CVS) with Qt3 on Cygwin.

This is how I set my system up:

lyx/ <- This is the CVS source directory
qtbuild/ <- build directory for QT LyX
make <- This is the script I have attached.


cd ~/src/lyxbuild/qtbuild
../make all-qt

You will have to change some paths to get this to work for you."


SH: This information is a month or two old and things change.
Perhaps Enrico has more current information.


Description: Binary data


2006-01-15 Thread Mohsin Mohd Sies

I have a strange problem. I've just installed Lyx on Windows. I've also
installed Python and all other packages as needed during installation. The
problem is that when I tried to print, I got an error message "cannot
convert file", "error while executing python "c:/Program

Any ideas? Thanks