Re: how to write an Augmented Matrix

2011-08-21 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/21/2011 02:56 PM, wrote:

Dear Lyx Users,

Could you please suggest me writing an Augmented matrix in LyX? In 
this matrix, I actually need to type a bar between second and third 
column of a matrix.

Start out by setting the size of the augmented matrix in the menu, and 
add your choice of brackets.  Then click on the next-to-rightmost 
column, on any row, and click on (I think) the right mouse button.  You 
should get a menu with a choice of "line right" and "line left" for you 
to choose.  I use this all the time.


David L. Johnson

The lottery is a tax on those who fail to understand mathematics.

Re: how to write an Augmented Matrix

2011-08-21 Thread Paul Rubin
Here's a LyX file (including step by step instructions).


#LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 413
\textclass article
\use_default_options true
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman lmodern
\font_sans lmss
\font_typewriter lmtt
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize letterpaper
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\use_mhchem 1
\use_mathdots 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\use_refstyle 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
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\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula 
\textrm{System: }\begin{aligned}2x-3y=8\\
\qquad\textrm{Augmented Matrix: }\left[\begin{array}{cc|c}
2 & -3 & 8\\
4 & 5 & 1



\begin_layout Standard

\begin_layout Enumerate
Insert > Math > Display Formula

\begin_layout Enumerate
textrm (space) to create text insert

\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

 (including the space)

\begin_layout Enumerate
Exit the text inset (staying inside the formula inset) using the cursor
 keys or mouse

\begin_layout Enumerate
aligned (space) to create an aligned inset

\begin_layout Enumerate
Type the first equation and hit Ctrl-Enter to get a second line

\begin_layout Enumerate
Type the second equation and exit the aligned inset using the arrow key,
 space key or mouse

\begin_layout Enumerate
Type Ctrl-Space and add a few more spaces to separate the two parts

\begin_layout Enumerate
Repeat step 2 using the text 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Augmented Matrix: 
\begin_inset Quotes erd


\begin_layout Enumerate
Use Insert > Math > Delimiters to create the brackets for the matrix

\begin_layout Enumerate
Use Insert > Math > Array Environment to create a 2x3 array

\begin_layout Enumerate
Enter the coefficients

\begin_layout Enumerate
With the cursor in the last column (either row), click Edit > Math > Add
 Line to Left

\begin_layout Standard



how to write an Augmented Matrix

2011-08-21 Thread srlprrn
Dear Lyx Users,


Could you please suggest me writing an Augmented matrix in LyX? In this
matrix, I actually need to type a bar between second and third column of a

I have pasted below the Augmented matrix too for your information.






Shyam Kumar Basnet

Uppsala, Sweden


Re: Zoom

2011-08-21 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 21.08.2011 um 12:15 schrieb elhanan:

>> 1. Please try CTRL + "+"...
>> 2. Why CTRL? Why not Command?
>> 3. If your laptop (OS) is new enough you may check the settings
>>   for the Trackpad and enable a "scroll wheel" with two fingers.
>> Stephan
> same problem, and no solution ...
> i press control + ... and nothing happens ... 
> command + "-" works perfectly 
> thanks Elhanan

If Command + "-" works perfectly then Command + "+" should scale up.
Alternatively, Command + "Two Finger Scroll" should zoom-in and -out too.


Re: Zoom

2011-08-21 Thread elhanan

> 1. Please try CTRL + "+"...
> 2. Why CTRL? Why not Command?
> 3. If your laptop (OS) is new enough you may check the settings
>for the Trackpad and enable a "scroll wheel" with two fingers.
> Stephan

same problem, and no solution ...
i press control + ... and nothing happens ... 
command + "-" works perfectly 
thanks Elhanan

Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Graham Smith
With  a follow up to a follow up,

> Thanks for the comment about noweb and sweave, I wasn't sure if I needed
> both. I knew I needed Sweave, just not sure about noweb.

The errror message, as suggested by Julien, was indeed linked to trying to
load the noweb module. Removing the noweb module fixed the error and fixing
the path fixed the compile error.

 I don't get this error on Ubuntu so I assume I must have a more complete
installation on Ubuntu.

Thanks again Liviu and Julien, a great relief to get this sorted.


Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Graham Smith

> If this file was created with LyX 1.6 and then converted to LyX 2.0, you
> might have found a bug in the conversion routine. Do you have a sample LyX
> 1.6 file which reproduces the problem when opened in 2.0?
Thanks for the comment about noweb and sweave, I wasn't sure if I needed
both. I knew I needed Sweave, just not sure about noweb.

The file has never seen 1.6, it was produced in Lyx 2 on Ubuntu 11.04, but
then opened in the Mac after I had upgraded to the existing  1.6 to 2.0.

I did say this in original post, and in the post when I uploaded the file


Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Graham Smith

> The error message that you get should have pointed you to Section
> of the User's Guide. The message says that a literate->latex converter is
> missing (although not stated, usually this would be noweave), it also says
> that the LaTeX package noweb.sty is missing.
> Is the error message not correct? i.e., do you have "noweave" and
> "noweb.sty" installed in a useful place in your computer? It might be that
> LyX is wrong here.
> When LyX is right, you should follow the instructions in the User's Guide
> to correct the problem. If you can, please provide feedback on the text in
> Section (and maybe some suggested replacement text) so that we can
> change it and make it more understandable.

Thanks for the follow up.

As you will now have seen, none of these things were in fact missing. The
error was caused by the path in the Lyx doc pointing to the text file used
by R, which   was pointing somewhere that Lyx on the Mac didn't understand.
Changing the path has fixed everything so inspite of the error message the
missing elements were not in fact missing.

I did read the section in the help file and the follow up in the
customisation guide.  I think you have identified my key area of confusion,
for as you can see in subsequent posts, based on those instructions I was
looking for a Latex package called "literate" to install, which I couldn't


Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/08/2011 2:06 AM, Graham Smith wrote:

Further to this,  I have now created a small file from scratch with a single
chunk of R code and it seems to work fine. article class and Sweave module

I have attached the file that is giving me the problems and just in case it
as been missed, this file was produced in Lyx 2.0 in Ubuntu 11.04.  It was
the Mac that had 1.6 on it, which I upgraded to 2.0 before trying to open
this file.



On 21 August 2011 06:48, Graham Smith  wrote:


Thanks for the reply.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking me to try.

As the doc has already worked with SWeave, the modules SWeave and Noweb are
loaded automatically, which is why I assume I am getting the error as soon
as I open the document the lyx. And again the article class is chosen as
that is what class of the document I am loading.

So I don't reall know what it is you want me to try, sorry.

Also when you ask for a small Lyx Sweave file, I haven't reached the stage
of trying to compile the document because of the error messages.

However, I have just tried to complile it and get an error.

"An error occurred while running:

Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore



I have now searced all the latex packages installed and uninstalled and
cannot find one called literate, so I am even more confused :-(

On 20 August 2011 22:23, Liviu Andronic  wrote:

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Graham Smith

Just to add to this, I have updated to Mactex 2011, and found the the


live utlity, but cannot find a package called "literate".

Have you tried Document>  Settings>  Modules>  Sweave? And Settings>
Class>  Article (or whichever you use)? Else, please send a small
sample of your LyX Sweave file.


I have updated "all" run texhash and reconfigured lyx, but still the





On 20 August 2011 17:40, Graham Smith  wrote:

I am trying to get Sweave to work with lyx 2.0 on Snow leopard with



I had Lyx 1.6 working fine, but uninstalled before installing lyx 2.0

Opening a file in Lyx 2.0 (originally from Ubuntu 11.04 and lyx 2.0)


me an error that I am missing


I know lyx 2.0 uses modules now, but all the instructions I can find


seem to refer to the old installation, and I am not at all sure what I
should be doing here. The Mac is a little bit of a mystery to me, so I


be very grateful for a bit of hand holding.

I'm a bit surprised that googling hasn't found anything, so I assume


just me.

many thanks,


Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

I just saw that your file uses both noweb and sweave modules at once. 
But you really want to use sweave, not noweb, don't you? Go to Document 
> Settings > Module and delete the "noweb" module from the right-hand 
side list. My guess is that this should be sufficient.

If this file was created with LyX 1.6 and then converted to LyX 2.0, you 
might have found a bug in the conversion routine. Do you have a sample 
LyX 1.6 file which reproduces the problem when opened in 2.0?


Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/08/2011 12:40 PM, Graham Smith wrote:

I am trying to get Sweave to work with lyx 2.0 on Snow leopard with Mactex

I had Lyx 1.6 working fine, but uninstalled before installing lyx 2.0

Opening a file in Lyx 2.0 (originally from Ubuntu 11.04 and lyx 2.0) gives
me an error that I am missing


I know lyx 2.0 uses modules now, but all the instructions I can find still
seem to refer to the old installation, and I am not at all sure what I
should be doing here. The Mac is a little bit of a mystery to me, so I would
be very grateful for a bit of hand holding.

I'm a bit surprised that googling hasn't found anything, so I assume its
just me.

many thanks,


The error message that you get should have pointed you to Section of the User's Guide. The message says that a literate->latex 
converter is missing (although not stated, usually this would be 
noweave), it also says that the LaTeX package noweb.sty is missing.

Is the error message not correct? i.e., do you have "noweave" and 
"noweb.sty" installed in a useful place in your computer? It might be 
that LyX is wrong here.

When LyX is right, you should follow the instructions in the User's 
Guide to correct the problem. If you can, please provide feedback on the 
text in Section (and maybe some suggested replacement text) so 
that we can change it and make it more understandable.


Re: Reduction of table size

2011-08-21 Thread Francesco Menoncin

Il 21/08/2011 09:35, Liviu Andronic ha scritto:

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 7:44 AM, irfan ullah  wrote:

Can anyone advise me how to reduce table size, fit to the text width. I have
already customized to smaller, smallest size but that does not work.

Please read Help>  User's Guide>  Section 4.5. But I guess you want to
experiment with specifying a fixed width in Column and/or Table-wide
Settings in Table>  Context-Menu>  Settings.



I suggest to write in the preamble


and then, just before the tabel


and just after the table


The result is:

1) if the table is smaller than the text width, then the table size is 
2) if the table is bigger than the text width, then the table size is 

Please, look also at the attached file.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Graham Smith

Many many thanks for this, I knew I would need to edit the file path once I
started working with the file, but didn't realise that it could cause an
error about  installed classes when simply loading the file.

No changed "~/Dropbox/projects/R_Anova/Data/Ian.txt"

When I was regularly switching between Linux and the Mac, I used this format
as it migrated between platforms. But I haven't used the Mac for a long
time. Unfortunately, I am having to abandon Linux and switch back to the Mac
full time, and I seem to have forgotten everything I knew about the Mac :-(

Thanks again,


On 21 August 2011 08:24, Liviu Andronic  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Graham Smith  wrote:
> > I have attached the file that is giving me the problems and just in case
> it
> > as been missed, this file was produced in Lyx 2.0 in Ubuntu 11.04.  It
> was
> > the Mac that had 1.6 on it, which I upgraded to 2.0 before trying to open
> > this file.
> >
> After I open View > Messages and try to compile the file, I notice
> that R fails with the following message:
> 09:18:06.166: Processing code chunks with options ...
> 09:18:06.218:  1 : term verbatim
> 09:18:06.244:  2 : echo keep.source term verbatim
> 09:18:06.288:
> 09:18:06.303: Error:  chunk 2
> 09:18:06.303: Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
> 09:18:06.303: In addition: Warning message:
> 09:18:06.304: In file(file, "rt") :
> 09:18:06.304:   cannot open file
> '/home/graham/Dropbox/projects/R_Anova/Data/Ian.txt': No such file or
> directory
> 09:18:06.305: Execution halted
> Naturally it doesn't fine '/home' on Mac OS X, while it doesn't find
> '/home/graham' on my Xubuntu system.
> Liviu

Re: Reduction of table size

2011-08-21 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 7:44 AM, irfan ullah  wrote:
> Can anyone advise me how to reduce table size, fit to the text width. I have
> already customized to smaller, smallest size but that does not work.
Please read Help > User's Guide > Section 4.5. But I guess you want to
experiment with specifying a fixed width in Column and/or Table-wide
Settings in Table > Context-Menu > Settings.


> Regards,
> Irfan

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

Re: Sweave Snow Leopard and lyx 2.0

2011-08-21 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Graham Smith  wrote:
> I have attached the file that is giving me the problems and just in case it
> as been missed, this file was produced in Lyx 2.0 in Ubuntu 11.04.  It was
> the Mac that had 1.6 on it, which I upgraded to 2.0 before trying to open
> this file.
After I open View > Messages and try to compile the file, I notice
that R fails with the following message:
09:18:06.166: Processing code chunks with options ...
09:18:06.218:  1 : term verbatim
09:18:06.244:  2 : echo keep.source term verbatim
09:18:06.303: Error:  chunk 2
09:18:06.303: Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
09:18:06.303: In addition: Warning message:
09:18:06.304: In file(file, "rt") :
09:18:06.304:   cannot open file
'/home/graham/Dropbox/projects/R_Anova/Data/Ian.txt': No such file or
09:18:06.305: Execution halted

Naturally it doesn't fine '/home' on Mac OS X, while it doesn't find
'/home/graham' on my Xubuntu system.