Re: pdf images rasterized incorrectly only in graphics preview
Derek Lamb> writes: > Instead, I quickly found the Mac page on the Lyx wiki > ( and followed the instructions there for "On > screen quality of included PDF files", namely defining a new converter to use > the Mac's builtin "sips" function (of which I had not been aware). Doing that > led to the PDF image converting to PNG quite nicely, problem solved. > > Thanks again for pointing me down the right path. You're welcome. You might check the ticket system and, if nobody has already brought this up, file an enhancement request to modify the configuration script so that it detects whether you are on a Mac (it may do this already) and, if so, sets up a PDF (graphics) converter using sips. That seems like a reasonable thing to do in general. Cheers, Paul
Re: how to get rid of dots in nomenclature subgroup headings
Hello, I'm using sections in my nomenclature. It worked well, but suddenly it didn't work anymore. Studing the wiki ditn't help. Then I read this letter. The command '\usepackage{ifthen}' in the preamble fixed all My problems. Therefore one should add this command in the wiki 'Creating Nomenclature with Sections'. Nevertheless thank you for your steady work. Am Mittwoch, den 07.10.2015, 13:56 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger: > Dear Friends of LyX, > in the nomenclature of my document (KOMAScript article) I use in the > preamble > > \usepackage{ifthen} > \renewcommand{\nomgroup}[1]{% > \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{C}}{\item[\textbf{Symbols}]}{% > \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{D}}{\item[\textbf{Numbers}]}{% > \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Abbreviations}]}{% > \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Definitions}]}{} > }% B matches Abbreviations > }% A matches Definitions > }% C matches Symbols > }% D matches Numbers > > and in the LyX document > \renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{#1\dotfill} > \renewcommand{\nomname}{Nomenclature of Linguistic Terms} > > I not only get dots in each entry as desired but also undesired dots > after the subgroup headings as per screen shot. > How to remove the dots after the subgroup headings? > > Thanks and regards > > > Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing. > Im Borngrund 7a > D-35606 Solms > > Fon: +49 6442 706509 > Fax: 032121247536 --