catdoc (from .doc to ascii/TeX)

2010-03-10 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
Just FYI,

if you don't know already the tool 'catdoc' (quotting from its official
web-page [1]):

  "is program which reads one or more Microsoft word files and outputs
text, contained insinde them to standard output."

  "Optionaly, catdoc is able to translate some non-ASCII chars into
correspoindig TeX escape sequences and convert charsets from Windows
ANSI codepage to local codepage of target machine."

I ran a quick test on a "greek" .doc file and it looks good (=gives
clean text). The "Import > MS-Word..." tool from within LyX gave a very
messy content.

Regards, Nikos


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: LyX 2.0 and Outlines

2010-03-08 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 14:43 -0700, wrote:
> * If you happen to be interested in improved writing software for
> Linux,
> it would be much appreciated if you went to the Ubuntu brainstorm page
> and
> added your opinion.  Canonical has been known to provide developer
> time or
> other resources to projects that meet a community need. 

Good idea! My vote is already counted :-)

Thanks, Nikos

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: ML archives request

2010-03-05 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 10:19 +0100, Janek Kozicki wrote:
> Hi,
> I just subscribed to lyx-users and lyx-devel.
> Can someone, please, send me the mailing list archives in mbox
> format ? I'll import it to claws-mail directory and enjoy the grep
> feature in claws :)
> Thanks in advance.


a few days ago I subscribed myself in the "lyx-devel" list and I
received, along with the confirmation-related mail(s) the extremely
usfeul "Administrative commands for the lyx-devel list" (see below).

I managed to get the posts I wanted. I don't know/remember if the same
is valid for the lyx-users. Check it out - Good Luck.

Regards, Nikos

--- Administrative commands for the lyx-devel list ---

I can handle administrative requests automatically. Please
see them and other subscribers will be annoyed. Instead, send
your message to the correct command address:

To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

To remove your address from the list, send a message to:

Similar addresses exist for the digest list:

To get messages 123 through 145 (a maximum of 100 per request), mail:

To get an index with subject and author for messages 123-456 , mail:

They are always returned as sets of 100, max 2000 per request,
so you'll actually get 100-499.

To get an index with subject and author for the last 100-200 
messages (this also tells you the latest message number), mail:

To receive all messages with the same subject as message 12345,
send an empty message to:

The messages do not really need to be empty, but I will ignore
their content. Only the ADDRESS you send to is important.

You can start a subscription for an alternate address,
for example "j...@host.domain", just add a hyphen and your
address (with '=' instead of '@') after the command word:

To stop subscription for this address, mail:

In both cases, I'll send a confirmation message to that address. When
you receive it, simply reply to it to complete your subscription.

If despite following these instructions, you do not get the
desired results, please contact my owner at Please be patient, my owner is a
lot slower than I am ;-)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 23:36 +, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2010-03-03, Νίκος Αλεξανδρής wrote:
> > On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:17:57 -0500, Νίκος Αλεξανδρής wrote:
> > Thanks, works as expected! Seems that the problem is my complex (?)
> > article (still I use the normal article document class though).
> Is your article in Greek? Maybe this is the showstopper.

No, no Guenter. It's all english stuff. Just the usual stuff: title,
sections, subsections, tables, nested items, a few footnotes,
references, LyX labels, LyX notes, no figures yet. [Below some details.]

> Also, running the conversion "by hand" and reporting the errors might
> give more insight to us all.

Right. I'll try to spend some time on this tomorrow. 

Thanks, Nikos

#LyX 1.6.5 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 345
\textclass article
% colors

% trying to round-up numbers

% landscaped table

% scale tables

% ?
\use_default_options false
\language english
\inputencoding auto
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\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\float_placement h
\paperfontsize default
\spacing double
\use_hyperref true
\pdf_title "..."
\pdf_author "Nikos Alexandris"
\pdf_subject "..."
\pdf_keywords "..."
\pdf_bookmarks true
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\pdf_bookmarksopen false
\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel 0
\pdf_breaklinks false
\pdf_pdfborder true
\pdf_colorlinks true
\pdf_backref section
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\cite_engine basic
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\leftmargin 2cm
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\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle empty
\bullet 1 0 9 -1
\bullet 2 1 31 -1
\bullet 3 0 17 -1
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author "" 
\author "" 

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 23:10 +0100, Alex Fernandez wrote:
> To export to Word the best way is IMHO to export using eLyXer with the
> --html option:
>   $ elyxer --html input.lyx output.html
> And then import from Word.
> The reason for this --html option is that Word does not like the
> default XHTML too much. The same can be said for OpenOffice; I have
> had no luck importing from Abiword at all.

You have a point here. Comparing the different tests I did, it seems to
be (currently) the best option.


Re: Use "rccol" for all cells in a table

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 13:47 +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Νίκος Αλεξανδρής wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I was wondering how I could avoid manipulating each cell of a table
> > separately in order to reduce the number of decimal numbers printed out
> > (=rounding up).
> > Is there an alternative (faste, easier) to numprint?
> > If not, is there a way to "loop" over all cells and apply something like
> > "\nprounddigits{3}"?


I've done some progress. I can load "\usepackage{rccol}" in the
Preamble, and then, in the Table Settings, in the LaTeX argument field
fill in something like: "R[,][.]13" (without the quotes of course).

Now this works when the value in this cell has a comma as a separator,
e.g.: 0,3364205. The result in the pdf is, as expected, 0.336

I came up of using a comma because this would not work with a point (?).
I use in the arguments the following: R[.][.]13 (which, according to the
rccol manual can be written as "R[.]13") but nothing... I get a strange
result which is: 03364205.000.

Looking closer at the source (in LyX) I see that there is a _space_
between the integer and the decimals of the cell-number. Why is that so?
Is this the problem? And why does it work with the comma then?

I know that the package is set to use "comma" as default. The option
[point] or [english] while loading "rccol" in the Preamble does not help
as well.

Any idea(s)?

And let's say this will work somehow (using the point), is there a
"magic" way to apply a given LaTeX argument to all cells in a table?

Thanks, Nikos

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 08:43 -0700, Rob Oakes wrote:
> Hi Nikos,
> To get ODF to work, you must have Sun Java installed from the  
> restricted repositories.  If you don't install that version, it won't  
> work.

I'll check this out although I think I have Sun's java as default in my

Thank you, Nikos

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:17:57 -0500, Νίκος Αλεξανδρής wrote:
> > That's good news. Do you use labels/indices in your .lyx document?
> > [ Hmmm... my attempts (today) produce only an empty .odt file :-( ]

On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 10:42 -0500, Ethan Metsger wrote:
> I put together the attached files.  It doesn't look like the references  
> are perfectly resolved, though for the most part it seems okay to me.   
> Again, this is pretty simple, and I haven't done much work with indexing  
> and cross-reference in my documents, but for the most part it seems okay.
> It didn't work when I embedded Unicode (no surprises there), but the  
> export otherwise worked nicely enough.  My Ubuntu install is pretty stock,  
> outside of whatever work requirements for development are installed--I  
> haven't installed anything extra that should make it work differently for  
> you.

Thanks, works as expected! Seems that the problem is my complex (?)
article (still I use the normal article document class though).

I also load the packages {lscape}{graphicx}{epsfig} in the Preamble. Any
possible conflict here?


Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
Νίκος Αλεξανδρής wrote:
> > Seriously, I really would like to see it, just one example please under
> > Ubuntu/ Debian somebody?

Ethan Metsger wrote:
> It worked for me out of the box with LyX 1.6.4 / Ubuntu 9.10.
> The transformation of a multi-page internal design document went smoothly,  
> including some equations I threw in just for fun. 

That's good news. Do you use labels/indices in your .lyx document?
[ Hmmm... my attempts (today) produce only an empty .odt file :-( ]

> The formatting needs minor tweaks as doesn't include spacings
> for some of the styles that are attractive, but otherwise it seemed to
> work pretty well.

> Just for fun, I ran a beamer presentation through just to see if I could  
> break it, and it seemed to handle it ok.  The formatting was certainly  
> FUBAR, as you might expect, but the text and graphics were all there.

That's positive :-). Hopefully one day it'll be a single-step away to
get an acceptable conversion (of what can be actually converted) to the
most widespread formats :-)


Re: Use \nprounddigits for all cells in a table

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 13:47 +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Νίκος Αλεξανδρής wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I was wondering how I could avoid manipulating each cell of a table
> > separately in order to reduce the number of decimal numbers printed out
> > (=rounding up).
> > 
> > I 've installed the numprint package which does the rounding of the
> > numbers. But I wonder: how I could perform rounding-up numbers contained
> > in (all) cells in a given table at once?
> > 
> > Is there an alternative (faste, easier) to numprint?
> > If not, is there a way to "loop" over all cells and apply something like
> > "\nprounddigits{3}"?
> If you have enough cells, then consider writing a script to modify
> the lyx file. It might be less work.

Yes, that would be another solution (under bash for me, should not be
difficult). But, hey, why not within LyX/LaTeX?

There is also rccol (I am reading about it right now...).

> How come you have a big table with too many decimals anyway?
> I guess you didn't actually type in lots of unnecessary decimals,

of course not!

> is this table produced automatically somehow?

Yes. Eigenvectors, result of a Principal Component Analysis derived
(exported as csv) from R and imported in LyX, many tables.

> Maybe it could
> be produced with rounding from the start?

Yes, it can. But I want to keep the values just in case... and I thought
it would be less work to just round-up them up in LyX/LaTeX than produce
another table from R. Maybe it isn't that easy after all.

+ (very important) I am keen to learn how this is to be done in


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-03 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
> > > All this is very far from what the statement implies (e.g.
> > > out-of-the-box import/export). Isn't, this statement, a bit/too much?

> > Personally, I agree with you but there are several users around using 
> > tex4ht on TeXLive who are 
> > confident with the OpenDocument conversion capabilities of tex4ht.

(Just for the records)

# install texlive
sudo apt-get install texlive

#run texhash
sudo texhash

# reconfigure LyX (...a couple of times?)
# quit & re-launch LyX

- Indeed, some entries (HTML and OpenDocument) poped-up in the
import/export options.

- HTML seems to work (but I could perform this, .tex>.html, before, also
using texmacs) and its more or less acceptable.

- OpenDocument doesn't work as already mentioned several time in the
list. Perhaps it works with (over-)simple(-ified) documents (?)

- Export to HTML (M$-Word) (that is the option under export) != M$-Word
(what the "Features" page implies).

- .rtf still does not work.

Please, let me know if I am doing something wrong, or forgot an
important package to install.

Kind regards,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-02 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 02:40 +0100, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 02.03.2010 23:03, schrieb Νίκος Αλεξανδρής:
> > All this is very far from what the statement implies (e.g.
> > out-of-the-box import/export). Isn't, this statement, a bit/too much?
> Personally, I agree with you but there are several users around using tex4ht 
> on TeXLive who are 
> confident with the OpenDocument conversion capabilities of tex4ht.

Seriously, I really would like to see it, just one example please under
Ubuntu/ Debian somebody?

> On the other side too much advertisement doesn't harm. Even when exporting 
> fails, new users are at 
> least attracted to test out LyX.

Well, I am not against "advertisement" so to say. Not even against some
more aggressive propaganda. But I consider it as justified when its
true, honest. This is one of the things I really appreciate in the
Open-Source community, the honesty of people who simply say:

Heck, no! Our programs have bugs and they are far from being perfect
just because there is no such thing as a bug-free/perfect program. We
believe that the open-source approach brings tools of higher quality,
that can satisfy individual needs. This is afterall why the community is
an important element of the whole idea.

And the Open-Source (business) model, given there is good coordination,
can actually bring plenty and fair job opportunities. There is room for

Stating something that is not exactly true isn't the best strategy in
the long-run. Just my thoughts.

Cheers, Nikos

Use \nprounddigits for all cells in a table

2010-03-02 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής

I was wondering how I could avoid manipulating each cell of a table
separately in order to reduce the number of decimal numbers printed out
(=rounding up).

I 've installed the numprint package which does the rounding of the
numbers. But I wonder: how I could perform rounding-up numbers contained
in (all) cells in a given table at once?

Is there an alternative (faste, easier) to numprint?
If not, is there a way to "loop" over all cells and apply something like

Thanks, Nikos

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-02 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 22:19 +0100, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Νίκος Αλεξανδρής schrieb:
> > In the Features [1] page the visitor reads, among other details:
> > 
> > "Import and export to many formats (LaTeX, PDF, Postscript, DVI, ASCII,
> > HTML, OpenDocument, RTF, MS Word, and others) thanks to configurable
> > converters".
> It works when you have tex4ht installed. This is a program compilation 
> delivered with LaTeX-distributions. The export chain is then 
> LyX->OpenDocument (via the LyX Export menu) and then via OpenOffice or 
> AbiWord from OpenDocument to MSWord.
> tex4ht can also convert to RTF (personally I never tested this).
> But the good news is that there is a beautiful and well working program 
> available to export LyX ->HTML Its name is eLyXer. When you install LyX 
> using my alternative Windows installer, this program is automatically 
> installed. It is accessed when using the LyX menu Export->HTML.
> Starting with the HTML file you can easily create OpenDocument or MSWord 
> files using OpenOffice, MSWord or other word processors like KOffice and 
> AbiWord.
> But not enough, LyX 2.0 will come with native HTML export making the 
> export business more comfortable.
> regards Uwe

Thanks Uwe.

Fortunately or Unfortunately, I am aware of all the things you mention. 

- I've tried several times tex4ht (not good results, if at all)
- I have never seen by-default installed the LyX -> .odt option
- I never got a working .rtf
- I've been testing eLyXer since its first days (thanks to Alexander
again for this nice tool)
- I (also?) believe the best way (currently) is to export (somehow) in
html and then OOo/abiword -> M$-Word.

All this is very far from what the statement implies (e.g.
out-of-the-box import/export). Isn't, this statement, a bit/too much?

Cheers, Nikos

Import and export to many formats...

2010-03-02 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
In the Features [1] page the visitor reads, among other details:

"Import and export to many formats (LaTeX, PDF, Postscript, DVI, ASCII,
HTML, OpenDocument, RTF, MS Word, and others) thanks to configurable

Am I the only LyX user who is having so much trouble to export .lyx
files in these file formats?

Please, let me know how I could export, _without_ the need to search in
the internet for just a simple example, lets say to... M$ Windowz.

Otherwise, this statement is inaccurate (WRT to M$-Word, .odt and .rtf
as well) and should, therefore, be removed from the web-page. For me,
this painless export to .rtf never worked.

Thanks, Nikos


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Greek in the Header Information (?)

2010-02-28 Thread Νίκος Αλεξανδρής
[-Replying to an old post-]

Nikos Alexandris schrieb:
> > How can I solve this?

On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 23:55 +0100, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Here's the reply from the hyperref developer:
>  > Hyperref supports UTF-8 (inputenc's utf8 or utf8x).
>  >
>  > Otherwise you can use package stringenc:
>  >
>  > \documentclass{article}
>  > \usepackage[unicode]{hyperref}
>  > \usepackage{stringenc}
>  > \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc}
>  >
>  > \begingroup
>  >   \renewcommand*{\pdfstringdef}[2]{%
>  >\StringEncodingConvert\temp{\detokenize{#2}}{iso-8859-7}{utf16be}%
>  >\xdef#1{\string^^fe\string^^ff\temp}%
>  >  }%
>  >  \hypersetup{%
>  >pdftitle={...}% String in encoding ISO-8859-7
>  >  }%
>  >\endgroup
> So the easiest way is to use for your LyX document the utf8 encoding in the 
> documents settings under 
> language.

The following works for the article document class. It does not work for
moderncv though. What is the reason?


pdftitle={Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα},
pdfauthor={Νίκος Αλεξανδρής},% String in encoding ISO-8859-7
pdfsubject={Τι θέμα έχει αυτό το έγγραφο},%
pdfkeywords={λέξεις κλειδιά, λέξη κλειδί 1, λέξη κλειδί 2, λήμμα 3}
