Some hints on using Sixpack with Lyx and to convert Endnote files to bibtex

2001-06-05 Thread Andreas Döring

Exeptionally I don´t have a question, but some hints on using Sixpack
with Lyx and converting Endnote files to bibtex:

I had the problem to convert a big amount of citations, I already
entered in Endnote, to bibtex. The export filter I found at  ISI´s
Homepage didn´t work, thus I did one by my own, which you can find
attached to this mail.

The problem I couldn´t fix in Endnote was, that the created CiteIDs
(author,year,title) contained blanks and Umlauts, which cause errors in
the bibtex-file.

Thus I used Sixpack´s automatic CiteID-creation feature to do this. For
this, you have to edit the line "CITEID = Lachman ... " in the file
/etc/sixpack.rc to your needs. The examples shown in this file for doing
this contain a ":" like

"CITEID = Lachmann,98,:,Introduction to produce Citeids for".

With this ":" the pipe feature (look at Sixpack´s howto to enable this)
doesn´t work, thus you have to change the ":" to "-" or delete it

"CITEID = Lachmann,98,Introduction to produce Citeids for"

(You have to restart Sixpack to enable the new CiteID-style!!)

Another disadvantage is the creation of doubled IDs, which you have to
change by hand (use Edit->Mark Doubled CiteIDs).

You also have to watch out for Umlauts, "ß" or "," in the CiteID, which
also causes errors and are not been checked by Sixpack. You can do this
by opening the file with Pybliographer, which does some spellchecking.
Maybe someone has another idea, how to do this, but this way worked fine
with me.

You can check the created bib-file (Transfer->Export->Export Bibtex,
watch out for the *.bib in the path!) by typing \nocite* (ERT) within
Lyx, like written elsewhere.


 BibTeX Lyx Export.ens

Bibtex reference with linebreaks

2001-06-01 Thread Andreas Döring

I´m sorry for asking this non-Lyx-question here, but I looked around and
couldn´t find an answer to my question. Maybe one of yours could help me

I´m managing my citations by using Sixpack´s pipe-feature for Lyx.
Everything is fine, exept for the style of the created reference.
I need a reference style, that looks like

A. Dödel, B. Dada
The secrets of the secrets
Secret Newspapers 36 (6), S. 120-123 (1999)

but I only found styles without any linebreaks. For example gerplain
works fine with me, exept for the missing linebreaks. I did some
dummy-style-hacking, but I only got a linebreak behind the author´s
name, that´s because I´m not used to the programming language and I hope
I don´t need to understand it completely (if there is a
ready-to-go-style ).
Thus I looked at

and a bunch of other sites, but I couldn´t find any linebreak-style or
information, how to add these linebreaks.

Could somebody point me to a location, there I can find a bibtex mailing
list or style-hacking howtos (for low level hackers)?



Vertical alignment in tables and table in table don´t work

2001-06-01 Thread Andreas Döring

If have one problem concerning vertical centering in tables.

I tried the methods, I found at Herbert´s great page and also at this
mailing list:

I have a table of three column and one row.

1. I fixed the width of the first two columns to 20mm
2 Then I tried to set the valign to center by using
But the problem is, that I´m not able to activate the center-option.

Thus I downloaded the expamle file from

but I was not able to open it with Lyx 1.1.5fix1, because it crashed,
when opening the file.

Another question about this expample is the use of a table inside
another table. I also tried this, but it looks like it only works on
older versions of Lyx. Is there a workaround for this, because
linebreaks within columns doesn´t work (or I´m to dummy), because the
linebreak affected the whole table and not only the column of interest.

Thanks in advance


Fwd: Float caption beside figure

2001-06-01 Thread Andreas Döring

The common behaviour of positioning the caption of a figure-float is
below the figure, which doesn´t look very nice for small pictures. I
wanted to put the caption on the right side of the figure like

22Figure 1: Blabla

So I tried

   > it's the same situation like two figures or two tables or the
   > combination of them:
   > 1. open wide float
   > 2. insert caption and float as usual
   > 3. put cursor left or right from image
   > 4. layout->paragraph->extra->Minipage
   > and Begin new Minipage (only needed,
   > when caption under image, but it's
   > a good thing to do it anyway)
   > 5. put cursor inside caption line
   > 4. layout->paragraph->extra->Minipage
   > and Begin new Minipage
   > and hfill between minipage paragraphs
like Herbert Voss told in this mailing list.

But if I do it that way, the caption is not positioned on the right top,
but on the right bottom. Posistioning in the paragraph->more-menu
doesn´t work. It looks like there is no connection between the caption
and the figure, thus a completely new minipage is created below the
figure-minipage containing the caption, like

  Figure 1: Bla

What do I wrong? 


Different numbering for chemical reaction and numerical equation

2001-05-09 Thread Andreas Döring

During writing my thesis I ran into this problem:
I use chemical reactions and numerical equations in the text. The
problem is, to number the different equations in a different way, like:


but for chemical reaction something like

C+O2->CO2(R. 2.1)

and so on.

The equations and reactions are written in  math-mode and the automatic
numbering was done
by using M-m n.

Thanks in advance
