Re: LyX on iPad

2018-11-01 Thread Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng)
On Fri, Nov 2, 2018, 09:40 Scott Kostyshak  wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 07:41:00PM +, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
> > Perhaps beating a dead horse, but I really wish there would be a LyX for
> iPad.
> I doubt it's what you're looking for, but note that you can use LyX on
> the cloud. e.g.,

I've tried rollapp, but it says "We're working on bringing rollApp to

> Scott

Re: Garbled Chinese theorem names

2018-09-26 Thread Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng)
I finally solve this problem by inserting the LaTeX code at the beginning
of the document ( not in the preamble):

This work around is inspired by this page:
It says that any cjk character should be put in the cjk environment, but
the cjk environment can be placed only in the body rather than the preamble.

Originally, in the Source Pane, I see the commands in the preamble:
I guess it's probably why it's not dealt with by the cjk package.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2018, 11:48 Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng) <> wrote:

> I'm using LyX 2.2.3, and I found that theorem names, such as theorem,
> case, remark, in Chinese are not shown correctly. For example, I have a
> .lyx file with content
>> 定理 1. 一二三四五
>> 案例 1. 六七八九十
>> 備註 2. 十一時二十三
> in which 定理 is the Theorem environment, 案例 is the Case environment, and 備註
> is the Remark environment. But after export to pdf (via pdflatex) it's
> shown as
>> åőŽçŘĘ 1. 一二三四五
>> æąĹä¿Ń 1. 六七八九十
>> åĆŹèĺż 2. 十一時二十三
> Only theorem names are garbled, but other Chinese words are normal.  In
> Document settings, I've set CJK font to *bsmi*, language to *Chinese
> (traditional)*, and encoding to *Unicode (CJK) (utf8)*. The original LyX
> file is here
> <>
> .

Re: Garbled Chinese theorem names

2018-09-08 Thread Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng)
On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 6:26 AM Scott Kostyshak  wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 08, 2018 at 11:55:00PM +0800, Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng) wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 12:55 PM Scott Kostyshak  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Scott.
> > I'm surprised that words in your pdf file are shown correctly.
> OK good to know. We should be able to figure out what the difference
> is between our systems.
> > > That's what I get on Ubuntu with TeX Live,
> > > without changing anything in your .lyx file.
> >
> > Do you mean you exported the .lyx file via the option LaTeX (plain)
> > and then compiled the resultant .tex file in a terminal? I do so in my
> > Ubuntu 18.04 but the theorem names are still garbled.
> Ah no, I just open the .lyx file and click on the eyes icon. Or
> equivalently, I go to File > Export > PDF (pdflatex).
> I use a script that installs TeX Live directly (rather than through the
> TeX Live repos), which does a little bit of magic/hacking in the
> background, and I forget exactly what it does.
I'm using the repo provided by Ubuntu.

> Does it help if you install these packages? ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei 
> xfonts-wqy
Unfortunately, it doesn't help.

> Attached is my .log file. If you compare it with yours, perhaps it will
> show some helpful clues.
I've compared my log file with yours, and I don't see anything
inspiring. My log file is attached.

> Best,
> Scott
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2018.7.11)  9 SEP 2018 11:51
entering extended mode
 restricted \write18 enabled.
 %&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded.

Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
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Package: fontenc 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package
File: t1enc.def 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 48.
)) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/CJK.sty
Package: CJK 2015/04/18 4.8.4
Package: MULEenc 2015/04/18 4.8.4
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/CJK.enc
File: CJK.enc 2015/04/18 4.8.4
LaTeX Info: Redefining \selectfont on input line 755.
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/enumitem/enumitem.sty
Package: enumitem 2011/09/28 v3.5.2 Customized lists
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath.sty
Package: amsmath 2017/09/02 v2.17a AMS math features
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 AMS text
File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 generic functions
)) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsbsy.sty
Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsopn.sty
Package: amsopn 2016/03/08 v2.02 operator names
LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 213.
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LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2817.
LaTeX Info: Redefinin

Re: Garbled Chinese theorem names

2018-09-08 Thread Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng)
On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 12:55 PM Scott Kostyshak  wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 08, 2018 at 11:48:13AM +0800, Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng) wrote:
> > I'm using LyX 2.2.3, and I found that theorem names, such as theorem, case,
> > remark, in Chinese are not shown correctly. For example, I have a .lyx file
> > with content
> >
> > > 定理 1. 一二三四五
> > > 案例 1. 六七八九十
> > >
> > >
> > > 備註 2. 十一時二十三
> > >
> > in which 定理 is the Theorem environment, 案例 is the Case environment, and 備註
> > is the Remark environment. But after export to pdf (via pdflatex) it's
> > shown as
> >
> > > åőŽçŘĘ 1. 一二三四五
> > > æąĹä¿Ń 1. 六七八九十
> > > åĆŹèĺż 2. 十一時二十三
> > >
> > Only theorem names are garbled, but other Chinese words are normal.  In
> > Document settings, I've set CJK font to *bsmi*, language to *Chinese
> > (traditional)*, and encoding to *Unicode (CJK) (utf8)*. The original LyX
> > file is here
> > <>
> Hi Erik,
> Is the attached PDF correct?

Hi Scott.
I'm surprised that words in your pdf file are shown correctly.

> That's what I get on Ubuntu with TeX Live,
> without changing anything in your .lyx file.

Do you mean you exported the .lyx file via the option LaTeX (plain)
and then compiled the resultant .tex file in a terminal? I do so in my
Ubuntu 18.04 but the theorem names are still garbled.

I've checked the texlive-related packaged I installed, and I wonder if
there's lack of some crucial packages:
texlive-base/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-bibtex-extra/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-binaries/bionic,now 2017.20170613.44572-8build1 amd64 [installed]
texlive-extra-utils/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-font-utils/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-fonts-extra/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-fonts-extra-doc/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-fonts-extra-links/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-fonts-recommended/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-fonts-recommended-doc/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-formats-extra/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-full/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-games/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-generic-extra/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-generic-recommended/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-htmlxml/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-humanities/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-humanities-doc/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-lang-african/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-all/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-arabic/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-chinese/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-cjk/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-cyrillic/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-czechslovak/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-english/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-european/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-french/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-german/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-greek/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-indic/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-italian/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-japanese/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-korean/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-other/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-polish/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-portuguese/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-lang-spanish/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-latex-base/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-latex-base-doc/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-latex-extra/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-latex-extra-doc/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-2 all [installed]
texlive-latex-recommended/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-latex-recommended-doc/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-luatex/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]
texlive-metapost/bionic,bionic,now 2017.20180305-1 all [installed]

Garbled Chinese theorem names

2018-09-07 Thread Erik Apostol (Che-hsiu Cheng)
I'm using LyX 2.2.3, and I found that theorem names, such as theorem, case,
remark, in Chinese are not shown correctly. For example, I have a .lyx file
with content

> 定理 1. 一二三四五
> 案例 1. 六七八九十
> 備註 2. 十一時二十三
in which 定理 is the Theorem environment, 案例 is the Case environment, and 備註
is the Remark environment. But after export to pdf (via pdflatex) it's
shown as

> åőŽçŘĘ 1. 一二三四五
> æąĹä¿Ń 1. 六七八九十
> åĆŹèĺż 2. 十一時二十三
Only theorem names are garbled, but other Chinese words are normal.  In
Document settings, I've set CJK font to *bsmi*, language to *Chinese
(traditional)*, and encoding to *Unicode (CJK) (utf8)*. The original LyX
file is here
