changes are not reflected to PDF anymore

2007-07-10 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm experiencing strange problems I didn't before. To have chages to lyx
documents reflected to PDF, I have to restart Lyx; if I don't, changes are
not reflected. What could be the matter? Thanks

problems with fancyhdr

2007-07-10 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I use \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{name} to add to the index a
Chapter*. It works fine, but I noticed that the headings are wrong. For
example, after the TOC I have an introduction, and I added it to TOC with
the command \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduzione}. In this way, the
second page heading of Introduction doesn't report Introdution, but
INDICE (index)... how can I resolve? Here is my Latex preamble regarding



% i comandi seguenti impediscono la scrittura in maiuscolo

% dei nomi dei capitoli e dei paragrafi nelle intestazioni


\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}{}}

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}

\fancyhf{} % rimuove l'attuale contenuto dell'intestazione

% e del pi\`e di pagina






\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt} % riserva spazio per la linea


\fancyhead{} % ignora, nello stile plain, le intestazioni

\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % e la linea


Thanks, Giuseppe

changes are not reflected to PDF anymore

2007-07-10 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm experiencing strange problems I didn't before. To have chages to lyx
documents reflected to PDF, I have to restart Lyx; if I don't, changes are
not reflected. What could be the matter? Thanks

problems with fancyhdr

2007-07-10 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I use \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{name} to add to the index a
Chapter*. It works fine, but I noticed that the headings are wrong. For
example, after the TOC I have an introduction, and I added it to TOC with
the command \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduzione}. In this way, the
second page heading of Introduction doesn't report Introdution, but
INDICE (index)... how can I resolve? Here is my Latex preamble regarding



% i comandi seguenti impediscono la scrittura in maiuscolo

% dei nomi dei capitoli e dei paragrafi nelle intestazioni


\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}{}}

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}

\fancyhf{} % rimuove l'attuale contenuto dell'intestazione

% e del pi\`e di pagina






\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt} % riserva spazio per la linea


\fancyhead{} % ignora, nello stile plain, le intestazioni

\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % e la linea


Thanks, Giuseppe

changes are not reflected to PDF anymore

2007-07-10 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm experiencing strange problems I didn't before. To have chages to lyx
documents reflected to PDF, I have to restart Lyx; if I don't, changes are
not reflected. What could be the matter? Thanks

problems with fancyhdr

2007-07-10 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I use \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{} to add to the index a
Chapter*. It works fine, but I noticed that the headings are wrong. For
example, after the TOC I have an "introduction", and I added it to TOC with
the command \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduzione}. In this way, the
second page heading of Introduction doesn't report "Introdution", but
"INDICE" (index)... how can I resolve? Here is my Latex preamble regarding



% i comandi seguenti impediscono la scrittura in maiuscolo

% dei nomi dei capitoli e dei paragrafi nelle intestazioni


\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}{}}

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}

\fancyhf{} % rimuove l'attuale contenuto dell'intestazione

% e del pi\`e di pagina






\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt} % riserva spazio per la linea


\fancyhead{} % ignora, nello stile plain, le intestazioni

\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % e la linea


Thanks, Giuseppe

alignment in tables

2007-07-09 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, how can I horizontal align the first row and left align the others? It's
not possible to use paragraph settings inside the float table... thanks

alignment in tables

2007-07-09 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, how can I horizontal align the first row and left align the others? It's
not possible to use paragraph settings inside the float table... thanks

alignment in tables

2007-07-09 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, how can I horizontal align the first row and left align the others? It's
not possible to use "paragraph settings" inside the float table... thanks

document style ingheritance

2007-07-08 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm writing my thesis as a book document with the option two face
checked. I'm using the child documents mechanism, as inputs. Is it possible
to have the childs behaving differently? In other words, I would like to
have the frontmatter not two faced... thanks, Giuseppe

document style ingheritance

2007-07-08 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm writing my thesis as a book document with the option two face
checked. I'm using the child documents mechanism, as inputs. Is it possible
to have the childs behaving differently? In other words, I would like to
have the frontmatter not two faced... thanks, Giuseppe

document style ingheritance

2007-07-08 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm writing my thesis as a book document with the option "two face"
checked. I'm using the child documents mechanism, as inputs. Is it possible
to have the childs behaving differently? In other words, I would like to
have the frontmatter not two faced... thanks, Giuseppe

bibtex - breaking line

2007-07-03 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, Hi have a very long URL in a entry of type @misc, and Bibtex writes it
inline... how can I force to break the line? Thanks

bibtex - breaking line

2007-07-03 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, Hi have a very long URL in a entry of type @misc, and Bibtex writes it
inline... how can I force to break the line? Thanks

bibtex - breaking line

2007-07-03 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, Hi have a very long URL in a entry of type @misc, and Bibtex writes it
"inline"... how can I force to break the line? Thanks


2007-07-01 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, is it possible to have a section of type Chapter* indexed?
Thanks, Giuseppe


2007-07-01 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, is it possible to have a section of type Chapter* indexed?
Thanks, Giuseppe


2007-07-01 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, is it possible to have a section of type "Chapter*" indexed?
Thanks, Giuseppe

book - two sides

2007-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I use Lyx 1.5rc1 in Windows. The guide says that the class book make
the new chapters start on the right page, but in my documents it doesn't
works, new chapters start on the left (in fact, right margin is wider), why?
I can't attach any source to this message, but I will send it to anyone who
can help me.

modifyng amsalpha style for Bibtex

2007-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'd like to modify that style in a way that it doesn't write words in
lower-case, is this possible? Thanks, Giuseppe

book - two sides

2007-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I use Lyx 1.5rc1 in Windows. The guide says that the class book make
the new chapters start on the right page, but in my documents it doesn't
works, new chapters start on the left (in fact, right margin is wider), why?
I can't attach any source to this message, but I will send it to anyone who
can help me.

modifyng amsalpha style for Bibtex

2007-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'd like to modify that style in a way that it doesn't write words in
lower-case, is this possible? Thanks, Giuseppe

book - two sides

2007-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I use Lyx 1.5rc1 in Windows. The guide says that the class "book" make
the new chapters start on the right page, but in my documents it doesn't
works, new chapters start on the left (in fact, right margin is wider), why?
I can't attach any source to this message, but I will send it to anyone who
can help me.

modifyng amsalpha style for Bibtex

2007-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'd like to modify that style in a way that it doesn't write words in
lower-case, is this possible? Thanks, Giuseppe

using different dictionaries in the same document

2007-06-21 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm working with Lyx 1.5rc1 for Windows.
The main language of my document is Italian, but I'm using many English
words, so I'd like to use both dictionaries for spell checking... how can I
do that? Thanks

using different dictionaries in the same document

2007-06-21 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm working with Lyx 1.5rc1 for Windows.
The main language of my document is Italian, but I'm using many English
words, so I'd like to use both dictionaries for spell checking... how can I
do that? Thanks

using different dictionaries in the same document

2007-06-21 Thread Giuseppe Vitalone

Hi, I'm working with Lyx 1.5rc1 for Windows.
The main language of my document is Italian, but I'm using many English
words, so I'd like to use both dictionaries for spell checking... how can I
do that? Thanks