Re: small fontsize in single spaced quotes

2002-04-10 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Herbert Voss Spoke Thusly:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, James Lindenschmidt wrote:
> > I use double-spaced documents, with the preamble
> > modification Herbert has posted on his website
> > ( )
> > to produce single-spaced quote, quotation, and verse
> > environments.
> >
> > This gives me *almost* exactly what I want; the only
> > thing I want to do is make these single-spaced quotes,
> > verses, and quotations in fontsize small.
> >
> > \renewenvironment{verse}
> >{\let\\\@centercr
> > \begin{spacing}{1}\list{}{\itemsep 
> >  \z@
> does this not work?
>   \begin{spacing}{1}\small ...

That's what I needed! Thanks . . .

James Lindenschmidt

small fontsize in single spaced quotes

2002-04-09 Thread James Lindenschmidt

I use double-spaced documents, with the preamble 
modification Herbert has posted on his website
( )
to produce single-spaced quote, quotation, and verse 

This gives me *almost* exactly what I want; the only thing 
I want to do is make these single-spaced quotes, verses, 
and quotations in fontsize small.

What do I add to the preamble? I've tried a few things and 
none of them worked; they all added many LaTeX errors.

Here's the preamble I'm referring to:

\begin{spacing}{1}\list{}{\itemsep   \z@
\itemindent   -1.5em%
\rightmargin  \leftmargin
\advance\leftmargin 1.5em}%
\rightmargin   \leftmargin
\parsep\z@ \@plus\p@}%

James Lindenschmidt

Re: Lyx and SUSE Linux

2002-04-05 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Kathryn Andersen Spoke Thusly:
> On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 02:26:11PM -0600, Dr. Louis A. 
Turk wrote:
> > I am considering purchasing SUSE Linux  8.0
> > Professional when it come out this month.  It is
> > supposed to come with Lyx, and is supposed to be easy
> > to install.  Since I know very little about Linux, I am
> > hoping that Lyx will work right off without a lot of
> > configuring which I might not know how to do.  Does
> > anyone out there have experience with Lyx on SUSE
> > Linux?  Am I on the right track?  Would some other
> > version of Linux be better for running Lyx?
> I can't speak about SUSE, having never used it.  Right
> now I am using Debian(testing) which has the advantage
> that it is very up-to-date and updates are easy to get
> (just a matter of using the apt-get system). This means
> that right now I'm running the latest version of lyx
> (1.1.6fix4) with Ghostscript version 6.53 (the version
> which has that darn display bug fixed).  And Debian is
> very stable (even testing is more stable than many other
> distros) -- that's why I moved to it from RedHat.  And
> I'm not looking back!
> Unfortunately, I wouldn't at this stage reccommend Debian
> for new users, because the installation isn't as easy as
> some of the other distributions, and the number of
> packages available (huge number) can be rather
> bewildering for someone who has never used Linux before.

Actually, if you can get a Debian veteran to help you 
install and get your initial config done, I highly 
recommend Debian (I use unstable/sid). Once it's running 
and configured, I find Debian by far the easiest to 

Just my $0.02; don't want to get a distro-war going.

James Lindenschmidt

Re: word counts ?

2002-03-31 Thread James Lindenschmidt

The only way I know of is to use the spellchecker. When it 
completes, the summary window will give you the word count.

> Hi All,
> just a simple query ... how can I do a word
> count using lyx?
> Thanks
> freddo
> This message was sent through MyMail

James Lindenschmidt

customize environment drop-down menu?

2002-02-06 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Is it possible to customize the order of the options in the 
environment drop-down menu? I find that many of the 
environments that I commonly use are at the bottom, and I 
have to scroll down frequently to get them. I'd like to put 
the most common options at the top.

Also, the mouse wheel scrolling in this menu is buggy; if I 
scroll too quickly, it jumps out of the menu and always 
selects 'standard.'

Thanks . . .
James Lindenschmidt

Re: LaTeX IDE for KDE?

2002-01-12 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Renaud MICHEL Spoke Thusly:
> Le Samedi 12 Janvier 2002 19:17, vous avez ?crit :
> > But now I want to get into LaTeX a bit so I can understand what's going
> > on under the surface. A friend of mine showed me a nice LaTeX IDE for
> > Windows (I forget the name of it). Does anyone know of a similar app for
> > Linux, preferably one for KDE/Qt?
> Have a look at

Umm, thanks. sorry I didn't think of it first. Ktexmaker was exactly what I 
was looking for. 
James Lindenschmidt

LaTeX IDE for KDE?

2002-01-12 Thread James Lindenschmidt

I came to LaTeX through LyX, after growing tired of Word/StarWriter. I liked 
LyX's simplicity and its WYSIWYM concept, so I could focus on writing and not 

But now I want to get into LaTeX a bit so I can understand what's going on 
under the surface. A friend of mine showed me a nice LaTeX IDE for Windows (I 
forget the name of it). Does anyone know of a similar app for Linux, 
preferably one for KDE/Qt?

Ideally, I'd want a product with an integrated editor with LaTeX syntax 
highlighting, and a built-in preview screen. Worst case scenario is that I'll 
just use Kate, which does offer syntax highlighting for LaTeX. 

Something like Kdevelop for LaTeX would be perfect for this non-programmer 
James Lindenschmidt

Re: type 3 fonts

2002-01-12 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Rich Shepard Spoke Thusly:
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, James Lindenschmidt wrote:
> > When I export a document to pdf from LyX, the fonts look ragged when
> > viewed, esp. by Adobe Acrobat Viewer. I looked in Acrobat, and sure
> > enough, my documents are using type 3 fonts. I would have expected them
> > to use the type 1 fonts that come with LaTeX. Is there a way to fix this?
>   I discovered a couple of years ago that some Type1 fonts I use in
> documents just do not display well on screen. Doesn't matter if I use
> acroread (or a Windoze user uses that version of Acrobat Reader) or if I
> use xpdf. As you note, the letters appear ragged, even when magnified to be
> readable.
>   However, they invariably print well. It may have someting to do with the
> fonts used in LyX (or other document generating software) and the fonts
> available in the screen viewer. If they're not exactly the same the view
> substitutes what it "thinks" is the best match. Frankly, I've not found a
> solution, but I prefer that my documents print well rather than view well,
> so I just ignore the situation.

Yes, I had reached this same conclusion. My documents always printed fine, 
but they appeared ragged on screen. A friend of mine, who is a LaTeX 
power-user, told me that somehow the latex export uses type3 fonts 
rather than type1 for some reason. There is supposedly a config file that can 
be modified to correct this problem, but I've had no luck finding it. 
Incidentally, this problem is with both pdf files and ps files.

This same friend has Adobe Acrobat 5.0 (not the reader) for Windoze, and he 
looked at the document properties for my pdfs. They all said they were using 
type 3 fonts, which are bitmap based. The bitmaps look ragged because they 
are trying to zoom to the appropriate size. 

I'm not sure what the difference is between the ps2pdf method and the 
pdflatex method of exporting pdfs. On my system (debian sid with KDE 2.2.2) 
and the anti-aliased fonts turned on, everything works. But when a Windoze 
user looks at my documents, they are funky. 

Incidentally, I almost exclusively use New Century Schoolbook, 10-point 
(sometimes 11-point). I have not messed with the default font config that 
comes with my stock debian sid latex installation.

Thanks everyone, I hope this can be fixed.
James Lindenschmidt

type 3 fonts

2002-01-11 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Perhaps this is inappropriate for this list, as it is actually a LaTeX 
question. But here goes . . .

When I export a document to pdf from LyX, the fonts look ragged when viewed, 
esp. by Adobe Acrobat Viewer. I looked in Acrobat, and sure enough, my 
documents are using type 3 fonts. I would have expected them to use the type 
1 fonts that come with LaTeX. Is there a way to fix this?

I am running Debian sid with its stock LaTeX install.

James Lindenschmidt

Re: lyx and redhat 7.2

2001-12-16 Thread James Lindenschmidt

See the GUI Independence status page for LyX, although it hasn't been updated 
in a while . . .

Steve Litt Spoke Thusly:
> Somebody once mentioned that some day LyX would switch from XFORMS (which
> iirc is zero cost proprietary software) to QT, which iirc is Open Source.
> Is such a transition being considered?
James Lindenschmidt

Re: how to suppress "Chapter X" in chapter heading (book class)?

2001-12-12 Thread James Lindenschmidt

That's very close, but now the chapter titles are indented and not 
left-justified. If the chapter title goes to 2 lines, it looks very strange. 
Also, having the title not left-justified looks a bit strange.

But that's getting very close, thanks!


Herbert Voss Spoke Thusly:
> try this in preamble:
> \def\@makechapterhead#1{%
> %  \vspace*{50\p@}%
>{\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
>  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
> %\huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
>  \par\nobreak
>  \vskip 20\p@
>  \fi
>  \interlinepenalty\@M
>  \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
>  \vskip 40\p@
> if you need some more space on the top of the chapter
> delete the first "%"
> Herbert

James Lindenschmidt

Fwd: Re: how to suppress "Chapter X" in chapter heading (book class)?

2001-12-11 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Herbert Voss Spoke Thusly:
> why can't you use "chapter*", the star-version of chapter layout?

Because then it doesn't show up in the Table of Contents. At least not

Also, I tried setting "section number depth" in Layout-->Document-->Extra to 
0, but that didn't work, either.

James Lindenschmidt

how to suppress "Chapter X" in chapter heading (book class)?

2001-12-11 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Now that I've buttered everyone up after my last email :-) I have a 
last-minute formatting question. What is the easiest way to suppress the 
"Chapter X" Heading at the beginning of each chapter in the book document 

In other words, instead of:

Chapter 1   (big bold letters)

Introduction(even bigger bold letters)

blahblahblah... (normal text)

I would rather it just say:

Introduction(even bigger bold letters)

blahblahblah... (normal text)

at the beginning of each chapter. I couldn't find anything on the LyX tips 
page or in the LyX documentation. What am I overlooking?

James Lindenschmidt

thanks to H. Voss and the LyX developers

2001-12-11 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Greetings everyone,

I am just finishing a thesis that I wrote using LyX, and I just wanted to 
publicly thank the LyX developers, and H. Voss for his fantastic help/tips 
page. Using LyX made everything so much easier, especially for this 
non-techie philosophy student desktop-end-user type.  

LyX and Linux rule, blah blah blah.

James Lindenschmidt

single-spaced quotes within double-spaced document

2001-11-25 Thread James Lindenschmidt

I have a book-class document that is double spaced, set to give single-spaced 
quotes. To accomplish this, I have the following in my preamble:

{\begin{spacing}{1}\small \list{}{\rightmargin\leftmargin}%

However, I would like to increase the amount of space between the 
single-spaced quotation and the double-spaced, standard text. I tried using 
the following:

{\setlength{\parskip}{2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}}

But I couldn't get it to work. (note: I don't know if I want 2ex, I just used 
that number to see if I could get the spacing to change. It didn't).

I know virtually nothing about LaTeX commands, can anyone help here? I'm in 
over my head here.


James Lindenschmidt

Re: Changes in LyX

2001-08-30 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Tuukka Toivonen Spoke Thusly:
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, Sinisa Milivojevic wrote:
> > But it can not become that if you expect users to build anything from
> > source. We at MySQL have learned that lesson 3 - 4 years ago.
> I disagree. Compiling from source _doesn't_ mean that the user
> should be a programmer. It just has to be easy: it could be as
> easy as installing a binary, even easier since you generally
> need not to care so much about correct library versions or
> even what computer architecture are you using.

Speaking as a user of Linux (I am very much not a developer), I must agree 
with Sinisa here. On my Debian system, I will almost always opt to use an 
older version of software that I can install via apt or dpkg, rather than 
compiling from source. I am not afraid to compile from source, providing it 
goes well, but I'd much rather use my packaging system. Debian's packaging 
system, with which I'm most familiar as a user, is very solid and I'd prefer 
to let it do all the sysadmin work whenever possible.

Interesting discussion...LyX rules. I'm so glad it's available to me for my 
writing. Thank you everyone!

Re: line spacing

2001-08-15 Thread James Lindenschmidt

OK, this works, but a minor tweak is needed:

Now, whenever I come out of the quoted environment, the next line in standard 
is automatically indented, whether or not I intend a new paragraph to begin 
here. This never happened before. It is only indented in the final ps 
viewable version; the indentations look correct in the LyX editor. 

Thanks again for your help.


Herbert Voss Spoke Thusly:
> James Lindenschmidt wrote:
> > Greetings, I am a non-techie student using LyX to write academic papers
> > and my thesis using the "article" class. Normally I have my line spacing
> > set to 2 (as opposed to double, which is a bit too narrow. I've actually
> > had profs bitch about it).
> >
> > However, when I'm writing an inset quote (using the "quote" or "verse"
> > environment), I'd prefer to have these sections single-spaced.
> >
> > Is there a way to do this? I don't know Latex, but I imagine there is
> > something I could put in the preamble to tell it to make "quote" and
> > "verse" single-spaced when everything else is double spaced?
> in preamble:
> \renewenvironment{quote}
> Herbert


"It is music which reveals to us most clearly what
masters we are in the rapid and subtle divination
of feelings and in empathising."
--Nietzsche, Daybreak

line spacing

2001-08-14 Thread James Lindenschmidt

Greetings, I am a non-techie student using LyX to write academic papers and 
my thesis using the "article" class. Normally I have my line spacing set to 2 
(as opposed to double, which is a bit too narrow. I've actually had profs 
bitch about it).

However, when I'm writing an inset quote (using the "quote" or "verse" 
environment), I'd prefer to have these sections single-spaced.

Is there a way to do this? I don't know Latex, but I imagine there is 
something I could put in the preamble to tell it to make "quote" and "verse" 
single-spaced when everything else is double spaced?

If possible, please cc: your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I am not subscribed 
to this list. Thanks.
