
2001-03-19 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I am writing a lot of pages with lyx. Not the first time, but I don't 
remember how to change the lyx-code style in the whole document. The 
problem is that I use lyx-code only in figures (as examples) and the 
lines get out of pages (lines too long). 
So what I would love is a smaller font for the lyx-code without 
changing it manually. I remember that I can set parameters in the 
preamble section, but I don't remember how.

Any suggestion? :)

Ciao Ciao

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2001-03-19 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I am writing a lot of pages with lyx. Not the first time, but I don't 
remember how to change the lyx-code style in the whole document. The 
problem is that I use lyx-code only in figures (as examples) and the 
lines get out of pages (lines too long). 
So what I would love is a smaller font for the lyx-code without 
changing it manually. I remember that I can set parameters in the 
preamble section, but I don't remember how.

Any suggestion? :)

Ciao Ciao

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2001-03-19 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I am writing a lot of pages with lyx. Not the first time, but I don't 
remember how to change the lyx-code style in the whole document. The 
problem is that I use lyx-code only in figures (as examples) and the 
lines get out of pages (lines too long). 
So what I would love is a smaller font for the lyx-code without 
changing it manually. I remember that I can set parameters in the 
preamble section, but I don't remember how.

Any suggestion? :)

Ciao Ciao

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changing borders...

1999-12-07 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

hi I have a big problem and I hope someone can help me..:-)

What I need is an entire lyx document (my manual) with two "border set". 
I mean I want the first 10 pages (for example) with a textwidth (let's 
say 1inch) and the pages from 11 to the end of the document with a 
different textwidth (let's say 2inches). Now I use the geometry package 
and I set the \textwidth variable in the preamble, but how can I set the 
same variable in the middle of the document?

Why do I need this? Why I want to use a big figure in my document and I 
want to use the page width. 

How can I solve this? I have tried to insert \textwidth=2cm (in 
centimeters) manually somewhere in the document with the 
Layout-texStyle but I get not change...why?

Thank you!

Ciao Ciao

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changing borders...

1999-12-07 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

hi I have a big problem and I hope someone can help me..:-)

What I need is an entire lyx document (my manual) with two "border set". 
I mean I want the first 10 pages (for example) with a textwidth (let's 
say 1inch) and the pages from 11 to the end of the document with a 
different textwidth (let's say 2inches). Now I use the geometry package 
and I set the \textwidth variable in the preamble, but how can I set the 
same variable in the middle of the document?

Why do I need this? Why I want to use a big figure in my document and I 
want to use the page width. 

How can I solve this? I have tried to insert \textwidth=2cm (in 
centimeters) manually somewhere in the document with the 
Layout-texStyle but I get not change...why?

Thank you!

Ciao Ciao

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changing borders...

1999-12-07 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

hi I have a big problem and I hope someone can help me..:-)

What I need is an entire lyx document (my manual) with two "border set". 
I mean I want the first 10 pages (for example) with a textwidth (let's 
say 1inch) and the pages from 11 to the end of the document with a 
different textwidth (let's say 2inches). Now I use the geometry package 
and I set the \textwidth variable in the preamble, but how can I set the 
same variable in the middle of the document?

Why do I need this? Why I want to use a big figure in my document and I 
want to use the page width. 

How can I solve this? I have tried to insert \textwidth=2cm (in 
centimeters) manually somewhere in the document with the 
Layout->texStyle but I get not change...why?

Thank you!

Ciao Ciao

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Imporitng RTF tables

1999-09-11 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I have a problem, and I hope you can help me
I have a program which gives me a table in RTF format. Now I want to 
import this table in my lyx document. How can I do it easly. I don't 
want to ri-write all the 200 rows of the table. 



Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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Imporitng RTF tables

1999-09-11 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I have a problem, and I hope you can help me
I have a program which gives me a table in RTF format. Now I want to 
import this table in my lyx document. How can I do it easly. I don't 
want to ri-write all the 200 rows of the table. 



Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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Imporitng RTF tables

1999-09-11 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I have a problem, and I hope you can help me
I have a program which gives me a table in RTF format. Now I want to 
import this table in my lyx document. How can I do it easly. I don't 
want to ri-write all the 200 rows of the table. 



Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
 ->B<-   All Recycled Bytes Message ...

lyx and solaris

1999-05-29 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I'm trying to install lyx on Solaris. I have downloaded a precompiled 
version of tetex and installed it.
I have downloaded the precomp. version of lyx too. 

Now the problem is lyx does not recognize tetex as a valid latex. Why?

I think there's a sort of misconfiguration problem, but I don't 
understand where of why.

Can you help me?

Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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lyx and solaris

1999-05-29 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I'm trying to install lyx on Solaris. I have downloaded a precompiled 
version of tetex and installed it.
I have downloaded the precomp. version of lyx too. 

Now the problem is lyx does not recognize tetex as a valid latex. Why?

I think there's a sort of misconfiguration problem, but I don't 
understand where of why.

Can you help me?

Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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lyx and solaris

1999-05-29 Thread Paolo Di Francesco


I'm trying to install lyx on Solaris. I have downloaded a precompiled 
version of tetex and installed it.
I have downloaded the precomp. version of lyx too. 

Now the problem is lyx does not recognize tetex as a valid latex. Why?

I think there's a sort of misconfiguration problem, but I don't 
understand where of why.

Can you help me?

Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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Electric/Electronic template

1999-03-19 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

I want to write electric/electronic documents, with circuits (BJT, 
MOSFET, etc.) but I have no idea how to do that. I want to write the 
text and then include the circuits. Any idea? How to draw circuits under 
Unix? And how to draw boxes Visio-like?

Thank you

Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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Electric/Electronic template

1999-03-19 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

I want to write electric/electronic documents, with circuits (BJT, 
MOSFET, etc.) but I have no idea how to do that. I want to write the 
text and then include the circuits. Any idea? How to draw circuits under 
Unix? And how to draw boxes Visio-like?

Thank you

Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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Electric/Electronic template

1999-03-19 Thread Paolo Di Francesco

I want to write electric/electronic documents, with circuits (BJT, 
MOSFET, etc.) but I have no idea how to do that. I want to write the 
text and then include the circuits. Any idea? How to draw circuits under 
Unix? And how to draw boxes Visio-like?

Thank you

Ciao Ciao
   Paolo Di Francesco
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