Re: Setting Charecter Size

2002-05-05 Thread Ramin Yasdi

I can not use layout -> Document
because the  bigsst size =12pt but I need "Largest".
It would also change  all lines with Latex to Largest, that would cause

Peter Mayr wrote:

> Hi!
> Ramin Yasdi wrote:
> > I want to set character size of the entire document to Largest but not
> > the lines with Latex.
> > How can I  do it?
> > Selection entire document; Layout->Character Style -> Size=Largest,
> > Misc=LateX mode
> Sorry, if I am not understanding you correctly, but
> Layout->Document
> Tab Document
> Field Fontsize
> is not what you are looking for?
> have a nice day
> Peter

Setting Charecter Size

2002-05-04 Thread Ramin Yasdi


I want to set character size of the entire document to Largest but not
the lines with Latex.
How can I  do it?
Selection entire document; Layout->Character Style -> Size=Largest,
Misc=LateX mode
is not working.

Thanks for hint,


Switch on Pragraphs

2002-04-16 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Hi all,

I am using the .ps file exported by lyx for representation in GhostView,

where I need lager fonts and page breaks after some paragraphs.

I am wondering if there is a way to implement a switch on paragraph. If
it is set
to "on" then do for example page break after this paragraph else no page
Then, I could have a main switch at the begin of the document. If I set
it to on all
paragraphs with the switch condition will generates a page break.
If I want for example print the documnt on paper, I would set the main
switch to off
then I would have regular output.

Any idea?

Thanks,  Ramin

no page break

2002-03-12 Thread Ramin Yasdi


I want to have Title and Author in one column, the rest in two column.
I use \onecolumn and \twocolumn in latex mode. But lyx makes  page
after these lines. What I am doing wrong?
\nopagebreak doesn't works


Re: Text on left side of Fig

2001-08-16 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Tukka:   Yes, the problem is vertical alignment to center.

Herbert:  I have no floating figure, simple figure with no "Figure: " label.
The text is  several paragraphs.

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Ramin Yasdi wrote:
> > I want to have a text with several lines on the left side of a figure.
> > I tried with a 1x2 table.  Right column text and left column figure. It
> > is not working.
> What happens then? Did you use the multicolumn for those table cell
> which has several lines of text?
> It seemed to work fine here, except that I don't know how to set
> vertical alignment to center (if that is what you want).
> You could also try the multicolumn package and switch to two columns
> temporarily.

Text on left side of Fig

2001-08-16 Thread Ramin Yasdi


I want to have a text with several lines on the left side of a figure.
I tried with a 1x2 table.  Right column text and left column figure. It
is not working.

Any suggestion?


Re: Latex document

2001-07-04 Thread Ramin Yasdi

I installed the CV-Lyx as is instructed by  Mr. Lasgouttes. But in the example I
don't see
any extra features which can not be done in a regular Lyx article document.

Do I miss anything ?
Remzi Seker wrote:

> Yes, you can. You are lucky, Mr. Lasgouttes just released his cv class.. You
> can get it from (if the url didn't change!) at:
> Cheers R

> On Tuesday 03 July 2001 15:29, ray p wrote:
> > I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times but I've so far been
> > unable to find any documentation on how to do this and searching the
> > archive gave me nothing so if there is something out there please point me
> > at it. I have a latex document (to create a resume) That I would like to
> > edit with Lyx is this possible and if so how would I do it. Also does
> > anybody know of a good resume template for Lyx and how to use it in version
> > 1.1.5fix2-1 (This is the Debian package if by chance that matters) Once
> > again thanks much.
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; charset="us-ascii";
> name="Attachment: 1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Description:

Re: Printing

2000-07-13 Thread Ramin Yasdi

That is exactly what you need , when you print a book: different margin
at left,
on even and odd pages. I don't see you problem?

thomas schönhoff wrote:

> Hello to all,
> at the moment I try to print a paper (about 74
> pages) written in "book- koma-script" class. The
> standard defaults in layout-> document are set to:
> format: both sides
> Printing this paper gives a curiosity that means
> the margin on the first page doesn't fit to the
> following page (page 1 to 2). Margins are adjusted
> to 40mm space on the left side and 10mm on the
> right side.
> On the first page everything is quite okay, on the
> second page the margin is at the "wrong" side
> (allthough everything works properly !) If I would
> print my paper only one-sided everything would be
> allright!
> Is there a possibility to adjust margins on even
> and odd pages differently ? I didn't find special
> notes relating to this topic in the docs, where
> things are described more generally.
> I wonder if I'm the only user who is confronted
> with this, every help is appreciated !
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas

Table of Contetnts

2000-05-22 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Hello LyX user,

How can I get page number of  a bibliography into the table of contents?

If  I mark bibliograph as a section, LyX gives an error.

How can I change top and bottom margins of toc (this one  page only )

How can I transfer  a LyX  document  to word documents ?

 Thanks for help,Ramin

Word fig to lyx

2000-05-03 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Hello LyX user,

How can I tarnsfer figures from Word to LyX (eps) ?


Text before Chapter

1999-10-29 Thread Ramin Yasdi


1. How can I have a text before chapter heading without page break
(chapter causes
 page  break) ?

2. How can I get ride of the word "Kapitel" in the German document style

Thanks for help


Hi, is there any way to scan photographs, pictures, etc. and include as objects into Lyx as Windows does? Cheers, Ramin Hi, is there any way to scan photographs, picturIncluding pictures

1999-10-28 Thread Ramin Yasdi


is there any way to scan photographs, pictures, etc. and include as
objects into Lyx as Windows does?

Cheers, Ramin

Re: German amsmath-article

1999-10-26 Thread Ramin Yasdi

..Don't write long story if you want to be read
   be short and precise  :-)
Daniel Seifert wrote:

> Hi.
> I am using LyX (currently version 1.0.2) for quite a while now. Half
> a year ago I started to write longer mathematical texts which had to
> be in German. The included amsart.layout file and corresponding files
> are now only available in English, at least I have not found German
> versions. I finished the script for last semester (60 pages) by
> putting together my own layout and .cls file. But as I am not a bit
> experienced with (La)TeX at all, many things go wrong. Okay, I can
> compile the file and "proof", "theorem" etc. are all in German, but
> it does now behave rather strange.
> For the new semester ( = new script) I have now been looking for a
> German version of this layout. Unfortunately I have not been able yet
> to find one but when looking through the mailing list archive I
> noticed that there are other German users in the list who are writing
> mathematical texts with LyX and I wonder whether anyone could help me
> with my problem.
> --
>  Tschau,ICQ 28589118   PGP-Key available

Words to LyX

1999-09-30 Thread Ramin Yasdi


How can I transfer a word file  "filename.doc" to lyx?

Thanks for helpRamin

Bib Style

1999-07-28 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Hello LyX users,

I am using plain styl in BibTex. How can I get the Reference list
without [ ]. Just numbered

Thanks for help

Ramin Yasdi


1999-04-27 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Hi ,

when I use bibliography style apalike  (listing  names and date in
citation and in reference) the name of authors appear twice in the
[author name, date] author name, date , title, 
What is wrong?, how can I get rid of []?

Thank for help Ramin

Re: Problems with printing german character

1999-01-02 Thread Ramin Yasdi

Bjoern Gerhart wrote:

> Hi Pablo,
> > [...] Lyx is
> > displaying it correctly, but if I wan't to see/print it as DVI or PS the
> > 'ß' is replaced by 'SS'. Where can I change that?
> I had the same problem when I started using LYX. But the answer
> is quite easy. Just go to the menu:
> "Layout" -> "Dokument..."
> ..and set "Kodierung" to "latin1".
> Here you go :)
> I also have set "Sprache" to "german".
> If you want these settings any time you start LYX, go to:
> "Layout" -> "Layout als Standard speichern"
> --
>   Bjoern Gerhart e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   TFH-Berlin

I have a American keyboard. When I set : options--> language primary: german
then the buttoms are different as on my keyboard. How you use umlaut on
American keyboard? Clicking command line and writing accent-umlaut is
Any suggestion? How you doing with Spellcheker to recognize umlauts?

Thanks,  Ramin