Babel (or not).

2005-03-01 Thread Stacy Prowell

LyX helpfully includes \usepackage{babel} in all generated LaTeX.  
This is a Good Thing in most cases... but seems to cause problems in 
my current document.  Can I prevent LyX from including this?  More 
details below.

I'm working on a document which is using the ACM proceedings style 
(acm_proc_article-sp), and I've created a .layout for this.  When 
LaTeX is run, I get an error like the following.

Use of [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't match its definition.
 generated) \cite{
If you say, e.g., `\def\a1{...}', then you must always
put `1' after `\a', since control sequence names are
made up of letters only. The macro here has not been
followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring it.

I get this error for every citation in the paper.

If I generate LaTeX and comment out \usepackage{babel}, I have no 
errors and the generated DVI looks great.

Any help is appreciated.  Happy to send example documents and the 
style if it will help.

Best regards,

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``Love doesn't make the world go round. Love makes the ride 
-- Franklin Jones 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Printing problem

2004-10-07 Thread Stacy Prowell
On Thursday 07 October 2004 12:57 pm, david wolfson wrote:
> I'm able to print to a .ps file, which I can then print out with an
> 'lpr'. I can also export a .dvi that I can print with the 'dvips'
> command. I can't print straight from lyx.
> The help pages in the lyx version I've got aren't the most helpful
> (along the lines of 'well printing should be ok, and anyway, this
> is a lyx help, not a printing manual!'), and as everything seems to
> work independantly I'm inclined to think lyx isn't telling
> dvips/lpr the right things...

This may seem silly, but I've seen this as a problem for some folks in 
the past.  In particular my office mate told me he couldn't ever get 
LyX to print.  I was curious, so I tried it, and *his* LyX printed 
for *me*.  It took us a while to figure out what I was doing that he 

The default option on the print dialog is cancel, not print.  If you 
just hit Enter when the dialog comes up, you cancel the dialog.  You 
have to click on the print button at the bottom.

Best regards,

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``We hold our elected officials to unreasonable standards of 
perfection because we give them unreasonable power over our lives.'' 
-- Harry Reid 

Re: two definitions (theorems, ecc.) one after the other?

2004-09-15 Thread Stacy Prowell
On Wednesday 15 September 2004 11:50 am, Daniele Tamino wrote:
> How may I put two definitions (theorems, lemmas, or such) one after
> another with two different numbers? At the moment I just inserted a
> comment in between them, but that's not very elegant...

One way to do this is to put a Standard paragraph between the two.  To 
avoid an empty Standard paragraph being automatically eliminated by 
LyX, insert a percent sign (%) in ERT.

So you could type this by entering a theorem (or definition, etc.), 
pressing Enter, then choosing Standard with alt+p s.  Then entering 
an ERT percent sign with ctrl+l % ctrl+i Enter.  Then enter a new 
theorem (or definition, etc.).

I'm pretty sure this is in the FAQ, along with lots of other good 
information.  Have a look!

I've attached an example document.  Hope this helps!

Best regards,

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``She wasn't perfect, but she was semi-perfect.'' 
-- Jefferson Starship, ``Rose Goes to Yale'' 

Description: application/lyx

Re: zed.sty

2004-09-11 Thread Stacy Prowell
On Saturday 11 September 2004 02:14 pm, Myriam Abramson wrote:
> Does anybody here use "Z"?

Yep, occasionally I write a schema in a document.

> I downloaded zed.sty from CTAN and associated fonts. Now, I get an
> error using this package. I'm attaching a small example as well as
> zed.sty and fonts I was missing on FC2 (lyx 1.3.4). Please help!

I use the zed-csp.sty by Jim Davies for this.  You can get it here:
of from CTAN.  It's small, so I attached it, as well.  Drop these two 
files in a directory, and the you should be able to open the LyX file 
and see the results.

I've attached a LyX file which uses this to create a short schema.  
Note the \usepackage{zed-csp} in the preamble.

Hope this is of some interest.  Best regards,

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``It is better to be quotable than to be honest.'' 
-- Tom Stoppard 

Description: application/lyx
% >>> zed-csp.sty <<< 
% (c) Jim Davies, January 1995

% You may copy and distribute this file freely.  Any queries and
% complaints should be forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

% If you make any changes to this file, please do not distribute
% the results under the name `zed-csp.sty'.  

% >>> information <<<

% This is a LaTeX2e package for typesetting Z and CSP notation.  It
% employs the standard (JMS) set of macros, but uses the AMS fonts in
% place of `oxsy'.  You will need the tfm and fd files for the `A' and
% `B' symbol fonts installed.  This requires (1) the AMSFONTS package
% and (2) the MFNFSS package for LaTeX2e.  

% If you have the Lucida Bright font set from Y&Y, then you can use
% that instead.  In this case, you have only to load `lucbr' (from the
% PSNFSS package) before `zed-csp'.  

% >>> changes <<<

% version 0  (Sep 94): first attempt
% version 0a (Oct 94): fixed error in definition of \cat
% version 0b (Nov 94): added composite for \uminus 
% version 0c (Jan 95): removed definition of \emptyset 

% >>> date and version <<<

\def\docdate {95/01/11}


  \filedate\space\fileversion\space zed-csp package}]

% >>> fonts and symbols <<<

% We declare a new math version.  For convenience, I have chosen the
% same name as that used in oz.sty.  The following code is based upon
% the work of Paul King, Sebastian Rahtz, and Mike Spivey.  Alan
% Jeffrey's influence is everywhere. 



Re: \textregistred not properly displayed

2004-08-05 Thread Stacy Prowell
On Thursday 05 August 2004 09:28 pm, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Aug 2004, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> > If you need a circled R ® in a formula, use the command
> > \circledR.

Uwe makes a good point, and something I forgot to mention.  The 
Superscript command on the menu inserts a math box, a superscript, 
and then goes back to text mode (which you would normally do in math 
mode by typing ctrl+m).  Just something to keep in mind.

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``Diplomacy is the art of saying `nice doggie' until you can find a 
-- Will Rogers 

Re: table of contents links

2004-04-30 Thread Stacy Prowell
On Friday 30 April 2004 03:22 am, Dominique Buenzli wrote:
> Thanks for your answer.
> But
> >
> is down...
> Any other ideas or softwares ?

Hmm... Berlios seems to be acting up.  I can get to the site, but I 
can't get to the download page.  I have a copy of tex2pdf (version 
3.1b) which I will email to you.  Watch for it to arrive shortly (no 
point slamming the email list).

Best regards,

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.'' 
-- Robert Heinlein 

Description: signature

Re: Math fonts... again.

2004-01-27 Thread Stacy Prowell
On Tuesday 27 January 2004 06:27 am, Marc J. Driftmeyer wrote:
> Where you have those fonts located do you have a corresponding
> file to reference those specific afm files?

I've never had a file hanging around with fonts for the X 
server (I do have files for the TeX fonts).  Happy to put 
one in the directory, if it will help.  I put the one you sent in 
there and restarted X, but no effect.

> I've attached a sample file that I generated by hand from
> the afm files.  If this is the case make sure your notice the
> layout of the files contents corresponding to the fontName.afm file
> naming scheme.  If this is once again the actual culprit keeping
> you from seeing these fonts make sure you regenerate your
> fonts.cache-1, fonts.scale and fonts.dir files, respectively.

I've regenerated those files several times, with no effect.  Any other 

total 196
drwxr-xr-x2 root root  464 Jan 27 21:38 .
drwxr-xr-x3 root root  112 Dec  2 23:02 ..
-rw-r--r--1 root root0 Jan 26 
22:02 .fonts-config-timestamp
-rw-r--r--1 root root15396 Jan 26 16:24 cmex10.ttf
-rw-r--r--1 root root27120 Jan 26 16:24 cmmi10.ttf
-rw-r--r--1 root root21804 Jan 26 16:24 cmr10.ttf
-rw-r--r--1 root root22132 Jan 26 16:24 cmsy10.ttf
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3883 Jan 26 22:02 encodings.dir
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2686 Jan 27 21:38
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1404 Jan 26 22:02 fonts.cache-1
-rw-r--r--1 root root  448 Jan 26 22:02 fonts.dir
-rw-r--r--1 root root  448 Jan 26 22:02 fonts.scale
-rw-r--r--1 root root22132 Jan 26 16:24 msam10.ttf
-rw-r--r--1 root root30312 Jan 26 16:24 msbm10.ttf
-rw-r--r--1 root root25104 Jan 26 16:24 wasy10.ttf

Best regards,

Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much 
liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.'' 
-- Thomas Jefferson 

Description: signature

Math fonts... again.

2004-01-26 Thread Stacy Prowell
Howdy!  I'm having trouble getting math fonts recognized by LyX.  I'm 
sure I'm doing something stupid... please just tell me what.

I am running SuSE 9.0 Professional.  I have installed LyX from RPM 
(lyx-1.3.2-63).  I have also installed the appropriate fonts from RPM 

The fonts are available:
$ xlsfonts | grep 'unknown-'

In fact, I have imported the fonts using the KDE font importer, and I 
can use them in other editors.

When I run LyX and try to create an equation, I get the following.
$ lyx -dbg font
Setting debug level to font
Debugging `font' (Font handling)
Font 'Sans Serif, Bold, Upright, Normal, yellow, Emphasis Off, 
Underline Off, Noun Off, Language: English' matched by
The font has size: 15
This font is an exact match
XFLD: xft
Font 'Roman, Medium, Upright, Normal, none, Emphasis Off, Underline 
Off, Noun Off, Language: English' matched by
The font has size: 15
This font is an exact match
XFLD: xft
Looking for font family eufm10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family eufm10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family cmsy10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family cmmi10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family symbol ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family cmr10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family cmex10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family msam10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family msbm10 ...  FAILED :-(
Looking for font family wasy10 ...  FAILED :-(

Any help is appreciated!  Thanks in advance,
Stacy Prowell (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

``One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do 
the work of one extraordinary man.'' 
-- Elbert Hubbard 

Description: signature