keyboard bindings colliding?

2001-01-13 Thread Thorsten Mika

hi all,

i am using lyx 1.1.6 in the german localization. i just discovered that the 
combination "M-a d", which formerly gave me the "description" paragraph style 
now produces a DVI, just like "C-d" does. i tried to override it in the *.bind 
files, but it does not work. each time i type "M-a" the view menu (in german 
A|nzeigen) pops up. what can i do?

thx in advance

Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

Re: keyboard bindings colliding?

2001-01-14 Thread Thorsten Mika

> X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Jan 14 00:44:23 2001
> From: Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: keyboard bindings colliding?
> To: Thorsten Mika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 00:44:19 +0100 (CET)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> > files, but it does not work. each time i type "M-a" the view menu (in german 
> > A|nzeigen) pops up. what can i do?
> You could change in /usr/share/lyx/bind/ every M-a to M-p to
> get access to the paragraph styles via M-p.
> Andre'
> -- 
> André Pönitz  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yes. i could, but are the bindings hardcoded into lyx? lyx is that configurable, 
is it really not possible to make lyx for example use M-v or something similar 
for the view menu?


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

Re: keyboard bindings colliding?

2001-01-14 Thread Thorsten Mika


> this will allow you to configure your menu settings.  Note that they won't
> be translated though.  For this you'd have to edit the po/de.po file.

ok, i found the part in de.po. will i change things by changing "Anzeigen|A" to 
"Anzeigen|V"? is this enough to make the german translation expect a M-v vor 
this menu?

> cp lib/bind/de_* ~/.lyx/bind/
> $EDITOR ~/.lyx/bind/*
> this will allow you to modify the German keybindings.
> You'll then need to run LyX and use:
>   Edit->Preferences->Look&Feel->Interface
> to set the User Interface and Bind files to your custom settings.

i did all that before, but lyx keeps using M-a in the way it wants :(

> In all cases above you are welcome to modify to your hearts content and
> make a submission of whatever changes you come up with -- then you can
> have your name added to the Credits file and get instant fame and pick up
> chicks!  :P

oh, yes, i always wanted something like that :)

> P.S.  Seriously, if you have a problem with existing keybindings or menu
> entries put your thinking cap on and come up with something better.
> That's the only way LyX has ever improved.  Don't be afraid to make some
> suggestions or send in a patch.

i really do not complain, i love lyx, but this behavior is new in 1.1.6. someone 
changed the de.po file. in the former versions M-a used to select the paragraph 
style, so i do not really want a new feature, but just what i am used to (i am 
*so* lazy)


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

Re: keyboard bindings colliding?

2001-01-15 Thread Thorsten Mika

hi again,

> > ok, i found the part in de.po. will i change things by changing
> > "Anzeigen|A" to "Anzeigen|V"? is this enough to make the german
> > translation expect a M-v vor this menu?
> Hmmm... I can't remember if XForms allows this or not.  Usually it expects
> the 'V' to match a letter in menu entry.  Try it.

it works. i changed the $LYXSRCDIR/po/de.po file in line 686. i replaced 
"Anzeigen|A" with "Anzeigen|V". this seems to free M-a again so i can bind it to 
paragraph style in my bind-file and i can access the "Anzeigen" menu with M-v 
like in the english version.

thx for the hint, allan.

> Oh, not just one or two entries.  They changed the entire menu structure
> and now I have to figure out what I'm going to do:  retrain my fingers
> from pressing M-f d for a regeneration of the dvi to M-v d or C-x p
> or do something else.  So you aren't the only one ;-)

do you know about any reason for this change? have i missed something in the 


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

double quotes are displayed as ">>"

2001-01-15 Thread Thorsten Mika

hi again,

there is another problem of which i do not know whether it is xfs-related or a 
lyx problem.
since upgrading, lyx sometimes displays the "french" quotes as two "greater" 
signs, i.e. >> instead of the character lyx 1.1.2 used, which was correct. 
strange thing: sometimes it works, esp. after changing the display font for 
standard text, sometimes it does not. any idea? i am sorry, but i cannot really 
reprodzue this "bug".

my setup: Xsun and Solaris xfs.


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

Re: double quotes are displayed as ">>"

2001-01-16 Thread Thorsten Mika

hi again,

yes i just checked it. selected right layout, but still the 2 "greater" signs 
are used instead.


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

Re: double quotes are displayed as ">>"

2001-01-16 Thread Thorsten Mika


> can you send a short lyx-example file, which shows this behaviour?
> Herbert

yep, here it comes...


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\language german
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing onehalf 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 40mm
\rightmargin 20mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Section

\layout Standard

Im Herangehen an die Frage nach den Determinanten und Verursachern menschlichen
 Handelns haben sich im Laufe der Zeit zwei grundsätzlich unterschiedliche
 Ansätze herausgebildet.
 Es sind dies der 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 und der 
\emph on 
\emph default 
\layout Subsection

Der experimentelle Ansatz
\layout Standard

Den Vertretern dieses Forschungsansatzes geht es in erster Linie um die
 Entwicklung eines Verhaltensmodells, daß Prädiktionen erlaubt.
 Daher wird versucht, die Modelle auf natuwissenschaftliche Art und Weise
 Ein Beispiel ist die Orientierung an den physikalischen Bewegungsgesetzen:
 Die Analogie zur im physikalischen Vorbild entscheidenden 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 bildet in der Psychologie die 
\emph on 
\emph default 
, bzw.
 die Gesamtheit der stabilen Eigenschaften einer Person.
 Weiner nennt in 
\begin_inset Quotes fld

\begin_inset Quotes frd

\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{w}


 als Beispiel folgende Situation: 

Re: [Fwd: Re: double quotes are displayed as ">>"]

2001-01-16 Thread Thorsten Mika


> your text has
> \quotes_language french
> \quotes_times 2
> therefore your text was ok: doubled french quotes.
> but lyx has the following "not so good behaviour":
> when you change any type of the quotes, only the new
> quotes are changed, the old ones never. you hava to
> correct it by hand ...
> Herbert

thx :)


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE

Re: double quotes are displayed as ">>", was too fast :(

2001-01-17 Thread Thorsten Mika

hi again,

> therefore your text was ok: doubled french quotes.
> but lyx has the following "not so good behaviour":
> when you change any type of the quotes, only the new
> quotes are changed, the old ones never. you hava to
> correct it by hand ...

i tried it, but even when i type them again after erasing them they are 
displayed as ">>". seems to be a problem related to the font server, or not?


Thorsten Mika   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hamm / GermanyTM5173-RIPE