Re: Why the list is "English only" (Was: DVI sem imagens [displaying images in DVI])

2007-09-26 Thread Wolfgang Lasch
Am Do, 27. September 2007 01:40:24 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Roberto Gorjão wrote:
> > With respect, where exactly is said that this is an English only speaking
> > list?
> Hejsan Roberto
> That's a Swedish greeting since I'm a Swede:-)
> > I've browsed thoroughly through the LyX's site and the LyX's wiki, I've
> > asked for help to the ezmlm program that runs this list and it doesn't
> > say, anywhere, that this is an English only speaking list.
> >
> > I'm a newcomer to this list so I don't know if such a rule really exists
> > or not, but its meaning, if it exists, worries me.
> I've followed this list on and off for a decade now, first as a user and
> later as a developer, and I think it's safe to say it is "English only".
> Thank you for telling us that the web site and the wiki doesn't have this
> information, maybe it's something we should add, together with an
> explanation of why.
> As for letting people know it's "English only", this should of course be
> done in a polite manner that is easy to understand.
> I can give you some reasons for why the list is English only, and I hope
> this will alleviate your concerns. The way I see it, it's important to
> remember that this is a public list in a community. Simply put, when we
> contribute to this list, we are not only helping the person that asked the
> question, but also everyone else that reads the thread -- now as well as
> in the future.
> Put differently, it'd be selfish to for instance ask to get a reply
> privately because then only that person benefits. Somewhat similarly,
> getting a reply in a language that a minority understands could also be
> construed as selfish. Since English is the language most users are likely
> to be able to read, it makes sense that questions and answers should be in
> English.
> Regarding the history, AFAIK, English was not the native language of the
> original LyX developers. However, English was, and still remains, the
> language used to communicate between the developers. At the latest LyX
> developers meeting I think there was one Finn/(Dutch?), one Norwegian, one
> Swede, one German, one French and two Portugese/(Italian?). AFAIK, none of
> them has English as a native tongue:-)
> As for a user that is uncomfortable or unable to express himself in
> English, he could for instance start by asking for help in translating the
> question. As long as the question and answer are understandable in
> English, it really doesn't matter how the question is originally posed.
> Again, this is so that most of us will be able to benefit.
> If this is not desireable or inconvenient for a group of people, then they
> can and have started separate forums. See for instance:
> We can only hope that they will also follow this list, and contribute
> non-local issues here as well.

Why not take a leaf out of how the Scribus list [1] handles languages other 
than english?

Even though English is the official list language there are postings in other 
languages. And there is always someone who will translate it so that others 
are able to give an answer. And they handle this on a very polite way, IMO a 
very positive example wich is quite unique for mailing lists.

For this it might be a good idea to explain which language is prefered 
(english) and which additional languages are spoken by list members who are 
willing to translate a posting.

As the scribuus list this list also is not a high traffic list so I think it 
might be worth to give it a try.



Re: moving to linux...part3: preferred bibtex editor

2007-06-14 Thread Wolfgang Lasch
On Thu, 14. June 2007 17:50:08 Ares wrote:
> Here I am back with a new, silly question: what is the most favourite
> bibtex editor under GNU/linux? I have been using JabRef under Windows,
> but I realised that it runs under the Java Runtime Environment, and I
> do not want to install new components if I do not really need them...
> So, let's go with the poll!
gBib and pybliographer are able to insert citations into a LyX document.
I would recommend pybliographer.


gBib - gnome 1.x (oldfashioned)

User-friendly editor and browser for BibTeX databases.
You can use it also to insert citations inside a LyX document.
gBib is able to import and export BiBTeX databases.

pybliographic / pybliographer

Tool for manipulating bibliographic databases
It currently supports BibTeX, Medline, Ovid and Refer files. It is useful for 
viewing, editing and searching, but also to convert bibliographic databases 
into HTML pages for example.

And some other GUI applications:

referencer - Gnome Document Organiser
Referencer is a Gnome application to organise documents or references, and
ultimately generate a BibTeX bibliography file. Referencer includes a number
of features to make this process easier:

 * Automatic metadata retrieval
 * Smart web links
 * Import from BibTeX, Reference Manager and EndNote
 * Tagging


kbibtex - BibTeX editor for KDE

An application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format. KBibTeX
can be used as a standalone program, but can also be embedded into other KDE
applications (e.g. as bibliography editor into Kile).

KBibTeX can query online ressources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable
search URLs. It is also able to import complete datasets from NCBI Pubmed.

BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a
number of citation styles.


referencer - Gnome Document Organiser

Referencer is a Gnome application to organise documents or references, and
ultimately generate a BibTeX bibliography file. Referencer includes a number
of features to make this process easier:

 * Automatic metadata retrieval
 * Smart web links
 * Import from BibTeX, Reference Manager and EndNote
 * Tagging


Re: Print Lyx ERT code, note, comments, etc...

2006-07-22 Thread Wolfgang Lasch
Am Fri, 21. July 2006 09:02 schrieb Georg Baum:
> Wolfgang Lasch wrote:
> > It is a template for a theorem used for german universities of applied
> > science, (german: Vorlage für eine Diplomarbeit an deutschen
> > Fachhochschulen). If I would use screenshots of all neat LyX examples
> > which are in this document it would become a _very_ big Slideshow of more
> > then 10 - to 20 MByte. ;-)
> Well, megabytes don't matter for the printout. If you really need a printed
> version of how the stuff looks like in LyX then I don't know a better
> solution than screenshots.
Hhhm, ok, point for you...

May be it's an idea for a feature request in LyX bugzilla.
Following the documetation thread having the chance to see the LyX internals 
is a strong argument for documentation with LyX files. 
So having the chance to print, and by this having pdf files, which show the 
LyX internals might be interesting as a future LyX feature.

> We have a LyX template for thesises here, too, but no printed
> documentation. The template demonstrates the commonly needed features
> (graphics, captions, chapters, formulas etc) and contains lots of comments.
> The students simply take this document and start to write their own stuff.
> That works pretty well.

Shure thats exactly what I've done so far when I was at the University.

But this time the targeting audience are people interested in a LyX course 
offered by adult evening classes (Volkshochschule, vhs), precisely the target 
is to win theese people for a LyX course. For this the course material / 
documentation is commonly used to give a previev to the course for interested 

Thanks all for the help,

Re: Print Lyx ERT code, note, comments, etc...

2006-07-20 Thread Wolfgang Lasch
Am Fri, 21. July 2006 00:18 schrieb Richard Heck:
[ cleaned tofu ]
> Wolfgang Lasch wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I would like to have a printout of a LyX file as it is seen in the LyX
> > editor window. So all my open ERT, math, notes, comments, etcpp should be
> > on the printout.
> >
> > For a documentation I'm working on I would like to show the look of LyX
> > files to people who don't have LyX. A LyX file should be listed in the
> > documentation's printout as it is done for programming code. I don't want
> > to have a LyX file listing as in a plain text editor but as it shows up
> > in LyX.

> How about a screenshot?
Hmm, won't fit my needs, sorry.

I would like the reader to see a large LyX document which shows all LyX 
internas, ERT boxes, index boxes, math boxes, ... opened. So a screenshot 
will only show a very small part of the document. 

It is a template for a theorem used for german universities of applied 
science, (german: Vorlage für eine Diplomarbeit an deutschen 
Fachhochschulen). If I would use screenshots of all neat LyX examples which 
are in this document it would become a _very_ big Slideshow of more then 10 - 
to 20 MByte. ;-)

One way to have this might be to create a new document, e.g. using Scribus 
which has all the LyX internals in frames. But before I start all this work 
once again in an other application I would strongly prefer to do this in LyX.

In the past I saw some examples of how to print comments using some LyX and 
bsh tricks. So I think there might be a way to have this for other LyX 
internals too.


Print Lyx ERT code, note, comments, etc...

2006-07-20 Thread Wolfgang Lasch

I would like to have a printout of a LyX file as it is seen in the LyX editor 
window. So all my open ERT, math, notes, comments, etcpp should be on the 

For a documentation I'm working on I would like to show the look of LyX files 
to people who don't have LyX. A LyX file should be listed in the 
documentation's printout as it is done for programming code. I don't want to 
have a LyX file listing as in a plain text editor but as it shows up in LyX.


pakages.gz missing at

2006-05-17 Thread Wolfgang Lasch

Could someone please add a packages.gz file to

This would make a LyX installation a lot easier for a many Ubuntu users via 
gnome-app-install with the 'add/remove' menu or with synaptic. 
You may know that a lot of Ubuntu users are novice GNU/Linux users. (Why use a 
flintstone (dpkg) when you can have a lighter (gnome-app-install) ;)

For this it might also be a good idea to have a note in the README file how to 
add the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list or IMO better a template 
lyx.sources file for use in dapper drake's /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 

It also might be a good idea to have a (breezy/dapper) deb tree too ;-)

For a dapper and breezy deb tree: 
(for a packages.gz only replace 'dapper main' by ./)

---8<--- README.Ubuntu1.4.1 ---8<---

++ please add a new line to your sources.list file or copy the lyx.sources
++ file to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory to install LyX via
++ gnome-app-install or synaptic.
++ for ubuntu 6.6 dapper drake
++ Start 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and add
++ deb dapper main
++ for breezy badger add 
++ deb breezy main

---8<--- ---8<--- ---8<---

---8<--- /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lyx.sources ---8<---
# LyX, the WYSIWYG document processor
deb breezy main # LyX
---8<--- ---8<--- ---8<---
