Re: LyX and jurabib

2006-05-24 Thread jacobkate
Thanks for your response, Bennett - Anders had already pointed out that I was
trying to load jurabib twice, so I had worked that out, but your suggestions
about how to use lyx and jurabib together are very helpful - particularly not
using \footcite and globally defining jurabib options, rather than using the
Jacob Campbell.

Quoting Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This means that you're trying to load jurabib twice -- once with the
> \usepackage[...]{jurabib} in the document preamble, and once by
> selecting jurabib within Document > Settings > Bibliography. 
> If you're using LyX 1.4.x, don't add \usepackage{jurabib} to the
> preamble. If you want to add your own settings for jurabib, you can edit
> jurabib.cfg (in the same directory as jurabib.sty), which will change
> settings for *all* documents using jurabib; if you want to add or modify
> settings for a particular document, add the following to your document
> preamble:
> \jurabibsetup{...}
> (where "..." should be a comma separated options list, such as
> "citefull=chapter,opcit=chapter").
> In my experience, it's best not to redefine \cite as \footcite. Rather,
> you can simply insert the citation in a footnote in the normal way.
> (That is, within LyX insert a footnote, then insert a citation.) Don't
> forget to follow your citation by a period inside the footnote.
> I'm writing a book (philosophy) with jurabib and LyX-1.4, and it works
> beautifully.
> Bennett

Re: LyX and jurabib

2006-05-24 Thread jacobkate
I was very happy to see this message - thanks for your instructions, Anders.
I came across the idea of using jurabib and lyx a couple of months ago and
really wanted to get it to work for my thesis. However, I wasn't able to work it
out, so put it aside until I had more time to look into it. This message has
prompted me to look at it again.
Unfortunately I'm having problems, and I don't know enough to fix them.
I followed the instructions given, assuming it should work without changing
anything. I inserted the preamble text, exactly as below. I put those two lines
into an ERT block and put the BibTex bibliography into a Lyx note. Then I typed
some text and inserted a citation from my database (created in Pybliographer),
and attempted to view the document I had created as DVI (although I get the same
problems if viewing as PDF as well).
I'm getting the following error:
>! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package jurabib.
>l.27 \renewcommand
>  {\cite}{\footcite}
>The package jurabib has already been loaded with options:
>  []
>There has now been an attempt to load it with options
>  [titleformat=italic,titleformat=commasep,commabeforerest,ibidem=strict,citefu
>Adding the global options:
>  ,titleformat=italic,titleformat=commasep,commabeforerest,ibidem=strict,citefu
>to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
>Try typingto proceed.

At the moment my document class is book. I'd follow the instructions in the
error - but I'm not sure where to add the global options specified or how to
format it correctly if I do.
(Actually, in the Document>Settings dialogue, there's an extra field in the
Document Class section for 'Extra Options'. I added the line under 'global
options' (the one starting ,titleformat=) to this field, but this hasn't fixed
the error.)
I'm using Lyx 1.4.1, jurabib 0.6 on Ubuntu Linux 5.1.
Could anyone please explain how to fix this issue - I feel that I am just a
little bit closer to getting lyx and jurabib working together as I need them to.
Thanks very much,
Jacob Campbell.

Quoting Anders Dahnielson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi folks!
> I'm new to the users list but not that new to LyX and LaTeX.
> While trying to figure out how to use jurabib [1] for humanities and LyX
> this morning I found this
> half-elegant-workaround-hackish-style-solution-thingy. I don't know if it
> been reported before, tried to search the archives but couldn't find
> anything similar, so I decided to write it up as a blog post [2].
> Thought maybe also people on this list wanted to know about it, so here it
> is.
> First I include the following in the preamble to control the citation style:
> \usepackage{babel}
> \usepackage[%
> titleformat=italic,%
> titleformat=commasep,%
> commabeforerest,%
> ibidem=strict,%
> citefull=first,%
> lookat,%
> oxford,%
> pages=format,%
> idem%
> ]{jurabib}
> \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite}
> This is just an example style using the latest version of jurabib ( v0.6).
> Because I'm not going to use the regular bibliography formating but jurabibs
> footnotes I must insert the following code in the document, presumably last,
> using Insert > TeX Code and put the following in the ERT block:
> \bibliographystyle{jox}%
> \nobibliography{jbtest}
> But this alone will not make it possible to use the LyX support for looking
> up and inserting citation. To enable that I must also insert a regular
> BibTex Bibliograhy as usual and select the BibTex database to be used. Of
> course this will give me a regular bibliography at the end of the document
> (or wherever I decided to insert it). Since that bibliography is only a
> concern for LyX and not the final LaTeX document I've come up with an rather
> elegand solution: Put the BibTex Bibliography in a LyX Note block! That way
> LyX will still find the BibTex database but the \bibliography code it
> generate will never reach the LaTeX processor.
> The hiding only works in LyX 1.4! In LyX 1.3.6 you need to have the BibTeX
> Bibliography block outside any notes. The problem is that you will end up
> with an empty bibliography list and a header. To remove it I insert the
> following code in an ERT block right before the BibTeX Bibliography:
> \renewcommand\refname{}
> For articles, or the following for reports and books:
> \renewcommand\bibname{}
> This remove the header, there is still an extra empty page. Less smooth but
> it works too. Or just upgrade to LyX 1.4.
> [1]
> [2]
> -- 
> Anders Dahnielson