Re: Pure Promotion - LyX Talk at University of Utah

2010-08-19 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 17:09:27 +0200
Pavel Sanda  wrote:

> Rob Oakes wrote:
> > Though it will focus heavily on LyX (I'm even going to demo a
> > mostly functioning LyX-Outline), the talk will also deal with how
> > to research, write, and publish using Linux.  For that reason, I'll
> > also be highlighting several other programs (Zotero, BibTeX,
> > Mendely,
> i suppose you know about LyZ, right?
> pavel

First *I* hear of it. A short recap?

Re: Pure Promotion - LyX Talk at University of Utah

2010-08-18 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 14:45:30 -0600
Rob Oakes  wrote:

>   Dear LyX Users,
> This is a pure piece of personal promotion, but ... here goes.
> Tonight, I will be giving a talk about LyX to the Salt Lake Linux
> Users Group.  The meeting will be at the University of Utah in the
> Warnock Engineering building.  (See below for directions.)

Sounds like an interesting presentation. Good luck, good to see people
spreading the word.


Re: writing my Thesis with lyx: Font derail

2010-08-11 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
Since this discussion is turning to matters of taste, what do you think
about the font choices? The default font is obviously dated, if
What do you people use?


On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 21:23:55 +0200
Julio Rojas  wrote:

> I'm writing mine as we speak. I have chosen memoir and never turned
> back. Basic stuff is basic, works perfectly with LyX and its layout is
> very nice. A big library on chapter title styles is a plus. I have
> tried Koma before, but never liked it completely. R is a must for nice
> plots, as well as Inkscape for fingerpainting. Biblatex is another
> nice addition. Please, feel free to ask any question you have. Best
> regards.
> -
> Julio Rojas
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Rob Oakes 
> wrote:
> >  I also, couldn't agree more.  I tend to hide my modifications as
> > new document classes ... but front-matter should be finger painted.
> >  After that, though, I don't want to see or think about ERT.
> >
> > On 08/11/2010 12:40 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:19:43 -0400
> >> Steve Litt  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> This is a minority opinion and a lot don't subscribe to it, but
> >>> in my opinion you save time by fingerpainting your front matter.
> >>> In other words, use embedded LaTeX, historically called ERT in
> >>> the LyX community, to insert your logo and employer and line them
> >>> up exactly how you want them and page break where you want and
> >>> make fonts exactly how you want them to look.
> >>>
> >> I'm not sure that this is minority.. At least I subscribe to it:
> >> if in need for anything fancy, first page should be pure LaTeX.
> >> All below should (mostly) be LyX.
> >> Liviu
> >
> >

Re: What are your favorite packages?

2010-08-11 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
On Sun, 08 Aug 2010 10:11:30 -0400
Richard Heck  wrote:

> To the wiki! And then people can/should add descriptions of what all 
> these packages do,
> and how they should be used.
> rh

That was my thought exactly - I just saw a lot of package names hinting
at useful things, and it would be great to have a list of tips.



2010-07-20 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 09:55:06 -0400
"Paul A. Rubin"  wrote:

> >> The FTP from the website doesnt work...
> Seems to be hit or miss.  I tried yesterday morning and again this 
> morning (GMT-5) and both times the connection timed out repeatedly 
> waiting for the welcome message.
> /Paul

It has been like that for a while - I just recently got a bug report on
my Slackbuild, because it uses the source tarball, and the FTP was
unavailable; when I was updating the build for 1.6.7, it worked - and
when I wanted to test it, it didn't! So, there you go.

Which reminds me: The probably most popular way to get LyX on Slackware
is using the Slackbuild. Would the LyX project consider adding it to the
As you see, this is a link to a search on the page for all versions of
Slackware, so it won't be necessary for you & me to update the link with
a new Slackware release.


Re: Symbol for wrapped lines in LyX-Code

2010-07-06 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
That is actually very good. 
Is anybody putting together a Tricks with LyX guide? Because this should
be in there...


On Tue, 06 Jul 2010 10:21:07 -0400, "Paul A. Rubin"  wrote:
> On 7/6/2010 5:38 AM, pierrickuk wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am posting this as 2 hours of searching got me nowhere so far.
>> I am writing some instructions manual to set up some software my
>> is
>> distributing.
>> For this I need to put some linux console commands for which I use the
>> LyX-code format. Everything is fine unless the line is too long and
>> get
>> wrapped. As some of our customer might not know much about linux, I am
>> afraid they might hit return at the end of the line.
>> So I am looking for a way to automatically indicate that the line is
>> wrapped
>> to fit on a page (preferably by some special symbol not used in a
>> terminal/console).
>> Maybe there is some LaTeX package that would work, or some trick I am
>> aware of... Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction here.
> Step 1:  Pick the glyph you want to use to indicate line wrapping.  "The

> Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List" may help here.  If necessary, install 
> whatever font package it comes in, and add a \usepackage{...} to your 
> preamble.  Avoid symbols that occur only in math mode (which, sadly, 
> accounts for most arrows); if there's a way to make them work, I haven't

> found it yet.
> Step 2: Rather than using LyX-code, use Insert > Program Listing, which 
> creates an inset using the listings package.  Right-click the inset, 
> click Settings ..., and on the Main Settings tab check "Break long 
> lines".  You can leave the language setting at "No language" unless you 
> think what you're writing matches one of the languages on the list 
> fairly well.
> Step 3: Go to the advanced tab and, in the right pane, type 
> 'prebreak=whatever', without the quotes and replacing whatever with the 
> symbol you want.  For instance,
> prebreak=\textbackslash
> will put '\' wherever wrapping occurs.
> That should do it.
> /Paul

Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér *

TOC Chapter description

2010-06-18 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
Is it possible to generate a Table of Contents where I write a
description below the chapter names? Like:
1. Project description . 5
  On the scope and progress of the project
2. Challenges . 20
  On the challenges encountered in the course of the research

I could probably hack something with cross references, but if it is
part of the system, it would be nice.

Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér *

Full-length footnote in two-column document

2010-04-19 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
The subject pretty much says it. I have been importing my BA thesis
into LyX in preparation for submitting it to the Internet Archive.
There is one thing I want to look into, though. I rather like the
two-column layout, but I find it problematic that the footnotes are
narrowed as part of the column, because a few footnotes can end up
taking up a lot of space. Is it possible to have the footnotes at the
bottom below the columns to span the full width of the page?
The document is exported to

One other thing, a minor detail: I recently wrote a small feature on
LyX - - and all I could say on the
mathematics section is that I don't know anything about it. Do you have
a good link covering the mathematical features of LyX?

grateful for an impressive program,
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér *

Re: Language settings

2010-03-12 Thread Morten Zolde
On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 18:39:14 +0100
Manveru  wrote:

> Do you have your LyX instance working in Danish? Try to produce
> output of your document and check what you will see.

Ah, you are onto it. It outputs it correctly, just displays the word
"chapter" in LyX - transforms it when outputting.
Thank you for the assistance.

Morten Zolde *

Language settings

2010-03-12 Thread Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
Dear all,
I was wondering, as I was transferring my BA paper to LyX from OOo:
I have set the document to use Danish as the default language, but when
I defined a chapter, it put up the headline "chapter 1". Is it possible
to insert these strings in Danish, I wonder?
If I don't, I will have to use unnumbered chapters, and LyX seemed
reluctant to add those to the table of contents.


Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér *

RCS use

2002-12-18 Thread Morten Langlo
This following action Locks LyX in a wait for an answer from RCS:
  * register a new file under version control and then immediately do
  * Undo Last Check In

RCS file: newfile.lyx,v
deleting revision 1.1
Do you really want to delete all revisions? [ny](n)

I know - one would not normally do this but.. :-) 
it would be nice if LyX either answers yes or no - or 
passes the question to the user. Just a small wish for Christmas?

Sincerely Yours


Morten Langlo
8550 Ryomgård

Tips & tricks pages

2002-09-12 Thread Morten Langlo


Does anyone know what happened to the layouts directory on 
the tips & tricks pages. It has been deleted for about 10 days?

It would be very nice to have it back again. :-)

Thank you very much for the help you all the time give!

Sincerely Yours

Morten Langlo

Re: Scale graphics (EPS-files)

2002-05-12 Thread Morten Langlo

søn, 12 maj, 2002, 20:40:02 +0200, skrev Herbert Voss:
> Morten Langlo wrote:
> > 
> > I have just upgraded Lyx - and find that the method of 
> > using EPS files and Psfrag, as described by Allen L. Barker 
> > in "howToUseLatexMathWithXfig", has lost some of its functionality 
> > in the Lyx-1.2 - i.e. when you scale the graphics in Lyx, the text 
> > does not any more get scaled as in lyx-1.1.6.
> > 
> > What to do? 
> give a small working 1.1.6 examplefile together with the image.
> Herbert
Here you have it - thanks!

Morten Langlo
8550 Ryomgård

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Here is a box of text and
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
an equation:
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 

\begin_inset Formula \( \int _{0}^{y}\: dx\: \cos (x) \)

\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
The equation can be
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
entered in the Lyx
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
editor's math mode.
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
The default Latex
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Math can be entered
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
with Latex  
\latex latex 

\latex default 
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
This is the Latex Large font.
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Here is not a displaymath formula:
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
All Latex commands must appear in red in Lyx.
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Figure size 216 119
file example2.eps
width 2 3
flags 9


\layout Caption

Scaled down version.

Description: PostScript document

Scale graphics (EPS-files)

2002-05-11 Thread Morten Langlo


I have just upgraded Lyx - and find that the method of 
using EPS files and Psfrag, as described by Allen L. Barker 
in "howToUseLatexMathWithXfig", has lost some of its functionality 
in the Lyx-1.2 - i.e. when you scale the graphics in Lyx, the text 
does not any more get scaled as in lyx-1.1.6.

What to do? 

Sincerely Yours

Morten Langlo

Re: 1.1.6fix3 pictures no longer display ( eps ghostscript preview )

2001-11-07 Thread Morten S. Nielsen

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 07:25:08 -0700 john wrote:

> well as someone said that doesn't work for everyone.
> If I could reproduce the problem I could debug it :(
> john

Sorry if this is a bit outdated, but this bug still seems to exist.

In figinset.C there seems to be a problem with execlp if one uses 
ghostscript 6.51 + 

The gs process starts but never exits. Why I don't know. One can go 
into /proc and see the commandline arguments, but this doesn't explain
where it hangs. If you're curious I could try to strace gs. But for now
I'll just report the workaround.

If using ghostscript 5.50 it always works fine. 

On my system lyx 1.1.6-fix3 works with Ghostscript 6.51 when setting  
\ps_command to "/usr/bin/gs "
in lyxrc.defaults or equivalent

It's the first argument to execlp which must end with a space (works
also when setting the first string to " ") 


Ps: the xhost trick didn't do it for me and I'm not on the lyx list.

- The Penguin's  1. We are better together than alone
- Postulate  2. If you push something hard enough it will fall over
- Morten S. Nielsen  Dept. of Manuf. Engineering and Management
- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Building 425, 2. floor, DK-2800 Lyngby

two column standard-style

2001-10-17 Thread morten


I would like to do the following


Section 1
xx xxx
xx xxx
xx xx

Section 2
xx xxx
xx xxx
xx xx

Like in each section is seperated and two columns. 
Something like a "Standard (two column)"-style is what I seek.

any easy way of doing this? I have found the two-columns checkbox under
documents, but it works for making everything into two colums.


4 small pages on an A4

2001-09-15 Thread morten

I would like to put 4 A6 (the size of which there are 4 on an a4) onto an a4.

How would you do that?

Herberts pages had something about how to put two a4-pages scaled to an a4
landscape. But I want 4 small page on one a4 portrait.

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15-Sep-2001
Time: 23:50:20

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: overheads

2001-09-11 Thread morten

thanks herbert I had the feeling you would sent me that link.
That was how I found prosper in the first place.

I have followed the links and found dekel's homepage. He had done what I would
like to do. that why I tried prosper. 
I have placed prosper.cls with all the other .cls files and having
rehashed and reconfigured lyx still don't find it.

Am I to conlude that the problem lies in the prosper.cls file? 

On 11-Sep-2001 Herbert Voss wrote:
> morten wrote:
>> I have been through the steps of chap. 6 of costumization (from the help
>> menu).
>> but I still don't succeed in installing prosper.
>> How do you do slides? I find the slides-class to be inaccessible (even with
>> the
>> users guide). I found pdfscreen which gives me a lot of error when I try to
>> use
>> it with lyx
> Herbert
> -- 

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Sep-2001
Time: 20:12:08

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon


2001-09-11 Thread morten

I have been through the steps of chap. 6 of costumization (from the help menu).
but I still don't succeed in installing prosper.

How do you do slides? I find the slides-class to be inaccessible (even with the
users guide). I found pdfscreen which gives me a lot of error when I try to use
it with lyx
E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Sep-2001
Time: 19:14:05

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

adding classes

2001-09-11 Thread morten

This ought to be a simple question.

I want to add a new class (prosper) to make slides. I copy the files to
/usr/shar/texmf/tex/latex/prosper and run mktexlsr
and then i "reconfigure" lyx.

but it doesn't find the new class.
Any ideas
E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Sep-2001
Time: 14:15:22

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

RE: Only one LyX source document for all exports

2001-09-11 Thread morten

On 10-Sep-2001 Adolfo Pachón wrote:
> Hi all!!
> I've one LyX document with figure floats & PS figures. I want to produce
> the HTML & PDF versions, but the PDF version do not produce the images.
> My question is:
> How can I export the same source LyX document to HTML (with LaTeX2HTML)
> and to PDF (with pdflatex) with quality?

personally I use tex2pdf, since it gave the least problems with ugly fonts. But
I had a huge problem with certain ps-images. The images in the pdf was
unrecognisable - but it was solved by upgrading to ghostview 7.00

What do mean by "do not produce the images"?

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Sep-2001
Time: 12:40:27

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon


2001-09-07 Thread morten

I want a horizontal line between to paragraphs
Do I have to make a line.eps and insert it as a figure?


E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 07-Sep-2001
Time: 14:05:25

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

you made it to my thanks list!

2001-09-05 Thread morten

well I'm almost done, I turn in my master thesis monday. And I have put
"everybody on the lyx-user mailing list" in the thanks-section.

I find the reasons to be obvious:
1) The developpers of lyx are listening in and they react to whatever happens
here. I find lyx to be one of the best pieces of software I have used and I am
planing on finding the time to help you - when I get more settled.

2) I started using lyx 6 month ago. I was tired of windows and had installed
linux on my laptop and needed some kind of word processor. I tried the
different ones, and I ended up using lyx, because, while staroffice is nice
(and free) it takes at least 5 minutes to launch, and I wanted some kind of
graphical user interface. And after an afternoon of trying to understand how
this tex-stuff is working, I had access to a professional tool with allowed me
to make my calculations in an easy way (I have something like 50 pages of
calculations - using MS word it would have require so much more RAM and
processing power than lyx does).
I have had my problems like you always have when you start using something new
- and I have my ideas of how things should look, so I have more problems than
most people :-) - but the lyx-user mailing list have answered all my questions,
with a response time of, in general, less than a couple of hours. That is good
- very good.

3) this list is a rich source of information - both on lyx and on certain
linguistic issues . :-)

The one thing I lack is more a tex-thing than lyx. It is a style editor. Does
anyone of a GUI based class/style editor? Perhaps we should mount a project to
make such a software.

I look forward to version 1.2 (and a gtk-version) of lyx :-)
Thanks again.

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05-Sep-2001
Time: 16:14:14

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

title page

2001-09-04 Thread morten

yet another cosmetic question.

I use report koma script, and rigth now I have an interesting title pagem which
include the date, my name and the title. 
In order to make it more interesting, I thought of adding an image and other
stuff, and I found the concept of nesting but that is not allowed with
extra-title ends up on page 1
subject-style is on the same page but before the actual title.
and some other point which I don't find logical.

What I seek, I think, is some guidance as to how you make your title pages less
plain. Someone must have thought something when he created the
styles, and this must be written somewhere.

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03-Sep-2001
Time: 17:50:01

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

two pages on one

2001-09-03 Thread morten

I have a really really interesting 40 page appendix.
and I was wondering if I could put two pages on one - you know, to concentrate
all the interesting stuff.

my thought is that I have 40 pages like this

: page header :
: :
: :   
: :
: :
: :
: page footer :

and I want 20 pages looking something like this

: page header :
: :
:  Stuff B:
: :
: :
:  Stuff A:
: :
: page footer :

where stuff A and B are turned 90 degrees and downscaled.

How do I do this?
E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03-Sep-2001
Time: 17:09:01

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

gluing lines

2001-09-02 Thread morten

How do make sure that two lines stay on the same page?
with two word you use ctrl+space to get a protected blank so they stay at the
same line . But how do the same with lines?
E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02-Sep-2001
Time: 16:59:32

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

RE: Re (2): bibtex reference order

2001-07-26 Thread morten

ok that solves it, thanks.

On 26-Jul-2001 Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Morten, by the way...
> I had a look at your bib-file. You will get problems with the way you 
> inserted the name!
> You are using pybliographic, right?
> Please use this naming scheme
> "Suzumori, K."
> not 
> "K. Suzumori"
> And do not enter "and" between several authors by yourself in 
> Pybliographic, this will not get the right results.
> In Pybliographic it is more easy, use the return key after any author:
> Suzumori, K.
> Likura, S.
> Tanaka, H.
> And everything will be fine ;-)
> This is why your bibliography in the testfile is sorted alphabetically 
> by the first name of the authors, which is nonsense of course ;-)
> Greets,
> Jürgen

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jul-2001
Time: 19:02:01

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: bibtex reference order

2001-07-26 Thread morten

yes and no...
My first ref. is 'Prelle' and the second is 'Ohno' .

but say I want to define another numbering scheme. Do you have a link or an
easy of doing that?

On 26-Jul-2001 Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Hello Morten,
> You want bibtex to give your references the number as they appear in 
> the text [1] for the first reference, [2] for the second.
> But bibtex uses (by default) another scheme: The references are ordered 
> alphabetically in the Bibliography and numberend then, so:
> [1] Adams... 
> comes before
> [2] Bart...
> That's the standard and the referneces in the text are using this 
> number scheme, too (of course).
> But, anyway, you can use an unsorted bibstyle like unsrt.bst and you 
> will get what you want.
> But NOTE: the bibliography will _not_ be alphabetically then (of 
> course).
> Hope this solves your problem,
> Jürgen
> Am Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2001 18:22 schrieb morten:
>> What it does correctly:
>> * cf references [4,5,8]
>> * the numbering in the bibliography section.
>> what it doesn't do correctly (or rather, what I want it to do):
>> * the numbering of the references.
>> I do
>> cf ref: [these_cedric]
>> and there is an autogenerated reference numbering.
>> It is this autonumbering that is the problem. I have two references
>> on page 1, and the autonumbering gives them the numbers 6 and 3. I
>> would like that to be 1 and 2.
>> If I only used the bibliography-style I would have changed the biblio
>> sequence, but now I use bibtex, and I don't understand how it does it
>> autonumbering.
>> And I have made an example file with the problem which I have
>> attached I want  ref 2 -> 1
>> ref 3 -> 2
>> ref 4 -> 3
>> and ref 1 -> 4
>> Just so that thes is some logic in the numbering of the references.
>> don't you know this problem? It seems like a thing most people would
>> experience mo
>> On 26-Jul-2001 Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> > Am Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2001 17:48 schrieb morten:
>> >> I have removed the 'babel'-reference under preferences and I
>> >> include the 'cite' package. but no effect.
>> >> so.. any other suggestions?
>> >> morten
>> >
>> > Just to exclude misunderstandings: what is exactly your problem? Do
>> > the cites appear in the wrong order in the text (i.e. the labels)
>> > as: "This is described by [3,1,7,5]"
>> > or do they appear in the wrong order in the bibliography as:
>> > [3] Johnson et al ...
>> > [1] Smith...
>> >
>> > The cite package corrects only the first of this problems, for the
>> > latter, it's a matter of the bibstyle you are using.
>> >
>> > Greets,
>> > Jürgen
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
> name="project.bib"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Description: project.bib
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
> name="bibtesttest.lyx"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Description: bibtesttest.lyx
> -- 
> erbprinzenstr. 6
> 79098 freiburg   
> tel.: 0761/ 29 21 768

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jul-2001
Time: 18:51:01

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: bibtex reference order

2001-07-26 Thread morten

What it does correctly:
* cf references [4,5,8]
* the numbering in the bibliography section.

what it doesn't do correctly (or rather, what I want it to do):
* the numbering of the references.
I do 
cf ref: [these_cedric]
and there is an autogenerated reference numbering.
It is this autonumbering that is the problem. I have two references on page 1,
and the autonumbering gives them the numbers 6 and 3. I would like that to be 1
and 2.

If I only used the bibliography-style I would have changed the biblio sequence,
but now I use bibtex, and I don't understand how it does it autonumbering.

And I have made an example file with the problem which I have attached
I want  ref 2 -> 1
ref 3 -> 2
ref 4 -> 3
and ref 1 -> 4
Just so that thes is some logic in the numbering of the references.

don't you know this problem? It seems like a thing most people would experience

On 26-Jul-2001 Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2001 17:48 schrieb morten:
>> I have removed the 'babel'-reference under preferences and I include
>> the 'cite' package. but no effect.
>> so.. any other suggestions?
>> morten
> Just to exclude misunderstandings: what is exactly your problem? Do the 
> cites appear in the wrong order in the text (i.e. the labels) as:
> "This is described by [3,1,7,5]"
> or do they appear in the wrong order in the bibliography as:
> [3] Johnson et al ...
> [1] Smith...
> The cite package corrects only the first of this problems, for the 
> latter, it's a matter of the bibstyle you are using.
> Greets,
> Jürgen

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jul-2001
Time: 18:03:50

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon


Re: bibtex reference order

2001-07-26 Thread morten

I have removed the 'babel'-reference under preferences and I include the 'cite'
package. but no effect. 
so.. any other suggestions?

>> >>
>> >> well
>> >> I my bibtex up and running. but ...
>> >> The references appear in the order of 3, 8, 2, 1, etc
>> >> I would like to have them appear as 1, 2, 3, etc. How do I do that.
>> >
>> > \usepackage{cite} in preamble
>> >
>> > Herbert
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> It doesn't change anything to use the cite-package.
>> do I have to do anything else than include the package?
> there are some problems with package babel and cite.
> delete in edit->preferences->language->langopts
> the entry for package: \usepackage{babel}
> Herbert

Re: bibtex reference order

2001-07-26 Thread morten

On 26-Jul-2001 Herbert Voss wrote:
> morten wrote:
>> well
>> I my bibtex up and running. but ...
>> The references appear in the order of 3, 8, 2, 1, etc
>> I would like to have them appear as 1, 2, 3, etc. How do I do that.
> \usepackage{cite} in preamble
> Herbert
> -- 

It doesn't change anything to use the cite-package.
do I have to do anything else than include the package?
E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jul-2001
Time: 16:44:16

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

bibtex reference order

2001-07-26 Thread morten

I my bibtex up and running. but ...
The references appear in the order of 3, 8, 2, 1, etc
I would like to have them appear as 1, 2, 3, etc. How do I do that.


E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jul-2001
Time: 15:17:37

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: bibliographic references

2001-07-26 Thread morten

bla bla bibtex for 15 references or not

> have a look at
> Herbert

so I did. And I downloaded the latest pybliographer from sourceforge. installed
it and executed pybliographic. It took me about 10 minutes to have the
references from my newly made bibtex file included in my lyx-document.
Forget what I said about it migth be too much. It is very easy. 

but it has a 'cite' button, where it complains about not having a
file. How does the cite part work? I have the list of references to choose
between, just like if I had included the biblio in the lyx-file. Isn't that

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Jul-2001
Time: 14:14:38

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: bibliographic references

2001-07-24 Thread morten

I am not using bibtex. I am only using the "bibliography"-style available under
the "report"-class.
If this means that I am using bibtex, I suppose I have to specify a bibtex
database, but I am not aware of having created one. It just seems like a huge
machinery to start for, say, 15 references.

On 23-Jul-2001 Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> This happens when the key you used in the reference doesn't match anything in
> the database bibtex searches. You could have misspelled a key, misspelled the
> name of the .bib database, or when you made the database you didn't run 
> "texconfig rehash"... In any case, the problem is that bibtex can't find your
> reference.
> On Monday 23 July 2001 08:00 am, you wrote:
>> hi
>> I've have just printed my assignment, all 60 pages of it, and I noticed an
>> inconsistency between the printed version and what lyx shows me.
>> It is the bibliographic references. In lyx, it works with the correct link,
>> but in the printed version (and the dvi of course) it gives me a
>> questionmark instead of the biblio ref. no.
>> It writes: [?, chapter 1]
>> instead of [1, chapter 1]
>> It seems like an latex error, but does any of you know what to do about it?
>> -- version info
>> [morten@darkstar morten] latex -v
>> TeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159
>> kpathsea version 3.3.1
>> ...
>> I am doing a multifile document, with the report (koma-script) class with
>> 'fancy' headings. and lyx1.1.6fix2
>> morten

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24-Jul-2001
Time: 10:18:02

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

bibliographic references

2001-07-23 Thread morten

I've have just printed my assignment, all 60 pages of it, and I noticed an
inconsistency between the printed version and what lyx shows me.
It is the bibliographic references. In lyx, it works with the correct link, but
in the printed version (and the dvi of course) it gives me a questionmark
instead of the biblio ref. no.
It writes: [?, chapter 1]
instead of [1, chapter 1]

It seems like an latex error, but does any of you know what to do about it?
-- version info
[morten@darkstar morten] latex -v
TeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159
kpathsea version 3.3.1

I am doing a multifile document, with the report (koma-script) class with
'fancy' headings. and lyx1.1.6fix2

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 23-Jul-2001
Time: 13:26:40

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: ieee class document and images

2001-06-29 Thread morten

I use your ieee class file but I get a error saying "undefined control
sequence". The last part of the latex output:

(/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/t1enc.def)) (ieee-me-bio.aux)
! Undefined control sequence.
\biography ...noindent \setbox 0\hbox {\resizebox 
l.23 {Morten Bo Nielsen}

Any suggestions as to what goes wrong?

On 28-Jun-2001 A. Gunes Koru wrote:
> I had this problem before and searched the internet.. I remember that I
> found a solution and added it to the end of my IEEEtran.cls file. Please
> see the attachment. You will make use of it like below (this is how I
> could end one of my papers). In this example "gunes" and "tian" are *.eps
> files. You give the filenames as a parameter after {biography}. Pay
> attention to the size of your photograph. (should be 25mmx32mm).. I hope
> this will be useful
> \begin{biography}{gunes}
> {A. G{\"u}ne{\c s} Koru}
>  received a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering degree from Ege University,
> Izmir, Tur key in 1996 and a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering degree from
> Dokuz Eylul University in 1998. Currently, he is in the Ph.D. in Computer
> Science program in Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. He is also
> expecting a M.Sc. degree in Software Engineer ing from SMU. His research
> interests include software reliability engineering, software testing and
> quality assurance, software architecture, and software design.
> \end{biography}
> \begin{biography}{tian} 
> {Dr. Jeff Tian} 
> My advisor. 
> \end{biography}
> ***
> A. Gunes Koru
> Research Assistant, Ph.D. Student
> Southern Methodist University
> Computer Science and Engineering Department
> Science and Information Building Room 317
> Dallas, TX 75205
> Home: 214 691 5633
> Work: 214 768 2005
> Cell: 214 893 7311
> ***
> On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, morten wrote:
>> hi
>> I have solved my IEEE template problem by downloading a ieee class file from
>> the internet.
>> Now my problem is how to insert the personal images. At the end of the
>> article
>> there is room for some kind of "who am I" entry, along with an image. But
>> how
>> do I bind an image to this blank rectangle?
>> mo 
>> -- 
>> --
>> E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: 28-Jun-2001
>> Time: 19:00:26
>> Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon
>> --

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29-Jun-2001
Time: 11:06:45

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

ieee class document and images

2001-06-28 Thread morten

I have solved my IEEE template problem by downloading a ieee class file from
the internet.
Now my problem is how to insert the personal images. At the end of the article
there is room for some kind of "who am I" entry, along with an image. But how
do I bind an image to this blank rectangle?
E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 28-Jun-2001
Time: 19:00:26

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

styles editor

2001-06-19 Thread morten

Do you know of a latex style or class editor?
I mean something that is meant for people that don't want to many gory latex

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19-Jun-2001
Time: 13:53:45

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

Re: ieee template

2001-06-14 Thread morten

having found a new version IEEEtran.cls on the net, and I installed it next to
the other tex .cls file reran texconfig and it work
that is the class part works

I get the error that ENGLISH is not defined.

what to do?

Ps I'm sure that I have seen a mail about this once, but it can't locate it.

On 13-Jun-2001 Peter Suetterlin wrote:
> morten wrote:
>> hi
>> I am about to write an article and for that I chose the IEEEtran.lyx
>> template.  Opening this resulted in the error that the textclass
>> IEEEtran was unknown.  Also I get errors when I try to dvi the
>> templatefile
>> Do I need an update of the template and the texclasses - and where do
>> I find it?
> You need the respective latex textclass file.
> Use Help->LaTeX_Configuration in LyX and read section 4.13
>   Pit
> -- 
> Peter "Pit" Suetterlin
> Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen
> Tel.: +49 551 39-5048   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 14-Jun-2001
Time: 15:56:42

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

ieee template

2001-06-13 Thread morten

I am about to write an article and for that I chose the IEEEtran.lyx template.
Opening this resulted in the error that the textclass IEEEtran was unknown.
Also I get errors when I try to dvi the templatefile

Do I need an update of the template and the texclasses - and where do I find it?
I use 1.1.6fix2


E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 13-Jun-2001
Time: 16:48:04

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon

special characters

2001-06-12 Thread morten

I've run into trouble
I'm danish meaning that my keyboard include øæå, but it so happens that I am in
france and have to write in french from time to time. French people use ´`^ etc
and that works fine. But they also have the c 'cedille' - it the c with the
thing bellow it.

I can handle all kind of appostrophes under lyx, but here I'm the dark. I was
looking for a table including special characters but I didn't find it. 

Any suggestions?

E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12-Jun-2001
Time: 15:14:16

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon