Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-04 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

Dear list,

I have the following error:

"Biber error: Cannot find control file 'Neues_Dokument1.bcf'! - did you pass the "backend=biber" option to BibLaTeX?"

In the "Tools/Settings?", the processor is biber. It is what LyX means?

I tried to fix it (by inserting \usepackage(backend=biber]{biblatex} in the preamble) but without success.

(I'm using LyX Version 2.1.0rc1.)





Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-04 16:33 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg :

> I have the following error:
> "Biber error: Cannot find control file 'Neues_Dokument1.bcf'! - did you
> pass the "backend=biber" option to BibLaTeX?"
> In the "Tools/Settings?", the processor is biber. It is what LyX means?
> I tried to fix it (by inserting \usepackage(backend=biber]{biblatex} in
> the preamble) but without success.
> (I'm using LyX Version 2.1.0rc1.)

Can you please post a minimal example file?


> Regards,
> Bernd

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-04 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

Am 04.04.2014 16:35, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
2014-04-04 16:33 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg >:

I have the following error:

"Biber error: Cannot find control file 'Neues_Dokument1.bcf'! -
did you pass the "backend=biber" option to BibLaTeX?"

In the "Tools/Settings?", the processor is biber. It is what LyX

I tried to fix it (by inserting
\usepackage(backend=biber]{biblatex} in the preamble) but without

(I'm using LyX Version 2.1.0rc1.)

Can you please post a minimal example file?


(I'm using XeTeX.)


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LyX bietet Unterstützung für BibTeX.
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Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
I do not understand if you actually want to use biblatex/biber or
traditional bibtex. If the latter, make sure your bibliography processor in
Tools > Settings > Output > LaTeX or at least in Document > Settings >
Bibliography is "bibtex" or "bibtex8". If you want to use biblatex instead,
first read this:


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

Am 05.04.2014 09:48, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

I do not understand if you actually want to use biblatex/biber or 
traditional bibtex. If the latter, make sure your bibliography 
processor in Tools > Settings > Output > LaTeX or at least in Document 
> Settings > Bibliography is "bibtex" or "bibtex8". If you want to use 
biblatex instead, first read this:


I followed the instuctions on, but 
now it says "Undefined control sequence" (something in the language 

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Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-05 12:10 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg :

> I followed the instuctions on, but
> now it says "Undefined control sequence" (something in the language
> settings?).

You need to provide more information (the full error message at least).
Your file works here.


> Regards,
> Bernd

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-05 13:20 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:

>  ! Undefined control sequence.
>  blx@lng@\bbl@main@language

This looks like a mismatch of polyglossia and biblatex. It might be a
problem in your setting/distribution (the file compiles fine for me with

Does it work if you use pdflatex instead of XeTeX?


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-05 13:34 GMT+02:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller:

> 2014-04-05 13:20 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:
>  ! Undefined control sequence.
>>  blx@lng@\bbl@main@language
> This looks like a mismatch of polyglossia and biblatex. It might be a
> problem in your setting/distribution (the file compiles fine for me with
> XeTeX).
> Does it work if you use pdflatex instead of XeTeX?

Wait, I think I know what's happening. Biblatex needs to detect whether
babel or polyglossia is used, but LyX loads polyglossia after the user
preamble, too late for biblatex detection.

Does it help if you write


just before the \usepackage{biblatex} line?


> Jürgen

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

2014-04-05 13:20 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:

! Undefined control sequence.

This looks like a mismatch of polyglossia and biblatex. It might
be a problem in your setting/distribution (the file compiles fine
for me with XeTeX).

Does it work if you use pdflatex instead of XeTeX?

No :(

Wait, I think I know what's happening. Biblatex needs to detect 
whether babel or polyglossia is used, but LyX loads polyglossia after 
the user preamble, too late for biblatex detection.

Does it help if you write


just before the \usepackage{biblatex} line?

Also no :(

But I found out it works if you set the language package from "standard" 
to "automatic"!

Now it compiles... but does not contain any citations:

14:09:26.181: Generiere Vorschau ...

14:09:26.268: (buffer-view pdf4)

14:09:26.341: xelatex "Neues_Dokument2.tex"

14:09:26.408: This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-0..3 (MiKTeX 2.9)

14:09:26.558: entering extended mode



14:09:26.559: kument2.tex

14:09:26.561: LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>

14:09:26.561: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, 
afrikaans, ancientgreek, ba

14:09:26.562: sque, bokmal, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, 
dutch, esperanto, es

14:09:26.563: tonian, finnish, french, galician, german, 
german-x-2013-05-26, greek, hungaria

14:09:26.564: n, icelandic, irish, italian, kurmanji, latin, latvian, 
lithuanian, monogreek,

14:09:26.564: ngerman, ngerman-x-2013-05-26, nynorsk, polish, 
portuguese, romanian, russian,

14:09:26.565: serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, ukenglish, 
usenglishmax, loaded.



14:09:27.073: ** WARNING ** Couldn't open font map file "".

14:09:27.130: biber "Neues_Dokument2"

14:09:28.574: INFO - This is Biber 1.8

14:09:28.575: INFO - Logfile is 'Neues_Dokument2.blg'

14:09:28.576: INFO - Reading 'Neues_Dokument2.bcf'

14:09:28.577: INFO - Found 0 citekeys in bib section 0

14:09:28.578: WARN - The file 'Neues_Dokument2.bcf' does not contain any 

14:09:28.578: INFO - Writing 'Neues_Dokument2.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8'

14:09:28.579: INFO - Output to Neues_Dokument2.bbl

14:09:28.580: INFO - WARNINGS: 1

14:09:28.590: xelatex "Neues_Dokument2.tex"

14:09:28.623: This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-0..3 (MiKTeX 2.9)

14:09:28.773: entering extended mode



14:09:28.776: kument2.tex

14:09:28.776: LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>

14:09:28.777: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, 
afrikaans, ancientgreek, ba

14:09:28.778: sque, bokmal, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, 
dutch, esperanto, es

14:09:28.779: tonian, finnish, french, galician, german, 
german-x-2013-05-26, greek, hungaria

14:09:28.780: n, icelandic, irish, italian, kurmanji, latin, latvian, 
lithuanian, monogreek,

14:09:28.780: ngerman, ngerman-x-2013-05-26, nynorsk, polish, 
portuguese, romanian, russian,

14:09:28.781: serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, ukenglish, 
usenglishmax, loaded.



14:09:29.280: ** WARNING ** Couldn't open font map file "".

14:09:29.331: pdfview "Neues_Dokument2.pdf"

14:09:29.331: Erfolgreiche Vorschau des Formats PDF (XeTeX)


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-05 14:15 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:

> But I found out it works if you set the language package from "standard"
> to "automatic"!

What language package do you have set in Tools > Preferences > Language
Settings > Language?

> Now it compiles... but does not contain any citations:

No surprise. At least the example file you sent me does not contains any
citations. Or did you inserted any in your copy?


> Regards,
> Bernd

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

Am 05.04.2014 15:15, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2014-04-05 14:15 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:

But I found out it works if you set the language package from
"standard" to "automatic"!

What language package do you have set in Tools > Preferences > 
Language Settings > Language?

German, User defined, \usepackage{polyglossia}

Now it compiles... but does not contain any citations:

No surprise. At least the example file you sent me does not contains 
any citations. Or did you inserted any in your copy

Yes, there should be citations of biblatex-examples.bib.

#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
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% .bib wichtig!
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LatexCommand bibtex
bibfiles "biblatex-examples"
options "plain"





\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout





Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-05 18:45 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg :

> What language package do you have set in Tools > Preferences > Language
> Settings > Language?
> German, User defined, \usepackage{polyglossia}


> No surprise. At least the example file you sent me does not contains any
> citations. Or did you inserted any in your copy
> Yes, there should be citations of biblatex-examples.bib.

We cannot help you if you hold back information.


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

2014-04-05 18:45 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg >:

What language package do you have set in Tools > Preferences >
Language Settings > Language?

German, User defined, \usepackage{polyglossia}


I changed English to German, but "user defined", 
"\usepackage{polyglossia}" was default. I did not change that.

No surprise. At least the example file you sent me does not
contains any citations. Or did you inserted any in your copy

Yes, there should be citations of biblatex-examples.bib.

We cannot help you if you hold back information.

Sorry :(

I sent you in the last mail the updated version.


Fwd: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread stefano franchi
On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Bernd Kappenberg

>  Am 05.04.2014 15:15, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
>  2014-04-05 14:15 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:
>> But I found out it works if you set the language package from "standard"
>> to "automatic"!
>  What language package do you have set in Tools > Preferences > Language
> Settings > Language?
> German, User defined, \usepackage{polyglossia}
>> Now it compiles… but does not contain any citations:
>  No surprise. At least the example file you sent me does not contains any
> citations. Or did you inserted any in your copy
> Yes, there should be citations of biblatex-examples.bib.
Hi Bernd,

I'm not sure about what you're trying to do. The file you sent has
basically no content, let alone citations. There is only one word, "LyX".
There are no citations of any kind.

Second, the \addbibresource command in the preamble should include the
absolute path to the bib file, even if it is in the same directory as the
lyx file It works as it is in the your document because the bib file is in
a standard TeX location. This is not usually the case though).

Third, I am not sure if you want to use natbib. You did select the natbib
option in the settings, but you did not load the biblatex module, nor did
you indicate to biblatex that you want to use a natbib-like style. You need
to add the natbib=true option when you load biblatex.

I added a couple of citations to your document, modified the biblatex
loading command, and added the biblatex module. The file compiles as
expected, it seems to me (see enclosed).

Or were you trying to cite all the references in the biblatex-example.bib
file in one single swoop? In that case, you should add the command
\nocite{*} in ERT in your document (I put it in a LyX note, if you want to
try it)



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University  Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University  Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

Description: application/lyx

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-05 Thread Jason F. Siegel
When I was having these problems a few weeks ago, it came up that 
there's a conflict between biblatex and polyglossia:

I solved this problem by using babel and having no language package set 
in Tools > Preferences > Language Settings > Language. Perhaps putting 
babel in the preamble itself would help.


On 04/05/2014 12:45 PM, Bernd Kappenberg wrote:

Am 05.04.2014 15:15, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

2014-04-05 14:15 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg:

But I found out it works if you set the language package from
"standard" to "automatic"!

What language package do you have set in Tools > Preferences > 
Language Settings > Language?

German, User defined, \usepackage{polyglossia}

Now it compiles… but does not contain any citations:

No surprise. At least the example file you sent me does not contains 
any citations. Or did you inserted any in your copy

Yes, there should be citations of biblatex-examples.bib.


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-05 22:00 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg :

>  I changed English to German, but "user defined",
> "\usepackage{polyglossia}" was default. I did not change that.

Set it to "Automatically", unless you really know what you are doing. Your
setting is bound to fail.

> I sent you in the last mail the updated version.

As Stefano already wrote: This one does not contain a single citation.


> Bernd

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread Bernd Kappenberg

Hi Bernd,

I'm not sure about what you're trying to do. The file you sent has 
basically no content, let alone citations. There is only one word, 
"LyX". There are no citations of any kind.

Second, the \addbibresource command in the preamble should include the 
absolute path to the bib file, even if it is in the same directory as 
the lyx file It works as it is in the your document because the bib 
file is in a standard TeX location. This is not usually the case though).

Third, I am not sure if you want to use natbib. You did select the 
natbib option in the settings, but you did not load the biblatex 
module, nor did you indicate to biblatex that you want to use a 
natbib-like style. You need to add the natbib=true option when you 
load biblatex.

I added a couple of citations to your document, modified the biblatex 
loading command, and added the biblatex module. The file compiles as 
expected, it seems to me (see enclosed).

Or were you trying to cite all the references in the 
biblatex-example.bib file in one single swoop? In that case, you 
should add the command \nocite{*} in ERT in your document (I put it in 
a LyX note, if you want to try it)



Dear Stefano,

Thank you very much. Yes, \nocite{*} did the trick! I'm sorry I was not 
clear what I wanted to do.

Do I need to say natbib=true? Because I said so already in my preferences.


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread Bernd Kappenberg
2014-04-05 22:00 GMT+02:00 Bernd Kappenberg >:

I changed English to German, but "user defined",
"\usepackage{polyglossia}" was default. I did not change that.

Set it to "Automatically", unless you really know what you are doing. 
Your setting is bound to fail.

Strangely it worked, but anyway, now I've set it to "Automatically".

Thank you Jürgen and Stefano for helping me!

Bernd :)

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread stefano franchi
On Apr 6, 2014 6:47 AM, "Bernd Kappenberg"  wrote:
>> Hi Bernd,
>> I'm not sure about what you're trying to do. The file you sent has
basically no content, let alone citations. There is only one word, "LyX".
There are no citations of any kind.
>> Second, the \addbibresource command in the preamble should include the
absolute path to the bib file, even if it is in the same directory as the
lyx file It works as it is in the your document because the bib file is in
a standard TeX location. This is not usually the case though).
>> Third, I am not sure if you want to use natbib. You did select the
natbib option in the settings, but you did not load the biblatex module,
nor did you indicate to biblatex that you want to use a natbib-like style.
You need to add the natbib=true option when you load biblatex.
>> I added a couple of citations to your document, modified the biblatex
loading command, and added the biblatex module. The file compiles as
expected, it seems to me (see enclosed).
>> Or were you trying to cite all the references in the
biblatex-example.bib file in one single swoop? In that case, you should add
the command \nocite{*} in ERT in your document (I put it in a LyX note, if
you want to try it)
>> Cheers,
>> Stefano
> Dear Stefano,
> Thank you very much. Yes, \nocite{*} did the trick! I'm sorry I was not
clear what I wanted to do.
> Do I need to say natbib=true? Because I said so already in my preferences.

You do. The preference on settings is for LyX. The "natbib=true" is for
biblatex. You need both. You also need a biblatex style consistent with
natbib. The most commonly used is author year and its variations. You may
want to take a look at biblatex's extensive documentation about styles.



> Regards,
> Bernd

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-06 14:39 GMT+02:00 stefano franchi:

> > Do I need to say natbib=true? Because I said so already in my
> preferences.
> You do. The preference on settings is for LyX. The "natbib=true" is for
> biblatex. You need both.
More precisely: You need both if you want to use author-year citation
support of LyX for biblatex. "natbib=true" simply enables natbib syntax in
biblatex (i.e., \citep, \citealt etc. in addition to biblatex's own
commands, \textcite, \parencite etc.). You can use biblatex for author-year
citations without "natbib=true", and actually, this is the preferred
approach from the biblatex POV. However, LyX currently does not support
biblatex's own commands, so you would have to enter these in TeX mode
(ERT). The "natbib=true" trick in conjunction with the biblatex.module
provided on the wiki allows you to use biblatex with LyX _as if_ you would
use natbib. In a way, we fool both biblatex and LyX in order to let them

These workarounds will hopefully vanish eventually (once someone has
volunteered to implement native biblatex support in LyX, which is quite a
big task).


Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread stefano franchi
On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 8:27 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:

In a way, we fool both biblatex and LyX in order to let them cooperate.
This is the best and most succinct explanation I have ever seen. It should
probably become the header of the relevant  wiki page on biblatex:

"How to fool  biblatex and LyX in order to let them cooperate."
[details on natbib settings/authoryear syle and natbib=true follow]


Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University  Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

Re: Cannot find control file (.bcf)

2014-04-06 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-04-06 15:47 GMT+02:00 stefano franchi :

> This is the best and most succinct explanation I have ever seen. It should
> probably become the header of the relevant  wiki page on biblatex:

