Re: Help with alignat ?

2005-02-23 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Matt wrote:
I see the trick you used was to add an extra column rlrlrl ...?
The column-alignment of the align-environment is always rl.
regards Uwe

Re: Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Matt
Hi Uwe,

Thanks for the great help.

I see the trick you used was to add an extra column rlrlrl ...?


 --- Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Matt wrote:
> > I want to use lyx to align an array of
> > equations of the form:
> > 
> > y1=d1 on x1=e1
> > y2=d2 on x2=e2
> > 
> > Here d* and e* are variable length expressions.
> > 
> > To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I
> do,
> > I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment!
> I
> > am using lyx 1.3.5.
> Use the align, Flalign or Alignat-environment. (create a formula and
> use 
> then the menu Edit->Math->Change Formula Type)
> I attached an example using Alignat.
> regards Uwe
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> ee2\end{alignat*}
> \end_inset 
> \the_end

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Re: Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Matt wrote:
I want to use lyx to align an array of
equations of the form:
y1=d1 on x1=e1
y2=d2 on x2=e2
Here d* and e* are variable length expressions.
To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I do,
I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment! I
am using lyx 1.3.5.
Use the align, Flalign or Alignat-environment. (create a formula and use 
then the menu Edit->Math->Change Formula Type)

I attached an example using Alignat.
regards Uwe
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\begin_inset Formula \begin{alignat*}{3}
y_{1}= & \: dd1 & \textrm{on} &  & x_{1}= & \: e1\\
y_{2}= & \: d2 & \hspace{1cm}\textrm{on} & \hspace{1cm} & x_{2}= & \: 



Help with alignat ?

2005-02-22 Thread Matt
Hi Guys,

You guessed it: I need help. I want to use lyx to align an array of
equations of the form:

y1=d1 on x1=e1
y2=d2 on x2=e2

Here d* and e* are variable length expressions.

To do this I chose 5 fields with alignment rlcrl. No matter what I do,
I cannot get the last field to appear in dvi with a left alignment! I
am using lyx 1.3.5.

Let me know what I can do or provide to help me get to the bottom of

Thanks for your time,


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