Importing and displaying graphic files

2005-01-24 Thread Mike Reeks
Having problems importing eps files and displaying them on the screen in
lyx - I get 'error converting to loadable format' and doing a straight
latex pdf fails. However the graphics files appear in the dvi text using
YAP viewer  and a readable pdf file is generated clicking on
PDF(dvipdfm). Something to do with Imagemagick I guess. Any suggestions?

Prof. Michael W Reeks
School of Mechanical& Systems Engineering
Stephenson Building
Claremont Rd
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Tel 0044 191 222 3570
Fax 0044 191 222 8600
Mob 0044 797 977 4480
Sec 0044 191 222 5236

Re: Importing and displaying graphic files

2005-01-24 Thread Angus Leeming
Mike Reeks wrote:

> Having problems importing eps files and displaying them on the screen in
> lyx - I get 'error converting to loadable format' and doing a straight
> latex pdf fails. However the graphics files appear in the dvi text using
> YAP viewer  and a readable pdf file is generated clicking on
> PDF(dvipdfm). Something to do with Imagemagick I guess. Any suggestions?

This is using LyX/Win 1.3.3, right? I ask because the 1.3.5 version that
Ruurd has released recently has it's own problems.

Assuming that this is the case, there are several things to check:

If you run "lyx -dbg graphics" from the CMD prompt, you'll get a whole heap
of diagnostic info about exactly what LyX is doing. In general, you can
define your own converters from file format A to a format loadable by the
Qt library routines, but here I'd expect that you're falling through to
the use of the default script, to be found in the
$PREFIX/share/lyx/scripts directory. (Your LyX executable is found at

Assuming that you are indeed using, then this is simply a
wrapper for ImageMagick's convert.exe tool. The next thing to check,
therefore is that your PATH environment variable has the path to the
ImageMagick convert utility coming before that to the system tool of the
same name. Something to do with changing the type of your partitions...

Finally, we have had reports that the clever little check in that all has been converted, doesn't work. Just remove
these lines, therefore, and try again.

# It appears that convert succeeded, but we know better than to trustit ;-)
# convert is passed strings in the form "FMT:FILENAME", so use the ':' to
# delimit the two parts.
# Note that Win32 filenames have the form 'C:\my\file',
# so use everything from the first ':' to the end of the line.
FILE=`echo "$2" | cut -d ':' -f 2-`

test -f "$FILE" || {
echo "$0 ERROR"
echo "Unable to find file \"${FILE}\""
exit 1

echo "$0 generated file \"${FILE}\" successfully."


ps, be warned. These conversions on LyX/Win are *blocking*. You'll have to
go make a cup of tea whilst all your images are loaded onto the LyX
screen. I'm working on fixing that but you'll have to wait for LyX 1.3.6.
Till then: tea and more tea.

pps LyX 1.3.6 will run natively on Windows out of the box. Ruurd will
probably still provide a nice package for it all, but there will be no
need for him to hack the sources to create the executable.

ppps answering the "doing a straight latex pdf fails" part:
obviously, it's failing for reasons outlined above. However, you may also
find that LyX is converting your nice vector EPS file to a bitmapped PNG
file rather than a PDF file. pdflatex will understand both, but only the
PDF version will scale nicely in your final document.

Again, check by looking at the output of "lyx -dbg graphics". You're
looking for the output from:

<< "\tThe original file is " << orig_file << "\n"
<< "\tA copy has been made and convert is to be called with:\n"
<< "\tfile to convert = " << temp_file << '\n'
<< "\toutfile_base = " << outfile_base << '\n'
<< "\t from " << from << " to " << to << '\n';


Re: Importing and displaying graphic files

2005-01-28 Thread =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Uwe_St=F6hr?=
Mike Reeks wrote:
Having problems importing eps files and displaying them on the screen in
lyx - I get 'error converting to loadable format' and doing a straight
latex pdf fails. However the graphics files appear in the dvi text using
YAP viewer  and a readable pdf file is generated clicking on
PDF(dvipdfm). Something to do with Imagemagick I guess.
If you can see inserted graphics in other formats than ps, pdf, and eps 
inside LyX, then it could be an Imagemagick bug. Some versions of 
Imagemagick had problems to work with ghostscript 8.15 and 8.50. An 
Imagemagick update should fix this problem.

regards Uwe