>>Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 20:14:56 +
>>From: Jose L Gomez Dans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: PS output won't have all the pages
>> I'm working in a rather big document with loads of diagrams and
>>equations. So far, lyx 1.0.3 has behaved brilliantly. However since my
>>parallel port is dead, I want to export the whole document to a postscript
>>file and print it somewhere else. This was no problem, but now dvips only
>>exports up to page 14 in my document. The dvi still has 51 pages, and when
>>invoked from the command line, it will report that it's gone through the 51
>>pages. However, ghostscript doesn't want to know about anything that goes
>>over page 14.
>> Does anyone know what's going on in here? I can supply you with the
>>"offending" dvi file if you need it.
Perhaps you can check if there is a limit on the size of the exported file
(used to have limit of !Mb on old BSD lpr command, you could spool with lpr -s)
not likely however if ghostview does not take it.
Any file system full hidden message ?
Otherwise it could be an offending figure ? You may try to skip page 14.
What about dvips -f foo -pp15-25 |lp ?