Re: Table of content with dots and shrink distance between entrys

2014-12-11 Thread Nikos Alexandris

On 11.12.2014 18:28, Uwe Ade wrote:


for a book i use coma-script-buch.

 My table of contens look like

top1  1
top2  4
top3  12

I want a table of contents that look like

top2…. .. 4
top3. …..12

I this possible ?How does this work?

A solution for this is given among the posts at 

Second question. Is it possible to shrink the distance between the
items in the table of content.

Which items?  Everything is (should) be possible.  For the KOMA-script, 
all of the details are explained in the manual. For example at: 


Table of content with dots and shrink distance between entrys

2014-12-11 Thread Uwe Ade

for a book i use coma-script-buch.

 My table of contens look like

top1  1
top2  4
top3  12

I want a table of contents that look like

top2…. .. 4
top3. …..12

I this possible ?How does this work?

Second question. Is it possible to shrink the distance between the items in the 
table of content. 

