Re: Three dots

2004-06-28 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Angus Leeming wrote:

> I can't answer you, but see
> Specifically, Chapter 3 of The Latex Companion, 2nd ed., by Mittelbach,
> Goossens et el.


  Well! If you ever want to get wrapped around the axel in the minutia of
typography, read the section on ellipses in that chapter. I downloaded the
pdf version to examine right away.

  It turns out that \textellipsis -- in English -- adds an extra space to
the right of the three dots. That space may, or may not, be appropriate. It
all depends on what follows. So the ellipsis package uses \ldots to figure
out how to fit spaces after the three dots, depending on context.

  I think I'm sorry that I asked! :-)



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: Three dots

2004-06-28 Thread Rich Shepard
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Angus Leeming wrote:

> I can't answer you, but see
> Specifically, Chapter 3 of The Latex Companion, 2nd ed., by Mittelbach,
> Goossens et el.

  Thanks, Angus. Powell's Technical Books has a couple of copies on the
shelves. I'll drive down there this evening and buy one.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

Re: Three dots

2004-06-28 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Sorry, I sent this only to PM. For the archieves:

Rich Shepard wrote:
>  What is the difference between \textellipsis and ldots? I've used the
> \former and they want the latter. In my copy of The Comprehensive LaTeX
> Symbol List, I find \textellipsis in Table 3: Predefined LaTeX Text-Mode
> Commands and \ldots in Table 2. Do these typeset differently and
> noticeably? Just curious.

AFAIR they are equivalent (i.e. \ldots or \dots result in \textellipsis in tex 
mode and in \mathellipsis in math mode).
Wait, let's have a look:

Incidentally: Why didn't you use LyX's native ellipsis inset (M-period or 
insert->Special character->ellipsis), which will output \ldots?


Re: Three dots

2004-06-28 Thread Angus Leeming
Rich Shepard wrote:

>   What is the difference between \textellipsis and ldots? I've used
>   the
> \former and they want the latter. In my copy of The Comprehensive
> LaTeX Symbol List, I find \textellipsis in Table 3: Predefined LaTeX
> Text-Mode Commands and \ldots in Table 2. Do these typeset
> differently and noticeably? Just curious.
> Rich

I can't answer you, but see
Specifically, Chapter 3 of The Latex Companion, 2nd ed., by 
Mittelbach, Goossens et el., page 3

That should provide some illumination.


Three dots

2004-06-28 Thread Rich Shepard
  What is the difference between \textellipsis and ldots? I've used the
\former and they want the latter. In my copy of The Comprehensive LaTeX
Symbol List, I find \textellipsis in Table 3: Predefined LaTeX Text-Mode
Commands and \ldots in Table 2. Do these typeset differently and noticeably?
Just curious.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)