Re: Windows LyX (1.3.7)

2006-01-30 Thread Roy Keene

Mr. Stohr,

	I got no error message during installation, and LyX works fine 
after performing the steps outlined in my first message (tested PDF and 
DVI output).

I'll have to get back to you on the output as I'll be away from that 
Windows system for 2 weeks, or more.

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Uwe St??hr wrote:

Roy Keene wrote:

This was a fresh install using the 1.0 installer on a system that had 
never had LyX installed before.

And you also didn't get an error message from the installer that the 
configuration wasn't successful? I have no explanation for this.

If the reinstall doesn't help, delete the folder
c:\documents and settings\owner\application data\LyX
manually and then reconfigure LyX.

If this also doesn't help, start LyX from a command line with the command

lyx -dbg 3

, reconfigure LyX and report me what you see there.

regards Uwe

Re: Windows LyX (1.3.7)

2006-01-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Roy Keene wrote:

This was a fresh install using the 1.0 installer on a system that 
had never had LyX installed before.

And you also didn't get an error message from the installer that the 
configuration wasn't successful? I have no explanation for this.

If the reinstall doesn't help, delete the folder
c:\documents and settings\owner\application data\LyX
manually and then reconfigure LyX.

If this also doesn't help, start LyX from a command line with the command

lyx -dbg 3

, reconfigure LyX and report me what you see there.

regards Uwe

Re: Windows LyX (1.3.7)

2006-01-30 Thread Roy Keene

Mr. Stohr,

	This was a fresh install using the 1.0 installer on a system that 
had never had LyX installed before.

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Uwe St?hr wrote:

Roy Keene schrieb:

I just tried to install LyX for Windows (Complete) and upon completion 
LyX would not start until I executed:
copy "c:\program files\lyx\resources\*.lst" "c:\documents and 
settings\owner\application data\LyX\"

Also, when I ran "Reconfigure" the standard reconfigure occured, but never 
finished and when I re-ran LyX I got an error about not being able to open 

Deinstall LyX and also delete the math fonts and the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Applications\LyX
, the uninstaller will ask you for this.
(This avoids that you have a broken LyX installation due to rests of older 
LyX-versions.) Then reinstall LyX again with version 1.0 of the installer 
(complete or small version).

regards Uwe

Re: Windows LyX (1.3.7)

2006-01-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Roy Keene schrieb:

I just tried to install LyX for Windows (Complete) and upon 
completion LyX would not start until I executed:
copy "c:\program files\lyx\resources\*.lst" "c:\documents and 
settings\owner\application data\LyX\"

Also, when I ran "Reconfigure" the standard reconfigure occured, but 
never finished and when I re-ran LyX I got an error about not being able 
to open "textclass.lst"

Deinstall LyX and also delete the math fonts and the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Applications\LyX
, the uninstaller will ask you for this.
(This avoids that you have a broken LyX installation due to rests of 
older LyX-versions.) Then reinstall LyX again with version 1.0 of the 
installer (complete or small version).

regards Uwe

Windows LyX (1.3.7)

2006-01-29 Thread Roy Keene

	I just tried to install LyX for Windows (Complete) and upon 
completion LyX would not start until I executed:
	copy "c:\program files\lyx\resources\*.lst" "c:\documents and 
settings\owner\application data\LyX\"

Also, when I ran "Reconfigure" the standard reconfigure occured, but never 
finished and when I re-ran LyX I got an error about not being able to open 

Let me know if I can give any additional info.

Roy Keene