Re: problem with dcolumn

2003-01-21 Thread Herbert Voss
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Sauerbrey schrieb:

Hi there!

I have a rather strange problem with the package dcolumn, which I could 
only track down after some frustrating hours of work. It´s no problem to 
correctly align the values on the decimal point in the middle of the 
column and view the result with Acrobat Reader AS LONG as the font size 
 remains on normal. If I change this to an arbitrarily chosen size, e.g. 
big or small, I get a pretty amount of errors while trying to convert to 

For example I get something like this:

missing } inserted

{footnotesize 104.1}

I have no ideas left, what might be wrong (sigh). I´m running Lyx 1.2.2 
  on Windows XP SP1. I´ve added an example file which demontrates this 
problem. Font size is on the default setting "normal" at the moment, but 
if changed, the errors start coming in low.

attached the running file. Look into the preamble,
I changed the newcolumntype and commented out
two commands, which are unknown to me (maybe that
they are part of komascript(???)



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Re: problem with dcolumn

2003-01-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 01:50:22PM +0100, Dipl.-Ing. Robert Sauerbrey wrote:
> I have no ideas left, what might be wrong (sigh).

Looks like the columntype you define only understands numbers, but not
{\huge 100.2}. I've never used the dcolumn package, though.

If you want the whole table as "huge", you could simply put \huge in ERT in
front of the table.


PS: This is not exactly a LyX problem, maybe better ask in comp.text.tex
or similar.

Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

problem with dcolumn

2003-01-21 Thread Dipl.-Ing. Robert Sauerbrey
Hi there!

I have a rather strange problem with the package dcolumn, which I could 
only track down after some frustrating hours of work. It´s no problem to 
correctly align the values on the decimal point in the middle of the 
column and view the result with Acrobat Reader AS LONG as the font size 
 remains on normal. If I change this to an arbitrarily chosen size, 
e.g. big or small, I get a pretty amount of errors while trying to 
convert to PDF.

For example I get something like this:

missing } inserted

{footnotesize 104.1}

I have no ideas left, what might be wrong (sigh). I´m running Lyx 1.2.2 
  on Windows XP SP1. I´ve added an example file which demontrates this 
problem. Font size is on the default setting "normal" at the moment, but 
if changed, the errors start coming in low.

Thanks in advance,

Dipl.-Ing. Robert Sauerbrey
Institut für Chemische Technologie Anorganischer Stoffe
TU Graz
Stremayrgasse 16/III
A-8010 Graz

Tel.:	+43 (0) 316/ 873 8293
Fax.:	+43 (0) 316/ 873 8272

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