Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-15 Thread lacocio

-Messaggio ricevuto--
 Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:40:42 +0200
 From: "Ralf Plaenkers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: "Ralf Plaenkers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ps too big ???
 claudio wrote:
Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I 
need to
produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of 
sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too 
large (
Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with 
compression tool ?
Thanks , Claudio
 You can gzip the PS (or better EPS) files. This makes you save quite
 a lot of megs. But you need to extract the bounding box information
 first and put it into a separate file. This leaves you with one
 image.eps.gz and one file.
 LaTeX and xdvi should be able to deal with these compressed images
 Unfortunately, LyX is not yet able to display them. But you can
 still use them without problems, you simply need to turn display off
 in the figure popup and change the name of your image from image.eps
 to image.eps.gz in that same popup.
 Below is a little script that can do the trick on hopefully any PS
 and EPS file.

Thanks a lot


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-15 Thread lacocio

-Messaggio ricevuto--
 Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:40:42 +0200
 From: "Ralf Plaenkers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: "Ralf Plaenkers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ps too big ???
 claudio wrote:
Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I 
need to
produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of 
sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too 
large (
Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with 
compression tool ?
Thanks , Claudio
 You can gzip the PS (or better EPS) files. This makes you save quite
 a lot of megs. But you need to extract the bounding box information
 first and put it into a separate file. This leaves you with one
 image.eps.gz and one file.
 LaTeX and xdvi should be able to deal with these compressed images
 Unfortunately, LyX is not yet able to display them. But you can
 still use them without problems, you simply need to turn display off
 in the figure popup and change the name of your image from image.eps
 to image.eps.gz in that same popup.
 Below is a little script that can do the trick on hopefully any PS
 and EPS file.

Thanks a lot


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-15 Thread lacocio

-Messaggio ricevuto--
> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:40:42 +0200
> From: "Ralf Plaenkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Ralf Plaenkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: ps too big ???
> claudio wrote:
> >   Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I 
need to
> >   produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of 
> Starcalc
> >   sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
> >   1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
> >   2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too 
large (
> >   3Mb)
> >
> >   Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with 
> >   compression tool ?
> >
> >   Thanks , Claudio
> >
> You can gzip the PS (or better EPS) files. This makes you save quite
> a lot of megs. But you need to extract the bounding box information
> first and put it into a separate file. This leaves you with one
> image.eps.gz and one file.
> LaTeX and xdvi should be able to deal with these compressed images
> automagically.
> Unfortunately, LyX is not yet able to display them. But you can
> still use them without problems, you simply need to turn display off
> in the figure popup and change the name of your image from image.eps
> to image.eps.gz in that same popup.
> Below is a little script that can do the trick on hopefully any PS
> and EPS file.

Thanks a lot


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-11 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:46:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ps too big ???

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
 sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
 Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
 compression tool ?

Hi Claudio,

I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

The memory size of bitmapped/compressed images depends strongly upon the final 
if you need a thumbnail image, say 80x60 pixels, it will have a smaller
size than the original one, say 400x300 (that is a good reason to use 
specific small images in HTML documents rather that resizing of original ones). 
The size of vectorized images is by definition independent of the printed size 
(a global scale order changes the size at viewing or printing time).
 - if the original ps is of the vector kind, nothing can really be done, 
 unless the used software produces very huge dictionaries of macros which are
 not fully used by the figure; in that case I would suggest to try 
 a conversion to eps using ghostscript: it may rewrite a simpler picture;
 - if the original ps is big because bitmapped, convert it to GIF or PNG, then back to
 eps, preferably in the final desired size; ImageMagick allows to do this in
 batch mode (i.e. without opening the images) quite easily, which is useful
 when you have many images. Unless you print in color, you
 will convert to greyscale on the fly (-colorspace GRAY option of ImageMagick convert 
 As a side remark about the original mail, I don't understand why the size of the image
 is a problem, once it is converted in EPS: to produce the dvi, LyX only needs the
 BoundingBox, the image in only read at viewing or printing time: if the printing 
 I would suspect a printer spool problem or a temporary size. Did you check that ?
 A good test is to save as LaTeX, run latex alone and chack that the dvi is correct.
 Then you may try to print the document page by page
 dvips bar -pp1-1 


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-11 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:46:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ps too big ???

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
 sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
 Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
 compression tool ?

Hi Claudio,

I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

The memory size of bitmapped/compressed images depends strongly upon the final 
if you need a thumbnail image, say 80x60 pixels, it will have a smaller
size than the original one, say 400x300 (that is a good reason to use 
specific small images in HTML documents rather that resizing of original ones). 
The size of vectorized images is by definition independent of the printed size 
(a global scale order changes the size at viewing or printing time).
 - if the original ps is of the vector kind, nothing can really be done, 
 unless the used software produces very huge dictionaries of macros which are
 not fully used by the figure; in that case I would suggest to try 
 a conversion to eps using ghostscript: it may rewrite a simpler picture;
 - if the original ps is big because bitmapped, convert it to GIF or PNG, then back to
 eps, preferably in the final desired size; ImageMagick allows to do this in
 batch mode (i.e. without opening the images) quite easily, which is useful
 when you have many images. Unless you print in color, you
 will convert to greyscale on the fly (-colorspace GRAY option of ImageMagick convert 
 As a side remark about the original mail, I don't understand why the size of the image
 is a problem, once it is converted in EPS: to produce the dvi, LyX only needs the
 BoundingBox, the image in only read at viewing or printing time: if the printing 
 I would suspect a printer spool problem or a temporary size. Did you check that ?
 A good test is to save as LaTeX, run latex alone and chack that the dvi is correct.
 Then you may try to print the document page by page
 dvips bar -pp1-1 


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-11 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:46:01 -0700 (PDT)
>>From: Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: claudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: ps too big ???
>>On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:
>>> Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
>>> produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
>>> sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
>>> 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
>>> 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
>>> 3Mb)
>>> Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
>>> compression tool ?
>>Hi Claudio,
>>I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
>>I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
>>files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
>>sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
>>the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
>>usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
>>create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
>>to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
>>ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
>>may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

The memory size of bitmapped/compressed images depends strongly upon the final 
if you need a thumbnail image, say 80x60 pixels, it will have a smaller
size than the original one, say 400x300 (that is a good reason to use 
specific small images in HTML documents rather that resizing of original ones). 
The size of vectorized images is by definition independent of the printed size 
(a global scale order changes the size at viewing or printing time).
 - if the original ps is of the vector kind, nothing can really be done, 
 unless the used software produces very huge dictionaries of macros which are
 not fully used by the figure; in that case I would suggest to try 
 a conversion to eps using ghostscript: it may rewrite a simpler picture;
 - if the original ps is big because bitmapped, convert it to GIF or PNG, then back to
 eps, preferably in the final desired size; ImageMagick allows to do this in
 batch mode (i.e. without opening the images) quite easily, which is useful
 when you have many images. Unless you print in color, you
 will convert to greyscale on the fly (-colorspace GRAY option of ImageMagick convert 
 As a side remark about the original mail, I don't understand why the size of the image
 is a problem, once it is converted in EPS: to produce the dvi, LyX only needs the
 BoundingBox, the image in only read at viewing or printing time: if the printing 
 I would suspect a printer spool problem or a temporary size. Did you check that ?
 A good test is to save as LaTeX, run latex alone and chack that the dvi is correct.
 Then you may try to print the document page by page
 dvips bar -pp1-1 


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-10 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
 sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
 Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
 compression tool ?

Hi Claudio,

I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-10 Thread Carlos A M dos Santos

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a
 Starcalc sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb) 2) save in tiff
 (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large ( 3Mb)

Look for "jpeg2ps" at CTAN.


O cara que procura encrenca cada vez tem que andar menos.
-- Millôr Fernandes   

Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-10 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
 sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
 Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
 compression tool ?

Hi Claudio,

I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-10 Thread Carlos A M dos Santos

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a
 Starcalc sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb) 2) save in tiff
 (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large ( 3Mb)

Look for "jpeg2ps" at CTAN.


O cara que procura encrenca cada vez tem que andar menos.
-- Millôr Fernandes   

Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-10 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

> Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
> produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
> sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
> 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
> 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
> 3Mb)
> Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
> compression tool ?

Hi Claudio,

I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-10 Thread Carlos A M dos Santos

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

> Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
> produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a
> Starcalc sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
> 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb) 2) save in tiff
> (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large ( 3Mb)

Look for "jpeg2ps" at CTAN.


O cara que procura encrenca cada vez tem que andar menos.
-- Millôr Fernandes