Re: url{} package not working [FIXED]

2011-03-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 17 Mar 2011, Paul Rubin wrote:

I think that's a combination of two factors.  The first is that the geometry
package is not being loaded; I suggest you switch out of default margins, which
will cure that.  The other is that you need either to add the breakurl package
(after url) in the preamble, or else delete the url package and (in the PDF
properties dialog) turn on hyperref and click the option to break URLs.


  I should have looked in TLC2 before writing to the list. For the record,
adding the option [hyphens] to the \usepackage command allows the URL to be
split at hyphens in the string. This solved the problem for me.



Re: url{} package not working

2011-03-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 17 Mar 2011, Paul Rubin wrote:

It's monospaced here.

  Interesting, Paul.

and extends well into the right margin.

I think that's a combination of two factors.  The first is that the geometry
package is not being loaded; I suggest you switch out of default margins, which
will cure that.  The other is that you need either to add the breakurl package
(after url) in the preamble, or else delete the url package and (in the PDF
properties dialog) turn on hyperref and click the option to break URLs.

  I've not before used breakurl and have always used the default margins.
Strange it doesn't want to work here.

  Well, off to CTAN to find breakurl.sty.



Re: url{} package not working

2011-03-17 Thread Paul Rubin
Rich Shepard> writes:

> When I preview the output the text is typeset in the
> article body typeface

It's monospaced here.

> and extends well into the right margin.

I think that's a combination of two factors.  The first is that the geometry
package is not being loaded; I suggest you switch out of default margins, which
will cure that.  The other is that you need either to add the breakurl package
(after url) in the preamble, or else delete the url package and (in the PDF
properties dialog) turn on hyperref and click the option to break URLs.


Re: url{} package not working

2011-03-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 17 Mar 2011, Guenter Milde wrote:

There can be many reasons. Please provide a *minimal* example.


  Please see attached.

Rich#LyX 1.6.8 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 345
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\author "" 


\begin_layout Standard
Another setting in which spatial analyses, modeling, and statistics provide
 the geomorphic setting for decisions is chemically contaminated sediments
 from historic (and sometimes current) industrial activities.
 A white paper describing the issues involved in sampling and analyzing
 aquatic sediments so the results are technically sound and legally defensible
 can be downloaded from our Web site (
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout





url{} package not working

2011-03-16 Thread Rich Shepard

  Perhaps because it's the end of the day I cannot see why a URL embedded in
the text is not typeset in the monospace font and split across lines.

  Running lyx-1.6.8 on Slackware-13.1.

  The preamble contains \usepackage{url}. The text has an ERT box with
\url{http://www}. When I preview the output the text is typeset in the
article body typeface and extends well into the right margin.

  Other documents here have the same preamble and specify the URLs the same
way. I do not see why this instance is fighting me.

