Re: [M100] Lighter rows of pixels on LCD

2019-02-27 Thread Chris Fezzler
 I always wondered if there was a compatible LCD green SuperTwist compatible 
screen for M100/M102/M200.  
Like the Amstrad PPC640 has.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 11:02:23 PM EST, John R. Hogerhuis 
 Kind of comedic trying to keep his budget to $500. Hope he does it though. 
I wonder if modern tech allows for a faster display to replace the model 100 
display? But with same daylight readable characteristics.

-- John.   

[M100] QUAD

2019-02-27 Thread Frederick Whitaker
I know that many of you have had strange experiences with QUAD and REX 
when used together, especially if you used the OQUAD program.

I have only high praise for the QUAD. It is not only an excellent way to 
expand the memory on a Tandy Model 100, it provides four screens of 32K 
memory which can easily be accessed using a four line basic program.

Because of your comments Stephen Adolph attempted to add screen access 
to the REX, and did so in one version of the software. As he has refined 
the REX software it has become more and more difficult to keep that 
function. Because of time constraints he has turned to other projects.

The QUAD is a tremendous achievement which should not be allowed to go away.

Fred Whitaker