[M100] Definition of CBM solved

2020-05-12 Thread Bradley Kuss
*THANK YOU* to everyone who responded. The list I found did list Commodore
Business Machines and I sort of felt this this was the intended meaning,
but I wanted to be sure since this group is for the Radio Shack M100 and
not the Commodore any model. I do agree the  Commodore computers were

Bradley Kuss - Granbury TX

-- Forwarded message --
From: Tom Wilson 
To: M100 Mailing List 
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 23:44:07 -0700
Subject: Re: [M100] Definition of CBM requested from calcmandan (me <
The initialism CBM stands for Commodore Business Machines, as Doug said.


Tom Wilson

On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 10:16 PM Doug Jackson  wrote:

> I assumed it was Commodore Business Machines (Another awesome vintage line
> of machines)
> Kindest regards,
> Doug Jackson
> em: d...@doughq.com
> ph: 0414 986878
> Check out my awesome clocks at www.dougswordclocks.com
> Follow my amateur radio adventures at vk1zdj.net
> ---
> Just like an old fashioned letter, this email and any files transmitted
> with it should probably be treated as confidential and intended solely for
> your own use.
> Please note that any interesting spelling is usually my own and may have
> been caused by fat thumbs on a tiny tiny keyboard - for this I apologise in
> advance - It's ok bec we don* nee* accu tex* to unde** actu**
> mean***.
> Should any part of this message prove to be useful in the event of the
> imminent Zombie Apocalypse then the sender bears no personal, legal, or
> moral responsibility for any outcome resulting from its usage unless the
> result of said usage is the unlikely defeat of the Zombie Hordes in which
> case the sender takes full credit without any theoretical or actual legal
> liability. :-)
> Be nice to your parents.
> Go outside and do something awesome - Draw, paint, walk, Setup a
> radio station, go fishing or sailing - just do something that makes you
> happy.
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 3:15 PM Bradley Kuss 
> wrote:
>> calmandan,
>> Can you (or anyone else) tell me what you mean by CBM?
>> When I searched for CBM on the Internet none of the expansions made sense
>> to me regarding your use of the acronym.
>> Bradley Kuss - Granbury TX
>> ___
M100 mailing list

Bradley R Kuss
GRANBURY  TX 76048-7647
682-803-0161 (Land Line)

Re: [M100] CP/M mailing list, REXCPM

2020-05-12 Thread Randall Kindig
Hey, Steve, I’m good with one list.



> On May 11, 2020, at 10:40 PM, Stephen Adolph  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have started to update the REX wiki for my new projects:
> and 
> REX# aka REXsharp
> a work in progress.
> Anyhow, we have a mailing list for CP/M use on Model 100 called MTCPM.  I 
> wonder if we should revive that for CP/M discussions now, or should we keep 
> CP/M here on this list?
> thoughts?
> Steve

Re: [M100] CP/M mailing list, REXCPM

2020-05-12 Thread Chris Fezzler
 Keep in one place but encourage starting messages with "CP/M:" so folks not 
interested can manage efficiently.  I am interested. 
On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:20:23 AM EDT, Joshua O'Keefe 
 Thanks for updating on REXnext!

As far as CP/M discussion goes: while I probably don't have the technician's 
chops to do a REXCPM installation on my 102 given the surface mount ROM issue, 
I'm still quite interested in the discussion.  Significant new development on 
the platform is fascinating!  Should I remain in the traditional T world I'd 
still love to hear about the fabulous new things happening on the CP/M side.

> On May 11, 2020, at 7:40 PM, Stephen Adolph  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have started to update the REX wiki for my new projects:
> and 
> REX# aka REXsharp
> a work in progress.
> Anyhow, we have a mailing list for CP/M use on Model 100 called MTCPM.  I 
> wonder if we should revive that for CP/M discussions now, or should we keep 
> CP/M here on this list?
> thoughts?
> Steve  

[M100] A few relevant files

2020-05-12 Thread Joshua O'Keefe
I had sent some binary files to the list earlier with the excuse that my S3
bucket that I use for file transfers was out of service.  I have since
added a handful of m100 files back into the bucket including some of the
things I sent to or requested from the list.  In the future when providing
files for the public, I will send links to this bucket instead of using
MIME attachments.


Re: [M100] Cleuseau ROM and REX?

2020-05-12 Thread Joshua O'Keefe
On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:19 PM Peter Noeth  wrote:

> According to my information, version R2C1D.BX was some kind of development
> version, undocumented as far as I can tell.

This document seems to have a "developers version supplement" at the top:

The major differences of the D version seem to be some TDD commands for the
ROM2 command mode (RUN, LOAD, SAVE, and KILL)  and some additional entry
points into ROM2.

The disk commands in particular look useful, as I do a lot of
co-development between a modern laptop and my M102; previously I'd had to
pop back and forth to TSDOS to do loads and saves, then pop back into
Cleu.  With this version a user ought to be able to stay in Cleu during
edit/load/debug cycle.

Re: [M100] Cleuseau ROM and REX?

2020-05-12 Thread Dan Higdon
Interesting - I hadn't thought to try call 911 without the ROM being
initialized, but as you say, it works fine!
I'll swap my BX out for the non-development one though.
I've noticed that if you go into REXMGR and re-select the Cleuseau ROM, it
installs. Until power up, but that is a less error-prone method of
installing, for me at least.

Thanks guys!

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 6:19 PM Peter Noeth  wrote:

> According to my information, version R2C1D.BX was some kind of development
> version, undocumented as far as I can tell.
> I use RC2100.BX myself, but only the ROM II portion ("CALLl 911" from
> BASIC each time you want to use one of it's functions), and have defined
> F6, in BASIC to access it { type: KEY 6,"CALL 911"+CHR$(13) }. BASIC will
> remember this F6 definition until you change it or cold boot.
> I just checked the Cleuseau portion ("CALL 63012") and I also see that
> Cleuseau seems to disable upon power cycle. Since I don't use it, I never
> noticed this behaviour. The REX documentation does not say if when
> activating an Option ROM, it stays active thru power cycles. Only that REX
> remembers which Option ROM you have selected to be the default one. REX
> also uses the CALL 63012 command to initialize itself, so I would expect
> there to be some power on conflict there.
> Regards,
> Peter
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:26:01 -0500
>> From: Dan Higdon 
>> To: m...@bitchin100.com
>> Subject: [M100] Cleuseau ROM and REX?
>> Message-ID:
>> > pxyrzrzgbdx...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> I've noticed when trying out Cleusea ROM2 from my REX that the ROM doesn't
>> stay "installed" when I cycle power.
>> Is this normal behavior?
>> I just started playing around with this ROM, and since programming is
>> mostly what I use my ModelT.102 for, this thing is great.
>> I'm using the file named R2C1D.BX as my image. How is that different from
>> R2C100.BX, and could that be my problem?
>> Thanks,
>> /hdan
>> -- next part --
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: <
>> http://lists.bitchin100.com/private.cgi/m100-bitchin100.com/attachments/20200510/68b0637c/attachment-0001.html
>> >
>> --
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 12:34:41 -0400
>> From: Stephen Adolph 
>> To: "m...@bitchin100.com" 
>> Subject: Re: [M100] Cleuseau ROM and REX?
>> Message-ID:
>> <
>> camcmnv7t5f_qtkmkkjnti2oo87+tnr5k71q8am2etvorh-k...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Not sure of the answer anymore, but has been a long time.
>> Rex and rom2  use the same software hooks so there is some interaction.
>> When the laptop is power cycled, rex has to to auto configure.  I may have
>> not been able to maintain the hooks for the selected rom.

Re: [M100] CP/M mailing list, REXCPM

2020-05-12 Thread Joshua O'Keefe
Thanks for updating on REXnext!

As far as CP/M discussion goes: while I probably don't have the technician's 
chops to do a REXCPM installation on my 102 given the surface mount ROM issue, 
I'm still quite interested in the discussion.  Significant new development on 
the platform is fascinating!  Should I remain in the traditional T world I'd 
still love to hear about the fabulous new things happening on the CP/M side.

> On May 11, 2020, at 7:40 PM, Stephen Adolph  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have started to update the REX wiki for my new projects:
> and 
> REX# aka REXsharp
> a work in progress.
> Anyhow, we have a mailing list for CP/M use on Model 100 called MTCPM.  I 
> wonder if we should revive that for CP/M discussions now, or should we keep 
> CP/M here on this list?
> thoughts?
> Steve

Re: [M100] CP/M mailing list, REXCPM

2020-05-12 Thread John Gardner
My two cents - One list works better for me.

Thanks to the guys doing the heavy lifting...


On 5/11/20, Philip Avery  wrote:
> Yeah, I think keep it on this list. Then it covers the REX part of REXCPM.
> Philip
> On 12/05/2020 3:52 pm, Stephen Adolph wrote:
>> After I wrote the note, I wondered if using the other list really made
>> sense; it would divide the discussions.
>> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 10:57 PM David Rogers > > wrote:
>> What Kevin said, except I just happen to still have the 100, 102,
>> 200 and NEC units from the days when they were the latest thing.
>> But I used CP/M in those days and found it to be easy to use and
>> effective for the relative simplicity of the computers of the day.
>> CP/M over, e.g., WordPerfect any day.  But I like one mailing list
>> to cover them all.
>> David
>> */C’est la vie, c’est la guerre,  viva la salade de pommes de
>> terre./*
>> On May 11, 2020, at 7:49 PM, Kevin Becker > > wrote:
>>> I'd prefer one list for all M100 stuff but I suppose it doesn't
>>> matter
>>> much either way. I'm not likely to be much of a contributor but I'm
>>> very interested in trying out CP/M and even bought a (okay several)
>>> M100 just for this purpose.
>>> On Mon, 2020-05-11 at 22:40 -0400, Stephen Adolph wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I have started to update the REX wiki for my new projects:
 REX# aka REXsharp

 a work in progress.

 Anyhow, we have a mailing list for CP/M use on Model 100 called
 MTCPM.  I wonder if we should revive that for CP/M discussions now,
 or should we keep CP/M here on this list?

