All good. Thanks.
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 08:36:19 AM EST, Brian K. White
On 10/26/20 4:47 PM, Chris Fezzler wrote:
> Came into a Model T that's working well but the ROM socket is all
> mangled on one side from I assume rough extraction of old SuperRom.
> (Other has ZIFF socket for DVI cable.)
> Anyone have a spare ROM compartment cover and ROM socket in a spare
> parts bin? Or where can I get a new ROM socket to install?
> Thanks.
Did you ever get a response to this?
I just found it in my spam folder.
I have new sockets and you can have one if you still need it.
I know I sent a few out to someone a few weeks ago but don't think it
was you. email me off list.
There are at least a couple different 3d-printable compartment covers on
thingiverse, for 100 at least, maybe not 102. Though one of these was
written in openscad which means it would be real easy to alter the 100
one to fit 102.
ooh one with a slot for the DVI cable!
and an even bigger opening