Re: Will these issues be addressed in Maven 2?

2005-04-10 Thread Chad Woolley
On Apr 6, 2005 5:55 PM, Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chad Woolley wrote:
 1. Plugins (jar/war/etc) which insist on running tests internally
 before they will do anything, and don't provide an easy way to
 override this:
 It sounds like you are using test:test for unit testing and integration
 testing? If so, m2 has a unit test (before packaging) and an integration
 test step (after packaging) - is that what you need? Currently there are
 no implementations for the integration testing, but it's anticipated
 that cactus and other such things would interact at this point (or just
 more junit tests).

Hmm, this may be what I'm talking about.  My problem is that I
manually call war/jar goals during the build process (to generate
artifacts for integration testing), and these goals automatically run
the tests, and there's nothing to do short of hacking the plugin or
hacking the maven.test.skip property.

 - First, in the case of AOP where you have circular dependencies
 Ok, I don't exactly what's going on here - I don't use AOP, so I might
 have to defer it to another person.

OK, but I think this might be something to think about.  Maybe
circular dependency is the wrong word, but in general, I'm talking
about situations where the standard compile app to target/classes,
then compile tests to target/testclasses doesn't work.

 - Second, in the case of code coverage tools or any other plugin which
 Yes, code coverage tools would grab the existing target/classes, modify
 them to say target/classes-emma and run the tests using that. We've got
 a fairly good idea for how this will all work, but it's not implemented yet.

Cool.  Any documentation links on this yet?

 3. Single-artifact per-project requirement
 Absolutey, in fact we're being even tougher than before. It is required
 for transitive dependencies to work effectively. However, the
 restriction is really only that you do one thing with a project - you
 can produce 1 artifact, but only in the sense that they are all tied to
 each other.

When you say tied to each other, do you mean all versioned
identically at the same time?  If so, then that works fine for me.

 - Will maven2 still enforce the single-artifact-per-project rule?  One
 place where this causes me problems is on web-service projects, where
 I would like to generate a WAR, and also generate a jar or other
 artifact containing web service stubs.  Multiproject is not really
 applicable in this case, because the stubs are used both internally
 (for integration testing of the webservice webapp itself) and as a
 deployable (published in a jar for other projects which will be
 clients of the webservice).
 This sounds a lot like the ejb use case where an EJB is produced, and so
 is an EJB-client JAR with the client stubs. In this case, one project
 produces both.

Yes, this sounds a lot like my situation.

 I'm pretty sure the WSDL plugin could do that,

What WSDL plugin are you talking about?  The only one I see related to
webservices is the Axis one on sourceforge.

 and also define a type
 handler so that you could have typews-client/type and get the second
 JAR. Importantly, there'd be one project and the artifacts would always
 be deployed together.
 I think it's most likely that you'd have to produce two JARs though (the
 server side code and the client side code), and have the WAR separate.

Not sure what you mean here.  The main point is that the client jar
(generated from the running war using wsdl2java) would be available
for use during integration testing, as well as for deployment.  Would
this be possible?

Thanks for the response,

Re: Will these issues be addressed in Maven 2?

2005-04-10 Thread Brett Porter
(in future, please reply to as we are going to
close this list - thanks)

Chad Woolley wrote:

Hmm, this may be what I'm talking about.  My problem is that I
manually call war/jar goals during the build process (to generate
artifacts for integration testing), and these goals automatically run
the tests, and there's nothing to do short of hacking the plugin or
hacking the maven.test.skip property.

Right - but in m2, the integration tests that require those files are
run -after- they are generated. So:
m2 integration-test
would be equivalent to
m2 [normal compile/resource goals] surefire:test war:war [goal to run
integration tests]

OK, but I think this might be something to think about.  Maybe
circular dependency is the wrong word, but in general, I'm talking
about situations where the standard compile app to target/classes,
then compile tests to target/testclasses doesn't work.

Right - I'd like to get detailed examples of anything where it doesn't
so we can work through how they should work. I don't understand AOP, but
I should probably learn :)

We don't have an aspectj plugin for m2 yet - if you are interested in
helping out we'd welcome it.

Yes, code coverage tools would grab the existing target/classes, modify
them to say target/classes-emma and run the tests using that. We've got
a fairly good idea for how this will all work, but it's not implemented yet.

Cool.  Any documentation links on this yet?

There were some things sent to the list a while back - I'll try and get
it together and updated again shortly. So no, nothing really up to date.

When you say tied to each other, do you mean all versioned
identically at the same time?  If so, then that works fine for me.

Yes, and deployed as such.

I'm pretty sure the WSDL plugin could do that,

What WSDL plugin are you talking about?  The only one I see related to
webservices is the Axis one on sourceforge.

It was a theoretical example :) Something like that plugin, written for m2.

and also define a type
handler so that you could have typews-client/type and get the second
JAR. Importantly, there'd be one project and the artifacts would always
be deployed together.

I think it's most likely that you'd have to produce two JARs though (the
server side code and the client side code), and have the WAR separate.

Not sure what you mean here.  The main point is that the client jar
(generated from the running war using wsdl2java) would be available
for use during integration testing, as well as for deployment.  Would
this be possible?

If it were generated from the current project, yes, it will be available
to integration testing and deployment. If you were to separate your WSDL
generation into a separate JAR that deployed the server and client code,
you could also use these from a different WAR project too.
