MacGroup: Adobe CEO speaks about the Mac/Intel switch

2005-09-01 Thread Rex Baldazo
A short Q&A with the CEO of Adobe, about the Mac/Intel switch:

--- Rex.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be September 27 at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
| The LCS Web page is .
| List posting address: 
| List Web page: 

MacGroup: MacGroup FAQ

2005-09-01 Thread Lee Larson
This is an e-mail automatically sent to the MacGroup mailing list  
once per month. It contains some administrivia about list usage. It  
is always available at the list's Web page


Additional questions about list management should be send to macgroup- 
owner at

Here are the questions. To find the answer, search on [n], where n is  
the number of the question.

  1. How do I unsubscribe from MacGroup or MacGroup-Digest?
  2. How do I subscribe to MacGroup or MacGroup-Digest?
  3. What's the difference between MacGroup and MacGroup Digest?
  4. How do I post messages to the lists?
  5. What kinds of messages can be posted to the lists?
  6. I just posted to the list. Why did my message not appear?
  7. Is there an archive of past messages?
  8. Will you give me a list of all subscribers to the lists?
  9. How many subscribers are there?
10. Are the lists hosted on a Macintosh?
11. I do not seem to be getting all the list messages. Why?

[1] How do I unsubscribe from MacGroup or MacGroup-Digest?

To do so, you must send a command to, Majordomo, the software that  
serves the list. This is done by sending it an e-mail message. If you  
are unsubscribing from MacGroup, send your message to

  macgroup-request at

If you are unsubscribing from MacGroup Digest, send the message to

  macgroup-digest-request at

Sending your message to the standard list address will do nothing. In  
either case, the only thing to appear in the message should be the  
single word


Make sure your mailer does not automatically append anything else to  
the message, and it's best to send the message as plain text e-mail.  
The return address on your  message  must  be in  the  database of  
subscribers, so send the message from  the  same  account  you  use   
to receive mail from the list. You should get an acknowledgement from  
the Majordomo software a short time after you unsubscribe.  If this  
acknowledgement does not appear, something went wrong. More  
information about unsubscribe and other commands is available by  
sending e-mail containing the single word "help" to  
majordomo at

If  you  change  your e-mail  address, please remember to unsubscribe  
from your old one and subscribe under your new address.

If you just abandon an e-mail account, please unsubscribe before you  
do so. An abandoned e-mail address generates annoying error messages,  
and the list's moderator must unsubscribe you by hand. This annoys him.

[2] How do I subscribe to MacGroup.

Anyone can subscribe to the MacGroup or MacGroup Digest lists. To do  
so, you must send a command to, Majordomo, the software that serves  
the list. This is done by sending it an e-mail message. If you are  
subscribing to MacGroup, send your message to

  macgroup-request at

If you are subscribing to MacGroup Digest, send the message to

  macgroup-digest-request at

In either case, the only thing to appear in the message should be the  
single word


You should get an acknowledgement from the Majordomo software a short  
time after you subscribe. If this acknowledgement does not appear,  
something went wrong. More information about subscribe and other  
commands is available by sending e-mail containing the single word  
"help" to majordomo at

[3] What's the difference between MacGroup and MacGroup Digest?

Both have the same content. Subscribers to MacGroup get the messages  
one at a time, as they are sent. Subscribers to MacGroup Digest get  
all the messages since the previous digest as one long message. The  
digests are generated whenever the queued messages exceed 80K bytes,  
or at 5:15 p.m. daily, whichever comes first.

The digested version of the list is still somewhat experimental.  
Because of the dozens of different combinations of character sets and  
formatting regularly used in e-mail, it's no easy job to cleanly  
concatenate the messages when the digest is created. Many lists solve  
the problem by requiring all posters to adhere to a strict set of  
rules. We're trying a different approach; we're developing a program  
to parse the various formats into a common form. For this reason,  
you'll occasionally see unexpected formatting problems on the digest  
as we experiment with different ways to mangle the messages posted to  
MacGroup into a form suitable for MacGroup Digest. You can help when  
you see a possible formatting error by calling it to our attention.

[4] How do I post messages to the lists?

To post a message to the discussion lists, just send an ordinary  
email message to macgroup at This message  
will be automatically distributed to all 150+ subscribers. Only  
subscribers are allowed to post messages, so be sure