Re: Permanently add INC directory? - summary

2002-04-23 Thread Peter N Lewis

>Is there any way to globally add an INC directory to Perl after compilation?
>But it doesn't get set when I run Perl from within BBEdit or cron. 
>Is there any way to do this so it is truly global (it can just be 
>across me as the user or for all users, since I'm the only user 
>anyway, as long as that will work with things like BBEdit and cron).

[I did not want to add it to every script because I want my scripts 
to be machine independent and my system to define where the libraries 
are at]

Answer 1 from Dan Kogai & Jerry Levan:

Add the line:
push @INC , "/my/custom/path";
or better:
use lib '/my/custom/path';
to the start of all affected scripts.

This works everywhere, but you have to add this in to each perl script.

You could use the FindBin module to make it based on where the script 
is which would improve it, but it does add a bunch of guf at the 
front of each script.

Answer 2:

add the line
setenv PERL5LIB /my/custom/path
to your .cshrc

This works from scripts run from the terminal, but not from BBEdit or cron.

Answer 3 from David Wheeler & Rick Frankel:

You can get set PERL5LIB in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist. When you set 
environment variables there, they are set for the OS X GUI as well
as for the shell, so it'll work in BBEdit, for example.


This does not work in cron, and apparently there is a slight overhead 
to using environment variables.  You must logout and log back in for 
this to take effect.

Answer 4 from Rick Frankel:

For cron, you can set environment variables in the crontab, just add the line:
to the start of the crontab - or better yet, use the CronniX 
application and configure the Environment variables via the menu 

So essentially, you could use Answer 1, or all of Answers 2, 3 and 4.



CPAN shell error with DELETE key

2002-04-23 Thread Ward W. Vuillemot

Has anyone seen the following error:

Use of uninitialized value in length at
/Library/Perl/Term/ReadLine/ line 1606.

I tried "install readline", quit CPAN shell and restarted.  Problem still
exists. . . .does not seem to be anything than an annoyance.


P.S.  Any status update with default Perl and Apache::Cookie (libareq)?  I
tried the suggestion from Joe S. without any success.  Anywhere I have a
"use Apache::Cookie" the module will not load.  E.g., I have a
file I use to load common modules in memory at the startup of Apache. .
..commenting out the "use Apache::Cookie" gets it to start.  Of course, my
mod_perl apps require the mod, so without it quite a moot accomplishment.
As it were.

Ward W. Vuillemot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Rules Of Engagement (What the Hell is this List for anyway?)

2002-04-23 Thread Pete Prodoehl

My hopes are this... as perl and OS X become better friends, we will see 
more *exciting* things on this list. I think DropScript 
 is one example, and 
CamelBones  is another.

(DropScript now works the way MacPerl droplets work, passing in the 
dropped files as the arguements, rather than running once per file...)

I think I see some old MacPerl names on this list. I haven't been active 
on it for a while, but when I was, it dealt with using perl on the Mac, 
and sometimes it drifted into general perl questions, and that was 
usually ok. I'd expect the same thing here. Mainly OS X specific 
things... with the 'general perl questions' thrown into the mix.


> Someone made the point that as things work more and more smoothly under 
> OSX, so the install/configuration posts will dwindle.
> And in a nutshell that's what *should* happen to this list - it should 
> become a low volume, once in a while "anyone know what the hell's 
> happening here?" type of list, but one that focuses on getting 
> perl/related stuff working under OSX.

Re: CPAN shell error with DELETE key

2002-04-23 Thread David Wheeler

On 4/23/02 11:05 PM, "Ward W. Vuillemot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> claimed:

> P.S.  Any status update with default Perl and Apache::Cookie (libareq)?  I
> tried the suggestion from Joe S. without any success.  Anywhere I have a
> "use Apache::Cookie" the module will not load.  E.g., I have a
> file I use to load common modules in memory at the startup of Apache. .
> ..commenting out the "use Apache::Cookie" gets it to start.  Of course, my
> mod_perl apps require the mod, so without it quite a moot accomplishment.
> As it were.

I don't know what the status is, but if you  need to use libapreq, you can
use the experimental version with the experimental version of Apache that
you'll find here:

I also wrote up a how-to on getting this version of Apache going with



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 15726394  Yahoo!: dew7e