Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread Marcus Ramberg
On fredag, feb 28, 2003, at 18:20 Europe/Oslo, Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 9:39 PM -0500 2/27/03, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 08:01 PM, Daniel Stillwaggon wrote:

Any perl application could ship with all of the perls and modules 
that  it requires in its .pkg.  Before installing, it would do a 
quick query  and find out which, if any, of these perl 
modules/versions would need  to get installed in addition to the 
core program, and create a bom  accordingly.
That's a very interesting idea - I've been thinking along those lines 
for a future CamelBones installer, which would examine the target 
system and install a 5.6.*- or 5.8.*-compatible version of CB, as 

It seems like it would bulk up the download, though. For many folks, 
disk space is plentiful - but bandwidth is not. For the shared CB in 
/Library/Frameworks, I've been thinking of having the initial 
download consist of nothing but a tiny installer app, which would 
examine the system and suggest what packages to download and install.
The bigger issue, honestly, is dependent modules. I put together a 
simple client for the PerlMonks chatterbox ages ago, as a test, and it 
works pretty well, but it requires a whole host of modules be 
installed into the system perl, and I dodn't work out a good way to 
either include them with the program or check to make sure they were 
there when the program fired up.

A way to do packaging would be good, though there are licensing issues 
there that you don't have to deal with when using system-installed 

What about PAR  / pp ?

from the man page:

   pp creates standalone executables from Perl programs,
   using the compressed packager provided by PAR, and the
   dependency detection heuristics offered by Module::Scan-
   Deps.  The programs are stored verbatim without compila-

Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread Ken Williams
On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 12:42  PM, Daniel Stillwaggon wrote:
On Friday, Feb 28, 2003, at 09:20 US/Pacific, Dan Sugalski wrote:
A way to do packaging would be good, though there are licensing 
issues there that you don't have to deal with when using 
system-installed code.
Would the easiest solution be to come up with a list of basic perl 
modules and a collective petition to Apple for inclusion with the 
system?  I don't imagine that there would be much resistance to a 
unified plea for inclusion of x given packages (if the number were 
reasonable, of course).  That might help developers know what to 
expect on a system...
I don't think that's the way to go.  It doesn't solve the problem, 
since we don't want to have to wait (potentially years) for Apple to 
move on things.  And it means that Apple's core perl modules would be 
different from what they are on other systems, that's a headache I 
don't want to deal with.  And Apple can't solve the licensing issue any 
better than the rest of us can.

The perl core already fills this role of letting developers know what 
to expect on a system.


Re: no-no?

2003-03-01 Thread Ken Williams
On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 11:55  PM, Peter N Lewis wrote:
Actually, since I've done this, installing 5.8 over your stock perl 
does not seem to cause any problems in general.
Maahahahahah, NOT YET, it hasn't!

The possibility exists that you'll be reverted back to 5.6 with an OS 
upgrade, or that some Apple installer script will break under 5.8 
(though they tend to be *extremely* basic scripts), or something along 
those lines.

I did find that various MUD clients would not work because they tried 
to link to perl and got hit with the binary incompatibility issue. 
Possibly the same problem would happen if you used CB apps.  But other 
than those MUD programs, I have had no problems with 5.8 as the only 
installed perl on my system.

Actually, I tend to do these kinds of bad idea perl installations 
from time to time, just because I know I can deal with it if things get 
hosed, and I like the experimentation.  But I wouldn't recommend it to 
someone that just wants perl as a working tool in good shape.  Sounds 
like you're probably of the same opinion, you don't mind tinkering a 
little with things if/when they break.


Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread Mark Kaehny
   I'll chime in as an OSX user and perl user. I think you need to
define this a little better.
Pardon me for a long post of no code or even design, but I think as a
direction I need to get this clear to myself. This applies to any 
 of an OS which includes Perl (or any other language) which is not 
by distribution owner. Putting on my corporate hat and using jargon:

What is Apples service level agreement to with users in regard to
development tools included with OSX that are NOT directly controlled by 
I think this goes beyond perl. Let me just suggest some possible levels 
of support (Your friend
at Apple would really need to make this explicit.) and their

A. Minimum Level -
1. Apple makes sure the language engine (compiler/interpreter plus
included libraries) functions under the current revision of OSX and any
Apple distributed Modules work with that rev level of engine and OS.
2. Whenever Apple releases a new version it makes sure any Modules and
programs it has released work with the new version.
3. Apple makes no effort to keep to any particular latest revision.
4. Any user supplied modules are guaranteed nothing across a revision.
It is up to users/writers to come out with compatible versions.
B. Higher Level
1. A1 and A2 stay same.
2. Apple tries to stay reasonably close to leading edge revision of
language engine.
3. Apple attempts to make compatible interfaces so third party apps
continue to work with new revision.
ok we can stop right here because this is already to much of a burdon
on Apple or anyone 
I think the current situation is A with Apple fine with B2 if possible.

so what about a different direction with Engine developers having a
C. Core + other
1. Apple makes sure the language engine (compiler/interpreter plus
included libraries) functions under the current revision of OSX and any
Apple distributed Modules work with that rev level of engine and OS.
2. Whenever Apple releases a new version it makes sure any Modules and
programs it has released work with the new version. This version
shouldn't change in Module compatibility until major OS changes when it
could make a jump to new major revision if possible. Small revisions
could be applied for security etc, but should not break interface
compatibility except for some sev 1 issues (like major security issue
or something).
3. The language engine should be designed so it is easy for more than
one version (at least two but preferably any number) to
co-exist with tool chains able to function totally independently. This
is a service level that the language owners need to support.
4. Apple would then bless  the means to switch to the different
versions. What does this mean? In practice it means that if there were
two copies of the language engine  exactly as Apple released it, one in
the default location and one in another location and independent, then
whatever means that would be used to switch would be ok'd by Apple,
and all the things that Apple provided that worked with one version
would work with the other. That is, the location of the distribution
shouldn't matter to Apple. The distribution used should be able to be
chosen at the application program level also, but also the default
system distribution should be settable via environment, init, Netinfo,
or symlink change or whatever.
5. If the other version is switched in Apple has no responsibility...
I think option C or something like it would be the way to go. It would
mean that language developers could switch in their newer versions
and see how they would work and Apple could still depend on a
consistent version for its use.
It would also allow Apple to upgrade to newer versions while still
having an out if someone is depending on an older version. Simply have
the new Apple version and the old Apple version available, then Apple
can tell users, no problem - switch back as Apple moves forward. This
would be really nice for Server folks (speaking as someone who has to
plan for 100's of servers from 15K's to Blades.) since they could
upgrade on their timetable.
OK enough generics. Is this the direction to go? If so I think
that there is some effort, but not a huge amount split between apple
and perl developers.
Perl Developers work

1. Make sure we can have multiple distributions co-exist with no
interaction. Much of this is already there. There may be some
unresolved issues. The work would be documenting exactly how to do this
under Macosx and how to have modules point to where we want.
2. Making sure that all the modules Apple uses (modperl...) work with
whatever distribution wanted - responding to discoveries below.
Apple's Work
1. Documenting all Perl scripts and modules used with OSX distribution
(probably already exists).
2. Creating documented method to switch default distribution locations
(e.g. change a 

Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread David R. Morrison
I can't resist chiming in to this discussion.

The problem of how to have multiple versions of Perl coexist on a system
was solved in Perl long ago.  It involves storing certain things in
directories labeled with the version number, and specifying those
directories at compile-time so that they are encoded in the perl binary.
This way, no matter which binary you might have symlinked to /usr/bin/perl,
it will look in the correct place and find modules which are appropriate
for it.  Not only can versions easily coexist, but upgrades are relatively

Unfortunately, this aspect of compiling Perl was ignored by Apple when they
first imported Perl to their system, and there is no versioning in their
directory setup.  Can this be fixed?  Sure, about a dozen ways, and I
imagine Apple is going to fix it when they give us perl5.8.0 .  In fact,
a fix was proposed last October by Fred Sanchez, former lead of the BSD
group at Apple, and accepted into the perl sources:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06039.html

A message on the perl5-porters list at the time indicated that Fred also
planned to explain to Apple how they can implement this while maintaining
backward-compatibility:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg87083.html

-- Dave

Re: dmg of perl 5.8.0 on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread David H. Adler
On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 03:28:58PM -0600, Joe Davison wrote:
 On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Nathan Torkington wrote:
   A .pkg is specifically just a distribution of files to be installed
   using the Installer program.  You can add pre- and post- actions to a
   package (which I should have done for Perl--update your .cshrc to add
   /usr/local/perl5-8 to the path).  The prompting for admin password,
   confirming acceptance of the license, selecting the drive to install
   on ... all that's done by the Installer program in response to
   instructions in the .pkg file.
   I used .pkg instead of .dmg because Perl's location is hard-coded in
   the binary, so it *has* to go into /usr/local/perl5-8.  If I'd just
   given you a filesystem, you could have copied it anywhere and then
   filled my mailbox with you suck, Torkington! email :-)
 Actually, I'm just as happy you didn't update my .cshrc, since I don't
 use csh/tcsh -- I use zsh.

And, a quick step back to the actual subject... :-)

I've looked through the archives of the list, and I've seen a *ton* of
discussion about what's a .pkg or .dmg and such side issues, but I've
not seen much about people's actual reactions to the package and its
installation itself.

I mean, I trust gnat and all, but do people actually have this up and
running well? :-)

dha, veteran of the installation wars

David H. Adler - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
The Inferno video is really in colour.

Re: favorite xml parser?

2003-03-01 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Saturday, March 1, 2003, at 03:00 PM, stephen rouse wrote:

with XML::DOM and XML::Parser (to try the SAX parsing method).
i was wondering:
is one way preferred over the other for some reason, or is it pretty 
much just a matter of preference?
There is no golden rule - you need to decide which parsing technique 
is more suitable for the application you're writing on a case-by-case 
basis. XML::DOM builds up a DOM tree that represents an entire document. 
XML::Parser scans from top to bottom, reporting the nodes it finds in 
the document in the order they're found.

If processing nodes sequentially is appropriate for your app's needs, 
you can save a *lot* of memory by using XML::Parser instead of XML::DOM. 
On the other hand, if you need random access to nodes within the 
document, you'll need to build up some sort of structure to hold them 
all anyway - in that case, you can save yourself a *lot* of work by 
letting XML::DOM to that work for you.


Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.

Re: favorite xml parser?

2003-03-01 Thread Dan Brian
On Saturday, March 1, 2003, at 03:00 PM, stephen rouse wrote:

with XML::DOM and XML::Parser (to try the SAX parsing method).
i was wondering:
is one way preferred over the other for some reason, or is it pretty 
much just a matter of preference?
Preference and application.

Personally, I'm partial to XML::LibXML and related (Matt Sergeant's) 
modules, especially if you're planning on doing any XSLT processing 
(XML::LibXSLT). These require the gnome libxml ( C 
libs, though.

If you're new to XML processing, XML::Simple::LibXML is a bare-bones 
LibXML wrapper that will get you up and running quickly.

- Dan

(Sherm, the Rivendell/Mr. Anderson sig is terrific.)

Re: favorite xml parser?

2003-03-01 Thread Dan Brian
If you're new to XML processing, XML::Simple::LibXML is a bare-bones 
LibXML wrapper that will get you up and running quickly.
Sorry, make that XML::SimpleObject(::LibXML).

Re: [Really OT] More Terminal/Finder cooperation

2003-03-01 Thread Jeremy Mates
To reveal files in the Finder, the nifty open(1) command is faster than
osascript and supports multiple files easily.  Use a shell script or
shell function such as the following.  I called it rif and placed it
under the ~/bin/`uname` directory to avoid the script being in the
command path on other systems after rsyncing of binary directories.

if [ -z $1 ]; then
  echo usage: `basename $0` files
  exit 1
open -a Finder $

Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-03-01 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 28/2/03 at 12:39 PM, Peter N Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In that case, don't even think about trying to build a smaller bundle 
- people in general will not even blink before 10MB these days, and 
in general wont worry about it until it is *much* bigger than that.

I disagree. For me, I don't blink if it's under 2MB. But anythinbg over that I
make a conscious decision about whether I really want it. I find file size to
be a very important factor in deciding whether to download. Not everyone has
even 56K connections (much less broadband) if they don't live in/near a city.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia