Re: Getting DBD-Sybase to work

2004-01-15 Thread Dan Buettner
I got DBD-Sybase working OK, but did need to set additional 
environment variables - both when compiling and when running the 

Here is the block I have at the beginning of my Perl script that 
seems to work just fine:

$ENV{SYBASE}= '/Applications/Sybase/System';
ISTR that I set these prior to compiling from the command line and it 
compiled OK.

Good luck!


At 10:59 PM -0500 1/14/04, gohaku wrote:
Hi everyone,
I just installed Sybase  ASE 12.5.1 on OS X v10.3.2
and am trying to Install the DBD-Sybase-1.02 module.
When I tried to install said module, I got back the following:
Please set SYBASE in CONFIG, or set the $SYBASE environment 
variable at Makefile.PL line 93, IN line 44.

I then tried:
setenv SYBASE /Applications/Sybase/System/ASE-12_5/
perl Makefile.PL
and got back the following:
Can't find the lib or include directories under 
/Applications/Sybase/System/ASE-12_5/! at Makefile.PL line 102, IN 
line 44.

I also read the article: Sybase for Mac OS X 
(  to see if that could help 
but I couldn't even login as Superuser.

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Perl calling AppleScript

2004-01-15 Thread Doug McNutt
I just saw this on the AppleScript mailing list.
John is probably not a member of this list but I'll bet someone here can help off list.

Isn't there a module available?

From: John DeYoung [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Begin copy 

Apologies for being a little off-topic...

I've inherited a Perl script with a few routines invoking AS commands which, being 
written a couple of years ago, expects to make the calls through MacPerl.  Needless to 
say, it breaks under OS X, but the client still wants to use it.

As you'll soon figure out, my Perl is pretty much limited to spelling its name 
correctly, so I may be up against something trivial, but does anyone know how I can 
rewrite the MacPerl calls to run straight through the included Perl under OS X?  The 
operative sections all look like this:



tell application $myApp
end tell


Thanks in advance,
-John DeYoung
 End copy 

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

Re: perl in /usr/bin

2004-01-15 Thread Doug McNutt
At 12:57 +0100 1/15/04, Stephan Hochhaus wrote:
ps: How can I find out if a file is just a link from this:
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root   wheel 19944 24 Sep 09:00 perl

cd /usr/bin
file perl


man file

--  There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those who don't 

perl tags in vim/vi?

2004-01-15 Thread Warren Pollans

I'd like to start using tags in vim.  Google shows that there is a ptags and a 
perltags script for creating the tags file and the vim docs indicate that tags are 
supported.  It doesn't appear to be too difficult to create the tags file.

QUESTION:  What do vim-tag-users use?  Or is there a better vi/vim tool?  (I don't 
want to switch to a different editor - sorry)



Re: Perl calling AppleScript

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Nandor
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug McNutt) wrote:

 I just saw this on the AppleScript mailing list.
 John is probably not a member of this list but I'll bet someone here can help 
 off list.
 Isn't there a module available?

Yep.  A few.

 I've inherited a Perl script with a few routines invoking AS commands which, 
 being written a couple of years ago, expects to make the calls through 
 MacPerl.  Needless to say, it breaks under OS X, but the client still wants 
 to use it.
 As you'll soon figure out, my Perl is pretty much limited to spelling its 
 name correctly, so I may be up against something trivial, but does anyone 
 know how I can rewrite the MacPerl calls to run straight through the included 
 Perl under OS X?  The operative sections all look like this:
   tell application $myApp
   end tell
 Thanks in advance,
 -John DeYoung

The module you want is MacPerl.  Yes, really.  :-)  It is included as part 
of the Mac-Carbon distribution for Mac OS X, which includes the 
module, and others that were formerly for Mac OS only.

Other options include Mac::AppleScript with its RunAppleScript() function 
(that module was written before was ported to Mac OS X); and 
Mac::OSA::Simple, which is a more generic interface to OSA languages, and 
had an applescript() function.  It also provides a way to compile an 
AppleScript for executing multiple times, or saving to disk, and can load 
compiled scripts from disk to execute.

All three functions -- DoAppleScript(), RunAppleScript(), and applescript() 
-- function in essentially the same way.  DoAppleScript() allows the most 
compatibility with MacPerl scripts.  applescript() doesn't have significant 
advantages in its basic form, as it requires Mac-Carbon anyway, but offers 
some extra control.

RunAppleScript()'s only real advantage, that I know of, is that it takes 
less to install, as Mac-Carbon is a fairly large and powerful distribution, 
and Mac-AppleScript just does this one thing.

There is also calling osascript directly using ``, but that is more error 
prone and has no benefits of its own, apart from not needing to install 
additional modules.  I personally don't consider that a significant benefit.

If you are concerned about performance, all are suitable for most tasks, 
except for `osascript`.  I ran some Jaguar benchmarks once
(, and here's the result
under Panther:

   use strict;
   use warnings;

   use Benchmark qw(timethese cmpthese);
   use Mac::AppleScript 'RunAppleScript';
   use MacPerl 'DoAppleScript';
   use Mac::OSA::Simple 'applescript';

   my $script = 'tell application Finder to get name of startup disk';
   my %tests = (
 applescpt  = sub { applescript($script) },
 doscript   = sub { DoAppleScript($script)   },
 runscript  = sub { RunAppleScript($script)  },
 osascript  = sub { `osascript -ss -e '$script'` }

   my $results = timethese(500, \%tests);


   Benchmark: timing 500 iterations of applescpt, doscript, osascript, 
applescpt:  4 wallclock secs ( 1.70 usr +  0.29 sys =  1.99 CPU) @ 
251.26/s (n=500)
 doscript:  2 wallclock secs ( 1.11 usr +  0.18 sys =  1.29 CPU) @ 
387.60/s (n=500)
osascript: 240 wallclock secs ( 0.17 usr  2.34 sys + 108.88 cusr 48.57 
csys = 159.96 CPU) @ 199.20/s (n=500)
runscript: 21 wallclock secs ( 6.22 usr +  6.91 sys = 13.13 CPU) @ 
38.08/s (n=500)
   Rate runscript osascript applescpt  doscript
   runscript 38.1/s--  -81%  -85%  -90%
   osascript  199/s  423%--  -21%  -49%
   applescpt  251/s  560%   26%--  -35%
   doscript   388/s  918%   95%   54%--


As noted previously: I don't know why RunAppleScript is a bit slower, and 
osascript is slower because it needs to call out to the shell.  The 
comparison table is deceptive for osascript because it only shows usr+sys, 
not the rest.

Summary: I recommend installing Mac-Carbon, adding use MacPerl; to the 
script, and using it as-is.  If you don't want to install all of Mac-Carbon, 
Mac-AppleScript is your best bet.  Stay away from osascript.


Open Source Development Network[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: perl in /usr/bin

2004-01-15 Thread John Delacour
At 12:57 pm +0100 15/1/04, Stephan Hochhaus wrote:

is the file /usr/bin/perl just a link to /usr/bin/perl5.8.1 and 
could therefore easily replaced by /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.2 (as an 
example)? Or would that break anything?
Provided you install the later version in Apple's default location, 
/usr/bin/perl will be overwritten with perl 5.8.2, 5.8.3 or whatever 
and will be identical to the latest installation.  This is how things 
look in my directory:

-rwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel987340  8 Jan 19:47 perl
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel987076  9 Nov 13:56 perl5.8.1
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel 21924 18 Nov 10:14 perl5.8.2
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel987340  8 Jan 19:47 perl5.8.3
I have upgraded always using the instructions here, opting always to 
replace the previous installation.  Other people may have different 
preferences, but this has worked fine for me.


Re: perl tags in vim/vi?

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Devers
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Warren Pollans wrote:

 QUESTION:  What do vim-tag-users use?  Or is there a better vi/vim
 tool?  (I don't want to switch to a different editor - sorry)

I forwarded this to a Perl/Vim using friend. This was his response:

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, darren chamberlain wrote:

 * Chris Devers cdevers at [2004/01/15 15:21]:
  You don't have an opinion on this, do you?

 Sure I do.

 Both ctags and etags have perl related options, so either
 should be usable.  vim can handle the output of both (tags
 and TAGS), so it comes down to, basically, whichever the
 user prefers. I think exuberant ctags is the better of the
 two; see


Chris Devers

Re: perl tags in vim/vi?

2004-01-15 Thread Kee Hinckley
At 10:29 AM -0500 1/15/04, Warren Pollans wrote:

I'd like to start using tags in vim.  Google shows that there is a 
ptags and a perltags script for creating the tags file and the vim 
docs indicate that tags are supported.  It doesn't appear to be too 
difficult to create the tags file.

QUESTION:  What do vim-tag-users use?  Or is there a better vi/vim 
tool?  (I don't want to switch to a different editor - sorry)
I have this running in my crontab.  I use vim.

0 3 * * * zsh -c 'cd ~;~/bin/ (list of wildcards)'

My pltags is a slightly modified version of the original (with 
Embperl support added).

# pltags - create a tags file for Perl code, for use by vi(m)
# Distributed with Vim, latest version always available
# at

Kee Hinckley Next Generation Spam Defense  Writings on Technology and Society
I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Problem with PDL isntallation

2004-01-15 Thread John Delacour
If just installed PDL::Core and am getting this error when I try to 
use it.  The
Core directory and module are in the path and yet Im getting 
this error.   What am I doing wrong?

use PDL;

Can't locate PDL::Core in @INC (@INC contains 

print join $/, @INC ;
eremita:/Library/Perl/5.8.3/darwin-2level/PDL jd$ ls -l | grep Core
drwxr-xr-x  10 root  admin 340 15 Jan 20:49 Core
-r--r--r--   1 root  admin   72064 15 Jan 20:28
eremita:/Library/Perl/5.8.3/darwin-2level/PDL jd$

Perl/MacPerl on MacOS X

2004-01-15 Thread Ingo Weiss

as a long time MacPerl user who just made the transition to MacOS X I am
a little confused: What is the difference between using MacPerl on MacOS
X and using Perl on MacOS X? I guess I am looking for help with using
Perl on MacOS X - am I in the right place at all?


Re: Perl/MacPerl on MacOS X

2004-01-15 Thread John Delacour
At 4:24 pm -0500 15/1/04, Ingo Weiss wrote:

as a long time MacPerl user who just made the transition to MacOS X I am
a little confused: What is the difference between using MacPerl on MacOS
X and using Perl on MacOS X? I guess I am looking for help with using
Perl on MacOS X - am I in the right place at all?
You're in the right place.

You can still use MacPerl running in Classic but that limits you to 
v. 5.6.0 and on MacOSX you can run the latest versions (Panther 
installs 5.8.1 but you can install 5.8.2).

The difference is that you work in a different way in OSX.  Suppose 
you have a file saved at /tmp/ with the content

   print Hello\n

Then you can a) compose, check syntax and run it in BBEdit;  b) do 
the same in some other Perl editor; c) work in the Terminal as 

% cd /tmp
% perl
or d) send an Apple event from Script Editor etc. and get the result 
in the SE results pane.

do shell script perl /tmp/
-- = Hello
There are dozens of different options and combinations of ways to do things.

At the moment BBEdit is more or less Hobson's choice as an editor and 
it's not everyone's cup of tea, but other things are in the pipeline. 
You might be interested to look at as an 
alternative.  I haven't tried it yet, so this is not a 
recommendation, but Alpha was once a very strong programmers' editor 
for MacOS.

Just ask away here.  It's not very long ago that I was as perplexed 
as you.  Luckily I'd done a bit of perling on Windows as well. so 
that eased the transition from the cosy world of MacPerl.


Re: Perl/MacPerl on MacOS X

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Nandor
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Delacour) 

 You can still use MacPerl running in Classic but that limits you to 
 v. 5.6.0

Technically, 5.6.1.  Actually, it is 5.6.1 plus about a year's worth of 
patches ... it is closer to 5.6.2 than 5.6.1.

John gave a good summary, and yes, this is where you want to be.  Here's the 
logical breakdown:

* Mac OS is Mac OS 7.5-9.x
* Mac OS X is Mac OS X 10+
* MacPerl is for Mac OS, or Classic under Mac OS X
* perl is for Mac OS X (or any Unix :-)

As the maintainer of MacPerl, I can say there is very little reason to use 
MacPerl on Mac OS X, unless you need to use GUI-based MacPerl programs (like 
ones that use Mac::Windows), as those modules have not been ported to Mac OS 
X.  Regular perl on Mac OS X is superior in every other way.

Some people do prefer the MacPerl environment, but as John said, there are 
other options.


Open Source Development Network[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Perl/MacPerl on MacOS X

2004-01-15 Thread John Delacour
At 11:18 pm + 15/1/04, John Delacour wrote:

...You might be interested to look at as an 
alternative.  I haven't tried it yet, so this is not a 
recommendation, but Alpha was once a very strong programmers' editor 
for MacOS.
I was actually unable to connect to the download link provided, so I 
wrote to Daniel Steffen asking what the problem was:

At 10:41 am +1100 16/1/04, Daniel A. Steffen wrote:

Is this a temporary problem or has the URI changed?
temporary, the server in question is down for maintenance, should be 
back up later today, apologies

Subject: Re: Problems compiling Data::Dumper - `UTF8_ALLOW_ANY' undeclared

2004-01-15 Thread Doug Weathers

Thanks for the replies, but I'm still having problems.

On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 08:55 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 04:24  PM, Doug Weathers wrote:
This is annoying, because this is the problem that made me decide to
reinitialize the laptop!
Yow!  Maybe if you had posted here first, we could have spared you 
that inconvenience.  Reinitializing the laptop wasn't necessary (as 
I'm sure is clear with the benefit of hindsight!).
Well, it wasn't the only problem, and I didn't yet know about this 
list.  This particular laptop has been upgraded from OS 9 to X 10.0 to 
X 10.1 to X 10.2 without ever being reinitialized, so I figured it was 
about time :)

I can't upgrade CPAN, because it depends on an up-to-date
Hmm? depends only on File::Spec and Test::More, and will 
accept any version of them.
Hmm indeed.  My system seems to want all sorts of stuff to do an 
install Bundle::CPAN.

I just tried to do an install Bundle::CPAN, and the following 
happened.  I have a full transcript for anyone who is interested.

1) it downloaded and unpacked CPAN-1.76.tar.gz
2) it downloaded and unpacked Digest-MD5-2.33.tar.gz
3) it tried to build Digest-MD5-2.33.tar.gz and found a dependency 
(Digest::base), so it didn't install
4) it downloaded and expanded Compress-Zlib-1.32.tar.gz
5) it tried to build Compress-Zlib-1.32.tar.gz and failed 6 out of 23 
tests (gzdopen), so it didn't install
6) it downloaded and unpacked Archive-Tar-1.08.tar.gz
7) this appeared to install correctly.  Hooray!
8) it downloaded and unpacked Data-Dumper-2.121.tar.gz
9) it failed to compile, giving the UTF8_ALLOW_ANY undeclared error 
as described before
10) it started to build libnet-1.17 (I didn't see where this got 
11) I told it to use my previous settings for libnet
12) it detected a libnet dependency on Socket and failed to install
13) The bundle summary said that there were problems installing 
14) It downloaded and unpacked and installed TermReadKey-2.21.tar.gz 
15) it downloaded, unpacked, and installed 
Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0203.tar.gz (yay)
16) it started to build CPAN-1.76.tar.gz
17) bundle summary: Bundle::CPAN had problems with Digest::MD5 and 
18) it started to build perl-5.8.2 (where did THAT come from?)

At this point I gave up and wrote this message.

I have another Mac where this command works just fine.  The options 
the cc command look rather different than the above.
What does it look like on the one where it works?  Maybe different 
versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker or something?
Here's what installing Data::Dumper looks like on the two computers.

The bad one:

/usr/bin/perl -I/System/Library/Perl/darwin -I/System/Library/Perl 
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap 
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/typemap Dumper.xs  Dumper.xsc  mv 
Dumper.xsc Dumper.c
cc -c  -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp -flat_namespace 
-DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing -Os 
-DVERSION=\2.121\ -DXS_VERSION=\2.121\  
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE  Dumper.c
Dumper.xs: In function `Perl_utf8_to_uvchr':
Dumper.xs:29: `UTF8_ALLOW_ANY' undeclared (first use in this function)
Dumper.xs:29: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
Dumper.xs:29: for each function it appears in.)
Dumper.xs:29: warning: passing arg 2 of `Perl_utf8_to_uv' makes pointer 
from integer without a cast
Dumper.xs:29: too many arguments to function `Perl_utf8_to_uv'
make: *** [Dumper.o] Error 1
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible

The good one:

/usr/bin/perl /System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap 
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/typemap  Dumper.xs  Dumper.xsc  mv 
Dumper.xsc Dumper.c
cc -c   -pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing 
-I/usr/local/include -O3   -DVERSION=\2.121\ -DXS_VERSION=\2.121\  
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE   Dumper.c
cc1: warning: changing search order for system directory 
cc1: warning:   as it has already been specified as a non-system 
Running Mkbootstrap for Data::Dumper ()
chmod 644
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.bundle
LD_RUN_PATH= cc  -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress 
-L/usr/local/lib Dumper.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.bundle
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.bundle
cp blib/arch/auto/Data/Dumper/
chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Data/Dumper/
  /usr/bin/make  -- OK
Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 
test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch') t/*.t
All tests successful.
Files=3, Tests=373,  6 wallclock secs ( 1.95 cusr +  0.31 csys =  2.26 
  /usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
Files found in blib/arch: installing files in