Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-08 Thread Joseph Alotta

I am sorry but you can't get Vcard to work from here.  Because of 
insurmountable technical difficulties you need to reconsider you 
wedding plans.  One alternative is to elope.  Another is to marry a 
lady with a smaller family in which writing invitations by hand is 
possible, unless it is your family that is the large one, in which case 
eloping or bachelorhood are the only options.


Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-08 Thread Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
 >> Ken:
 Although it's not a Perl soultion, here's a link which might give you
 what you need:
 Hmm - I'm a little hesitant to use that (or a perl equivalent), as it
 doesn't seem like it handles any of the complexities of the vCard
For what it's worth, that looks like a better solution than running palm
Add a little perl voodoo and you've got a pretty solid tool.


The only way to do it reliably is to use "Address Book Importer"

At 8:51 PM -0500 4/7/04, Ken Williams wrote:
Yeah, that's probably a good way to go.  Perhaps I should just 
synchronize directly from Palm Desktop to Address Book, rather than 
exporting to vCards.

Unless you mean syncrhronize Palm with your PDA, then switch over to 
Apple Address Book and sync again with Address Book -- I don't know 
what you mean. There's no script that "syncs" Address Book to Palm 
desktop that I know of. If anyone knows of such a script please send 
info my way.

If you use this method (described above) be prepared to loose your 
categories and kiss any custom fields goodbye.

If you do the vCard export built into Palm Card, you should know that 
the categories inconsistently show up in the "Notes" field in Address 
Book -- if you have no categories this won't be an issue for you. 
Also, say goodbye to your "Nickname" field (again, may not be an 
issue for you).

The utility above is the surest bet, and best of all it's freeware.

-Jason Fleetwood-Boldt