Re: iCal modules

2006-08-10 Thread Christian Huldt

10 aug 2006 kl. 22.37 skrev John Delacour:

At 12:52 pm -0700 10/8/06, Chris Nandor wrote:

At 19:03 +0100 2006.08.10, John Delacour wrote:

Chris, where do I get glue for BBEdit and other things?  My glues

You simply need to run gluemac /path/to/app.  You may need sudo,  

For example:

sudo gluemac /Applications/

This creates the glue file and the POD file (which can be read with
gluedoc BBEdit).

Ah!  That sounds terrific.  I guessed there must be some way to  
build the glue, as in Frontier.

The only problem is that I get

sudo: gluemac: command not found
Eremita:~ jd$ man gluemac
No manual entry for gluemac
Eremita:~ jd$

so how do I get that working?  All my Mac::Carbon etc. stuff is  
fully up to date so far as I know.

sudo find / -name gluemac -print

gives me


Now, if /System/Library/Perl/Extras/bin should be added to the PATH  
or a symlink created in some other place is perhaps a matter of  
personal taste.

Re: Waiting until Acrobat closes file

2006-05-28 Thread Christian Huldt

28 maj 2006 kl. 02.47 skrev Chris Devers:

On Sun, 28 May 2006, David Cantrell wrote:

if instead you're doing something like ...

system('open', '/Applications/');

then you'll need to:

wait around until Acrobat appears in the process table;
wait around until that PID disappears;


In my experience, the `open` command immediately returns control to  
controlling process (the shell, or whatever else invoked it (pine  

without waiting for the `open`ed application to finish, or for that
matter even to finish launching.

which is why processes have to be monitored manually...

I'm quite confident that David meant
system('/Applications/Adobe Reader 7.0.7/Adobe Reader 
Contents/MacOS/Adobe Reader', 'myfile.pdf');

using acroread as shorthand

This will block as long as the process is running, to just wait while  
the document is open, I'd probably try monitoring

`lsof | grep myfile.pdf`;
after system ('open',...

unless you can arrange for Acrobat to quit, which however would cause  
a lot of time wasted for launching if you will process more than one  

(I assume the the full Acrobat can be controlled using Mac::Glue, but  
this does not seem possible for the Reader)

Re: Should Mac::PropertyList read everything as UTF8

2006-05-18 Thread Christian Huldt

18 maj 2006 kl. 16.01 skrev Gavin Brock:

On May 18, 2006, at 8:29 AM, brian d foy wrote:

   * Will a plist always be utf8? For instance, what about
localizations for Japan, etc? The encoding shows up in the ? 
xml ...?

portion, but am I going to have to open the file to find that, then
re-open it?

I guess it is really up to the file - the first line (is it always  
the first?) declares it:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

Maybe you could grab the first line, parse, and then slurp the rest  

   * Actually hook into the Mac libraries and let the OS parse it and
give me back the data. That's the best solution, but only if I  
give up

being pure-Perl and portable, which are both very important to me. I
will gladly add something to do that if someone writes it for me, but
alongside the pure Perl version.

Wouldn't it make sense to use some XML kit?

Or am I exposing my innocence by assuming those should take care of  
the encoding?

Re: OT: WebDav won't allow put...

2006-04-14 Thread Christian Huldt

14 apr 2006 kl. 14.16 skrev Jerry LeVan:


I decided I want to muck around with webdav on my
Mac 10.4.6 client Apache 1.3x stock install.

I enabled the loading of the mod_dav module in
the httpd.conf and added:

DAVLockDB /Library/WebServer/DAVlock

Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/webdav
  DAV On
  AuthType basic
  AuthName WEBDAV
  AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/passwd
  Require valid-user

The lock file has rw perms for www/www

I can authenticate and access the webdav
page and from my linux box do ls and gets
but the PUT operation always fails.

If I do a connect to server locally with
the finder Connect to server... any
attempt to drag a file to the webdav
window fails with a bizarre message about
file name possibly too long or invalid characters.

Any PUT operation leaves the following in

[Thu Apr 13 23:34:46 2006] [notice] Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) DAV/ 
1.0.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Apr 13 23:34:46 2006] [notice] Accept mutex: flock (Default:  
[Thu Apr 13 23:37:20 2006] [error] [client] The locks  
could not be queried for verification against a possible If:  
header.  [500, #0]
[Thu Apr 13 23:37:20 2006] [error] [client] Could not  
open the lock database.  [500, #400]
[Thu Apr 13 23:37:20 2006] [error] [client] (13) 
Permission denied: I/O error occurred.  [500, #1]

Judging from the lack of info out there I am either
the first person to try this or the most unlucky...

Has anyone been successful in getting the webdav
stuff to work with the stock apache?

The error messages are usually correct, I got this on a SuSe box a  
couple of days ago after some update changed DAVLockDB path...

The lock file is actually two files file.pag and file.dir so I would  
suggest you try

DAVLockDB /Library/WebServer/Locks/DAVlock


chown www:www /Library/WebServer/Locks

to allow apache to create files as needed

Re: Install Apache, mod_perl

2006-04-07 Thread Christian Huldt

well, you will have to read docs, lots of them...

who can open port  1025?

what is a database server?

etc. are important questions

That said, might easy installation a bit, though  
it seems you have most pieces in place...

7 apr 2006 kl. 21.45 skrev Marek Stepanek:

On 07.04.2006 19:37, Robert D. Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry Marek, I am not a perl programmer by any means but it seemed to
me that you did get an answer.

I looked back at the archives
perl.macosx for this subject and see a couple of responses.

Bob, I am confused! Sorry, but what the hell means this link? Am I  
on a

mailing list, or something, what seems to be a mailing list, but is
connected to a use group? (I am blushing!)

When I installed MySql, php and Apache 2 on my laptop, I chose a
different route and it seems to me that it is important to keep the
default install of Apache (1.3.33) separate mentally since they are
different versions.  I can run both at the same time on different
ports but can not start Apache 1 before starting Apache 2 since
Apache 2 checks for another running instance of any other version.

Ohh, you are lucky, I tried this for two weeks now! But impossible to
install Bundle::DBD::mysql and mod_perl

Your question, actually as I read it, really isn't a perl question,
it is an Apache configuration question.

I think there is something wrong with my root and user account. I  
am the
only user on my Laptop, but I was able to install Apache2 as root  
only (see

my first posting).

Have you located and/or created the error log cited in the error
message you sent and tried re-starting Apache 2 ensuring that the
default version is NOT running?

% which apachectl

is this the apple Apache or the new one?

ahh! this is interesting:

% apachectl fullstatus

   Not Found

   The requested URL /server-status was not found on this server.

Apache/1.3.33 Server at markslap.local Port 80

when trying to start the server, it is only possible with sudo:

% apachectl start
Processing config directory: /private/etc/httpd/users/*.conf
fopen: Permission denied
httpd: could not open error log file /private/var/log/httpd/error_log.
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

% sudo !!
sudo apachectl start
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd (pid 5898) already running

aha! there it is! I am already running on Apples Apache server!

% sudo apachectl stop
% /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
% sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

But the install of DBD, whith running Apache2

cpan install Bundle::DBD::mysql

is giving many errors like:

Can't exec mysql_config: No such file or directory at  
Makefile.PL line


% sudo find -E / -iregex .*mysql_config.* -print

Probably I have to put the


also in my $PATH ? In any case my $PATH:

% echo $PATH


Other errors while

cpan install Bundle::DBD::mysql

Cannot connect: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
Either your server is not up and running or you have no
permissions for acessing the DSN DBI:mysql:test.
This test requires a running server and write permissions.
Please make sure your server is running and you have
permissions, then retry.

I am getting off topic for this list.  I am NOT an Apache expert and
so may not be the person to talk to but perhaps I can help off list.


Thank you Bob for your answer!

Best greetings to all



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Re: Faxing

2006-01-29 Thread Christian Huldt

24 jan 2006 kl. 11.43 skrev Alan Fry:

As a PS,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] suggested to me [slightly  

Well, I'd skip the Perl - applescript - Terminal - bash hoopla
why not just use system(efax command line) or just back-ticks.

Indeed that's much better, faster, and cleaner, and works fine.

how about using convert for producing the tiffs?

I think there is a version included in Mac OS X, but since I tend to  
install imagemagick myself at some point I should not  make any  