Options for control of output in Terminal?

2004-11-22 Thread Dan Buettner
I'm working on a multithreaded perl script that will have a group of 
threads uploading files via FTP.

I'd like to have each thread display status information in the 
Terminal window, e.g.:

Thr1  16:12:07: Uploading 'mysamplefile' (890.0 KB) to 'myhost.com'
Thr2  16:10:07: Uploading 'myBIGsamplefile' (99.1 MB) to 'myhost.com'
Thr3  16:05:08: Uploaded 'lastfile' (5.1 MB) to 'ftpserver.com'
Thr4  16:13:06: Uploading littlefile' (44.8 KB) to 'anotherhost.com'
The # symbols above would be the hash output from Net::FTP as it uploads ...
Ideally, I'd like to have the window have a fixed display (no 
scrolling) and always output the information from a specific thread 
in a specific position.  In other words, Thread 1 gets the first 2 
lines, Thread 2 gets lines 3 and 4, etc.

The script right now is not threaded, and using the hash output from 
Net::FTP works great - divide filesize by 100 and set that to your 
hash value to get a great text-based progress bar.

How could I put information into a static display like this?  And 
could I still use the Net::FTP progress bar?

Suggestions appreciated.

Re: Getting DBD-Sybase to work

2004-01-15 Thread Dan Buettner
I got DBD-Sybase working OK, but did need to set additional 
environment variables - both when compiling and when running the 

Here is the block I have at the beginning of my Perl script that 
seems to work just fine:

$ENV{SYBASE}= '/Applications/Sybase/System';
ISTR that I set these prior to compiling from the command line and it 
compiled OK.

Good luck!


At 10:59 PM -0500 1/14/04, gohaku wrote:
Hi everyone,
I just installed Sybase  ASE 12.5.1 on OS X v10.3.2
and am trying to Install the DBD-Sybase-1.02 module.
When I tried to install said module, I got back the following:
Please set SYBASE in CONFIG, or set the $SYBASE environment 
variable at Makefile.PL line 93, IN line 44.

I then tried:
setenv SYBASE /Applications/Sybase/System/ASE-12_5/
perl Makefile.PL
and got back the following:
Can't find the lib or include directories under 
/Applications/Sybase/System/ASE-12_5/! at Makefile.PL line 102, IN 
line 44.

I also read the article: Sybase for Mac OS X 
(http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/1693)  to see if that could help 
but I couldn't even login as Superuser.

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Re: ***regular expression***

2003-11-15 Thread Dan Buettner
I'm guessing you want 'string' to be what follows 'idlink'?  If so, 
this ought to work:

$url =~ s/a href.*?(.*?)\/a/idlink$1/i;

Change the 'i' at the end to 'gi' (for global, insensitive) to have 
it process a string with multiple URLs.


Can someone help me about a regular ?
In which way i can substitute a href=$urlstring/a with