Re: Can't Update CPAN, Can't Install DBD::mysql

2011-09-28 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
On Sep 28, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Lola Lee Beno wrote:
 I upgraded to Lion.  I have pre-existing Perl modules that I had installed, 
 but I hadn't yet installed DBD::mysql.
 When I try to install DBD::mysql, I get this:
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 Using DBI 1.615 (for perl 5.012003 on darwin-thread-multi-2level) installed 
 in /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBI/
 Writing Makefile for DBD::mysql
 Can't exec /usr/bin/make: No such file or directory at 
 /System/Library/Perl/5.12/CPAN/ line 2026.
  /usr/bin/make -- NOT OK
 Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
 Running make install
  Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
 Failed during this command:
 CAPTTOFU/DBD-mysql-4.020.tar.gz  : make NO
 When I try to update CPAN, I get this:
 Warning: Prerequisite 'File::HomeDir = 0.69' for 'ANDK/CPAN-1.9800.tar.gz' 
 failed when processing 'ADAMK/File-HomeDir-0.98.tar.gz' with 'make = NO'. 
 Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited.
 Can't exec /usr/bin/make: No such file or directory at 
 /System/Library/Perl/5.12/CPAN/ line 2026.
  /usr/bin/make -- NOT OK
 Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
 Running make install
  Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
 Failed during this command:
 ADAMK/Test-Script-1.07.tar.gz: make NO
 CHANSEN/Mac-SystemDirectory-0.06.tar.gz  : writemakefile NO -- No 
 'Makefile' created
 ANDK/CPAN-1.9800.tar.gz  : make NO
 ADAMK/File-HomeDir-0.98.tar.gz   : make NO
 RJBS/IPC-Run3-0.044.tar.gz   : make NO
 ADAMK/File-Which-1.09.tar.gz : make NO
 So the common denominator is: Can't exec /usr/bin/make: No such file or 
 directory at /System/Library/Perl/5.12/CPAN/ line 2026.
 Looks like I need to install make.  This means, I need to get XCode so I can 
 install make, right?

Yes, that would be a good start.  :-)   No guarantees after that though, but 
Xcode is essentially a prerequisite on Mac OS X.


Re: Web Apps

2010-02-22 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
Unless that has changed, but downloading the SDK is free.  If you want to run 
your apps in an iP*, you need to pay the 99$ yearly fee to get the right 
certificates.  As long as you're happy running in the simulator, you should be 
fine, AFAIK.

On Feb 22, 2010, at 11:16 PM, Celeste Suliin Burris wrote:
 Thanks for the info - I was interested in iPad apps, but put off by the $99 
 just to download and look over the SDK.
 A web app sounds better - you wouldn't have to write a different one for 
 every smartphone.
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Stephenson
 Sent: Feb 21, 2010 4:19 PM
 To: Perl MacOSX
 Subject: Web Apps
 I started playing with iPhone/iTouch/iPad web apps just last week. 
 Apple has made it incredibly easy to create a web app that runs exactly  
 like a native app on these devices.
 Of course, perl is a perfect server side language to power these apps,  
 and BBEdit and Perl on a Mac make the perfect IDE to create these web  
 While poking around there I also found out that Safari on the Mac OS  
 also provides some big enhancements for web based apps now too. Check  
 this out:
 Safari on iPhone, Mac OS X, and Windows all implement the Offline Web  
 Applications feature of HTML5. This feature allows you to cache all of  
 the resource files for your web application on the client, improving  
 the load time of your application and making it possible to create an  
 application which is fully functional even when there is no network  
 This is actually fulfilling a vision I expressed right here waaay back  
 in 2005:
 Geez, It's like they've been working all this time for me entirely for  
 free ;)
 Seriously, according to the news this week it now looks like most all  
 Smart Phone makers will adapt a similar, if not the same, approach to  
 web based apps that run on these devices.
 Think about it, Apple knows that laptops and desktops need to be able  
 to run these same applications because it provides a fast and  
 inexpensive way for developers to integrate the use of these  
 applications with these different devices. Users want that, and they  
 want them to Feel like a native application too. Apple is essentially  
 giving them that.
 So, looking forward it's easy to imagine that many Native apps will  
 really be Web Apps. The client side will contain the necessary tools  
 to run them. Updates and upgrades happen at the atomic level on the  
 server side and are instant and seamless and distributed as soon as the  
 software is accessed. (that's something I learned right here ;)
 The advantages to developers both small and large are huge. I now  
 believe this is exactly where Apple is heading and as you can imagine,  
 I'm absolutely thrilled about it :)
 Bill Stephenson

Re: CPAN broken in Panther

2003-11-25 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
At 12:30 -0500 11/25/03, Morbus Iff wrote:
I can confirm - just shut off the internal firewall (System Prefereces 
Sharing), and cpan works fine. I've not had time to look into it further.
You might wanna do a

  export FTP_PASSIVE=1

before running CPAN.  Helps me most of the time...


Re: head vs. head

2003-07-11 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
At 06:38 -0400 7/11/03, David R. Morrison wrote:
The head vs. HEAD problem is a well-known problem with using CPAN on Mac
OS X.  There was some discussion on this list last month because some
people believed that the problem had been fixed.  Sadly, your experience
proves otherwise.
I actually also had it interfere with configuring mod_perl on Mac OS 
X.  So it's _not_ limited to just using CPAN.  Removing 
/usr/local/bin/head from the system (exposing the original 
/usr/bin/head again) solved that problem for me.


Re: head vs. head

2003-07-11 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
At 09:20 -0400 7/11/03, Sherm Pendley wrote:
The lwp-request program will use the name it is invoked with to
determine what HTTP method to use.  I can set up alias for the most
common HTTP methods.  These alias are also installed in
Do you want to install the GET alias? [y] n
Do you want to install the HEAD alias? [y] n
Do you want to install the POST alias? [y] n
Mac OS X's case-insensitive filesystem (HFS+) is the reason this 
question is there at all. Prior to Mac OS X, these aliases were 
installed without comment, as on most (all?) other UNIX variants, 
HEAD and head are distinct file names, and the two can co-exist 
peacefully in the same directory. That's also why 'y' is the default 
answer - Mac OS X is the odd man out in this regard, and many 
system admins have written shell scripts that use these aliases.
Eh...  maybe a stupid question, but why is [y] the default on Mac OS 
X?  Surely the install script can be made smart enough to make [n] 
the default on Mac OS X?

Or is there a deeper reason why [y] needs to be the default always?


Re: What's the best POP module?

2003-02-05 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
At 17:43 +0100 2/4/03, Gian Luca Gaiba wrote:

I tried POP3::Client
but it seems that have no methods
to fetch and retrieve attachments...

Someone uses other one
with best performances
or with the methods for attachments?

Maybe you should have a look at Mail::Box.  It also has POP3 functionality...
