I tried your script and got essentially the same result as you:

POSIX timezone tag seems broken:
System date command thinks the timezone is CST.
POSIX thinks the timezone is ¿??q?2X.

One more data point.

Mike McShan
OK City

>On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, ellem wrote:
>>  using your code on FreeBSD 4.4 I get
>>      barney ellem ~/code $ perl posx.pl
>>      System date command thinks the timezone is EST.
>>      POSIX thinks the timezone is EST.
>>  I get this on OS X 10.1.2
>>      macnix ellem ~/code $ perl posx.pl
>>      POSIX timezone tag seems broken:
>>      System date command thinks the timezone is EST.
>>      POSIX thinks the timezone is ø?macnix ellem ~/code $
>Oh good, someone else is seeing it too then.

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