Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-15 Thread Phil Calvert
On Jun 14, 2004, at 1:12 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
I'm curious - is reinstalling the OS a common troubleshooting 
technique for older MacOS versions? I'm a fairly recent switcher 
myself. I purchased my first Mac expressly to run Mac OS X DP4.

Only if you feel you're in over your head ;-). Since I'm a bit new to 
the osX world it seem like starting with a clean slate might be a 

Well, I installed Xcode
That, in a nutshell, was the problem. Panther needs Xcode. Older 
Project Builder releases will sort of work - for some value of work 
- but they're unsupported on Panther, and using them can lead to all 
sorts of difficult to diagnose problems.


Yes, at first I tried installing only the BSD SDK thinking that would 
cover what I needed. But I wasn't able to get the module to install 
until I went back an install everything.


Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-14 Thread Phil Calvert
On Jun 13, 2004, at 9:53 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Jun 14, 2004, at 12:12 AM, Phil Calvert wrote:
ld: -undefined: unknown argument: dynamic_lookup
I noticed in an older reply that you're using GCC 3.1, and you've 
upgraded to 10.3.4. If you upgraded from Jaguar (or earlier), and you 
haven't installed Xcode yet, do that - you'll get the newer GCC 3.3 
with it.

Then, do a 'sudo gcc_select 3.3' - that will make the newer GCC 3.3 
the default instead of 3.1. (You can also do a 'gcc_select --list' to 
show what versions are installed, and 'gcc_select' w/o parameters to 
show the current default.)

Like Ed mentioned, GCC versions prior to 3.3 may not understand the 
-undefined dynamic_lookup switch.

At this point, maybe the best thing would be to reinstall osX?
I'm guessing you're a recent refugee from Windows? ;-)
Sir, you wound me! ;-) I've never used a windows for more than a hour 
without feeling ill. I will admit to being a long time system 6, 7, 8, 
9 user and this unix stuff is still a bit heady.

Well, I installed Xcode and ran  sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install 
Bundle::LWP' again and this time it seemed to go well. Thank you and 
every else for the help!

Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-13 Thread Phil Calvert
On Jun 13, 2004, at 1:48 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Jun 13, 2004, at 1:45 AM, Phil Calvert wrote:
I enter the line sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install libwww-perl' and 
things seem to go well for a while but then it gets stuck at:

CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /Users/thatsme/.cpan/Metadata
 Database was generated on Tue, 08 Jun 2004 19:34:06 GMT
Warning: Cannot install 0, don't know what it is.
Try the command
 i /0/
to find objects with matching identifiers.
Any ideas on where I go from here?
I get the same error, and also on Linux with 5.8.3 - it appears to be 
an error in the book. It's not mentioned in the errata listed on though. Maybe something's changed since the book was 
printed; it's not that old (Oct. '03), but it's possible, especially 
given the lead time for dead tree editions.

Installing Bundle::LWP works though - i.e. perl -MCPAN -e 'install 


That gets me a bit father along (or at least I think it does, since 
there's quite a bit of activity) but then it  hangs up with this;

cc1: warning: changing search order for system directory 
cc1: warning:   as it has already been specified as a non-system 
Running Mkbootstrap for Digest::MD5 ()
chmod 644
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Digest/MD5/MD5.bundle
LD_RUN_PATH= MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle -undefined 
dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib MD5.o  -o 
ld: -undefined: unknown argument: dynamic_lookup
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/Digest/MD5/MD5.bundle] Error 1
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible

...Which is different from before (and therefore a welcome change) but 
still sounds bad.

Thanks for the hint about the errata. I didn't think of looking in at 
it - not that it would have helped this time. I've submitted an errata 
about this.


Re: Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-13 Thread Phil Calvert
On Jun 13, 2004, at 12:07 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Jun 13, 2004, at 2:32 PM, Phil Calvert wrote:
LD_RUN_PATH= MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle -undefined  
dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib MD5.o  -o  
There are also some partial solutions out there, that tell you how to  
patch the symptoms by making changes to the generated Makefile. The  
above is better; it tells how to fix the problem at its source, so  
that the Makefile is generated correctly to begin with.


Thank you for your reply,
I edited the  
/System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/ file  
and then ran;

 sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'
and after quite a bit of text scolling by in the terminal ended with  

Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
html/form-param.t   2   51224   48 200.00%  1-24
html/form.t 2   51252  104 200.00%  1-52
local/autoload-get.t11 100.00%  1
local/autoload.t11 100.00%  1
local/get.t 2   512 24 200.00%  1-2
local/http-get.t   206  30.00%  1-2 5-7 20
local/http.t   186  33.33%  1-2 5-7 18
robot/ua-get.t  82  25.00%  3 5
robot/ua.t  72  28.57%  3 5
Failed 9/30 test scripts, 70.00% okay. 96/660 subtests failed, 85.45%  
make: *** [test] Error 2
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force

Installing modules on osX 10.3.3

2004-06-12 Thread Phil Calvert
I been trying to do hack no. 8 from the O'Reilly book Spidering 
Hacks but keep getting hung-up.

I enter the line sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install libwww-perl' and things 
seem to go well for a while but then it gets stuck at:

CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /Users/thatsme/.cpan/Metadata
 Database was generated on Tue, 08 Jun 2004 19:34:06 GMT
Warning: Cannot install 0, don't know what it is.
Try the command
 i /0/
to find objects with matching identifiers.
Any ideas on where I go from here?
Thanks, Phil