I am trying to get 'latex2html' to work on Mac OS X which in turn depends on getting 'netpbm' to work. I apologise if the connection to Perl is a bit tenuous, but the installation of 'latex2htm' depends on a number of Perl scripts.

Firstly 'configure.pl' (in the 'latex2html source folder) trips up at line 1268:

    ($stat,$msg,$err) = &get_out_err("$pnmcrop -version");

where $pnmcrop is the full path to 'pnmcrop' in 'netpbm'. It transpires the reason 'configure.pl' trips up is that 'pnmcrop - version' returns the following message (rather than the version number):

dyld: Library not loaded: /libnetpbm.10.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/netpbm/bin/pnmcrop
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap

Looking at the installation of 'netpbn' the directory /usr/local/ netpbm/lib contains a link 'libnetpbm.10.dylib' to 'libnetpbm. 10.26.dylib', the permissions for which are '-rwxr-xr-x' (FWIW).

I would be grateful if anyone can throw any light on this (what image is not found for instance) or suggest what to do next.

Again apologies if this is too far away from Perl on Mac OS X.

Alan Fry

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