On 30/10/2013 12:13, Paul Taylor wrote:
With Java 7 on OSX I find that as I move around my JTable cells with cursor keys it causes it to blank out every field in goes into.
table.putClientProperty("JTable.autoStartsEdit", Boolean.FALSE)

stops that issue happening, but then I have to press 'Enter' key to start editing.

What I want to happen is that cursor keys just move the cursor without editing, and pressing any other key will start editing in that field. i.e I move to a field and press 'd', then will be displayed in the field. This is what happened in Java 6 on OSX (Quaqua) and with Java 7 on Windows.


Apparently a bug was submitted for this, see


but seems to have disappeared without being fixed, is it still in JIRA ?


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