Re: Identifying possible situations for interactivity

2018-09-04 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Mon, 3 Sep 2018, Michael wrote:

[ ... ]

I am looking at you, ffmpeg, reported multiple times.

I am glad that I am not the only one suffering from this irritation.

Yes, I am a newbie here, with dreams of becoming a "real" developer in my 
retirement (I've been a Unix programmer for over 40 years), but I simply 
cannot afford anything more than this ancient late-2009 MacBook right now.

-- Dave

Re: SOS!

2018-08-20 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Mon, 20 Aug 2018, William Parducci wrote:

I am guessing by the urgency of your request you do not have a backup.

I'm gonna go all Darwinistic here (pun not intended) but after being in 
the computer game since 1970 or so, anyone who does not take (and test[*]) 
backups deserves all that they get.

I got caught badly when assiduously taking daily backups (not on a Mac), a 
disk crash was a poor time to discover that some were corrupted in such a 
way that although the files themselves were visible, their parent 
directories weren't; I still have no idea how that happened, but I stopped 
using that PoS years ago.

-- Dave

Re: "size" documentation

2018-08-19 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Sun, 19 Aug 2018, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

If the idea is to help display a progress bar (please make it in 

What color would you like? :)

Do we really need unnecessary colour?  I've been using computers since 
about 1971, and mono sems to work just fine.

-- Dave

Re: Homebrew hacked

2018-08-08 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

BTW, in addition to these sorts of infrastructure issues, it might be a 
good idea if we were more expeditious and systematic about updating 
ports with known security holes. We might want a security officer role, 

Which FreeBSD has had for years (several peoole have been in that role), 
as has OpenBSD (don't know about NetBSD; I have an image, but never used 
it in anger as such).

Good heavens, but is the Mac the only system that people use here?

-- Dave

Upgrade to 2.4.3 OK

2018-04-16 Thread Dave Horsfall
I've been a bit of a critic of MacPorts in the past, so let me say that 
the upgrade to 2.4.3 this morning went without a hitch!  My thanks go to 
all those involved.

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."

Re: New guide section on Git and GitHub

2018-04-12 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Thu, 12 Apr 2018, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

p5-tkx has recently beed added to ports and that one supports native 
look and feel :)

Now you really have me interested - thanks!

I've just spent a few hours tracking down an obscure (and intermittent!) 
bug in a script that controls a serial device only to find that it's a 
firmware bug, and I don't think that there's a way around it once it gets 
into that state without power-cycling the thing :-(

I'll fix the fundamntals before I get the flashy stuff working, of 

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."

Re: New guide section on Git and GitHub

2018-04-11 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, Andrew Moore wrote:

Okay, so when all is said and done, am I actually prepared to make an 
actual contribution?  Perhaps it merits a topic of discussion for the 
online meeting how MacPorts wants to present itself.  I’d like to see 
one of MacPorts’s goals be towards non-profit status, and ultimately to 
attract the attention of Apple again.  Apple needs MacPorts desperately, 
they just don’t know it yet…

Having (re)discovered Perl/Tk I'm certainly interested in jazzing up a few 
of my programs, but there's something about GitHub that bothers me (and I 
don't know what); perhaps it's my general dislike of Penguin/OS and 
anything spawned from it (including the GPL virus), I dunno...

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."

Re: Search for a MacPorts Mascot: looking for talented artists

2018-02-21 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Wed, 21 Feb 2018, Arno Hautala wrote:

I nominate "Portia McCrane - the MacPorts Port Crane". She'll be on 
shelves in time for the holidays and the hit plush toy craze of the 

Please take careful note of the copyright notice for that image.

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."

Re: Search for a MacPorts Mascot: looking for talented artists

2018-02-21 Thread Dave Horsfall

On Wed, 21 Feb 2018, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

During the GSOC meeting in Mountain View we had some fruitful evening 
discussions where we were heavily criticised for not having our own 
happy fluffy animal mascot (like a flying platypus?) which we could take 
to every meeting or hacking event where we show up.

A fluffy animal mascot is required in order to be taken seriously?  Leave 
that sort of nonsense to the Penguins...

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."