cmake upgrade failure/success ?machine-dependant...

2010-11-18 Thread Gregory Dodwell
OSX 10.6.5 upgraded to latest Macports successfully on both machines (iMac
7,1; MacBookPro5,3).
Ran sudo port upgrade outdated with no failure on laptop. Same command
failed on iMac. (The iMac, being an older, non Pro machine cannot run OSX
in 64bit mode, despite similar Core2 Duo processor to laptop.)

Here's the terminal output:

bash-3.2$ sudo port upgrade outdated
---  Computing dependencies for cmake
---  Fetching cmake
---  Verifying checksum(s) for cmake
---  Extracting cmake
---  Applying patches to cmake
---  Configuring cmake
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell
command failed (see log for details)
Log for cmake is at:
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
To report a bug, see

Please see snippets from the main.log:

:msg:main ---  Computing dependencies for cmake:info:main .:debug:main
Searching for dependency: libidn
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for libidn
:debug:main Searching for dependency: openssl
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for openssl
:debug:main Executing org.macports.main (cmake)
:msg:main ---  Fetching cmake
:debug:fetch fetch phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:29 EST 2010
:debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (cmake)
:msg:fetch ---  Verifying checksum(s) for cmake
:debug:checksum checksum phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:29 EST 2010
:debug:checksum Executing org.macports.checksum (cmake)
:info:checksum ---  Checksumming cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
:debug:checksum Correct (md5) checksum for cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
:debug:checksum Correct (sha1) checksum for cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
:debug:checksum Correct (rmd160) checksum for cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
:msg:checksum ---  Extracting cmake
:debug:extract extract phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:29 EST 2010
:debug:extract Executing org.macports.extract (cmake)
:info:extract ---  Extracting cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
:debug:extract setting option extract.args to
:debug:extract Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include'
:debug:extract Assembled command: 'cd
 /usr/bin/gzip -dc
'/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/cmake/cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz' |
/usr/bin/gnutar --no-same-owner -xf -'
:debug:patch patch phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:32 EST 2010
:debug:patch Executing org.macports.patch (cmake)
:msg:patch ---  Applying patches to cmake
:info:patch ---  Applying /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
:debug:patch Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include'
:debug:patch Assembled command: 'cd
 /usr/bin/patch -p0'
:info:patch patching file Modules/CMakeFindFrameworks.cmake
:debug:patch Executing proc-post-org.macports.patch-patch-0
:msg:patch ---  Configuring cmake
:debug:patch Using compiler 'Mac OS X gcc 4.2'
:debug:configure configure phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:32 EST 2010
:debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (cmake)
:debug:configure Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' CFLAGS='-O2 -arch
x86_64' CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -arch x86_64'
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH='/opt/local' CXX='/usr/bin/g++-4.2'
F90FLAGS='-O2 -m64' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64' FCFLAGS='-O2
-m64' OBJC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2' INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c'
CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' FFLAGS='-O2 -m64' OBJCFLAGS='-O2 -arch
x86_64' CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2'
:debug:configure Assembled command: 'cd
 ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --mandir=/share/man
--docdir=/share/doc/cmake --parallel=2
:info:configure -
:info:configure CMake 2.8.3, Copyright 

Re: cmake upgrade failure/success ?machine-dependant...

2010-11-18 Thread cssdev
It looks like gmake is missing the required libintl. Perhaps try reinstalling 
gmake? The system gmake usually works fine, but perhaps CMake picked up the 
MacPorts gmake from your environment instead.


Sent from my iPod 

On Nov 18, 2010, at 7:19 AM, Gregory Dodwell wrote:

 OSX 10.6.5 upgraded to latest Macports successfully on both machines (iMac 
 7,1; MacBookPro5,3).
 Ran sudo port upgrade outdated with no failure on laptop. Same command failed 
 on iMac. (The iMac, being an older, non Pro machine cannot run OSX in 64bit 
 mode, despite similar Core2 Duo processor to laptop.)
 Here's the terminal output:
 bash-3.2$ sudo port upgrade outdated
 ---  Computing dependencies for cmake
 ---  Fetching cmake
 ---  Verifying checksum(s) for cmake
 ---  Extracting cmake
 ---  Applying patches to cmake
 ---  Configuring cmake
 Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell 
 command failed (see log for details)
 Log for cmake is at: 
 Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
 To report a bug, see
 Please see snippets from the main.log:
 :msg:main ---  Computing dependencies for cmake:info:main .:debug:main 
 Searching for dependency: libidn
 :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for libidn
 :debug:main Searching for dependency: openssl
 :debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for openssl
 :debug:main Executing org.macports.main (cmake)
 :msg:main ---  Fetching cmake
 :debug:fetch fetch phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:29 EST 2010
 :debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (cmake)
 :msg:fetch ---  Verifying checksum(s) for cmake
 :debug:checksum checksum phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:29 EST 2010
 :debug:checksum Executing org.macports.checksum (cmake)
 :info:checksum ---  Checksumming cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
 :debug:checksum Correct (md5) checksum for cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
 :debug:checksum Correct (sha1) checksum for cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
 :debug:checksum Correct (rmd160) checksum for cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
 :msg:checksum ---  Extracting cmake
 :debug:extract extract phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:29 EST 2010
 :debug:extract Executing org.macports.extract (cmake)
 :info:extract ---  Extracting cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz
 :debug:extract setting option extract.args to 
 :debug:extract Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' 
 :debug:extract Assembled command: 'cd 
   /usr/bin/gzip -dc 
 '/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/cmake/cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz' | 
 /usr/bin/gnutar --no-same-owner -xf -'
 :debug:patch patch phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:32 EST 2010
 :debug:patch Executing org.macports.patch (cmake)
 :msg:patch ---  Applying patches to cmake
 :info:patch ---  Applying 
 :debug:patch Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' 
 :debug:patch Assembled command: 'cd 
   /usr/bin/patch -p0'
 :info:patch patching file Modules/CMakeFindFrameworks.cmake
 :debug:patch Executing proc-post-org.macports.patch-patch-0
 :msg:patch ---  Configuring cmake
 :debug:patch Using compiler 'Mac OS X gcc 4.2'
 :debug:configure configure phase started at Thu Nov 18 22:45:32 EST 2010
 :debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (cmake)
 :debug:configure Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' CFLAGS='-O2 -arch 
 x86_64' CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -arch x86_64' 
 CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH='/opt/local' CXX='/usr/bin/g++-4.2' 
  F90FLAGS='-O2 -m64' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64' FCFLAGS='-O2 
 -m64' OBJC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2' INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c' 
 CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' FFLAGS='-O2 -m64' OBJCFLAGS='-O2 -arch 
 x86_64' CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2'
 :debug:configure Assembled command: 'cd 

re cmake upgrade failure/success ?machine-dependant ...

2010-11-18 Thread Gregory Dodwell

 It looks like gmake is missing the required libintl. Perhaps try
 reinstalling gmake? The system gmake usually works fine, but perhaps CMake
 picked up the MacPorts gmake from your environment instead.


I upgraded gmake, and cmake is now upgraded! Thank you Chris. Now to upgrade
the rest of the outdated ports.

macports-users mailing list

Re: can i translate document of Installing MacPorts and open to the public ?

2010-11-18 Thread Daniel J. Luke
On Nov 16, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Kazuaki Takase wrote:
 I'm Japanese. I have no idea that appropriate place to ask this question.
 I translated document of Installing Macports into Japanese.
 Then I wish to open to the public. Can I do this thing?

I think it would be good if we could include this on the macports website.
Daniel J. Luke  
| * * |  

| *-- -* |  

|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |  

|  reflect the opinions of my employer.  |  


macports-users mailing list

mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Kevin Layer
It includes a *lot* of other stuff, just not cairo.

I installed the mdmg on a `clean' machine (didn't have macports).

When I load gtk2 into my app, I get

dlopen(/Applications/AllegroCL64/gtk/gtk20-lib.dylib, 10): Library not loaded: 

And, in fact, it's not there:

bash-3.2$ ls -l /opt/local/lib
total 107752
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin  102 Nov  9 18:34 X11
drwxr-xr-x  21 root  admin  714 Nov 18 10:05 db46
drwxr-xr-x  14 root  admin  476 Nov  9 18:24 engines
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin  102 Nov  9 18:09 gdk-pixbuf-2.0
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  admin  204 Nov  9 18:12 gettext
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin  102 Nov  9 18:15 glib-2.0
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  admin  170 Nov  9 18:04 gtk-2.0
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 8384 Nov  9 18:34 libX11-xcb.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 1000 Nov  9 18:34 libX11-xcb.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 10:06 libX11-xcb.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1066 Nov  9 18:34
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  1317064 Nov  9 18:34 libX11.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin  1845024 Nov  9 18:34 libX11.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   14 Nov 18 10:06 libX11.dylib - libX11.6.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1017 Nov  9 18:34
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13872 Nov  9 18:34 libXau.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin11856 Nov  9 18:34 libXau.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   14 Nov 18 10:06 libXau.dylib - libXau.6.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  940 Nov  9 18:34
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13568 Nov  9 18:34 libXcomposite.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 7704 Nov  9 18:34 libXcomposite.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   21 Nov 18 10:06 libXcomposite.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1066 Nov  9 18:34
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin43352 Nov  9 18:35 libXcursor.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin50352 Nov  9 18:35 libXcursor.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 10:06 libXcursor.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1105 Nov  9 18:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13504 Nov  9 18:35 libXdamage.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 6184 Nov  9 18:35 libXdamage.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 10:06 libXdamage.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1078 Nov  9 18:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin22704 Nov  9 18:35 libXdmcp.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin25712 Nov  9 18:35 libXdmcp.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   16 Nov 18 10:06 libXdmcp.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  934 Nov  9 18:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin81368 Nov  9 18:35 libXext.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin   111792 Nov  9 18:35 libXext.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   15 Nov 18 10:06 libXext.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1031 Nov  9 18:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin23144 Nov  9 18:35 libXfixes.3.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin24160 Nov  9 18:35 libXfixes.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   17 Nov 18 10:06 libXfixes.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1044 Nov  9 18:35
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin85928 Nov  9 18:04 libXft.2.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin   110960 Nov  9 18:04 libXft.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   14 Nov 18 10:05 libXft.dylib - libXft.2.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1173 Nov  9 18:04
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin62472 Nov  9 18:36 libXi.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin   105128 Nov  9 18:36 libXi.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   13 Nov 18 10:06 libXi.dylib - libXi.6.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1044 Nov  9 18:36
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13544 Nov  9 18:36 libXinerama.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 6944 Nov  9 18:36 libXinerama.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   19 Nov 18 10:06 libXinerama.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1080 Nov  9 18:36
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin36440 Nov  9 18:36 libXrandr.2.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin42240 Nov  9 18:36 libXrandr.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   17 Nov 18 10:06 libXrandr.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1097 Nov  9 18:36
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin40792 Nov  9 18:37 libXrender.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin48920 Nov  9 18:37 libXrender.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 10:06 libXrender.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1050 Nov  9 18:37
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 9432 Nov  9 18:12 libasprintf.0.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 5248 Nov  9 18:12 libasprintf.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   19 Nov 18 10:06 libasprintf.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  953 Nov  9 18:12
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   133840 Nov  9 18:04 libatk-1.0.0.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin   220768 Nov  9 18:04 libatk-1.0.a

Solving some Symbol not found problems for libJPEG, libTIFF, libGL, libPng

2010-11-18 Thread Robert Baruch
Hi all,

To save some of you some time, if you run something and you get an error like 

dyld: Symbol not found: _gll_noop 
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libGL.dylib

or this:

dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart 
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libJPEG.dylib 

or this:

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __cg_TIFFSetErrorHandler
Referenced from: 
Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libTIFF.dylib

or this:
dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_png_create_info_struct
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /optlocal/lib/libPng.dylib
Then congratulations, you've discovered that OSX and MacPorts are incompatible 
with each other for these libraries! For example, Macport's libjpeg contains 
the symbol _jpeg_resync_to_restart, but not what Apple is looking for, 

I have seen several solutions, including removing any DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 
(which doesn't help when you don't have it set), and removing the offending 
macports library, which doesn't help when it will just get reinstalled when 
you try to install a port which has those libraries as a dependency.

The solution that worked for me was this (note that if you don't have a 
particular /opt/local/lib library then you don't need that line)

sudo ln -sf 

sudo ln -sf 

sudo ln -sf 

sudo ln -sf 

Why does this work? Because for whatever reason, when Apple requests 
libJPEG.dyld, whatever system searches for it finds /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.dyld 
because the search is case insensitive. For a Unix operating system. Go figure. 
The lines above will force any program looking for libjpeg.dyld to be 
redirected to Apple's libJPEG.dyld.

But wait, what if you WANT Macport's libjpeg.dyld? Sorry, not possible unless 
you statically link your program to libjpeg.a. And since I've never done that 
before, I can't help you if you want to do that :(

macports-users mailing list

Re: Solving some Symbol not found problems for libJPEG, libTIFF, libGL, libPng

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
The Apple and MacPorts versions of these libraries coexist just fine most 
cases. I cannot advocate the steps you described below, and without further 
information, I cannot say why you experienced problems before.

On Nov 18, 2010, at 13:57, Robert Baruch wrote:

 Hi all,
 To save some of you some time, if you run something and you get an error like 
 dyld: Symbol not found: _gll_noop 
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libGL.dylib
 or this:
 dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart 
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libJPEG.dylib 
 or this:
 dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __cg_TIFFSetErrorHandler
 Referenced from: 
 Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libTIFF.dylib
 or this:
 dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_png_create_info_struct
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /optlocal/lib/libPng.dylib
 Then congratulations, you've discovered that OSX and MacPorts are 
 incompatible with each other for these libraries! For example, Macport's 
 libjpeg contains the symbol _jpeg_resync_to_restart, but not what Apple is 
 looking for, __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart.
 I have seen several solutions, including removing any DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 
 (which doesn't help when you don't have it set), and removing the offending 
 macports library, which doesn't help when it will just get reinstalled when 
 you try to install a port which has those libraries as a dependency.
 The solution that worked for me was this (note that if you don't have a 
 particular /opt/local/lib library then you don't need that line)
 sudo ln -sf 
 sudo ln -sf 
 sudo ln -sf 
 sudo ln -sf 
 Why does this work? Because for whatever reason, when Apple requests 
 libJPEG.dyld, whatever system searches for it finds 
 /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.dyld because the search is case insensitive. For a 
 Unix operating system. Go figure. The lines above will force any program 
 looking for libjpeg.dyld to be redirected to Apple's libJPEG.dyld.
 But wait, what if you WANT Macport's libjpeg.dyld? Sorry, not possible unless 
 you statically link your program to libjpeg.a. And since I've never done that 
 before, I can't help you if you want to do that :(

macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Kevin Layer
So, I tried with 1.9.2 and got a different result.  cairo is there,
but many of the libs are i386.

The difference in my build this time is that I did not change
macports.conf to make x86_64 the default:

#build_arch i386

but I did do this:

universal_archs x86_64 i386

I'm going to redo with build_arch set to x86_64.  After more hours of
building, I'll report back.

Below are the details of the last run.

dlopen(/Applications/AllegroCL64/gtk/gtk20-lib.dylib, 10): Library not loaded: 

bash-3.2$ ls -l /opt/local/lib
total 97888
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin  102 Nov 18 12:50 X11
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  admin  204 Nov 18 13:04 cairo
drwxr-xr-x  21 root  admin  714 Nov 18 13:04 db46
drwxr-xr-x  14 root  admin  476 Nov 18 12:39 engines
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin  102 Nov 18 12:23 gdk-pixbuf-2.0
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  admin  204 Nov 18 12:26 gettext
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin  102 Nov 18 12:29 glib-2.0
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  admin  170 Nov 18 12:16 gtk-2.0
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 8492 Nov 18 12:50 libX11-xcb.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin  592 Nov 18 12:50 libX11-xcb.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 13:04 libX11-xcb.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1066 Nov 18 12:50
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  1189112 Nov 18 12:50 libX11.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin  1555464 Nov 18 12:50 libX11.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   14 Nov 18 13:04 libX11.dylib - libX11.6.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1017 Nov 18 12:50
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13784 Nov 18 12:51 libXau.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 9144 Nov 18 12:51 libXau.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   14 Nov 18 13:05 libXau.dylib - libXau.6.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  940 Nov 18 12:51
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13676 Nov 18 12:51 libXcomposite.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 5264 Nov 18 12:51 libXcomposite.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   21 Nov 18 13:05 libXcomposite.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1066 Nov 18 12:51
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin39184 Nov 18 12:51 libXcursor.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin38752 Nov 18 12:51 libXcursor.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 13:05 libXcursor.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1105 Nov 18 12:51
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13516 Nov 18 12:51 libXdamage.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 4616 Nov 18 12:51 libXdamage.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 13:05 libXdamage.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1078 Nov 18 12:51
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin23000 Nov 18 12:52 libXdmcp.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin18448 Nov 18 12:52 libXdmcp.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   16 Nov 18 13:05 libXdmcp.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin  934 Nov 18 12:52
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin65372 Nov 18 12:52 libXext.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin81912 Nov 18 12:52 libXext.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   15 Nov 18 13:05 libXext.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1031 Nov 18 12:52
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin23276 Nov 18 12:52 libXfixes.3.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin16296 Nov 18 12:52 libXfixes.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   17 Nov 18 13:05 libXfixes.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1044 Nov 18 12:52
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin76988 Nov 18 12:17 libXft.2.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin90168 Nov 18 12:17 libXft.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   14 Nov 18 13:04 libXft.dylib - libXft.2.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1173 Nov 18 12:17
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin59016 Nov 18 12:52 libXi.6.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin87992 Nov 18 12:52 libXi.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   13 Nov 18 13:05 libXi.dylib - libXi.6.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1044 Nov 18 12:52
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13588 Nov 18 12:52 libXinerama.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 4824 Nov 18 12:52 libXinerama.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   19 Nov 18 13:05 libXinerama.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1080 Nov 18 12:52
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin36720 Nov 18 12:53 libXrandr.2.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin32552 Nov 18 12:53 libXrandr.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   17 Nov 18 13:05 libXrandr.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1097 Nov 18 12:53
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin40988 Nov 18 12:54 libXrender.1.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin38760 Nov 18 12:54 libXrender.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin   18 Nov 18 13:05 libXrender.dylib - 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin 1050 Nov 18 12:54
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin13528 Nov 18 12:26 libasprintf.0.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin 4584 Nov 18 

Re: Solving some Symbol not found problems for libJPEG, libTIFF, libGL, libPng

2010-11-18 Thread cssdev
You could also use DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH. I had to use that to avoid 
Apple's libJPEG getting in the way of apps that expected the libjpeg port. See 
the man page for dlopen() for details.


Sent from my iPod 

On Nov 18, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Robert Baruch wrote:

 Hi all,
 To save some of you some time, if you run something and you get an error like 
 dyld: Symbol not found: _gll_noop 
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libGL.dylib
 or this:
 dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart 
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libJPEG.dylib 
 or this:
 dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __cg_TIFFSetErrorHandler
 Referenced from: 
 Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libTIFF.dylib
 or this:
 dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_png_create_info_struct
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /optlocal/lib/libPng.dylib
 Then congratulations, you've discovered that OSX and MacPorts are 
 incompatible with each other for these libraries! For example, Macport's 
 libjpeg contains the symbol _jpeg_resync_to_restart, but not what Apple is 
 looking for, __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart.
 I have seen several solutions, including removing any DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 
 (which doesn't help when you don't have it set), and removing the offending 
 macports library, which doesn't help when it will just get reinstalled when 
 you try to install a port which has those libraries as a dependency.
 The solution that worked for me was this (note that if you don't have a 
 particular /opt/local/lib library then you don't need that line)
 sudo ln -sf 
 sudo ln -sf 
 sudo ln -sf 
 sudo ln -sf 
 Why does this work? Because for whatever reason, when Apple requests 
 libJPEG.dyld, whatever system searches for it finds 
 /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.dyld because the search is case insensitive. For a 
 Unix operating system. Go figure. The lines above will force any program 
 looking for libjpeg.dyld to be redirected to Apple's libJPEG.dyld.
 But wait, what if you WANT Macport's libjpeg.dyld? Sorry, not possible unless 
 you statically link your program to libjpeg.a. And since I've never done that 
 before, I can't help you if you want to do that :(
 macports-users mailing list
macports-users mailing list

Re: Solving some Symbol not found problems for libJPEG, libTIFF, libGL, libPng

2010-11-18 Thread Daniel J. Luke
On Nov 18, 2010, at 4:22 PM, wrote:
 You could also use DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH. I had to use that to avoid 
 Apple's libJPEG getting in the way of apps that expected the libjpeg port. 
 See the man page for dlopen() for details.

You should never have to set any of the DYLD_* variables to make things work 
(and usually having them set is what causes problems).

Daniel J. Luke  
| * * |  

| *-- -* |  

|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |  

|  reflect the opinions of my employer.  |  


macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 18, 2010, at 15:12, Kevin Layer wrote:

 So, I tried with 1.9.2 and got a different result.  cairo is there,
 but many of the libs are i386.

That was fixed after 1.9.2 was released.

macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Kevin Layer
Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 15:12, Kevin Layer wrote:
  So, I tried with 1.9.2 and got a different result.  cairo is there,
  but many of the libs are i386.
 That was fixed after 1.9.2 was released.

At this point, I'm not trying to build a universal mdmg.  I messed up
in the last build, forgetting to change the default to x86_64.
Redoing with that rectified.  I will report back if it fails.
macports-users mailing list

Re: Solving some Symbol not found problems for libJPEG, libTIFF, libGL, libPng

2010-11-18 Thread Robert Baruch
I installed opencv via Macports, then tried this test program:

#include “highgui.h”

int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
  IplImage* img = cvLoadImage( argv[1] );
  cvNamedWindow( “Example1”, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
  cvShowImage( “Example1”, img );
  cvReleaseImage( img );
  cvDestroyWindow( “Example1” );

Linked against libcxcore.dylib, libcvaux.dylib, libcv.dylib, libhighgui.dylib, 
and libml.dylib.

Searching google shows that opencv is not the only package that runs into 
similar problems (if indeed it's the package's fault).

On Nov 18, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 The Apple and MacPorts versions of these libraries coexist just fine most 
 cases. I cannot advocate the steps you described below, and without further 
 information, I cannot say why you experienced problems before.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Solving some Symbol not found problems for libJPEG, libTIFF, libGL, libPng

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
Let's keep the discussion on the mailing list.

On Nov 18, 2010, at 17:07, Robert Baruch wrote:

 I installed opencv via Macports, then tried this test program:
 #include “highgui.h”
 int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
   IplImage* img = cvLoadImage( argv[1] );
   cvNamedWindow( “Example1”, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
   cvShowImage( “Example1”, img );
   cvReleaseImage( img );
   cvDestroyWindow( “Example1” );

With opencv @2.1.0_0 installed, I tried compiling your sample program by 
pasting it into a new test.c text file and running:

gcc test.c -I/opt/local/include/opencv -L/opt/local/lib -lcxcore -lhighgui

and it said:

test.c: In function ‘main’:
test.c:5: error: too few arguments to function ‘cvLoadImage’

I changed cvLoadImage( argv[1] ) to cvLoadImage( argv[1], 1 ) and it compiled 

It produced this output when I ran it:

$ ./a.out 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid
Abort trap

In other words, I see other problems, not the problem you're reporting.

 Linked against libcxcore.dylib, libcvaux.dylib, libcv.dylib, 
 libhighgui.dylib, and libml.dylib.
 Searching google shows that opencv is not the only package that runs into 
 similar problems (if indeed it's the package's fault).

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 The Apple and MacPorts versions of these libraries coexist just fine most 
 cases. I cannot advocate the steps you described below, and without further 
 information, I cannot say why you experienced problems before.

macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Kevin Layer
I'm happy to report with 1.9.2, I was able to build a 64-bit mdmg.
Below are the complete instructions, for the record.  I tested my app,
and it works fine.

# On a fully up-to-date 10.5 Intel system

# first, uninstall
port -f uninstall installed
rm -rf /opt/local \
/Applications/DarwinPorts \
/Applications/MacPorts \
/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
/Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \
/Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
/Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
/Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
/Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \

# Install MacPorts 1.9.2

# Edit /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf
#   build_arch  x86_64
#   universal_archs x86_64 i386 

# build
port install gtk2 +x11 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
port mdmg gtk2 +x11 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Nov 18, 2010, at 18:00, Kevin Layer wrote:

 I'm happy to report with 1.9.2, I was able to build a 64-bit mdmg.
 Below are the complete instructions, for the record.  I tested my app,
 and it works fine.
 # On a fully up-to-date 10.5 Intel system
 # first, uninstall
 port -f uninstall installed
 rm -rf /opt/local \
/Applications/DarwinPorts \
/Applications/MacPorts \
/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
/Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \
/Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
/Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
/Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
/Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \
 # Install MacPorts 1.9.2
 # Edit /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf
 # build_arch  x86_64
 # universal_archs x86_64 i386 
 # build
 port install gtk2 +x11 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
 port mdmg gtk2 +x11 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2

Note that changing the compiler on the command line (by specifying 
configure.compiler=gcc-4.2) should not be necessary, and is not supported.

macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Kevin Layer
Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 18:00, Kevin Layer wrote:
  I'm happy to report with 1.9.2, I was able to build a 64-bit mdmg.
  Below are the complete instructions, for the record.  I tested my app,
  and it works fine.
  # On a fully up-to-date 10.5 Intel system
  # first, uninstall
  port -f uninstall installed
  rm -rf /opt/local \
 /Applications/DarwinPorts \
 /Applications/MacPorts \
 /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
 /Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \
 /Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
 /Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
 /Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
 /Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \
  # Install MacPorts 1.9.2
  # Edit /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf
  #  build_arch  x86_64
  #  universal_archs x86_64 i386 
  # build
  port install gtk2 +x11 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
  port mdmg gtk2 +x11 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
 Note that changing the compiler on the command line (by specifying 
 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2) should not be necessary, and is not supported.

What is the supported way?
macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Kevin Layer
Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 Note that changing the compiler on the command line (by specifying
 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2) should not be necessary, and is not

In the past, when I built with gcc 4.0.1, I got failures.  It was the
cairo mailing list that helped me get over the failure using gcc 4.2.

macports-users mailing list

Re: mdmg build of gtk2 does not include cairo

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 18, 2010, at 18:07, Kevin Layer wrote:

 Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 Note that changing the compiler on the command line (by specifying
 configure.compiler=gcc-4.2) should not be necessary, and is not

 What is the supported way?

It is not supported to change the compiler.

 In the past, when I built with gcc 4.0.1, I got failures.  It was the
 cairo mailing list that helped me get over the failure using gcc 4.2.

The cairo port has been changed to use gcc 4.2 on Leopard, until the cairo 
developers can fix their code to compile properly with gcc 4.0, at which time I 
will revert that change.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:07, Ali A Samii wrote:

 Hi, don't know if anyone else has had a chance to read this over the past 24 
 hours since I sent the previous reply, but still hoping to get a response, so 
 I am sending it again.
 The attached zip contains copies of my conf files.
 Their paths are as follows:
 Path to where I want my document root and all sites defined in the hosts and 
 httpd-vhosts.conf to be located:
 Not sure why it's not working, so any help would be appreciated.

I did receive your message but did not immediately see what was wrong in the 

And just to clarify what the problems are:

 On 12 Nov, 2010, at 02:02 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 On Nov 11, 2010, at 16:39, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I'm trying to install MacPorts MAMP on a new machine and I'm encountering a 
 I want to have the document root be located on an external drive.
 I have edited httpd.conf, httpd-vhosts.conf, and /etc/hosts
 When I restart apache, I get no errors.
 When I go to http://localhost/ I get the standard It Works message.

And this is ok, right? This is what you would expect to see here?

 When I point my browser to a local site that I have defined in hosts and 
 httpd-vhosts.conf, it works.


 However, when I try to access http://localhost/phpinfo.php or 
 http://localhost/phpmyadmin I get 404 Errors.

And you expect to see your phpinfo.php file served, and to be able to access 
phpmyadmin this way, yes? And the phpinfo.php file is located on disk at 
/Volumes/External_Storage/www/phpinfo.php, yes? Is the phpmyadmin directory 
also located directly in /Volumes/External_Storage/www? What does the Apache 
error log say when you receive the error messages in the browser?

 I defined a Virtual Host for phpmyadxmin using the same syntax so I could 
 just type pma and the browser would point to phpmyadmin, and instead of a 
 404 error, I get the It Work's message.

And you instead expected to see the contents of the phpmyadmin web application, 

This phpmyadmin vhost you mentioned was not included in the files you sent so I 
cannot see how you set it up.

 I'm baffled.
 Can someone help me? If you need me to send you my httpd.conf, 
 httpd-vhosts.conf, and /etc/hosts please let me know.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
OK, you were right, I had the wrong copy of the httpd-vhosts.conf file loaded. 
I reloaded it, and it works.

However, apache isn't starting up on machine restart. I ran 

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist

and it says 

org.macports.apache2: Already loaded

But when I restart, it doesn't load.

I discovered that when I switched the httpd-vhosts.conf file and issued the 

sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart

and it said

httpd not running, trying to start

So is there anyway I can totally unload org.macports.apache2 and then reissue 

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist

On 19 Nov, 2010, at 05:16 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:07, Ali A Samii wrote:
 Hi, don't know if anyone else has had a chance to read this over the past 24 
 hours since I sent the previous reply, but still hoping to get a response, 
 so I am sending it again.
 The attached zip contains copies of my conf files.
 Their paths are as follows:
 Path to where I want my document root and all sites defined in the hosts and 
 httpd-vhosts.conf to be located:
 Not sure why it's not working, so any help would be appreciated.
 I did receive your message but did not immediately see what was wrong in the 
 And just to clarify what the problems are:
 On 12 Nov, 2010, at 02:02 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 On Nov 11, 2010, at 16:39, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I'm trying to install MacPorts MAMP on a new machine and I'm encountering 
 a problem.
 I want to have the document root be located on an external drive.
 I have edited httpd.conf, httpd-vhosts.conf, and /etc/hosts
 When I restart apache, I get no errors.
 When I go to http://localhost/ I get the standard It Works message.
 And this is ok, right? This is what you would expect to see here?
 When I point my browser to a local site that I have defined in hosts and 
 httpd-vhosts.conf, it works.
 However, when I try to access http://localhost/phpinfo.php or 
 http://localhost/phpmyadmin I get 404 Errors.
 And you expect to see your phpinfo.php file served, and to be able to access 
 phpmyadmin this way, yes? And the phpinfo.php file is located on disk at 
 /Volumes/External_Storage/www/phpinfo.php, yes? Is the phpmyadmin directory 
 also located directly in /Volumes/External_Storage/www? What does the Apache 
 error log say when you receive the error messages in the browser?
 I defined a Virtual Host for phpmyadxmin using the same syntax so I could 
 just type pma and the browser would point to phpmyadmin, and instead of a 
 404 error, I get the It Work's message.
 And you instead expected to see the contents of the phpmyadmin web 
 application, yes?
 This phpmyadmin vhost you mentioned was not included in the files you sent so 
 I cannot see how you set it up.
 I'm baffled.
 Can someone help me? If you need me to send you my httpd.conf, 
 httpd-vhosts.conf, and /etc/hosts please let me know.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:34, Ali A Samii wrote:

 OK, you were right, I had the wrong copy of the httpd-vhosts.conf file 
 loaded. I reloaded it, and it works.
 However, apache isn't starting up on machine restart. I ran 
 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
 and it says 
 org.macports.apache2: Already loaded
 But when I restart, it doesn't load.
 I discovered that when I switched the httpd-vhosts.conf file and issued the 
 sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart
 and it said
 httpd not running, trying to start
 So is there anyway I can totally unload org.macports.apache2 and then reissue 
 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist

Well, to unload apache2, you would just issue

sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist

or equivalently:

sudo port unload apache2

I am not certain that using apachectl to restart apache2 is a good idea. The 
purpose of launchd is to notice processes that stop without its knowledge, and 
to restart them. So if you use apachectl -k restart, launchd may notice apache 
crashing and restart it itself, confusing apachectl. Instead, you may want to 
use launchctl to unload apache2, then load it again. This will result in a 
short interruption of service. If that's not acceptable, investigate if you can 
just kill (or send some other signal to) apache to tell it to close; launchd 
will relaunch it.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
http://pma/ now loads the login page for phpMyAdmin, but it will not accept my 
username root and the password I set. How do I change the password again?
On 19 Nov, 2010, at 05:16 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:07, Ali A Samii wrote:
 Hi, don't know if anyone else has had a chance to read this over the past 24 
 hours since I sent the previous reply, but still hoping to get a response, 
 so I am sending it again.
 The attached zip contains copies of my conf files.
 Their paths are as follows:
 Path to where I want my document root and all sites defined in the hosts and 
 httpd-vhosts.conf to be located:
 Not sure why it's not working, so any help would be appreciated.
 I did receive your message but did not immediately see what was wrong in the 
 And just to clarify what the problems are:
 On 12 Nov, 2010, at 02:02 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 On Nov 11, 2010, at 16:39, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I'm trying to install MacPorts MAMP on a new machine and I'm encountering 
 a problem.
 I want to have the document root be located on an external drive.
 I have edited httpd.conf, httpd-vhosts.conf, and /etc/hosts
 When I restart apache, I get no errors.
 When I go to http://localhost/ I get the standard It Works message.
 And this is ok, right? This is what you would expect to see here?
 When I point my browser to a local site that I have defined in hosts and 
 httpd-vhosts.conf, it works.
 However, when I try to access http://localhost/phpinfo.php or 
 http://localhost/phpmyadmin I get 404 Errors.
 And you expect to see your phpinfo.php file served, and to be able to access 
 phpmyadmin this way, yes? And the phpinfo.php file is located on disk at 
 /Volumes/External_Storage/www/phpinfo.php, yes? Is the phpmyadmin directory 
 also located directly in /Volumes/External_Storage/www? What does the Apache 
 error log say when you receive the error messages in the browser?
 I defined a Virtual Host for phpmyadxmin using the same syntax so I could 
 just type pma and the browser would point to phpmyadmin, and instead of a 
 404 error, I get the It Work's message.
 And you instead expected to see the contents of the phpmyadmin web 
 application, yes?
 This phpmyadmin vhost you mentioned was not included in the files you sent so 
 I cannot see how you set it up.
 I'm baffled.
 Can someone help me? If you need me to send you my httpd.conf, 
 httpd-vhosts.conf, and /etc/hosts please let me know.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
OK, thanks, that's logical and efficient.

I used sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart because that is what is 
recommended in the macports wiki how-to

Maybe that should be updated with your recommendation
On 19 Nov, 2010, at 05:47 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:34, Ali A Samii wrote:
 OK, you were right, I had the wrong copy of the httpd-vhosts.conf file 
 loaded. I reloaded it, and it works.
 However, apache isn't starting up on machine restart. I ran 
 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
 and it says 
 org.macports.apache2: Already loaded
 But when I restart, it doesn't load.
 I discovered that when I switched the httpd-vhosts.conf file and issued the 
 sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart
 and it said
 httpd not running, trying to start
 So is there anyway I can totally unload org.macports.apache2 and then 
 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
 Well, to unload apache2, you would just issue
 sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
 or equivalently:
 sudo port unload apache2
 I am not certain that using apachectl to restart apache2 is a good idea. The 
 purpose of launchd is to notice processes that stop without its knowledge, 
 and to restart them. So if you use apachectl -k restart, launchd may notice 
 apache crashing and restart it itself, confusing apachectl. Instead, you 
 may want to use launchctl to unload apache2, then load it again. This will 
 result in a short interruption of service. If that's not acceptable, 
 investigate if you can just kill (or send some other signal to) apache to 
 tell it to close; launchd will relaunch it.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:49, Ali A Samii wrote:

 http://pma/ now loads the login page for phpMyAdmin, but it will not accept 
 my username root and the password I set. How do I change the password again?

It should just be your mysql username and password. Consult MySQL documentation 
(or our MAMP tutorial) for information on how to set that.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:53, Ali A Samii wrote:

 OK, thanks, that's logical and efficient.
 I used sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart because that is what 
 is recommended in the macports wiki 
 Maybe that should be updated with your recommendation

Feel free to do so. I did not write the MAMP how-to and have not evaluated 
everything in it.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
I did set the mysql username and password according to the tutorial, and that's 
the username and password I am using to try to gain access. It won't let me.

How can I reset the password via the command-line?

Also, I am using the bash shell. What is the proper syntax to add aliases to my 
.profile so that I cen just type restartweb and it actually issue the 
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
followed by
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
Or whatever would be an efficient command to restart apache.

On 19 Nov, 2010, at 05:53 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:49, Ali A Samii wrote:
 http://pma/ now loads the login page for phpMyAdmin, but it will not accept 
 my username root and the password I set. How do I change the password 
 It should just be your mysql username and password. Consult MySQL 
 documentation (or our MAMP tutorial) for information on how to set that.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Trying to install MAMP on new machine and having problems

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
I did use the command-line to reset the password using mysqladmin5 -u root -p 
password new-password. Still can't get in.
On 19 Nov, 2010, at 05:53 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 22:49, Ali A Samii wrote:
 http://pma/ now loads the login page for phpMyAdmin, but it will not accept 
 my username root and the password I set. How do I change the password 
 It should just be your mysql username and password. Consult MySQL 
 documentation (or our MAMP tutorial) for information on how to set that.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
I am unable to connect to mysql using phpMyAdmin. I get a #2002 Cannot log in 
to the MySQL server error.

I have restarted mysql, reset the password, and rerun the security 
configuration all from the command line without any problems.

But when I try to connect from phpMyAdmin, I get the #2002 error.

I googled it and there are recommendations to change the file 
and change the following line

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';

Which I did, but it made no difference. Makes sense that it made no difference 
as I have already defined in my /etc/hosts file.

Does anyone have a suggestion?


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 18, 2010, at 23:40, Ali A Samii wrote:

 I am unable to connect to mysql using phpMyAdmin. I get a #2002 Cannot log in 
 to the MySQL server error.
 I have restarted mysql, reset the password, and rerun the security 
 configuration all from the command line without any problems.
 But when I try to connect from phpMyAdmin, I get the #2002 error.
 I googled it and there are recommendations to change the file 
 and change the following line
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
 Which I did, but it made no difference. Makes sense that it made no 
 difference as I have already defined in my /etc/hosts file.

That suggestion is meant to rule out problems relating to the difference 
between the socket file and a network connection. Connecting to localhost 
uses the socket file. Connecting to opens a network connection.

 Does anyone have a suggestion?

Are you able to connect to mysql using that username and password on the 
command line?

macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii

I am able to connect using the command line.

On 19 Nov, 2010, at 06:45 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 23:40, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I am unable to connect to mysql using phpMyAdmin. I get a #2002 Cannot log 
 in to the MySQL server error.
 I have restarted mysql, reset the password, and rerun the security 
 configuration all from the command line without any problems.
 But when I try to connect from phpMyAdmin, I get the #2002 error.
 I googled it and there are recommendations to change the file 
 and change the following line
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
 Which I did, but it made no difference. Makes sense that it made no 
 difference as I have already defined in my /etc/hosts file.
 That suggestion is meant to rule out problems relating to the difference 
 between the socket file and a network connection. Connecting to localhost 
 uses the socket file. Connecting to opens a network connection.
 Does anyone have a suggestion?
 Are you able to connect to mysql using that username and password on the 
 command line?

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: MacPorts vs Mac PATH Conflicts - Best Workaround???

2010-11-18 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 11/13/10 16:59 , LeAnne Lis wrote:
 So, I'm wondering: has anyone come up with an elegant way to handle
 swapping PATH info as needed for situations like these?

I don't see them in MacPorts, but the generic solution is Modules:

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

macports-users mailing list

pdftotext Incompatible library version

2010-11-18 Thread Robin
I am trying to use pdftotext. I have updated my ports, uninstalled and
reinstalled poppler, but get the following message:
robin-mbp:~ robince$ pdftotext
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/pdftotext
  Reason: Incompatible library version: pdftotext requires version
45.0.0 or later, but libpng12.0.dylib provides version 40.0.0
Trace/BPT trap

I thought this usually means the dependency package (libpng) has been
rebuilt since poppler was built - but I have uninstalled and
reinstalled poppler to perform a rebuild and the problem persists.

Is there anything else I can try?

libpng is built universal:
robin-mbp:~ robince$ file /opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib
/opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib (for architecture i386):Mach-O
dynamically linked shared library i386
/opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib (for architecture x86_64):  Mach-O
64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64


macports-users mailing list

port upgrade outdated woes continued ... now help2man wont upgrade

2010-11-18 Thread Gregory Dodwell
iMac 7,1 OSX 10.6.5, latest Macports, latest gcc (4.2.1). OSX can't load
64-bit kernel on this model, as it's an older non pro model.

Here's the log output:
:msg:main ---  Computing dependencies for help2man:info:main .:debug:main
Searching for dependency: perl5
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for perl5
:debug:main Searching for dependency: p5-locale-gettext
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for p5-locale-gettext
:debug:main Searching for dependency: gettext
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for gettext
:debug:main Searching for dependency: libiconv
:debug:main Found Dependency: receipt exists for libiconv
:debug:main Executing org.macports.main (help2man)
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.fetch (help2man)
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.checksum (help2man)
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.extract (help2man)
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.patch (help2man)
:msg:main ---  Configuring help2man
:debug:main Using compiler 'Mac OS X gcc 4.2'
:debug:configure configure phase started at Fri Nov 19 17:57:31 EST 2010
:debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (help2man)
:debug:configure Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' CFLAGS='-O2 -arch
x86_64' CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -arch x86_64'
PERL='/opt/local/bin/perl' CXX='/usr/bin/g++-4.2'
F90FLAGS='-O2 -m64' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64'
OBJC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2' FCFLAGS='-O2 -m64' INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c'
OBJCFLAGS='-O2 -arch x86_64' FFLAGS='-O2 -m64' CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES'
:debug:configure Assembled command: 'cd
 ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --enable-nls'
:info:configure checking for perl... /opt/local/bin/perl
:info:configure checking for module Locale::gettext... no
:info:configure checking for msgfmt... /opt/local/bin/msgfmt
:info:configure checking for gcc... /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
:info:configure checking whether the C compiler works... yes
:info:configure checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
:info:configure checking for suffix of executables...
:info:configure checking whether we are cross compiling... no
:info:configure checking for suffix of object files... o
:info:configure checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
:info:configure checking whether /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 accepts -g... yes
:info:configure checking for /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 option to accept ISO C89...
none needed
:info:configure checking for library containing dlsym... none required
:info:configure checking for library containing bindtextdomain... -lintl
:info:configure configure: error: perl module Locale::gettext required
:info:configure shell command  cd
 ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --enable-nls  returned error 1
:error:configure Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure:
shell command failed (see log for details)
:debug:configure Backtrace: configure failure: shell command failed (see log
for details)
while executing
$procedure $targetname
:info:configure Warning: the following items did not execute (for help2man):
org.macports.destroot org.macports.configure
:notice:configure Log for help2man is at:

Thanks in advance for your help.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii
Just incase it didn't get through, my answer to your question is yes, I can 
connect to mysql on the command line using that username and password.

On 19 Nov, 2010, at 06:45 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2010, at 23:40, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I am unable to connect to mysql using phpMyAdmin. I get a #2002 Cannot log 
 in to the MySQL server error.
 I have restarted mysql, reset the password, and rerun the security 
 configuration all from the command line without any problems.
 But when I try to connect from phpMyAdmin, I get the #2002 error.
 I googled it and there are recommendations to change the file 
 and change the following line
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
 Which I did, but it made no difference. Makes sense that it made no 
 difference as I have already defined in my /etc/hosts file.
 That suggestion is meant to rule out problems relating to the difference 
 between the socket file and a network connection. Connecting to localhost 
 uses the socket file. Connecting to opens a network connection.
 Does anyone have a suggestion?
 Are you able to connect to mysql using that username and password on the 
 command line?

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
Yes, your answer did get through, I just didn't have a response yet.

Only reason I can think of why you could connect to the MySQL server on the 
command line but not from PHP:

Is your MySQL server (or this root account, anyway) configured to use the old 
(MySQL  4.1) password algorithm? If so that doesn't work with mysqlnd (which 
is what php5-mysql now uses by default) so you should either (ideally) upgrade 
to the new algorithm or if you must keep the old algorithm, then install 
php5-mysql with the +mysql5 variant.

On Nov 19, 2010, at 01:40, Ali A Samii wrote:

 Just incase it didn't get through, my answer to your question is yes, I can 
 connect to mysql on the command line using that username and password.
 On 19 Nov, 2010, at 06:45 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 On Nov 18, 2010, at 23:40, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I am unable to connect to mysql using phpMyAdmin. I get a #2002 Cannot log 
 in to the MySQL server error.
 I have restarted mysql, reset the password, and rerun the security 
 configuration all from the command line without any problems.
 But when I try to connect from phpMyAdmin, I get the #2002 error.
 I googled it and there are recommendations to change the 
 file and change the following line
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
 Which I did, but it made no difference. Makes sense that it made no 
 difference as I have already defined in my /etc/hosts file.
 That suggestion is meant to rule out problems relating to the difference 
 between the socket file and a network connection. Connecting to localhost 
 uses the socket file. Connecting to opens a network connection.
 Does anyone have a suggestion?
 Are you able to connect to mysql using that username and password on the 
 command line?

macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ali A Samii

I am assuming, because I'm not sure how to check this) that the mysql server is 
NOT configured to use the old password algorithm. This is a fresh and clean 
install, using the MAMP wiki on and a fresh install of all 
the various components and variants.

Using the same basic installation process (but with my documents root in the 
default /opt/local/apache2/. hierarchy on another machine, I had no 
problems. The only difference here is the doc root.

On 19 Nov, 2010, at 08:44 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 Yes, your answer did get through, I just didn't have a response yet.
 Only reason I can think of why you could connect to the MySQL server on the 
 command line but not from PHP:
 Is your MySQL server (or this root account, anyway) configured to use the 
 old (MySQL  4.1) password algorithm? If so that doesn't work with mysqlnd 
 (which is what php5-mysql now uses by default) so you should either (ideally) 
 upgrade to the new algorithm or if you must keep the old algorithm, then 
 install php5-mysql with the +mysql5 variant.
 On Nov 19, 2010, at 01:40, Ali A Samii wrote:
 Just incase it didn't get through, my answer to your question is yes, I can 
 connect to mysql on the command line using that username and password.
 On 19 Nov, 2010, at 06:45 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 On Nov 18, 2010, at 23:40, Ali A Samii wrote:
 I am unable to connect to mysql using phpMyAdmin. I get a #2002 Cannot log 
 in to the MySQL server error.
 I have restarted mysql, reset the password, and rerun the security 
 configuration all from the command line without any problems.
 But when I try to connect from phpMyAdmin, I get the #2002 error.
 I googled it and there are recommendations to change the 
 file and change the following line
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
 Which I did, but it made no difference. Makes sense that it made no 
 difference as I have already defined in my /etc/hosts file.
 That suggestion is meant to rule out problems relating to the difference 
 between the socket file and a network connection. Connecting to localhost 
 uses the socket file. Connecting to opens a network connection.
 Does anyone have a suggestion?
 Are you able to connect to mysql using that username and password on the 
 command line?

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
macports-users mailing list

Re: Problems connecting to mysql using phpMyAdmin

2010-11-18 Thread Ryan Schmidt
The docroot should have no effect on your ability to connect to the MySQL 

You can check whether you are using the old password algorithm by looking for a 
file called my.cnf and seeing if it contains a line old-passwords or similar.

To rule out phpmyadmin as the problem, you could try to write a one-line PHP 
script to connect to the database and print out whether it was successful. You 
can try to run this through apache as a web page, and also on the commandline 
(php mytest.php), to see if you get different results.

On Nov 19, 2010, at 01:49, Ali A Samii wrote:

 I am assuming, because I'm not sure how to check this) that the mysql server 
 is NOT configured to use the old password algorithm. This is a fresh and 
 clean install, using the MAMP wiki on and a fresh install 
 of all the various components and variants.
 Using the same basic installation process (but with my documents root in the 
 default /opt/local/apache2/. hierarchy on another machine, I had no 
 problems. The only difference here is the doc root.
 On 19 Nov, 2010, at 08:44 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 Yes, your answer did get through, I just didn't have a response yet.
 Only reason I can think of why you could connect to the MySQL server on the 
 command line but not from PHP:
 Is your MySQL server (or this root account, anyway) configured to use the 
 old (MySQL  4.1) password algorithm? If so that doesn't work with mysqlnd 
 (which is what php5-mysql now uses by default) so you should either 
 (ideally) upgrade to the new algorithm or if you must keep the old 
 algorithm, then install php5-mysql with the +mysql5 variant.

macports-users mailing list