Re: Install/uninstall Direwolf program errors

2023-01-13 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Jan 3, 2023, at 21:39, Larrie Deardurff wrote:
> I am running OS 13.1 on an intel iMac.  I installed the program “Direwolf” 
> using Macports, following the intstruction listed here 
> (  
> I was having some problems with Direwolf and realized that between the 
> initial install of Macports and direwolf I had upgraded the OS from 12 to 13 
> - and error message I got from Macports suggested to run the migration 
> procedure for Macports.  I did that, installing the version for OS 13.  All 
> seemed to go without issue.
> I decided to upgrade direwolf with sudo port upgrade direwolf and Macports 
> reports it is not installed.  (But it’s there, as typing direwolf in the 
> terminal starts the program).
> Attempted to re-install direwolf - get error “Failed to build direwolf:  
> command execution failed.
> Here is the output of the log file:
> :error:build Failed to build direwolf: command execution failed
> :debug:build Error code: CHILDSTATUS 24328 2
> :debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed
> :debug:build while executing
> :debug:build "system {*}$notty {*}$callback {*}$nice $fullcmdstring"
> :debug:build invoked from within
> :debug:build "command_exec -callback portprogress::target_progress_callback 
> build"
> :debug:build (procedure "portbuild::build_main" line 8)
> :debug:build invoked from within
> :debug:build "$procedure $targetname"
> :error:build See 
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_direwolf/direwolf/main.log
>  for details.
> I was unable to find a definition of the CHILDSTATUS 24328 2 error code.  
> Questions:   1.  Why does macports not see the earlier installation of 
> Direwolf?

It should. I cannot explain why for you it does not.

You said you followed the migration instructions. Part of those instructions 
are to uninstall all installed ports. If you did this, that would explain why 
direwolf is now not installed. However, that would not explain why you are 
still able to use the direwolf program; that suggests that it is still 

>2.  What would cause the above error?

You haven't shown us the relevant error message. Filing a ticket in the issue 
tracker and attaching the entire main.log file is the best way to report bugs.

>3.  Under macports, what is the command to remove a 
> program?

sudo port uninstall portname

replacing "portname" with the name of the port you want to uninstall.

Re: ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Error: Failed to build gegl: command execution failed

2023-01-13 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Jan 12, 2023, at 20:23, wrote:

> What's strange is port outdated doesn't show anything, so I expect these 
> ports are broken and my install doesn't know it. I bet it has something to do 
> with port reclaim running when I tried to selfupdate. I deleted all the build 
> directories out of habit. 
> gegl @0.4.40_0+quartz+vala (active)
> but ninja is not installed for some reason :/
> And idk what is using these ports.
>> ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
>> Command failed:  cd 
>> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_graphics_gegl/gegl/work/build"
>>  && /opt/local/bin/ninja -j8 -v
>> Exit code: 1
>> Error: Failed to build gegl: command execution failed
>> Error: See 
>> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_graphics_gegl/gegl/main.log
>>  for details.
>> Error: rev-upgrade failed: Error rebuilding gegl
>> Error: Follow if you believe 
>> there is a bug.

The ninja port is installed and building gegl is using ninja.

The build fails because:

:info:build ../gegl-0.4.40/operations/external/raw-load.c:117:29: error: no 
member named 'shot_select' in 'libraw_output_params_t'
:info:build   p->LibRaw->params.shot_select = o->image_num;
:info:build   ~ ^
:info:build 1 error generated.

This is the ticket for this issue:

It has been fixed. Run "sudo port selfupdate" to receive the fix.